HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 11 05 Status Report 1980 [(ECEIVEI Status Report NO\! 5 1980 crrv OF J.V!AlTLANO I have attached the minutes of the meeting of October 31 for your mformatIon and history. The primary purpose of this status report is to make you aware that there has been no change in the N overnber 7 deadline for FPC to file te stimony and therefore it is essential that we file our intervenor brief with the FPSC on or before that tirne. This does rnake it necessary to proceed on the schedule originally suggested, i. e. : Novelnber 6, 1980 Filing date for intervenor petition. November 10, 1980 Return to John Peddy of street lighting statistics. November 12, 1980 Draft of testimony sent out to the task force for review. November 17, 1980 Meeting to discuss testimony, hear from Bob Morrow on suggested expert testirnony, plan final approach, Iile an an1endnxmt to the inte rvenor petition to add intervenor s not on original petition, etc. December 19, 1980 Final filing date for testimony and anlending inter- venor petition. My office will be contacting each of you on Novem.ber 4, 1980 to be certain you are aware of the necessity to revert to the original schedule. For your information, the following distribution of costs would occur assmning all parties cur rently expre s sing an intent where to become a party to the intervention: Total .$20,000 Cost $ 6,931.51 232.31 220.43 412.69 4,087.29 812.20 51.62 1,789.26 ---';7 545.33 4,917.36 $ 20,000.00 $40, 000 Cost $ 13,863.02 464.62 440.86 825.38 8,174.58 1,624.40 103.24 3,578.52 1, 090. 66 .~ 9,834.72 $ 40,000.00 Local Covlt. St. Peter sbur g Culfport Seminole St. Petersburg Beach Clearwater Dunedin Indian Rocks Beach Largo Maitland Pinellas County I have attached a copy of the FPC journal entry from which were derived the percentages used to distribute the two cost figures above. As you can see, - 1 - -,--....-~>-,......,-<~,.,...~----'------- ~__,_"'~......._,""~"...__-""......,~" ,', ,~._._~'"",.H the cost for most local governrnents to become a part of the intervenor petition is a relatively modest portion of the total cost and is in direct relationship with their expenditures. I urge each of you to encourage other local governments to consider becoming a party to the intervention. Although we would like to have all local govern- ments who wish to be a party to the intervention do so by Novernber 17, we will be abl.e to amend the petition on or prior to the December 19 deadline. The next Dleeting of the Local Government's lnte rvenor Ta sk Force is sched- uled for November 17 at 9:30 A. M. in the Clearwater City Commis sion chambers in City Hall. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call me at 462-6777. - 2 - ...-______liI IiIlI!lr_l...-.-Jl,g!lill.IFI........""'""__"~~tr,r,~""'''''''''''''J!I.1''''I''1lI'n..M,'I<:'''''~:~,.,,~,;...';:-,,;..;_,:;t.".:'::~~J"7.:~,''',!~[-Nm~~_:,:",::',:.Mwr.f~~~;,,~i,"";;liwlec~i!Ir:ji,;,;)")lllmWhnr~;,':':'",:",:;;;,..~;;J,\'(~~BI~:ir,'i5!ii(.;L-~;;~,J~";':~~~I~',,<:,:.:;,;~'~lk.X~f~-;,i;i~~w... Local Governrnent Intervenor Task Force Date: October 31, 1980 Place: Clearwater City Hall Attendee s: Ellis Shapiro Paul Piller John Hubbard Dan Waller Lawrence McCarthy Henry Schubert T om Bustin Doug Mullis Carl R. Linn Jean H. Kwall Bob I-,aSala Max Royle Joe Arenas Paul Yingst EvereU Allen City Manager City Manager City Attorney Building Insp. General Supt. Adm. Asst. to C. M. City Attorney Traffic Eng. City Attorney Asst. County AUy. Chief Asst. Adm. City Manager Adm. As st. Dir. Gen. Services Councilman Gulfport Indian Rocks B ch. Dunedin Indian R"ocks Bch. Gulfport Largo Clearwater Pinellas County St. Petersburg Pinella s County Pinellas County St. Pete Beach St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Seminole While waiting for the Attorney and Mr. John Peddy to arrive, those present introduced themselves. Mr. Carter explained for the benefit of the new attendees where we stood in the Intervenor suit and asked for questions from the audience. Carter: Explained the term "fixture'! and the costs related to the term "fixture costsll. Peddy: Explained the details of the requested lighting inventory form. He reque sted that the completed forms be returned to him for summation. Carter: Described the process by which we will make the decision on the need of an expert witness and the possible cost for this service. Hubbard: Suggested that we petition the PSC to mandate to the municipalities, at their choice, the purchase of their lighting facilities at a depreciated cost. He mentioned that the FPC, for tax purposes, depreciates their facilities in five years. He also suggested that the municipalities could form a coalition for maintenance purposes. Morrow: Mentioned that it would be possible to include the Hubbard sugges- tion in the Intervenor process. Morrow: Gave a brief description of the case procedure, described the need for an expert witness, described the need for City and County - 1 - <. Mor row: (contd. ) representative testin10ny. Passed out draft copIes of the petition to all present. Morrow: Discussion on the inclusion to the petition of Cities represented on the fir st is suance or to a later addendum. A few of the municipalities will have Comn1ission meetings next week and Inay not have a decision to participate available by the filing of the petition. The more municipalities named on the first is suance would tend to car ry more weight with the PSC. Carter: Discussion of the schedule - Filing date 11/6/80; preparation of all data and testimony by 11/10/80; submittal of all pertinent information to the municipalitie s repre sented on 11 / 12 / 80; another meeting of all municipalitie s on 11/17/80. Linn: Mentioned the possibility of the filing date being delayed for a week or so. P.S. 11/3/80 - Bob Morrow called Floyd Carter and mentioned that our filing date was 11/7/80. Morrow will be sending petition from Washington, D. C. on the 6th, so we nlUst have as many definite municipalities repre- sented_ on the petition as possible. - 2 -