HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 11 05 Minutes (2)
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The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in S i ~ w
was held on November 5, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. at the Oviedo City HaltLTY OF CASSt.LBERfW
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dolores Vickers.
Present were:
Commissioner Sandra Glenn
Mayor Owen Sheppard
Mayor Thomas O. Morgan
Commissioner Dolores L. Vickers -
Commissioner Edwin O. Keith
Deputy Mayor June Lormann
City Manager Richard Rozansky
Sem i no 1 e County
C ty of Casselberry
C ty of Oviedo
C ty of Altamonte Springs
C ty of Sanford
C ty of Longwood
C ty of Winter Springs
Motion was made by Mayor Sheppard, seconded by Deputy Mayor Lormann and
carried unanimously to approve the minutes of October 1, 1980.
Treasurer Deputy Mayor Lormann reported a total of $529.76 in the treasury.
Mayor Sheppard brought CALNO members up to date on the progress of the multi-
jurisdictional personnel grant by reporting that his Grant Coordinator had
left, however, he had a temporary one at this point until he could appoint a
permanent one. They had hoped to have the Department of Community Affairs as
the personnel consultant firm under this grant, but had been informed that
this was not possible - they must hire a private firm. Mayor Sheppard presented
a list of five firms for consideration. Upon discussion, CALNO members were
given one week to submit additional names to Mayor Sheppard. He continued his
report by stating a bid package would be prepared, reviewed by County personnel
for thoroughness, and mailed out to consulting firms who would then have three
weeks to submit a bid outl ining cost and services to be performed. Upon
discussion of who would interview the firms, it was felt that it would be more
expedient for Mayor Sheppard and the Grant Coordinator to do this. It was
reported that Mr. Warren Knowles had offered his services.
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Motion made by Commissioner Glenn, seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried
unanimously, to delay for one week the selection for consultant services,
giving all entities an opportunity to submit other firms for consideration,
and that the group made up of Mayor Sheppard, the Grant Coordinator and
Pete Knowles select the firm for consultant services.
Commissioner Keith brought up the Code Enforcement Board/Assistant District
Attorney and questioned whether the other cities would go along with both.
Upon discussion, it was the opinion of those present that they would only
support the Code Enforcement Board and that it was not necessary to have both.
Commissioner Glenn pointed out that the law appl ied to cities and the county
could only do this by special act.
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Page 2, Council of local Governments in Seminole County, November 5, 1980
Mayor Sheppard reported attending a lake-Ma-FY Home Owner's Association
meeting in which the people on a private lake were having problems with
pollution of the lake and wanted help with the problem. Mayor Sheppard
pointed out the cause of the pollution and discussed alternative solutions
of putting weed eating fish in the lake or aquatic weed spraying programs.
Chairman Vickers reported there was a very informative booklet entitled
IIlake Front Property Home Owner's Guidell which could be obtained through
Aaron Dowl ing of the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council for
$1.00 per booklet.
Upon further discussion of the problem, it was pointed out that the Fish and
Game Commission would permit the entry of fish into private lakes if 66 2/3
of the property owners on the lake want it; however, they must submit a
detailed application for the permit and must also specify how they will pay
for the program. There are grant programs for those lakes having public access.
Commissioner Glenn reported that as of January 1st, the Department of Natural
Resources appears to be turning over all their aquatic weed spray to the St.
John's Water Management District.
Mayor Sheppard reported they were progressing on the $330,000 Senior Citizens
building in Casselberry which would be available to all senior citizens of
the County. Ground breaking ceremonies wi 11 be held in the near future.
Mayor Morgan reported on Florida Statute 357 and the procedure used under
p- that section by the City of Oviedo to get their railroad crossings repaired.
There was a short discussion regarding the problem longwood had encountered
in charging the dog track $50 per day plus an occupational license fee.
Commissioner Glenn, speaking in behalf of the County and lake Mary, stated
that she appreciated the support and quick response from the cities regarding
the horse tr.ack situation~ lake Mary wi 11 be holding a staw vote on the
issue. Commissioner Glenn reported the county residents near the proposed
horse track were concerned about it and requested that they also hold a straw
vote to let lake Mary know how they felt about it.
Commissioner Glenn reported at the last meeting they had discussed a joint
process of preparing legislation to the local legislative delegation on the
possibil ity of updating the tax rolls more than once a year. They have
requested the support of the Florida Home Builders and have scheduled a meeting
with them on December 17th. The Property Appraisers may be invited to the
Chairman Vickers brought up the subject of the power rate increase and how it
would affect the county and cities, and requested this be on the next agenda.
It appears there is a movement across the state to at least request any of
these large increases, not only out of the rate itself but also the fuel
adjustment, be deferred for municipal ities for a year since their budgets have
been adopted.
Page 3, Council of Local Governments in Seminole County, November 5, 1980
Chairman Vickers brought up the resolution regarding the utility and franchise
taxes to be treated the same as ad valorem taxes and recommended they pursue
this further by contacting the local legislative delegation.
Motion made by Mayor Sheppard that Chairman Vickers be authorized to prepare
a packet of information for the local legislative delegation regarding the
request that franchise and utility taxes be treated the same as ad valorem
taxes and informally contact the members of the delegation. Deputy Mayor
Lormann brought up a point of order regarding whether the Chairmanship stayed
with the municipal ity or if a new chairman should be elected. Upon discussion,
it was determined that past pol icy was for the Chair to remain with the city
for the one year period. Records showed that Altamonte received the Chair
February 1980. The motion was seconded and carried. Chairman Vickers voted
Under new business the proposal for CALNO to have stationery printed was
discussed. It was determined that 500 sheet of stationery be printed along
with envelopes. The heading of the stationery to be "Council of Local
Governments in Seminole County" with each city/county name I isted but no
addresses or individual's name. Custody of the stationery would go with
the Cha i rman.
Motion made by Commissioner Glenn, seconded by Commissioner Keith and
carried unanimously, that the treasurer obtain the necessary stationery as
~ proposed.
The next meeting to be held in Sanford on December 3rd.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.