HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 10 03 Letter Re: Let's Save Spring Hammock -: !. - i /. "'1 .:', \ - l . .....)., ("J) , ~''''j COUNTY o :~-, SEMINOLE OCr 198a FLORIDA PLANNING DIVISION DEPT. OF COUNTY DEVELOPMENT PHONE: (305) 3Z3. 4330 COURTHOUSE. N, PARK AVE. SANFORD, FLORIDA 3Z771 October 3, 1980 Dear Concerned Citizen: Let's Save Spring Hammock! Spring Hammock is a long way from being acquired, yet closer than ever before. Therefore, your support for this proposed acquisition is encouraged now more than ever. Spring Hammock has been placed number fourteen (14) on the preliminary priority list of twenty six (26) projects to be finalized and submitted to the Governor and Cabinet the end of November. It is anticipated that ten (10) of the twenty six (26) projects may receive funding. Therefore, your support in raising the priority is crucial for the successful acquisition of Spring Hammock, through the Conservation and Recreation Lands Program. It's time to realize that a lot of resources have value that cannot be expressed in terms of dollars. Scenic vistas, buffers around Soldier's Creek and Lake Jessup, environmental functions such as water quantity and quality, urban growth shaping, open space and recreation plus native plant communities maintained in their natural state and native non game wildlife are all immensely valuable componenets of Spring Hammock. Please let the Governor and Cabinet know your feelings about the value of Spring Hammock to the County and the East Central Florida Region. Individual letters can make a difference in this project's priority rWlking. Attached is a list of the addresses and phone numbers of individuals to whom letters of support should be written. You are invited to express your interests in Spring Hammock at the public meeting scheduled October 23, 1980 at 6:00 p.m. in Room 203 of the Seminole County Courthouse. The purpose of this meeting is to take oral and written testimony in response to those projects on the acquisition list proposed for presentation to the Governor and Cabinet. If you would like additional information or to have a presentation made to your community group contact me at 323-4330 ext 181. I encourage you to make every effort possible in supporting the protection of Spring Hammock. Sincerely, ()~~ Joyce Sellen, Principal Planner JS/kjj Attachment ~!!lt""" .... .... ...... .rIi%ITiC......... ........~~j. !~t~t~r .... ....... .~ .......... '~'.'.'" ......... r ............. r'" ......j.. "r'" "'1' r' . ~ fL i',~2jiUtRl'~~I~ ,QIB;.....t..~b,':tt:.};f~;flj,;'j..~~ ........... ~ - \ Q .....-:7/0:.... ...... .1.. .... I.t{!);; .\ ~ ~i?i7 . ....... ..... 'S . z ;{) ~/;;?/::::: "-!j7~. . I {i4 ;;.,./' s pIG ~ IlJi" t.J M 0 C ~~;? ~ N's ko ~o ;:;;;;:: . ......... l (. "'" I:J" ~ ----. . . 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"':'::';:;:::;:;" .;:;:;:::::::;:;:; .~~....:""'..~..:-:\::: \\~ \\ ;;:;: lIt~,L;;"{~'??~~tlh~i?~ii\/ii!i!i;iir>":';'l ~ \ _ ~\~~-=$~ ~'JI:II.rl~~;Ti~;:~ti~~I:.,!~~ ~'!~mi~~1.uzl=~s;1 SEMINOLE COUNTY PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF SPRING HAMMOCK -.:lUNOA"'" O~ ~toO...,saD ACQutS.Tl0H -. ~ , --.J ~I.#V':::-"" CXISTING COUNTY ll'AllIkS Seminole County has applied through the Department of Natural Resources, for a grant to purchase an area in the County commonly referred to as Spring Hammock. We are requesting your support and that you consider using all measures at your disposal to pursue funding for this project. Of the twenty six (26) applications for acquisition being submitted to the Governor and Cabinet in December, Spring Hammock is number fourteen (14) on the priority list. It is anticipated that ten (10) of the twenty six (26) projects may be funded. Therefore, your support in raising the priority is crucial for the success of the acquisition of Spring Hammock through the Conservation and Recreation Lands Program. Attached is a list of addresses and phone numbers of the Governor and the Cabinet members. Please let these people know your feelings about the value of Spring Hammock to the community. Copies of letters of support should also be mailed to: Edwin J. Conklin, Environmental Administrator Bureau of Land Acquisition Crowri Building, 202 Blount St. Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Commissioner Kirchhoff, Chairman Board of County Commissioners Seminole County Courthouse North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 ~ seminole county planning division ':' The following is a list of the Governor and Cabinet Members: Name/Address Phone Number Governor Bob Graham The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-1234 Lieutenant Governor Wayne Mixson The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-4711 Secretary of State George Firestone The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-3680 Attorney General Jim Smith The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-5861 or 488-8255 State Comptroller Gerald (Jerry) Lewis The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-0370 State Treasurer Bill Gunter The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-3440 Commissioner of Agriculture Doyle Conner The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-3022 Commissioner of Education Ralph D. Turlington The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 487-1785 - ~ seminole county planning division ':' COUNTY OF SEMINOLE ~,. r ,.. .; ; ',. __- . IE .~ - . Vl/ FLORIDA NEWSLETTER BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PHONE; (305) 323 .4330 COURTHOUSE N. PARK AVE. SANFORD. FLORIDA 32771 LETIS SAVE SPRING HAMMOCK~ Your support for the proposed acquisition of Spring Hammock is encouraged now more than ever. Last week, the proposed acquisi- tion of Spring Hammock was placed on the list of projects to be submitted to the Governor and Cabinet in December. Spring Hammock is number fourteen (14) on the priority list of twenty-six (26) projects. It is anticipated that support in raising the priority is crucial for the success of the acquisition of Spring Hammock, through the Conservation and Recreation Lands Program. On September 10, 1980, the Planning Division held a briefing and slide presentation on Spring Hammock, followed by a walking tour of the Hammock. The Seminole County Legislative Delegation, Mayors from the Cities, members of the Seminole County School Board, the press and the public were invited to enhance their appreciation for Spring Hammock as a natural resource and encourage their support. In addition, we have presented the briefing and slide presentation to several interest groups around the. County. If you would like additional information or would like to arrange a presentation made to your community group, contact Joyce Sellen, Principal Planner, at 323-4330, ext. 181. Attached is a list of addresses and telephone numbers of the Governor and the Cabinet Members. Please let these people know your feelings about the value of Spring Hammock to the County and the East Central Florida Region. Copies of letters of support should also be mailed to: Edwin J. Conklin, Environmental Administrator Bureau of Land Acquisition Crown Building, 202 Blount Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Board of County Commissioners Seminole County Courthouse North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 Sincerely, BK:mm attachment BOA~F COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~~.~ ~ Blll KlrchhoIf ~ " Chairman ' n/-,0fnrl I en m $ - Z III 0 ~ I 5 m }> ~ 0( 0 () ":l 0 ~ :: c: 0 '"J Z 0 '" -i III C -< > 0 (I s ""0 III :D ::: 0 0 ""0 0 en m 0 .:r:a () 0 c: - en - -i - 0 Z 0 , . "Ti i' '.: " en ~ \. .\ '"'C ',. :c 'r ~ " - \ . Z . I. , \ G) III X i - .. .J.. Q :t> n $ 0 ~ $ .. 0 0( '"J (') ~ ::< - II ^ ::l~ ~ :m~ ~ ::,:,,,, Q )l: 0 ::-':. ~ ~;t~;~ r- :::.:.. .. 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III C "I 1-::j.;:'-ili--ji1imi,]-1 "'< .......,....... ,- -.,,' .......-.. .........-... ::::::~::~:~:~~::W:::f~~g~~~ 1~~k&k2~iIJi:;;JJ.l~ .........-............ {;:}:;::~~::~~m~r{r~:~~: ...............:::..:.;t::: ".:.:.::.:::.;;=:::::':.'::::;::;::.: ":':~. :.Fl ~t:J?:~:}g:\r; .:.,.: ,..'W:",):: ...,.,.....::l} : -..~:::;~;:::<:;;(>: ~:c :"::<). .. ....... ~::........ /:J: :;::::::i ::}:~. _ _ ::~h/(t dti~~~~IDlf~~kiLt~~dL~;.~~&dl%g0~&t~~:ii~~%S~ili1.alL'::;:;::~~:;.::;;::~::~~n .:. / ;' The following is a list of the Governor and Cabinet Members: Name/Address Phone Number Governor Bob Graham The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-1234 Lieutenant Governor Wayne Mixson The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-4711 Secretary of State George Firestone The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-3680 Attorney General Jim Smith The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-5861 or 488-8255 State Comptroller Gerald (Jerry) Lewis The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-0370 State Treasurer Bill Gunter The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-3440 commissioner of Agriculture Doyle Conner The Capitol . Tallahassee , Florida 32301 (904) 488-3022 Commissioner of Education Ralph D. Turlington The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 487-1785 I \ L seminole county plcnning divisicn )