HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 10 01 Minutes (2) MINUTES OF COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVF.BNMENT IN SEHINOLE COUNTY ccroBER 1, 1980 -1^~ C~ltr\~ I \ a.- Ce: ~r~ Sllpn/ ~.l ID/ (" _i:t: The regular rreeting of the Council of 1Dcal GJvernnents in Seminole County was held on October 1, 1980 at 7:40 p.m. at the IDngwood City Hall. The rreeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Floyd Present were: Corrmissioner Sandra Glenn Mayor Walter A. Sorenson Hayor Norman Floyd Mayor (Men Sheppard C~ssioner Edwin O. Keith Deputy Mayor \vilfred Arnold, Jr. Deputy Mayor June IDrmann Councilman Robert W. V\Ihi ttier Seminole County Ci ty of Lake Mary Ci ty of Al tarronte Springs City of Casselberry City of Sanford Ci ty of Winter Springs City of wngvJOOd City of OViedo MJtion was made by Deputy Mayor Arnold... seconded and carried to approve the minutes of Septenmer 3, 1980. ' The Treasurer, Deputy Hayor IDrrnann made a Treasurer's Report and reported that there was a total of $529. 76 in the treasury. Mayor Floyd reported that the IPA multi-jurisdictional personnel grant was awarded and that there would be a rreeting in the Sanford City Hall, October -2, 1980 and requested all cities to have representatives present. Hayor Floyd recorrrrended that Mayor Shepard be appointed as his replacenent as Project Director for the IPA Grant. t-btion was made by Mayor Sorenson, seCl:Onded and carried that Mayor Sheppard be- appointed as ?roject Director for the IPA Grant. Mayor Sheppard accepted. Mayor Floyd stated that he had submitted a letter of resignation effective Noverrber 3, 1980 and appointing Comni.ssioner Iblores Vickers as the Altarronte Springs replacenent. MJtion was made by Deputy Mayor Arnold-, seconded and carried to accept Mayor Floyd's resignation with regret and to spread upon the record sincere appreciation to Mayor Floyd for his contributions to the Council of IDeal GJvernrrent in Seminole County. Hayor Floyd did not vote due to conflict of interests. Mayor Sheppard made a report on the Spring Hamrock Project. Mayor Sheppard reported on proposed major revisions in the rules and regulations under the Florida Recreation Developrrent Assistance Program and he introduced a Resolution taking~issue with the proposed changes in match requirerrents and the eliIrination of in-kind grants and urged that Council adopt Resolution. MJtion was made by Mayor Sorenson, seconded and carried that Council adopt Resolution. Mayor Sorenson stated that an interpretation of the Statutes appears to exempt holders of pari-mutual pennits from any municipal ordinance or resolution which relates to capital Irrproverrent. Mayor Sorenson stated that he considered this interpretation to be in controversy with hone rule. A discussion then ensued annng Council rrembers pertaining to encroachrrent on municipal hone rule. . . r-btion was made by Deputy Hayor Arnold, seconded and carried that Mayor Floyd prepare a resolution expressing the concern of the COlIDcil on the encroachm:mt of hone rule and citing the Pari-Mutual situation as an example. Mayor Floyd stated that he would call Florida league of Cities and tell them resolution was on the way. Deputy Mayor Lormann reported that the School Board, Seminole COlIDty and LongvK>Od had reached an agreement on the installation of sidewalks from Milwee Middle School to State Road 421. LongvK>Od will pay for the mterials and Seminole COlIDty will provide labor. The School Board will pay for sidewalks on school property. ColIDcilman Whittier stated that Oviedo had hired an Administrative Assistant for the Mayor and he expected that ~ Mayor would be a future participant in COlIDcil meetings. Corrmissioner Keith reported that Sanford will adopt a Code Enforcenent Board Ordinance on October 13, 1980. Conrni$sioner Keith requested that the subject of Code Enforcerrent Board/Assistant District Attorney be listed as an agenda i tern on next rronth' s meeting and Mayor ~,Floyd directed that this be done. Deputy r1ayor Arnold reported that Winter Springs had adopted a Code Enforcerrent Board on September 30. Corrrnissioner Glenn spoke on subject of Spring Hamrock. 'project is 14 of 27 and she feels that top 10 will be approved \Vi th ftmding. She requested that all ci ties prepare resolutions/letters to the Governor and rreITbers of the Cabinet -urging support for the Spring Ham:rock project. . She will provide sample resolutions to ColIDcil rrembers. Deputy Mayor Arnold questioned if league of Cities had ever taken a position on attempting to having new construction listed on tax rolls earlier. Mayor Floyd stated that they had for previous 5/6 years. Corrrnissioner Glenn stated that the Florida Horre Builders had promised their support in legislation that would require that tax rolls be updated twice a year, January and JlIDe. r-btion was made by Deputy Mayor Arnold, seconded and adrrended that Mr. Jeff Etchberger be requested to prepare a resolution to the league of Cities supporting legislation which would require that tax rolls be updated twice each year. rv"Dtion carried on unanilTOus vote ~ Cornnissioner Vickers reported that Altarronte Springs had passed a resolution to the league of Cities requesting that the utility taxes and franchise taxes be treated the sarre as ad valorem taxes and be exempt from individual federal incorre taxes. r.btion was made by Mayor Floyd that the COlIDcil support the position that utility and franchise taxes be treated the sarre as ad valorem taxes and that a resolution be prepared stating this support. M::>tion was seconded and carried. Mayor Sheppard stated that his Civil Service Board had requested that he discuss with the COlIDcil a proposal that the ColIDcil participate in the purchase of video tapes on lIDiform guidelines, ad,verse irrpact, etc. r-btion was made by Deputy Mayor Arnold, seconded and carried that COlIDcil decline to participate in purchase of video tapes from IPMA. Mayor Sheppard voted Nay. M=eting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. liext meeting will be November 5 at Oviedo. lliI ............___._.._L......___..w..