HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 08 28 Memo Re: Draft Diaster Plan
August 28,1980
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FROM: vi. J. Schuder, Director of Public Works, Seminole county1
SUBJECT: Dra ft Disaster Pl an
Attached is a copy of the draft Solid Waste Disaster plan to
be an addendum to our Resource Recovery Plan. This will be considered
by CALNO on September 3, 1980. Upon approval by CALNO, each entity
should pass an appropriate resolution.
a ttac hment
cc: Norman C. Floyd, Altamonte Springs
Owen Sheppard, Casselberry
Walter A. Sorenson, Lake Mary
June Lormann, Longwood
Leon Olliff, Oviedo
Edwin Keith, Sanford
Sandra Glenn, Seminole County
Wilfred Arnold, Winter Springs
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ROUGH DRAFT - June 18, 1980
Addendum to Solid Waste Management Resource Recovery Plan
The purpose of this addendum to the Solid Waste Management Resource
Recovery Plan is to delineate the authority, responsibilities and pro-
cedures for control of solid waste during a major natural disaster.
Since normal services would be interrupted due to inability of vehicles
to gain access to many inhabited areas of the County, it is necessary to
be prepared to dispose of solid waste through other than the normal
collection and disposal services.
The purpose of this plan is to outline those procedures which would
go into effect in order to safeguard the health of the citizens by making,
provisions for the removal of solid waste even under the most adverse
~he scope of this plan would be Countywide in that it would apply
both to the municipalities within the County and the County itself.
Seminole County Natural Disaster Plan 1979.
Governor of Florida's Executive Order 76-6.
Florida Natural Disaster Plan; c: iapter 252, Florida Statutes, as
This plan would be implemented by the emergency organizations estab-
lished for a natural disaster by Seminole County and by the individual
municipalities within Seminole County. No specific organization for
solid waste disaster planning is required.
It is anticipated that in the event of a major natural disaster,
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streets and roadways will .be blocked by trees, broken power lines ~
power poles and miscellaneous debris. Therefore, the normal collection
of solid waste from individual homes will be interrupted, perhaps for
long periods of time, and alternative methods of collecting and/or
disposing of the solid waste must be placed into effect to cover that
period when normal operations are impossible.
The initial emphasis under the Seminole County Natural Disaster Plan
is to assure that streets and roads are unblocked as soon as possible to
allow at least one lane of traffic down the street.
under the Seminole County Natural Disaster Plan this is the priority
operation in the event of a disaster.
Once the streets are cleared to allow access for vehicles, provisions
must be made to assure that the solid waste is removed to disposal areas.
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Until full services can be rest! Ted, temporary landfills, temporary
burning of non-putrescible waste and areas for non-putrescible waste will
be established. Since the County has the responsibility for moving solid
waste from transfer stations to the landfill, during an emergency situa-
tion only garbage and putrescible waste will be handled at the transfer
stations. Debris, wood, tree limbs, plaster, etc. will be directed to
the nearest authorized disposal area, either in the County or in the
A. Seminole County Board of County Commissioners: The Chainnan 0;
the Board of County Commissioners is delegated certain emergency
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powers under Florida Statute 252.
B. Each municipal government is responsible for the planning ncces-
sary.to provide relief from natural disasters.
C. Under. the Seminole County Natural Disaster Plan, the Director of
Public Horks for Seminole County is charged with the responsibility
of clearing access to all County roads including County roads
through municipalities. He is also responsible for the final
disposition of solid waste delivered to Counly facilities.
D. Municipalities have responsibility to clear individual streets
within the city.
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A. The County and municipal government will prioritize those streets
which should be cleared of debris first. Initial action should
be to remove the debris so as to provide access for emergency vehi-
B. Upon declaration of an emergency, the Chairman of the Board of
County Commissioners is authorized to permit burning "when an
emergency exists which requires immediate action to protect human
health and safety."
C. Each municipality will establish areas within the city limits
to which people can bring burnable trash for disposal by open burn-
D. In the event that local refuse collectors are unable to service
their routes, public announcement will be made for the individual
homeowners to bring their wastes to a proper collection area or
direct them to bury their garbage until collection can be assured.
E. Seminole County will designate the current transfer stations at
Sanlando, Upsala and Oviedo, as well as the landfill at Osceola,
for collection of debris, tree limbs, etc. Cities will also
designate appropriate areas for burning and/or collection of non-
putrescible waste.
Chairman of the Board of County Comnissioners may permit disposal
of putrescible waste at the closed landfills at Sanlando, Upsala
and Oviedo if the situation ',,'arrants.
G. Burning will not be permitted at individual residences but only
at those locations designated by the cities and/or the County. .
Emergency sites for the various municipalities in the County are
shown on the attached enclosures and made a part of this plan.
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