HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 08 27 Letter Re: Spring Hammock ;" L/ I COUNTY OIi1 SEMINOLE ji'L 0 RID A P~ANNING DIVISION COURTHOUSE. N. PARK AVE. SANFORD. F~ORIDA 32771 DEPT. OF COUNTY DEVE~OPMENT PHONE: (305) 323.4330 August 27, 1980 Dear Concerned Citizen: The Seminole County Board of County Commissioners has proposed that the Florida Department of Natural Resources acquire the environmentally sensitive area popularly referred to as Spring Hammock. Your help is needed in convincing the State to protect this irreplaceable asset for the citizens of Seminole County and Florida. Spring Hammock is located on the western end of Lake Jessup and runs westerly across S.R. 419, u.S. 17-92 and C-427, just south of the Five-Points area. Enclosed is a small map showing the area recommended for purchase. Please note that developed areas, including those that appear to be in active agricultural production, have been excluded from the proposal. Numerous proposals have been made over the last twenty years to purchase the area for a variety of reasons ranging from environmental values, to urban growth shaping, to recreation, to aesthetics. The current proposal emphasizes valued environmental functions including growth shaping; recreation would be limited to low intensity activities such as hiking. Acquisition of fee simple title at fair market value is the method to be used, if the State determines that the proposal is sufficiently important according to their criteria. Acquisition at fair market value of something less than fee simple, such as development rights or a scenic easement, will be considered providing preservation of the natural character of the area can be accomplished. I am cautiously optimistic about prospects for the State selecting Spring Hammock for purchase. Of the one-hundred-twenty (120) sites submitted ~tate-wide for acquisition, the Spring Hammock proposal was one of forty-two (42) selected for more intensive review. Indications are that funds are available for purchase of less than ten (10) sites. The areas recommended for acquisition will be forwarded to the Governor and Cabinet in mid-September. ~ Page 2 Obviously the competition is stiff. A crucial consideration for the six (6) state agencies making final recommendation for purchase of propo.sed sites is community support. Contact from concerned local residents is likely to be far more effective than reams of documentation or official communications from elected officials. Enclosed is a list of representatives of the Depart- ment of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Division of Archives and Histbry and the Department of Community Affairs. Please let these people know your feelings about the value of Spring Hammock to the community. without your support the proposal has limited chance of success. Not only would the region lose an important component of its natural heritage but archaeological and historical as well. Subsequent to the proposal first being submitted and after the list was narrowed to forty-two (42), the Board of County Commissioners through the cooperation of the Central Florida Anthropological Society engaged the services of two archaeologists to seek evidence of early habitation of the Hammock. With the assistance of a local resident significant finds were made: an indian shell mound dating from at least 2000 B.C. to after 800 A.D.~ a very early (Suwannee) projectile point (arrowhead) dating from 8000-9000 B.C.~ and a historic dump, possibly a lumber camp, dating from the 1890's. The archaeologists conclude that other sites may also exist in the Spring Hammock area. If you would like additional information and/or arrange to have a presentation made to your community group contact me at 323-4330 ext. 181. I encourage you to make every effort possible in supporting the protection of Spring Hammock. Thank you. WP/kjj -Attachments ': The following is a list of the Conservation and Recreation Lands Selection Committee: Name/Address Phone Number Jake Varn, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-4807 Elton Gissendanner, Executive Director Department of Natural Resources 202 Blount St. Crown Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-1555 Joan Heggen, Secretary Department of Community Affairs Howard Building 2571 Executive Center Circle, East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-8466 John M. Bethea, Director Division of Forestry Department of Agriculture Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-4274 L. .Ross Morrell, Director Division of Archives, History & Records Department of State R.A. Grey Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-1480 Colonel Robert M. Brantley, Executive Director Game & Fresh Water Fish Commission Farrish Bryant Building 620 South Meridian Street ~allahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-2975 kjj 8/28/80 , ' - ' , . -, -~". :'' '\ ~::::!....;.,'....-.:- ~ ____....._'/~' Z I :::-= _ = vi : - 01 \ I '."":"'" , I ~ o (') ~ ~: ~ \ i ji (' (I . . ) ~I' " ./ I . I , =:.!-~~ : : I ~l.ci'G-:Q: . . '111:!- :--- \ I, t ~ =-==.z I \i I I' Lc.Il =:J '...., I,~_:::J ,~ .~ ~,:~J"~. ~\ 0",,;;'. ~ ..." e:L:. 1. ~\ ,)",: ...,:9- r.::;- ';. \ - '<"'"t:-"'. 1""1 ~ \ '= ': \ \ " ,",<:'-1""1 ;=.,.YT1-.:l ~ \\- , ~ '.l'llIIlF4I "'~~" >,{::-"""'" \ ~ ~ .)>.' \ \~ '>', ~r= ""'0 ..w?!!!!- "",~" .. 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