HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 08 20 Letter Re: Spring Hammock COURTHOUSE N. PARK AVE. SANFORD. FLORIDA 31771 COUNTY OF FLORIDA NEWSLETTER BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PHONE: (30S) 323 .4330 The Seminole County Board of County Commissioners has proposed that the Florida Department of Natural Resources acquire the environ- mentally sensitlve area, popularly referred to as Spring Hammock. Your help is needed in convincing the State to protect this irreplaceable asset for the citizens of Seminole County and Florida. Spring Hammock is located on the western end of Lake Jessup and runs westerly across S.R. 419, U.S. 17-92 and C-427, just south of the Five Points area. Enclosed is a small map showing the area recommended for purchase. Numerous proposals have been made over the last twenty years to purchase the area for a variety of reasons ranging from environmental values to urban growth shaping, to recreation, to aesthetics. The current proposal emphasizes valued environmental functions. I am cautiously optimistic about prospects for the State selecting Spring Hammock for purchase. Of the one-hundred and twenty (120) sites submitted state-wide for acquisition, the Spring Hammock proposal was one of forty-two (42) selected for more intensive review. Indications are that funds are available for purchase of less than ten (10) sites. A crucial consideration for the six (6) state agencies making final recommendation for purchase of proposed sites is community . support. Contact from concerned local residents is likely to be far more effective than reams of documentation or official communications from elected officials. Without your support, the proposal has limited chance of success. The region would lose an important component of its natural heritage, as well as its archaeological and historical value. The Board of County Commissioners engaged the services of two archaeolo- gists to seek evidence of early habitation of the Hammock. Significant findings were made, one at least 10,000 years old. If you would like additional information and/or have a presentation made to your community group, contact, Woody Price, County Planner, at 323-4330, extension 180. A list of representatives of the six (6) state agencies involved in the selection is available from the Planning Division. I encourage you to make every effort pOSSible in supporting the protection of Spring Hammock. Thank you. Sincerely, ~OA . 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