HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 04 01 Minutes
APRIL 1, 1981
The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
was held on April 1, 1981, at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers of the
Casselberry City Hall.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Owen Sheppard.
Present were: Mayor Owen Sheppard - Casselberry
Commissioner Dolores Vickers - Altamonte Springs
Deputy Mayor John V. Torcaso - Winter Springs
Deputy Mayor June Lormann - Longwood
Commissioner Edwin o. Keith - Sanford
Commissioner Sandra Glenn - Seminole County
Mayor Walter Sorenson - Lake Mary
Absent were: Oviedo
Guest present: Leo Ware
Moved by Torcaso, seconded by Glenn, carried unanimously to approve the minutes
of the meeting of March 4, 1981.
Treasurer, Deputy Mayor Lormann, reported $4,200 in the IPA special account
and $475.38 in the general account.
In regard to the $4,200, Mayor Sheppard reported that he had written to the
IPA and told them we weren't going with the grant but were going with the DCA
instead. Therefore, this grant has to be returned, and we are waiting to hear
from them in ~his regard.
It was determined that members' dues of $25 are due and bills will be forthcoming.
Mayor Sheppard reported that he had written to Charles Speights asking him to
proceed with the personnel survey. He has not responded as of this time. This
will be followed up on.
Mayor Sheppard reported that three general contractors submitted bids for the
senior citizen building. The low bid was in the amount of $238,673, the advisory
council made their recommendation of approval to the City Council, and the
City Council approved the awarding of the bid on March 30. Mayor Sheppard noted
that when the building is open, we will have a board of directors which will
represent the citizens of the entire county.
Mrs. Glenn noted, in regard to the senior citizens, that RSVP held their annual
luncheon yesterday, and the municipalities ought to take advantage of their
services as far as information booths, etc. The county uses about 20 a week
Calno Minutes
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April 1, 1981
just to man their information booth at the entrance to the courthouse. This
was discussed further, and more information can be obtained from Joan Madison
of RSVP.
Altamonte Springs - Mrs. Vickers reported that they have gone "into the black
ink" as of last night with their final payment transfer.
Lake Mary - Plans are being made for moving to a new city hall location.
Longwood - They are going with the county on police communications.
Sanford - Mrs. Vickers interjected that Sanford, Altamonte Springs and Maitland
are getting together for a joint training session for personnel procedures.
Seminole County - The Sheriff's Department budget hearing will be held in July
at its own public hearing apart from the overall county budget. They are looking
at an increase of a little over a million dollars. The letter from Mayor
Sheppard to the Commission regarding a Tax Equalization Action Committee was
read at work session. It was felt that it was not the proper time to select
a committee because they wouldn't have anything to work on until about August;
they are just working on the budget now. When the budget is submitted for city
review as to how the county spent dollars and the breakdown that is required by
law, uhat would be the time to consider tax equalization or negotiation. Mrs.
Glenn discussed the matter of funding for regional planning.
Winter Springs - Mr. Torasco said the South Seminole YMCA requested use of
Sunshine Park for a camp out in April, and the City is coopenating. The
Longwood/Winter Springs Chamber of Commerce is going to send a letter to DOT
requestirig a Winter Springs sign on 1-4. Mrs. Glenn suggested writing Congress-
man McCollum for assistance.
As a follow-up, Mrs. Glenn reported that the communications people who made
a presentation at the last meeting have met with Gary Kaiser and are working up
a disaster plan.
Moved by Torcaso, seconded by Vickers, carried unanimously to adjourn at
8:40 P.M.
Linda Thomas
Executive Secretary