HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 03 05 Minutes Members present: Norman C. Floyd Wilfred Arnold Owen Sheppard Leon Olliff Eddie Keith Sandra Glenn June Lormann - Altamonte Springs - Winter Springs - Casselberry - Oviedo - Sanford - Seminole County - Longwood COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS March 5, 1980 Guests present: Chris Ray, Chief Assistant State Attorney Douglas Cheshire, State Attorney Pete Knowles, Sanford City Manager Larry Cole, President, Seminole League of Civic Assns. A. C. Getz, English Ests-English Woods Homeowners Bob Brunner, Rolling Hills Homeowners The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Norman C. Floyd, at 7:45 PM. The City of Oviedo was welcomed into membership in the Council, and receipt of their dues was acknowledged. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - FEBRUARY 6, 1980 Motion by June Lormann, seconded by Owen Sheppard and carried, to approve the Minutes of February 6, 1980, with minor corrections as noted. TREASURER'S REPORT The Treasurer's report reflected a balance of $354.76, not including the dues check received from Oviedo. The Treasurer reminded the entities it is "dues time" again. The Council, by motion, approved the report. SPECIAL PROSECUTOR PROPOSAL Chris Ray was introduced to speak to the item in the absence of the State Attorney. He distributed copies of a letter addressing the proposal with regard to the qualifications and potential duties of a perspective candi- date for such a position. He indicated a Code Enforcement Board concept had been introduced at the Legislative Delegation Meeting earlier that date; the question of possible overlap of cases, was discussed. It was suggested such a Board might be able to serve the needs of the entities in lieu of the Special Prosecutor. The Chairman called upon the entities for oplnlon with regard to the pro- posal for Special Prosecutor, as outlined and discussed. Winter Springs preferred to table the item because they are not entirely in favor of the concept involved, and because they want to wait for the outcome on the Code Enforcement Board possibility. Longwood indicated a similar opinion. Oviedo Page Two March 5, 1980 stated they had not really discussed the item, but that at this time, would probably not be interested in pursuing same. Sanford expressed disfavor with the prospect of having both a Code Enforcement Board and a Special Pros ecutor, pointing out that the main purpose of the latter would be to handle smaller cases that did not require a hearing before a higher body. Seminole County requested a sample contract/agreement for the position, for their review and consideration, and inquired as to how the compensation for same would be computed. Douglas Cheshire entered the meeting, and stated that such things as how the compensation would be handled, must be discussed and decided by the entities that will be involved, not by the State Attorney. His office will house, guide and direct the individual, but all other aspects of the position must be decided by the Council. It was noted a secretary would, of course, be hired for the Special Prosecutor, and that individual would keep certified records as to how much time was spent on behalf of each entity, which records would be audited annually and would be a matter of public record. Mr. Cheshire did suggest a cap might be set on a per-case basis. Casselberry noted the administrative costs of a secretary, if only three entities participate, could be excessive. Motion by Wilfred Arnold, seconded by Owen Sheppard and carried, to table the proposal for a Special Prosecutor until the September meeting of the Council, at which time the Code Enforcement Board concept will have been thoroughly discussed and the outcome known. The motion was amended to table the item until the June meeting, which carried unanimously. CIRCUIT RIDER CONCEPT Motion by Wilfred Arnold, seconded by Sandra Glenn and carried, to table the item until the next regular meeting of the Council. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD (HB 203) Mr. Knowles explained that what is before the Legislature is strictly enabling legislation that the entities can use to enforce local codes, by appointment of a citizens board of local agencies, which will arbitrate various situations. Further, they will have the authority to levy a fine up to $500.00, and a lien against an individual's property to assure col- lection. The individual can then appeal to the Circuit Court. He stated it is a system whereby the citizens, themselves, handle the cases without encumbering the courts. The local Legislative Delegation is working for it, he indicated, and he suggested each local entity contact their Legis- lative Delegation representatives and ask their support of the concept. REPORTS Owen Sheppard reported Casselberry has asked for the opportunity to levy a tax with regard to the new track owners at the harness track. Page Three March 5, 1980 Lake Mary was not represented at the meeting; Longwood and Oviedo had nothing to report. Wilfred Arnold informed he had been called by the County Purchasing Agent to attend a meeting of the Energy Emergency Committee to discuss ways and means of obtaining more fuel for Seminole County. Ms. Blackmon's letter to the State Department of Energy received a reply relative to why Seminole County did not receive the extra 5% gas allocation some other counties did; there is no more gasoline available. The Federal government is allowing counties to use their 5 peak months average as an allocation base. The snowbound states may be required to surrender portions of their 5% for emergency purposes, but this possibility is uncertain at this point. The Chambers of Commerce and hotel/motel groups may start applying pressure at the State level. Mr. Arnold asked that something be done to encourage legislators to vote against the 5% millage cap. Sanford had nothing to report. Sandra Glenn informed an additional $53,000 in CETA funds have been obtained as a result of the entities correspondence requesting their congressmen's aid. She then introduced Bob Brunner and Larry Cole, after which Mr. Cole read the presentation he had made earlier to the Legislative Delegation concerning quota liquor licenses (copies distributed). At the Delegation, Senator Vogt had moved the proposal become a Bill, and it had been unani- mous to do so. Delegation members all were in favor of input from local entities on the proposal. Combination bar/package stores are what the proposal centers on. There being no old or new business for the Council to consider, the Chair- man stated the next regular meeting would be April 2, 1980, at Winter Springs. Adjourn. sk