HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 02 Minutes from February 1980 Ci'v:cn, tlF: ''.1. 1 \, J:]~ ,; > Ii, \'! r,~ hl~,'lilll' J,', l q 'J /f0, ,(\,\70:~," / '\\) l/I')~ .I <:>.;, ~6... V/'>\ j "I~ ~ "/"\ ;" ;:.!" ;' FE-BISSO ", (~. AD, ~~ft:iX~?ON ,~) \,-\ 'W../. ""I'd . ,(,~);I '/;." . .,..)I~..<I,...;",' ... (II' "') n" "')~,,;..., L,'C OC d'~ L'--I /' 7: 'W l' ',\ (J11e 8f;)jq~i , /": ,);.A.,~. i l'lembers Pre~;('n t : S:l'\(]r (;Ienn, Ch"i;T':,'1 Eddic' K,. i tll, S:lnior,! ..111n('-l IJor~11.'1n!'i, 'l.()l~ '".'\) Steve l'skerl:, L(,1)";"\:(1, cr,...'CH S1h'f'.l p:1 rd, C:l ~< ;-', \~ 11: \ 'T' 1"'-; Hal t Sor"llsun, L.l:'.C' :'Ll :'\' Thc' !1'ic'et:.ing \\ras c,'lll~."d t.o order bv tIll' i~'1~.i; ,"::J:Ul<; ~~, 1 ir:"l Cl\.~-;i\, {]( 7:l~~~~ p.~,r~ Tll(, fi-:-st item of husiI1L'r~; h;Ll~; el\ ct ion UI' new n[f i;:('r~; fell' C;\I,:'\O. \o!('re as follo\<'s: NOnli!1:lt -.l.ons C)I"i1'111,ln: r(.~d it' Kr"j t'1J nnn-in\;1Lc,d ~"':1~1(\ 1":1 (-;-l (lnli. l'h.s. },or;;l:tnll !lrl;-nin,itC(1 \l\ ,n;ill :~lu inat iOllS (:1 )~::l.'d. ;.~ ~ -i ,} (1 { , (' 1 -i n ( 't,' 1 t h (, n ('JIn -r n n tIc, n . ~ir. S,irCll>,(iI; ::-:; cc)nd(,:d 0 t\~o~.';- \' i c (' - C h a i nn<l n : l-: d d j co L c( '"- h 11 () 1:1 i n :1 t (' d \,' ,1 L t. S ; ) r c' ; , ~; "11 . NO\':1 i n:lt: .i cHI C !.)', (' c! , ( i --.{'-1-r~ --~\. r", St<lO-fJ'r-': tl~_:l~t..r;.t ,~"" '-/' sc~condc,ld ~ Tl-eaStlrer: ~~'lr. St)rcnson nnc:'ln,'lli.",l J~,lnQ IJOT1:~,ln:'i, 1~ 0 '11 i n;ll j (1 n c 1 (1 S c'd . r ,-' r'J ~ ,';-,7':""',. p,' .;;:?Aj "...' ,-rLC'VL: ""k~: SCC')i'rlcd. 1:_1 the an~;cni:c u! Lltc' nl.'\,,' t.::h;1irtrLJl1, ,Ul-;11 j'l,,-'I'/i_t., tl't' ICL'C-Lill' ~.Jal t Sorens~in. The Trc ~-;;lL.cr' s rV!lnrt 1"'( 11 t>~":' Cl: ,j j l:lllC() li] t II l'i"cd ()'J,' r to )3 ). 1 ",; of Ih' C'. 31, 1979 \.Ji t 11 ;1 c r l: d it 0 f ,,(, ne\\1 Treasurer \...Y('iS a:::k.cd tl..J ch(~ck on ::,': j I1 , t il~j prc\sC'n~~ b~~il,ll',(':'-' S35/.. 76 '. t,h~' d,;t C' fuJ.- p,'l~).;dl.'nt deL's. The Thf..~ ~;i. ~,utl'S of tht' l,f 1<1'. ~'ile-l)p:lrd' s (':1 cri (' cl . prt..:V-1.()U: \i'[\.lcL..i,;1:', \\'l,rc ~1 ! ) :) ~' l ~ 'e,' i L 1-1 ,~l c\.) t. ;: t' 'L j O!; n:l,"I,' . ~<i,) :"~ iOll b\' ,,!UI\~ Ill: ;:d ~,~ '~11 n r ;t 0: l!, ,;1.,; ;i r t" Ii t., ~'l LO~';d:jiin.. ,'. j ~ -; ~_ t t,\ r s. C tl m i] 1,'1 H rue ('. SUi' .' r v j ,; () r c, f F], ' (' I, .i ,'n '" \.,' :, ,; i) :' (' c: c n t t 0 :111 ~ "',' L' r rJ II (' s t j 0 Ii S r (' -- g:'lyding ballots ;lnd p'(int-fll;~ for th\." ill;q,,~vu~'in Ull'its. Sl\t_-' :~~1fd the cost or pri.nting nnd c_Llrd ::;ll_~'\'1: \<lill :'l' ~r),(\!'.)" :_n ~);J~ll\q~, r\'d Lu ~::q,l O. if i1 \.;ere dOllC i.n C,:Jlifc:/!"n,i:i, rcflL~ctin :1 \:~nv51'!~:~; ()j .'" ,15. 'l'[lC~ cost i~~ then pr()~". l' .:1 Lcd f \) r the \" ,1 r i 0 U C 1 t "l1~J ~, . T\ t' ~~ :ll-' cl i n ','1 t 11 (, :L~ '-', " 1 r~ t t. () be bud ~~, \: t (l d f () r the i 11- dividu;d "1,:('1.5,,,1,; ',lrs. l~cl(_:l' :-;,1 1:1'>; ',:",,1<1 b, vi leI to (('11 :L~\'l' till' ~<"r..h e 1 e c t i cm . >lrs. Joan Blackl'1111, 1'\I1,'h;,,;jlh', A',Vllt tnl' S it:ol., C:';\111(-Y, ',:;1; !,r,'~'cnL 10 "pc', ":, tu the 11j\..\mhC'r~~ ':lbout t1:cl l11('ril', l}f C()'~'P()l"tlt : V I.',' 1.1t~r('II"--l~:;'in(>. Tllr()\~')'~ Ci.'('l)( 1*,lt'i\'\~\ rlllr('l-l""~~~]n\: and cf Curt, C:h.'lt Ctlt it \ h:l~~ tlH U:~(, Ul ('I,)lii r;lCL~~ ~ ,\ Pltret ,l:~l\ rl:('r ~,\'~;!: l"j 1>,_") r1 :h"'t,J '.-'lth the CCnJnLy l1Irull,;',h the contr:]ct", rJt,lrcf>'1~;(I () r \./ou.l{: hi i~) t'ICcl d-ircct'lnr:, the contractor to dcJiVCt~ tLJ tlH: ()rjr~i:l, Uc.;"!l in~!, dirl.\\"tlv thr(ju'?h the Cuunty, there is the aJvd~ltagl' of :11<1rC buying ]"'\,C1', hetter pricI' : rid all 'It..ri,'lls ordered 1.llruuj'.h SL1te hid LHl,~t :-;.'ct ~'l.('ci[it:;ltion,: '-'[ DOT. ~;I,C ,lid [lie\',> :'rt:' nt Jr';l:;t 10 ;:;;::Tudities that. all cities .:ould use coopcrativ\:ly, >1v:dJ:1)Jlc thr,)u\',h ~;t.2t:e CO:1tr:lct. Consideration of i1 C1.Tluit Ride-I' (,c)]le'cT': County as pc~~,~~cqLcd tu CAL:~O by '.~;!\',-)l~ l< for the ~\arch meeting. c)~ ai(l t() 10(:::1 :.r,c'\'('rr~;:<;('r.:ts in S ~Lnl)l.c rlll Fl(~\}{i ~,,:,:l:'~ desi,\:'.~,ll;lt(;(l as :in agcr:d,~l item ~,,,~t.., >-If;.'~t~I~~~'I<.i;''\:''''~,..f'F U:,.I'.\;:/'J(.,~\~~,,;FI&.t~.~', "t~ 1',\'r;,'1;'~,~1~4"~'f)~~"'~.~ rlJi,:- ,'~'~ ,'" ,~ .1 i'f l ' OJ A ''J;4".~;q''~ ;<'\<,>~'if:t>-.;.<~;A~>t>t,..}...."", Ci\LNO - Feh. (), l'JiiO P0ge 2 ~~ : 111 r I. 1 I (1 \: i : \' 1,,::l ~ II j \ I r (! ~ Tl)e~l1ext i.tcnl f{Jr (1i.scu~,;-~5(1n \~1:::~; L!jl' (jll., CALNO for retent i 0\\ of :1 l':lr(- t i"c' I']" ,"~I ('1' involving loca1 ,'rdinal1cc'~. '.,'it11 ,,',' ,:It '" to deposit the amount (If ~;!:,(IIJl). '.,'J i t1 r:,\L\(), seemod to be :in ['''VOl' os sllch <l pro!:r:].,. Lfi'il P()ll Ci1!-~~-;ii ire' fi.Jl" inpl.!t frcr-:1 C ()l~ t.ll (~ 11\ It ; '.\("\ ;.-; l.' p r (:, (; cut :i 11 t:, ("' :"1 :; C ~; \"r.i sl\i 1!,,'t1 t'o P;l;-t i '."':: p;-: tc in the' rn~ogr,1rn /\ 11 c j t. i e~;r c 1" L~ ~~ e n t (' c1 :1 t t h C. El(' C t i 1"1 g '~1r. KrH.)\,;rle~_~, City >lan:-l;~('r, Citv cr1~ S(,dl:-nr(~'t hill ,..'1Iich \~e.sL Lllm ];cilch h:1S, kIl')":!1 l'; il" it: consi,:ts of a citizen's (:(1li];llit~('('. ',!iL:: 'I of c(lde is inv'-'5 ti:,":lLed, the cor:~i'\i l t L' We" , violation. h~:1S lJr,-' ::-;C1i t: t.e) i nC r1'[ the ?rO\1)' of Lhe 1! C' C' }; p ] i n (' d ( : ( 1 d (' 1 1'1 f (l ( C ~) 1"i C' 11 t E -i 11 (! C' ~'~i <.' :: : 1 t t' <.1 i n \7 c' s t. -j , ' '1 t () r \.:ith tilC' Ln(lj\.~:du.l.J ':lnd and the violation they discuss the 1 ('\' ice! and personal. ment Bill "hell t ilC' ('(;;':;'1 i t tee' m:]ki,' 'if t !It_, Y f:li 1 L;) it v t 11 I ' ;-~ i It \11' i'l' t:i \' c., l ,o( L S t ,J t 11 C C , ,"1 fin t n\..~ '1 l i ,'!) s pl ;H.'cd n t11 pt';~"'Ipert)' , re,:11 i ~; ,"J' ~lr. Kn()\..~lcs c;,<1.id he ~.,:o'll (I :.})e t ;'1 C;');J :~t {) f 1.11(' h~cs Palm Heilel: C)(;C EnforcE''" to the , j' nlL~nl () c r s o. CAL\iO f,,:' lui'tl1c'l' (; t-ud\'. It W~lS suggc~;tcJ to go into morl' pn'sccutini-" cas th.:1 t Ch;l"t r:1!~1n ~OlTl FJ (,')~'d , : ,) r'., 1':0 U ~ ~ c: 1! 'S l1'1 r ( [) ck (' c' t :1 i \Jt: t::-1C rl)qut.' t !l(' It" 'r(1\ 'll'() i l'l?, t\ l r L tr) ;":loLiter .1' (lci !":, , L j ;, i ,~ P r ,) ,i ( (' \; _ '-, !.l'~ \/ (~1 i.l;!r~ to c'"!.l ~.~, 1":'1 ::l' ~. :) . tlr. KIlO'.vles 1''']',11 I'll hl'f,'f'I:" that 1.1", eit Cl" Clc,tn,:::!.r'[' ].;1 l""}'cset1t to leglslaL,urc. for (lcfjnitj ) elf Ll;(~ \,:0[(1 t'c'I1clavt:,'1 C 6 S .:1 r y Ln' 0 r d e r \. ~) h ,: 1 \I ,..1 ~'~ !~Il' r u 1 .i n Fl t ~) \ ,,'. ;, hi 1] in dr"dt f n!f11 ~,o i\ (1(',~ i,n Lion i::.~ :j,,?C-' l-lr s. C 1 enn sa id l: ! I d ~) no L hi. ~ l g fur L 1 \.' r t n r (,' r t \',['1 tll\.' ...; t ud.i' L:,~' ~,:;cn1inr)1 c Co! nL \l \)i llc'use t.ill 15()g OJ~ a l"t.'pt.nt b:l\:k t.) t1li' i'I':: ,I" 1':1;',,\: j III (:"u:':i Lt"',, ee, Chi,; t.'i::::,' Tl1cre \-.'ere no rcpol.~t..::') f rU:;1 Sanford, T ..: 1\ "/, C ,1 ~) S II 'I h (\ r r \' ,) l' Lon;,.,:,\-..'oc'd. It \-/as announc,cd tLat the :h~:.~t ILC'(.t_-~!'i.'.'~ \~'.'il.! he,l \1:t1'(:'\ ~), J.q~~J) at 7:JO p.'r'.i. in th(~ Commission C(lllfert.'ll C' ;~,',\u~rl at th(. C:1)i,t!,tL". {'\'\ll:.ttIC)\.l::,t'. It \'.',"-1(; ~;tlLr,,~.,.(~~;t.(\d th.:-lt cun- tinuing attempts 1,,:, r,uell.' t,) i-',C'l ;l 1"~'pr(':;'-:;l1ti'!c: frum Ovi ,:LJ CO :lttencl. Thcrl.~ being no furttlPr DU~;ln('~',~;, t1\1.' "j~'l,..t '...~ ~L' ;ldl ou rn...d .. ~#~~_. ~~"f.~,