HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979 11 07 Minutes ..... '" ,-- MINUTE:~, OF COUNCIL OF LOCAl, GOVERNf.'FNT IN SEMINOLE COUNTY Nrwember 7, 1979 The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was held on November 7, 1979 at 7: 30 p.m. at the Lake Mary City He,ll. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Sandra Glenn. Present were: Commissione~ Sandra Glenn Mayor June Lormann Mayor Walter A. Sorenson Commissioner Edwin O. Keith Deputy Mayor Wilfred Arnold, Jr. Mayor Norman F'loyd Seminole County City of Longwood City of Lake Mary City of Sanford City of Winter Springs City of Altamonte Springs Commissioner Glenn presented Captain Don Fritz, Fire Prevention Bureau of Altamonte and Joe McClean, Seminole County Fire Department who gave a report and demonstration on dead-bolt locks. Double key locks should not be permitted on exit doors of public buildings. Inspection forms were passed out to the Council. The minutes of the meetings of Septffinber 5th and October 3rd were approved as read. The Treasurer, Mayor Walter A. Sorenson, reported that the balance as of 10/31/79 was $355.71. A service charge of 95i was deducted from the account. The Council suggested that the Treasurer check with ComBank/Lollgwood to have the service charges eliminated. Reports: Altamonte Springs: Mayor Floyd reported that they were very pleased with the new voting machines. Winter Springs: ~x. Arnold reported that Winter Springs was also very pleased with the new voting machines, but felt that the price for the printed ballots was high. Cor.nnissioner Glenn expressed t.he opinion that the cities could buy the ballots from the County or have them printed themselves. General opinion was that there was not much of a price differential. Lake Mary: Mayor Sorenson suggested the possibility of CaIno retaining a prosecutor as a body and contract for services on a time-use basis. The other members of the Council expressed interest and the State Attorney's Office1wu1d be contacted. LongvTood: No report Sanford: No report ~:';eminole County: Sandra Glenn had asked Mayors of each City to comment on House Bill 1113 and was interested in the co~~ents received -- all different interpret~t~ons. Commissioner Glenn requested Sanford to notify the county of anything that V~~'.1t into the riGht-of-way. If there were violations maintaining the facitity they would. be corrected. Mayor Floyd. stated that Altamonte had a working ao:eemeat ..... Calno Minutes November 7, 1979 Page 2 with the State to maintain a portion of the curb and guttered area of State Road 436 and the State maintains the rural portion. The County will be opening bids in the next month for the new hospital. The next meeting will be the first Wednesday in December at Longwood or at the State Attorney's Office. Winter Springs: No report Commissioner Glenn gave a report on her trip to Boulder, Colorado for the opening of a new jail. Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.