HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979 10 12 Letter Re: Enforcement of Local Ordinances c... . (~ '(- . - , . . , \. . ~ , .'\ -~~ 1 ~ . . , n \~ . :; - . .. .....<-:., 1:1 ()1>11....\ III ," ''''F (':F ol:Pl)':(,..'I;""'l'.l'I'I\'~:S.' _ '" .. .....,.. ".) l ... ).., '" ".. 1.\. "...: \. i.-lo.. "1 _ #! ~ . '" A "I' T,dl:lIi,,,,,, .' . .Iil" W;I:I 1\1'I1I"'''Il!;\II\I'. hlllil Ilh!ri,( 1il'1''' I" October 12, l~79 (', l'lUnl(f('('S: . :-: ' . . ~ ,. ~", I . ('WI1/1"Hllt\' ,\11..", FlIl;tlH" ~.~ Ta ,.i' l'd1 (;.i\l" fllnl'lltat ('lU'fillulll'" !t;l:;,l\-,::n l.....ull LI""t'~ B"ldl'\ilrd \\','.1 J','!lil }l.",h'h. Fl..rl,i.., :J~llll': ,:1:1;11 f"'ltt L~": 1 1:ln,w)"1 ;ih~.I:I."". r 1 :r!;, I"", {'aplt"l T~lll.:h",,,,,,,'t'. Iltlfltla ;1~;,II,' I ~t!t II .;/'<,h-O.l.!~ Advh,.ryCollllnlllll IlIk! h"\l'rllllle/lI al HI'I.'IIIJIlS . (,'::'....- ,:~ l'i;J, >? t'1 ,.-~ /,. 'l'he Honorable Lyman J. Hoore Mayor, City of Cape Coral P. O. Box 900 Cape Coral, Florida 33904 Dear l'-1clyor ~ioCJre: V""'\. v . I am j n receipt of your lett.er of October 5th 1)(~rtainin<J Lo the 8nforcelllenl of local ordinances, During the 1979 L(~gisl.J.tive Session, I introduced HB 1161, a local bill for Palm Beach Ccunty, Thi~, b; 11 gitVe every municipal i ty in l'o.lm Beach County the opti on of e::; tablishin<j a codr-; cnforccInr.:nt bO<lrd to hand] l~ the various ordinance in f r (~ c t ion s . D U c! t () the sue C c S S 0 f C h:l P t c l~ 7 9 - 5 4 1 (I lB 116 1) , J have asked Bi 11 Driif tinSJ to d r.J.f t .-\ ~I(>ne ralb ill \.;11 ieh would 9i ve this opt.ion to every municipal i ty in Flot" ic1a. For your informiltion and use, 1 h<1ve enclo~;ed a copy of Chaptr.r 79-~)..jl a10119 vlith Q sample of a model OnHt:Olncc. I hope this \-:ill provo beneficii'\l ':ll1d jJ' I Ccln provide further in[onnatio, 01." i.l~;si.stance, 'l)lca~;e contact me. ~; in c t..': r c 1 y , ~...... · "V. iI.-:-,",,~- .~. . 'l1rt'i. i/ 1:1.-....\ Lj)'{n V: <1 t t .1\'1/1 c Enel: Ch(\ P te r 79- 5.11 Hodul.Ordillance ~i 1.' -. .4 ~_.;;..;..;,..."" ... -,-'....'hi .... ~~~,o\' k~ }/ q ,5 itJ o I I 1\ bill to 1y~ cnti tlcll ,2 . An act providi.ng for the establishment I 3 of a Code Enforccment Board in cach. '. .1 municipality of Palm Beach County; 5 providing for short title; providing 6 for legislative intent; providing for 7 applicability; providing for dcfinit- 8 ions; providing for organization; 9 providing for enforcement procedures; 10 providing for hearing; prov icling fe,r. 11 {'l~ 13 pOHcrs; providing for fines; providing for appeal; providing for an effective da te . lol , 15 Be It Enacted by the Legislature or the State of Florida: 16 17 Section 1. ShoJ:t 'ritle: 'rilL; act may he kno\-ll1 and 18 c i t:ec1 as the 11 Palm Beae 11 County Hunicipal Code Enforcement 19 Boards Act." 20 Section 2. Dcclaration of Lcgislative Intent: It is 21 the intent of this act to promote, protcct nnd improve tlH~ n he"l th, safety and \..elfare of thc ci ti zens of the 23 lntll1 ic ipa 1i tics of Palm Beach County by provi(HnC] an equi tahlc , 2.1 expcdi Lions, effccti ',/c and in08xpensi ve mcth::>d of en forcing r'125 "':\.._:~i thc. var lOllS occnpil tional license, fire, building, zonin6, 26 :,ir:rn and rl:lliJ. tE! 1 technical codes in force in tho municipal- 27 ities of Palm Beilch County. 28 See Li on 3. Applicabi 1 i ty: 'l'his ac t shall iJ.pply to tlw 29 iilcorporatcc1 l.lrcitS of Palm Bedell Count.y, F1or:i.d.\. 1::.:\(;11 30 IIlunicipillily miJ.Y, ill it:.; option, create, by ordinance a Co(le 31 En[orcVlllcnt IJo,\l:d~ (\~; prov:i.d(!c1 hi!rl~in. -1- it~>. . . . () I! . ,I I I J! I I .t I I 51 6 7 8 9 10 ~""'\.-:'""\ 11 I. I I' 13 I 1.1\ 1', I 16 111 16 I 191 :~ I n ISl i r III I' I ,; t. I J ')7 J nl I "~I i , .5J! i ~ I I ~: (. (.' t: i ,. j ;-~ 4.. . D l: i .i 1'1 i. t i 0 l~~) : l~. Ci ty C(~ur;cil - The .lC9i.~3Llti'lc' boc.~y of t.11(~ nitlnici[1ill~ t:/ ~ B. Code Inspector - '1'1.o:;e au thot" i :.:cd ag(:n Ls 0 I:' employees of t.he municipality \JhOSl~ dut.y it is to insure code compliance. C. Ci ty lI.ttornc~' - CoUn:;elor for lllunicilJali ty. D. Enforcclnen t Board - The C(jd<~ Enforcemen t Board. S '; c t i 011 5. Enforcement Hoard; Organization: The C.ity Counci 1. ~;Il(ILl .::.ppoint.; Cl five (:.i) liWmfJer eO(tf; Enf'orcc:nent H::.>arc1 imd Ie'Jill counsel for t.he Board. 'fllcl lnCllllbcrs f.ibi.lll lwve lh.~ [ollOi'; i fie; <lual if ica tions and t.enns 0'[ of f i.ce : l~. Hcmbcrs of the Enforcement Bo,lrd r;lJall be rcsidenb'-i of the municipality. j~ppointlac:nL3. s11.::\11 be mudc by the Cit.y · Counc.i.l on the basis 0 [ exper icr:ciJ or in terCE> t intnc fie 1<3::; I I .1 of 20n1 wJ dnel ullilding control. The rn(~mbcrsl~.i:p of the En[orccml~nt Board ~-r..."ll \'/henevcr i'ossjble l)(~ as [olloHs: 1 . 1\ n 1\ r c Ii i tee t . 2. l\ Busine[;~;mall. 3.. i\1l En(.1inc('r. ~ . ^ GCJH~r(ll Con trcJ.ctor. ~). ^ 1(e.'11 tor. D. I n order tha t: term!; of of ficG of all 1,h:~mb(!r5 v/ill not ll:.:pin:: ;It Llll~ S..lzg(~ ti.me, the.initial ':Ippointmcnl~j to t.he )':l1folTI:llH~nl: Board shilll be as follO\....~~: One (1) mClIlbcl1." shilll b(~ appointed for a tenn of one (.L) i'c':--tr. '}"":O (?) mc::nbcc; f;!lall. be lll'L'()i.lltl~d [017 a term of t\-/O (2j YCl1-~; . '}'\:o (:~~ l1\('t;;l.Jl'C~ :');,11.1. J)(. dP!J()lll(I.(l for d '.l.'I'ln (/::U (L~(' (J) 1'f~i.lr~;. -2- >-<::i';' ~ 0 :I . I il I j , '1' .. I I .tI t sl 6 7 8 9 10 11 r Ii 13 I.j I ~, I (J II IS 19/ III I I / II n ,3 ~,: I r I "" I , J ; j ri (, .1 I .... / i . I .., ) In f I I' 'I , , U: , .11, Th ,~~ rc: it f tc r, ;) 11 uppo i 11 ~(de 11 t s s ha 11 be made lur ~ te un 0]" th:r(~i2 (J) years. Any member' nwy be l"cuppointccl f.rom LerIn to I term upon ClPP1:0Vdl of the City Council. J\ppointrn(~ntr; to fill <1I1Y Vi!Ci\!H":Y on the Enforcement Hoard shull be; for the remClinder of the t.l1cxpired term of office, lmy member \dlO fuih; to C1ttend h/O (2) out: of three (J) ~;uccess.ive.mectings h'iUlOUt C.uusc und \lithout prior approval of the Chnirmu.n ~;hi...ll au,toma tically for fei t hi.s uppoin tmen t uncI the Ci ty Council ~;hCill promptly fill such vacancy. The mem0'ers shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council cHH.1 rnny be removed as ~providecl in the ~ity Code of Ord.inances for removal of members of City boards. C. The membors of the Enfol.cement BOc1rd shall elect u ('h.d r'In.:lI1. The presence of three (3) or more members shall C0115titutc Ll quorum ot the Enforcement BO<J.nl. Bombers shi.lll serve \.:1. Lhoi..t compcI1!~ c't tion, bll t Inay be l"cimburscd for such LruV('] c}:pc'n~;o:3, mi 1cz1<jo C;{penDe~;, and per. diem expenses af_~ 11l11Y be au thor i zed by tlw City COllliCi 1. D. ,}'he Ci ty At. torney sl:3.11 ei ther be COU11sel to tbe Cod,-~ Enforcement }]o.n-d or ~hall l:eprc~;cnt the City by pre-. ~~Cll t: i ne] Cdse:. b(~fore L.l1e DOul"d. [~C!cti()n G. Enforcement f'l.'oCcdllre: '. l~. I L ,t,!lall be the duLy of the Code Inapector to ini t ia tG en forccmcnt proceodings of the var iour; codes. IJ. I [ a v i01a Lion of the codeG i~ found, the Code lII~jp~~ctor ~jh.'11.l110Lii.y the vioL1tor, unlc:i!; partHJraph C of U 1 i f; 5 f~ C t ion l1 p P lie s, 1I n d 9 i v (~ :-; a i r1 v i 0 1 ,11.: (J r i1 1:(: U .; 0 nab h~ tjliil~ to correct the ,dolat5on. ~;h()1I1d the vi.olation cOItLil1lk 1..)(:1'01111 tIle Lime' ~;pcci.i ied for correcLion, tho Code Inspt":ctor - :;lld 11 l\oLi j'/ L1le EIlfol'CCjllC~nL lIoilnl ;\11-1 rcq\1(':;t. (, h(:i\)~i1\q PU1-:;Uillll to tl1(' IH'oc(~c1l1re in f;l~ct.jon ";, \'lr.i ttC:l1 notice: !;ll"J 1, - 3-. 'l;,;' (", ,\ j ) I . I 31 ~ 1 JI 61 I 7 0 v 9 10' I 111 17! 13 I'll 1'1 IG t III I I lb I I I r I I I ! :<1 ! I ')1' . I I /) i i ;'.1 I ! r: I r 'h: I I :.( i '",I. .' i ! :\(1 I , J I i !)l~ !:l~.i}J~',; t() ~-:itj;..l \/i()~ Zlt.CJ1' i1:.} 1')).t.I\I) 1t:(,: 11'~~1:(~ir1. . . C. ::" '.llL: C ;..iQ In:.>peCLit' !.::~ rl!(l~;c>n to !J(!licvc i.l I V.lulc.ti(,;: }:::c~.;(~nLs ~:~,~:;~,LO\l~; lhrt',.lt jJ)- tile public he0.1L:.h, ~i:f('t", ill;"! "':(~lLl1:e, Lll~' Code' Insp'~ctU( ladY proc.:c~8d di:t:t.:r:-tly tot : )(~ p t- 0 C l: d u r e .1 n ~, <:. c t ion 7 ,',f i t h () \ : t not i f Y i. n 'J t.; u i d \' j 0 L:'Il.o r . S(~C t 1011 7. Cr)llauc;t of IL2.1d n~j: J\ . '1'h,~ C!w i rnn11 0 f t.he BO.Jrd IT'.uY call lle':'i:.j- i:1'IJ' u1so 'be call,.:..":! I (J) members of the:1 I En [Ol-Cl':<1t:n,t: ,1 II 'J~; of the: En [or c<?l11en t Boa rd and hpdr i nSfs l;~' \.;ritte:n llotice f;i'JIH:d L>:l nr lCCl~;t three En forel'mc'!) t nOZl rd. '1'l..~ Enforcement Hoard aL im~l hearir,'3 n1u.y ~;ct i.l future lleilring l:atc. The F!i fOl.ccn~''':llt.: Bo~n'd :,;hou.lc; alt(~lfipt t.u convene no ]e~;~3 frl'cjliCIlLly Uiidl once every t'o.'O (2) m()ntl:~, lJut l:li-IY meet 1l1',)l~e or 10.~;s of ton as the demand llc:ces~-. 1 :.: d t (' s . t-Li I.U Lc~; ~;l:dl. 1 I I I ('1.. .f- ,,1 , l.,j I I I be }:ept of all lll~i:ll~i.n~ls b:;,' the Enforccment 1 ~~) l'~ tOll d Ii.J a 11 IW.:Jrin9~; ~;llaJ.l b(~ (Ip('n to the public. 'l'he, C:;)Ul1r.:il :;1Iill.1 provide cleLic<l1 O1n(l adl:1in.i~tr.ltivc pl':rsQLtl21 <I:.; 1;"./ Lc: rl:;lS<.1l1<1l.Jly r-':~lluil"('(l by U\f2 J;llfol'c(:nc~llt: Boanl : ;)r t!:c Pl"(Jpl.'l i;'~r!on:l':lnce of it:; dlllic'~;. B. J';,'r:h C':lS\.' bc:fol'(~ t.Le Enforcc'li:cl:t: ilfJ<11:c1 shall Lu i'L<~~t.,-,nt.\.;d Ly c.itllcr tlil~ City l\ttol'ncy OJ: by a I::';wbor of t:h~ CitY'f~ r\d:;i.ini~~ll"ilt:ivc ~;l:atf. . . C. The En[orcerlh?nt Board shall ptocf.'l'(l to llcc1r tll:.: t;'-I.:.(~fj en t}i(' .J~JI~:nda for lhat day. 7\11 t.c!',tirT\ony 1.;IILl11 b(~ ill,,:"!, o(lth Cind ~;1..1} 1 b\.' l.-(~cordcd. 'l'ht~ Enfo.rcl..~n\'~n l: 150,11.-,: I ,.,h;oI1 '"I:u L""Lhony ('''HI Lh~ Co,k .!W;lH'ch". "!lu ',l~cgcd I :luLllul-. Funn(ll l.'ult.';: 01" CV.1<!.:'l1 :I.~ !:h,dl nor; apply, h(JV"'~V(~t"1 llll:cJill:~l'll :.i: l ':u(, litC,e(':.:., ~;h"I.11 )'1: , 1);;('1 ved .11,:i q(JVt:nl ~-;a.i.,1 I i '1. t l\:l~f ~(II I'.')'; . D. , , J '.. \. t JlI~ C,);I,,:lll:;ion of Uw b(~(:l'in9 t.ll(~ J:1:loccl':mr:'lt -4- f'.t r , I! . I I :' I 31 ,.1 " I 51 ;ll1(1 l he prop("- I I l' . I re JC[ COfl:,.l:;t-~ I I I ! H) i \ 1: \.1 ~.: ~ ~ ;1 .1 .1 fincl:i.nrj:l ... f Ct'.: l a,nd conclu:;io:~:j :t:J S ll(~ or of 1 :l..; .i !~ :; lJ (~ .:-: ;) [; 11 01 J. 1 on1c~ 1: <11: i'J!'din,_; 1.,./ i t 1 ~ l)C'~'~' c l~ ~~ . -' II t. (.J.r Ltn t ,:U he l:~.i... . Th(.~ J'iu.1.i.n: :;11(1J.1 b~ b:;' i::.)licll. i.ipp.L'ovc;(! l,y a majority of t.hose f-'n.;s.;.nt and vo!:.1.!'S, except tha tat lecls t three (3) mc;nbers of Ul(~ En forr;emerl t 6 Hoan1 mll~:;l vote for the action to be offici,ll. 7 Sl~ction 8. PO\,;en.; of the Enforcement lIoc.ird: 'l'lle En- S rorccmen t: Board shall have Uw po'..:er to: (' t l~ . l\c1opt rules for thl~ conduct of iUi h(~arinys. JO B. SutJpOen':l alleged \' iolu tors and \-Ii tn(~ ,,:;ses to i L~ 11 he,u:in9~:;. Subpoenas Inay be r;crvcc1 by the C.i.t.y'~:; police 13 II department. IE, whatever: ~;Lq)~; ..rQ ncces:;ar:y to bri:1<j a violation into I " I "\ 1, i 19 ! ,.J I 711 I nl .i- 1.1 15 n c. ~:jubpocnQ records, ~alrvcys I platr; C:lllcl other. lnc:-.l."J.:ia.1i. I -D. '1'i1 J:e te~3 L imony undL~r o.:ll h . E. ] :;sue order:, lli:lvin~J the force of lilT.-/ ccnui'i.:lndirq cOll1plidncc. ~;C'c l iOll 9. Fines: 'l'lw Enforcement Board, upe;!1 notL[i- (:'(] tioll hy tile Coclt.~ :rn:;p~c tor Lha t a prev iouf.; order of the EnforCCIlI<.:nt HOdnl has nol'. b('(~n cc,;'pl led \ViLh by the :-jC~t time, HlilY onlet: tiil~ vio.l.ltor tu pity i.l [inL~ not to l~;':C:l~(~d;;:jOO.OCl per day the violation continue;; pilst thG clute set for con1- pI i,mco. ^ cL~rtifiL:c.1 copy of an on],.>r j"lnpo:dnr.J a tine may 2:1 be rcconled in Lhe public recards uncI t.hcl:eafl:el~ ~jhall COIl- 1. ~) , ,J ii ! i 1,1 1 I II! I . I JU I 31 ! ~; L j. L II tea (:::-o.s LL... I i , C i t ~' I 1 i c n Q ~.Ja i w; t U ll~ 1 (i n dOll \.J h i G 11 tlw v i 01 ill. j 0 n j\ t tel." O!!(! (1.) year from Ulll filiIl~r of llny ~jtlch .1 jen v/hich i"U1l(l.ill~; unpaid, th(~ En [orcCIllC::lt 1\0,11'<.I.m"y au Lhc) t" i ;~(' tl18 7d"~O)'J)CY lc) lon.'cl()~)(~ on lh.~ JiC!Il. ,<;cct,iO:l ju. i"!'i'l"al: 1\)1 iI~/~lt".1 (~vud pa r L.'/ 11\01,/ ':1) >pc:ll .~i I n.:! ii'l<.rOl~ ()I'c1c.t~ of th';: J:;n[Ol"cl~Hl(!llt. Board by '~c~t"LiGr;lr.L, n Lhei cin.~ui! (\>l..-t 0:- l',\.li:\ i;'-~dCh COUlI!..Y. i\n '\1>P"d1. :.L:dl bl~ .Li.l(~d - !)-- - "<;:Yi\' ~"" . ~..:j.t:lirt Lh.:~:t~~ (=~':)) '..J ~:..) j:'~' t!lt; -:::-:e:(...,__:C'i1 C)( th~~ ortJt~'r t..,.. Lo." .:_i::~'lJCd.l~(l. _I J I , , " ~; ( ) :.: t: : .'.i 1 i tl.. 1-; () L .i .~: (". . , . r('; t 1..;.1 ~'~I t' } :':.' : :~. :.i (J ~".: ~: l\l! . ' . ~ l. . ll'.J ~ J '. ,.-...) re lU:l:ll r'.:c...~,\ pL rCl11.l'.'.'; Lcd or v;!ic: r'~: , " :,:ha11 LJf..:.' by c\..~rti[.i.(>d nbLl 5 1:I.:liJ. \.:ould ];(J;'; he effective by !l:lnd ch..Li'.'"r1' L/ U:c Ct;~lc (; I J. n s p c c to l' " I Sf,! C t i () n 1 /. . Effective D'-:ltC:: 'l'i1i~; act t:;hall hCCC'[;1('~ 8 aifective October 1, 1979. Pi~Lt.1 !;:::J'.CH COUU'l'Y !-1UUICIPf~rJ CODS ELH-'Oi~C:.::':;:~~:[' lW/\.::D r puru?O~jS HIP i\C'l' . - r1\. H. c. )). r;CO:Io:.u:C n:p J\C'l' ~.:ti'i,T L';:'U:: j'l.' ;1 ~~ (' -7. U ;': ct.' h (.' t: . /.:'Ji e }) t II '1. ~.: (L t::; :,}..: ',"'~ (l f: () U e {? 0 '1 /i '~, [; I~. .. I; (' ~.; (~' J' /.!) '.' l)]"cDent; .C{.tllCl(,'io.'l CLnd U:,: l'<li. ';; l:IInet; t.li"I'i?(!:.. Create:.; Lhc~ Pall,1 J\'~~lch County nUl1ic:ipc!l C~odc Enj'orc':,~~~nl: nO.lui, <lPI~O ~ ~1 ~i"~l. ~~~T _,~:::(~ . ~ ; ~:~~ cc: ~ l.~~: :,~ 1: ..~~ ,~. t.!L~ r: lit:,!:: .! ~.; 1;),lJ; it:/, L', fn-,o~., ~~ d!::. fOl t.l,. <ld.:.L',ll_~Lld~l..C LLI\..).1.C"...."lL. 0.1 l.H..L..l,\_:l~l~I'. ,::H11n';:, .lll,.. o Lh0.r :~ r:('~C.L t .~C(l CC)(.:c:s 0 f t' i lC cit. Y . C ('~i ':' "',1 ().t Cl L.! cn~: i' 1: I' cur J' '. ' n t.1,/ P :r () c.; cell t ,:; IJ i nth '.: Cc, u n t '/ C C 1 t L' l; b i 11 j ~; i I c (.: j li '_: d 1. u rclit:~';c~ t.ll,:. Count'; Court luJi;\ ::\l~:!l Ci.c:;l~~-; i.lllcll)]':UV.Ul,' fur ~ ~ ~. adndni.!;Lri!Live h';ill:jwr,; ':!i.Ur j\l:ii.ci:ll..}'..~'!il.",,:, . ... (,'{),;',~;'~.(lt)l') (?O~~ ~I,:~ (1./;(Z }JCi:(:j: (:!.; ..... },() t,.; l;i:}nt~ !',"'~r'u nr~'.l I;(.:~--,',':n.':e~' j" j'Oll .'~/'1..., ].'1'..':1"..J-.'.... ('~e....J'(I" (,.('It'_.,....,''1',''~'~1.'....,)lt',.I' I.)/~.!..I.t.'"."',.f.') ':I,'! .'./',' .' L", L; , ... ....... t..-l_ u,.., l.. (,;' . I .. . .. ;.1' r ..,~ ~ ," -.;. t,'..... '" ...", -. '., ...... 1 I 1 . ~ C. ~ ". t r' .1' (,.. C' " ~) 1'/" ." ., /- ,. ) J- '/, ~.. .-. ,. ~ 1 '-', ," ,.}). ,') (,}.-. ; " t.! f; ': j, ~ )l~) ..1,(.4.,',;'(", .~) ~t JL'(. '-I..L, ..v... . ~ ~(i.,' ~,-........ .~: '."" .. ~ ~ ... f-i.-f;r; (l'l::;t;Z:'~!7!{:~:;J~ h:?t..'Jt't.~/! lJ:,;!();;e '-',1:(. (;.:}~t" l~:'(~, (I:;,'.,,':-~ ;;ociet;y (~~;;.~ Z.!':!,ole) curd [.;10.;,: !'/Zi.(' iii.... 1''1''~'::(it:,; (lI('':''':':,~ c r. 2' l. a 'z. n 7,11 d I.- V I (t wd,:: o.~. [l!' (J 1I: ,,; ) . L (k H /; .i.j'y f he" j II: C ;: Fi. ~! .." I' r. l'!~....... ..' 1\ z" I 'i 1." ..... ~"'I'.' ,'. .~ !. ("l " [I r 0 , < I) . , ,., ,. (. II . . . '" h, .. , ".' , "c. ,', " . r'~(:!~1~-~(~j-:; f.)L i~~);-l.r'...l ~)l!dll r~t.~1:\'-'...~~ 'I',:.Ltll(.illL C:;':il.!}t.}Il~;,\l:i",ii'l, 1'1'11:. i:1,t'j" })t_') )~e,i[:,bi'lc.;..~(l to:c dut:hori:-,.(.<1 Lr.a'/p.1, lid}. c:'.1!:~ ilnd j>:r (ij.;;'t '_:-:P:'l::;v; ~;l1ould }"(:dllCC' co:;t~: to 1'.-:111;1 EC::1Cll CutlnL'" Courl'. :31l'i"Ld h:....l: )10 iZil;'.:iCt or sli',jhlly rl'c1\lc;cd cClc:L:: to City ill1'.i 10 l;(:r:;~)!l;,; ch;~I.:l<':l ~.l.i.tll cod,,: vi.()l('lt:.ion~;"' IIi 11 !:Il':HI.l'.J vnC01Il:,:<'j(' ,,(;1'-', V.!<jO.t.'Oll:'; COlle e/1 fn l'C('mf:n t:, rc;-,ul tint) in .ill'.!i\',~d;,,; Ill: cdb 1.:,: L(~J):,;-' t :i.t:~; to Lb c: <j(~rlel~a 1 pu b 1 ic . c()~; l: 0 C :I !::[d.emun La Lion: :';J,iqht nddi Li.(lllctl. '-ldmini~;l:r(ltLvl: pcov.i.clin'J dclmjni:;tl.i1Li.vc: ~;upi.,url. c (').'; L.'; .i. II ': 1)' i l:'> i J 1 L i 11 ~; l.q Ult~ J',; ld ll,l. ilnd :;()UI~CC~ oj, Fund:;/U.lLi\ilI!L:I~ Dun!..!;) (J[ (",)~:l.:;: Add i. L i.(ln;d. co,': I:, Alldi.ti,u!!"l cO:.;L~: COUll Ly C'_illl: t <I lid -i;' ('Ill y, Jl d '/ <l L !:' ':' h(~ off:;,:: i\:..' i in(~:; \ollie., Lc ll(;:I! )'t'}('I111";; (If l.!,.:, ciL';'. j).,. 1'('('11[(,:!, 1 \:(J~;l~; '.0 J'l!.lil Lt.':,I(::\1 ,iE1I;usc~d d ,.'1 L'C Llt:ctl.:,!. )-~J:LccL on (>);;lF~!:.i.l.,j()l: ,:lUll Ul''-' 1-:[1. d.()Y:I'~IIL: l.:,:.::'-:.~l Uo L ,lp;.>1.ici.l~le. l\(:jlt'Lit:~ orL Jli'.:d;,:l,l\'nLdl:.ion: 111('}-C~;!:~(~(] (:(jd~.~ l.~;l((:'~(:"'r:ll..I:l~. ;:,.~t t\/i.1 .:t'!; ~I:'\'.'l \11'{~.1~':-' :',..>(1 ,-.'.::f' '~"~ ~. I ) ~I 111\ 1- 1,.: ~ (' t t: 11 C: (., 11 :1 t. ';.' l' r "~:J '." i "11 !' j; i l t (l .~ . { L ( . f, \l j~ l: ',: j J L I'" (), fl'."11:"~:: i l: l (J 'j' ;1t'l'"iJ' li'I!)! ~f.'~. I t t ~ . 'l l _~i t . u (I: d oj' ~ (l i c.~. \: 1 ~ .,!"/ : J:' ,l l' .! :f' .!. : ,\ <! .. :::1 i. I 1 i , 4, ~ -' , . ~ ~: . \.1 I- l.(:,l,t.;,;,~j,).~.:S;~'H " .' , ~ ; : ' i ',',J';' . ,,' # ( . :. I ',' ~' i\il (J)':H!;.\:::..:t 0:" 'i :!~;_________. . _..___.. j~,~' 'l'll!;.___. _ .._ ~ ..4" _ _ _po ._ ."._ .___. .~__.. ___._-~... ____.___.___....F 1 iC ~ ~ 1 [.)/\ C !<..:': ,'\1' .[ : :', ~ . A~\ (~[:I}) }.;:~ j:;: i.." (') I:~ (.~ i ',:-~ :',: ~ fl' ~....q" . -. ! ~ ) / ~ r~! J ; . I)nC)\7_::)lr:~.; l,'r',:~_ 1 :,';.:L~~~.:\'r-l.'/:'; 'll.:.~l!.~~;rr~ Pt,'IJ\lTI)l';:!~ .F(Jr~ /-.~-r' l(:j\:~J ~/T'r\'; l)l'~l:_ \'.lI:l~!C; r'~):'. l)E:::'J!IIr~\J(J:~:~; !'!J{)\lIfJIr;.r; f'Clr~ ()j.~r:;7'..:!LZl\rr ll'}:~; l)i:()'JII),;'\:~_; rOc):l }.~:: Fe) i':(~ i;; >::~ ~ rj' r'l':.JC~:': 1) ~ 1 }.I.:-: ~~; l' r:()'\] T If: : >~; r'-' C:) T-: 1 I L;..\ :", 'j" ! :C;; }_; i)/ .,or] J r > ~. ~: C; t ",.,) i ~ Pt';I"';:~') ,'; Pi'~I).':Ti}I:::" r"Cl:( L'l~::.:~:~; j)p()\/lr::.r~;(~ :.()~), /d'P;.".:i\lJ; l'I\{)VJ.f.)i.:~G i... ~;i-\VI:; .~; Cr.,i\USE M;l) )'Ii.:JV:U)],;(: j\il EFl.'l;CTIVI~ U.\'l'E. ~';liEl?::..'.,S, f'ur~~u:l:it. to the "Pi!lm Bead: CcullLy r'l11l1ic:i!'~I:L CO(\.~ F;nLC1rCi~- J;lc~nt i'.oard l~(;t" (J.': J.979 each munici.palit:/ .in Pdlm J',(><1<:;1\ C')U:'lt:~. may, at its option, crcuLe by ordln:mce d Couc EllLorcement BO~llJJ, ~1 n cl 1':Ul:W.:t,S, thc~_ _____.__________~___o f:________.___.._____.____..____..__to pron~:,) :.c, pn) Lec t <l:leI improve' the h(;<::\ L LIi, S ..Ire ty anj ','.'e.1 Ll1:e 0 r Lhc.: c i ti:: '.:n~; of __m_ ___..____.._.__._____ hcrelJ./ erC'd tv~ i'tn-J C~; ti,l) 1 i ~~ll':,; 'it C()!J.:~ };nfon':,:~f';':'r.t BOCll-d to provide <m equitable, (,:.:pc'liti.ou~;, e f fer.: ti 'Ie and iIE:;.:pcnsi V(~ me thod of enforcin<] the hc!re ina f t(~r describ~dcodes of thc of 110;'1, TllEREFOPE, Bl:~ l~~m 1'1' IS lIEHEB-{ OIm;~I;:j~D OF 'fIE: __________________ Ul" BY TilE FL,CJI':.l. i..<~: r-~ Section 1. Declaration of LCCJisL:d:ivl~ Intent: I t 1 :j l. ~ : r:.. intent: of: thi:; (nc1inClncc Lo proInolp, protect and inprove t:!IC healt:~l, safety i'1Ilc1 wolfare of the citizenc; of L>:; proviciilvJ an cCJuj t'.able, expeditious, effective and illC;,:PC-;1:5ivc mctholi of enforcinq 1.:118 hcrcinaftcx." clcscriiwd cor.los of the of ~2~-:.~ti-2l!._2._ Applicubi) ity: Tl....~ Code EnforcClilcnt DOJr-d :-;Lal1 , " cnforcc~ and have jurisdiction of tile tol1o',,:iWl C0U'..:f;: ~;!.'C liD:l J.. Dc' i'ini tion::;: .:\ L. '1'hl~ l'~<"ji~;ldli'/e j)::JCly of the 0 f -----.---.----..-. 13. Co(Ic.~ Inspectol~ -- 'l'lio~;f.2 au thorized (](jcn L~; or (;ItI!.>loYt.!t:s r of tile o {- whos(~ duty it ir; to lnslltc code compU<iIlcc. C. J~t torney - Coun~_;elor for the of lJ. En f orccrelcH t Duard - The Code Enforcullicn t: }J()arcJ. ;~cc lion ,1. E n.f orc(~n;(~ III BOil rd; Orq an i:: a L1. on: The l.;h,:ll.1.;.tjlpO.~!lt .. fJ.v(~ (~)) ,i,~~!.\b(!r Cod.:..: J-:nf(lrc>,:l....~!l: BOilrd rlil,l 1 C'':J<11 C')Ul1c;el for '.-lIe B()<:n"d. The mc:mbcJ:!; ;:11<1 I L havv the lo.1.1J)..,ri!I'lqlt,c;.i.li(;,tl.l()!l! a 11:-.1 tr'ru,,, u[ (lfric\~: J\. I.lcIHb(~r~; of Ul(~ Enforcement l;(J':'inl l"hal1 be., rt'::;j.cl,:nb; or: tilt' or l'\l)f)()irltnlt'.~rlt~:~ ~~I~~<:llJ. l.l~! }J(: f1~l~:.f,!C: })J' t!l'_~ _____~___~___..____-.-____,.(J11 I 1 ,.. . L 1t~ "J!.I~.jJ.~.) ()t c':':!)(~l~.l.(:,l(~:.~ t.l .r.- j.lIten::;L in the [ield:;'o.: ;;c)ninq and bU,lLrJinS/ cOI1Lrol. r.; . ~ . tnc'ltlbt:[!;!:j:p 01 L!1t.! Ellfol:CCilli.;l:t: BOLl'::-U :.;:li..1.1 '..;ll(~n\.:':el: 1'0:;!;.i.L ;,'.: 1.,," .1:; -~... f 0 11 (I'..; :~ : .1.. : . :~ : \. : ~ 1 I : ~ :. '. .. I . ~ : . . r-~, , .:'. t-;.~1 1.,:-, :~:..._~~. , ., . _. (~'~~lll.~~- l .Cnl .. ; t l' .) . t'. r.:~-.~~~ 1 t (. :... " .) . J :. (. """, 1 (.l.... ..' !. ,. .- ., " I t.; i ~'l.....; t t"~ :.' ;~~: ; c.,:- C.' f 1. :,. \ ~ .. . <1 1 I l\r~::l~j'.'~'.'~ "..:i:.. 1 ;.~ ( \ :.. . })l<..::~.~::'-;J;'" Ul L:1C :'-:J,:.01:<...'I'- . (:;,:P::"l":. ilL th..,. :.:i~::': ti:'.c., :.;." ';;:.Li.d) If:C 11 t Ut.u (1) i:.cmb::r: ~~rl': 11 !.:( ('j ~,.:,j n l.(:~l j () 1.' i\ t C:,:l:"):: onc~ (1.) J.::J. 1" (1 s !"~:1 .~ .l a:~.J fol.L''''.'':.. '1",'/0 ( 2 ) n"2n0)c~r~'; :.;11<.111 1,.,~ dppf)ii'iL~d lCl: a U~ni\ c:':: t. '..1", ,.ff -....I ( 2 ) y C i.ll~ . ycac:;. '1"':0 (2) mCI\lD0.Lj sl1<."11 1J<...: appoinLl;(.: L,'C d tClT1 o~: t!:ccc (Ji ye ell: ~;. 'fhorecd:tcr, all <.lpp().i.ntI:\(~nU; ~',Ldl)' b.. i"1d(ll~ f01: cl t.(:J:i,1 01. l\ny mCll.bcr 1\.,IY be; ]:l::lj i:'o:.llLr:d il."(lPl ten,', t.o t h 1: (: C (3 ) y e <:ll~ s . l e }"Il\ 1.1; ; c) 11 i'! :.' pro v a1. 0 f the' i'V po j :1 tl!\r.'!l U'; lc -,-,,-_..__._._....~--_._- ..-....---- -- -. ...... 1 J"'~ f~C.i L t. I i '..~ fill i1l:1' vaCcl1\CY on the> Ellf(JI'(:(:iil0~I:t !;(i.clL.t .,i,d.\. r C 1<1 (1 i n de: r 0 f t It L' , : 1"1(: ;.: p .i n ~ d t, ,un u f.': r j ','. /\1,':' l\\i';:'11){~r ':;n'.', faS 1::; r to attend u.;o (2 ) out of thJ',;i.~ (3) :;\lc.T,_:;~ji'..; :~l':~('l:inq:.; \'1 it. hou I C,-l"lr,C~ and \';1 Ulout r))~ior ~l;)Ju..Jv<:ll oi: L:ll CL..( i U(;tl'l ~'llt;.l.L clli 1.~'ln~{j t j , '..- '. ':Illy forfeit.. his ilppoinlIn!..:nL ~\lld t.11:~ ::J lZl 1..1 pl~OIr.ptly fill such VilcZlncy. ple,~~;\lrc of the '1' h e r.1(; i.\\) I':' l' :,; :.; lliLl.l ;:; C 1: v c (l t t: 1 Cl -..--.- .-.-'. ._.~.. _..~._..-_.__..... ..-._--~~- i\nd Elil::.,' i.h~l.'emO\'Cld .3:~ i~r:ov.:\.:,:d --- -. .-' . --.. .----.-.-"..- COi..h' of Ol::di;l<.1;r~:l~c; for l'(.'I1.'.)\'iJ.L of :',E'l\,;)\..::::; i 11 t:: l"'~ --------~. --.-. .~----- Of" ,. -.--.---.---- ..... ~._--- --.- ..--. ---------- C. rl'I:(~ I~\'. ;;;b(;r.~; of t.h(: Enfor.cl.;L':ZiL 1:I..c,)"1l sLdll c l.eet .:~ Tht: pn.::sencc of t"1ircc (,1) o;~ 1:\::; r:{~ li\C'li'h'~.l'~; ;-,b,d 1 I'il::1.~b(;r:; :;it.ll] . " ~ ;: t/l.: Cho.l: in:;ln. con;;Li Lute (i (l\tO;:llH1 of, t11cl;l1forcc:JI~CllL Bozln:.. \,:ililnlll: (.'cri'lji~ll~~i:l' ion, but In 1/ bc~ r,~il:\Lu}':.;..:.d Ley!.' :;l1.:h t.r:J.'/~:l ('~'~jJ'.:; 1~;C,;, Hi i.l'. ,1,1-' C;':i>c~n;;cs, '-In,l ].'(:1' d i <:l:\ (;;-:i..:~n:-;,. I; ;:l~; l:\dj' i ,,:~ I r I i l i ! I 1 I ~I I i I I j l 1 I 1 f" I I I J 1 l 1 I J I CluL!lC)l:.i7.cd by u>, ..__....-...-..--. ....__.J,l:.l.Ol"lll'',' ;;i1:11J. (:ithl.:l: b:: c,:...un: ,.:1 L'.) ---. ._-_._~-_.__#.~._.,,_.__.._.__..... ..-.- _ ....------...- D. 'fi""'J: the I.:: Xl [(> :::CC,f:lC Ill. '~o(!l:dor. ;;11.:.111 r:cp.t:e:;cI1L tlll~ --- .-----.--.-- ---.---- by P)~C:~)'.~ntjn<.l C:"I:,I:S br.::[oJ~e Lb,' ]'.c.>:I1:t1. .-. .---.. -_.- -~..- ~.:(~ c.; L i (': 1 ,- ) . E 1"1 [orCCll\C'11 L l' l'()(:vd u rc, : {\ 1\. I,t ~;lldll bl; thc~ duty of' tht: COdlO Jns{.'cclor- to ini'..ii,:l.O en fe; l~ CC~lrlc~n t P )'occec1 1.11(j:':; () f Lllt~ v a)~:i C\l~; cod'_~ S . B. If <l viol;ILLOll of t.h':~ cod(~:; lS found, the Cod;.: In:i\,(.,;CLCll; . s 11 a 1.1. not 1. f Y U I C v i (J 1 c ( lor t \l n 1 c;; s p ;-( 1: < ! r.It.' <: p i1 C 0 I: t 11 i s ~; ': '.: t :i (, II appl ic:~;, and qi'y'o ~;llic1 vioJ<1tor a rea:~()nilble t_il1"~ to COJ';-c:ct Lhe f i c~ d i () r. (' () .r I',.:\,' i 0 i \, \ ; . "\ . ~ . '!: \ ~. ; . ,. r.' : r : ; j I . iJ 1 II (. \. i J ',' t h :;h'julCl ~.i;,.- v'.: r,' It'..lO:l (:(lnl.; 1:'1" 1d:~/on'l III ,.~ , . t 1 r.-~l !; P '.} '.; J.- v j (l.\ d ti () n . I: 1\ ~ " r' C '. , - In r:; Il' II r ) a J: d i,;1 d '..~ (] u' .:; L .I l ~ .U \ . r j Jll( :. ; \ .\ ; 1 t.. L 0 l h. l' J l)C' l.' d \ 1 1 - ~ I: i ~; c~ r;....i c' : 1 "7. \",' 1..; ._ L(": l . ' r~ ':,: 1. C ;' . . . 1 " . . ~ 1 t..l ..L l. l)l' Ji,..i.L I ..1 Lo :; I i.J \'!.i '1.1". ~:.\.:' L . " ,., p r (J.t.i :1, 'd h ::: r c in . ~'1 ,.{ i ... ~ () : 1) l_' '. . I . , ~ d ".:':.:.... L:. :. ~. t ( ,~ . . ':.) . \. I .' !.. '.' '. i : . ~ , . " '.-, . ~ ! ' ~ ('-'" I L ~ C' " IiI.\,~-,.,..L'.).' !; ~/ } '-c~. I Ill. " I"~ .. ,~ ~.. I . . r', . ~ ".' ~ ! r () ','~'l L!. -~.. I : :~-l~_ .1 : ': . : t : . , ~ I _l ( 1 r . ,.-\ ... ~ ~.:. i ~ t i ~_;:: C't,; . 1... ",.j,. .. U '__ l.- , I: .) , ~:~ J..r.(": : " . rj'L!.} [,,:~),~i1_::'.,-1~1 (J:" .l l,: ~ L"} f ( ~ :. ':.: -~_.: ;r, " . .: \.. E,,')i ~ L J HL: ',. (~a.l.L l~Cd r '. :1':1 ;') , of \... .; !' !11. <~ ~. C t; :;','.. r.. ~.-. F.r.~.'l ~~ :1 ~ . ,--: "I)' J. i i .; ~: j' . ~.1 r'; (,' J .' r.;: (. : '.: \~ \~l t" .i t t~.. Ii not i -c (; sit.; d c d i', ~.. \ , L ~._~,:::.~ L L L j't..,:.'_' .J} Il~(.i;'.f;CL '.) L j-' 1:~ n 1. i." ::' (' , ~ .- Hlc._'11 t ',,>.J;.ll-;'~. 'i'11'_~ j:.:1t..)t-(>:'rlr,~1~t l.):"Jdl'(J .:t: ;:...,'". ll'__;dr.lr~:.:: t . '.: .~ _ t :.~ 1,';' ., hC~dr i l:CJ d,\ Lv. rrll~ j::nLo.r:Ct~ll\I:..~!~t l~o:lr(~ ~:h~jll:_(l dLLci'~l):~ ~.() ("::)i:\'8rlt~ :!() .lc~;:, frequently Lh<:lt\ onCt:! (:vcry t\.:o (2) r:~onLh~;, buL n:l:/ 1:1' ct L',U.:.e' or lc:;s often 2S t.he demdnd ncceS~;lti,\tc~~:. Hi.nutc~~; :;11,111 he }:,~~p\:, of all hcarin,,:!s b~' Ul" Enfo,rc'slcn:: !:"x.n: .,,,1 all Iv;,lT.:in~1~> sh~tll be oiJcn to Lhe 1'1<b1i c. Tile ________--,:--. .__ ~~h ::,11 " 'J 1 . 1 1 "., t . 1 p.r.UVJ~ (~ c .c~r.1.ca, . Lln( a.unnnl~;Lr.:l-J"V':' l,c:r::c>nn(~ d~"; H\uY t)~. rl_-:.~~~~0r~2i~-:1J/ required by thG Enforccmc~llt ho,:nl ior t.:l'~: pccp\.'r p':riolT:!:IL(~ ul: .i.L~! c1 Ll L i Co '.1 . I.i. E:icll Cd:;(~ bc,ful"c: Uti} E:duL"c(_.,:1t..:lll: UU;l1:.d :-:ILLLl. 1-",: pr(::,'~llt-,:(i J ,\' - .1 (: it.} U~ r- lL',:~ i'I.LtOl:;Il.:)' or 1) "f ... (). 1~'J~;'tJJt~.r () [ i.i Ii: ,___~, r1 Adm in.i :; L l" a U vr~ ;; l ~f: [ . c. 'ILe Ell j Or(~CI;:(~rtl. }\O,"1CU ~;ltd 1 J ;';'o(.:'.~c:(1 L<:l l\',~dl~ th,.! ca';' on till:: ~'CJClldCl Lor: L11~'l.l day. ;\11 t.c~~Limony ~;ltalL b(~ under \.<lath ::lHl 511.:.3.1. be: rcco!"(~,~(1. 'rho LllfOl:cc;ncnt B:;':lJd ;';]1-:111 La}:e t('~!.inG;;:,' fl.'OIll the: C('(;,~ In';~".:ct:oJ: dnd ;::lllc~J(;d vic;;:d:c)J'. FuJ:l11al rul':::; of ('vi..: :~ilCC shCtll I:' _, <<;)i:,1y, h()'..:c~VCl:, 1\.\l;,'i.,::i..:l1La1 calC f-'l:C'CC.-',,; SiF:, be 0;)':':' I:'led ahd (y),/c; Ct sa ill l1roceecl.i !lr,) ~-;', . D. !~t L1ll~ cO;-lclu:,.ion of U:, L(~dCir:,,: the LnJc>cccl"~'I:l. lir': :'d shall ir;~:;u,~ fiwJ;'lg of fact Clnd conclt.::,jon:; of 1<.1'..: clnd sL"l.l _i.;:.1.1'.~ an onlc.r afro:cd:ii\'~i the! pl:opel' 1:eli(~f cU;lsi:-~l'cnL. with pO'.,:;':':':; ~l.-!(:u..'d herein. Th'.; :ind.inq:;hall b('. lJy rllot.l_OIl ::t'll:(J"c,l b:/ a J.ujilt-it:..' :-,f 1-!:o[,,! prc[;r~J:l:: tll,,] ',:uL.i.nrJ, c;.:':~cpt. Ul;l~_ ;::,t: J._.l~;t Ull",~':~ (j) i....lIlij._.1, of L:;.': EnLt~\-c(.:i',.~: '. !_:. .:lrd lilU';t \'ot:(~ Len: ll,c "cLi,:'n tl.\ b.o ('.!.t:.i,C!::J. ~;,~c t: iun ';, l'<)\,.J':r~; of 111l~ Eqforcc:n:I:~llL BUdl.(1: 'j '-h...; j.: n ]_ .~) I~ c; !_..;fl~lll t lk>i':ln] !;11d11 J1<"1.Vc: l;H~ l}o'.'Jl.~r to: h. J..dupt )-ul'~(> tor Ute: condL\(~t ()f ,i.u; !It;d'cin'.F:. B. ~:l1Lr'rH~:!;l (\l.1e(.f,_~'1 viola't.ors ~tnd ;.;itlic:J::e::: to jt:.; }win:in'.l:;. {\ ~;ubp(;c)u~; 111'1./ 1,{". ,. "1-"I('(} ')'.1 "i .' 0_- ...: t.,,; y - J. .1 Lll(! city'~; F(Jlice lhq,.arLHI'.'ll'I.. Flat:.; <:lndoLllt_,r ;;lnt-':i'l~L:. c. ;';Ubj~(H.:ni:.l J:(:con.1::;, ~;UrVl!Y~_;, D. T.::J~(' tJ_'!;Ll.H1'llr! ul:d,-~r. Oi1L!1. E. I:-;:_;U(~ ()rd'~rs liavinq the: force of ld',.,' c.:;.,:,J'ldndill':i ',.;h"L':,'lI.::r 1; tep ,""; ion: C Il(~(':(! :",~; ':1.1'Y to b.ci IHI (l v .i.a 1<1 L.i (".II i Jl to CO!l\p 1. i i.l n C(~ . r ~>'ct.i; ::1 S,. F'.i [It_~ ~-~ . 'rh'~ Ell fu.t"ccm.:.;II t 1l';l.Il"cl, \T,(:n :.u L :. _l'_.', '.,1 un by t.h_:Cu(wln~.;;..':~:u'- tn,:lL i: f'(C~vi(J\l:::'; (t.'c!er of th.: ~'nf()l.-,>'i'\'::ll'. Buan.; },.:.:. ,ll(~t 1/ _,:, C.;il\:<, :...~r:..'i.th b:l th, sel:, titilc, !lIcl:,' ()\"';:.'C ': ':: viol..:' 01: to PilY ,. f j 1\'.: I)(Jt t () t~:{c:e(',l ~,:.on. en) l'(.:!:' '.\."1';' L.;." .' i () ~ " i :)11 cClnti:l11":~; p,l~;t Ul~.' ddL(~ ~.;(;t fl.)); COT!'),lJ.iillCC. 1\ c":;l"tific.! (":'..JP'/ of' eUl o1':.!(:1." ilT\~:O~.,.ill(j il [ine IH,:-~Y be J:cconicd in .the, public .r(;CU1~C!-. and t':il:t'('i.J..LV:r :;;J)dl.l cc,n:;t.U-llt't_~ (j lien ;:qdi:l:;t". tll'.: J:llld u,. '.':;'J:'L the \'iC,j,ltilll\ c:.:i:;!.::,;. id:I;\;;' (In(~ (1.) y....1;: iUd.\ th' :'iLi.r.,-, OL !l/ ,.~ .,....:': suel. L.Lc~Il t,,:lti.(,,'.11 l\;ill(J.il!~; t!!lr)l.~(l, tllt: L::l;~lJ.c(;','1;\(.:nl". lj'_>':lL:'.i ~:\"~i'.: .- ]- (' t U t ri J ~ .' '...~ ~, e.. .ll'''~ ~. 'j: f..- ( , .' r~" to f ~ ~. c. (~ ] (..1 ~j",~ Cd l t' i 1 (-: Ji.::n. ~: ~ . '_: J 1 ('\; 1 :'., ' ;) '.~ ~ 1 : ./-,; i . . ';.-:; :_' J. '... r'" J ~_y !:~l<l' ~l!li l:<~ 1 'J '.0 . 1 ). i {i () t-' ()~:..- ~ '. _ J.., (.. 1 f . . 1..,:. }',il-:.Cl.L CC~i~\':;I~:': 1,.~'~:t.c~1 ~_':' . . <_~ \..: r t ,l !o' ~-\ 1 r J, i il- L. Ii ,: C: i r I : i 1 i l_ (:OUI-t l)!" rdJ~\ !".,'~;~.(;l! (:Cltl-I'l t '/ . :\ : 1 .; d") ~_) c ~ 1 ~) ; '} t. 1 1 . 0 tl,(J c:';(J,:uLi():1 of 1) l-: fl. 1. ,_:(! '~'li tl~ : il . t: 11 i I. t::- (J C ) d :.1" ,. '; ':): t.:11'l~ C ,':.o('~';:l~ t() l)(~ '~:Pt)c=.:.tL':":L1.. ~:;c,-: Li ,,)1-; J_ '}-. o t ., ::-\.C:,: I, j\ : 1. 11 (J L .i. c' (I :~ ~. (, J",~ ' : i r c' (' i })? t! i .i ~) ,~J ... ~ '.'. ~:illal] ;.Jl::'~;'/ C':..~~:t.iC. t.)cJ l!;~li-J r~;t.tlrIl .!~ccci.l)t: T"_~('l~tl.~:;.t_I,;(l (.tl1(.1 \':;it.'1:l: mail \.;uuld llOt b('~ 1.~f[cc~:i.'.'':'J b/ lLlnc1 l:cli'.'ct.:.{ j)j! thl~ Cod,) In::;pec'. ;)J~. ~:.c;c: t ion 11.. Eff(Jctiv.(~ Date: . . 1"1 HS'l' W:;t\DnlC TilE DA\' OF Ej"/9. ~;ECUtl(), FEUd. Er::~dj.Lt)C IIi FULL MID J'l\~;:'~l\(.;!'; 'I'll U; n,\y OF' n 197~. (CORPOiU\'l'E ~;EJ\.L) ------.----...---- --------,-..-.,-_..- _._--_._-------_..----_.._-~--- l~lHr E s,'r : ----j;-j ;i;T-c;.(~,:i r:; I sT;-r ();. f------ Cl.'l'Y CLEEK , . (\ -4':'" \ ~', .'\... .Y ! :.: t,,, ..0' \ \ ,t".,..,/ '. ~~ \\'IIEl~Ei\S , . i~'Ir.\ . \',111: i~ 1::\5 , \\'IIElZtAS, \'.'IlERh\S, \\'IIEl<E,\S, n IV lIE H E.\ S , "- j: 1 .: t' ~4; r1. : 1 ~~ 1 ." ;; ; \ i~ r:~ li Ll Ji 1'):< I::: 1 H' ;' (;1:::;';;,\1. I \.',': :,\\BI I' E:-~T,\P.l.i:";!1 ;\ \:I)!'L i I ': I ~ T i ! i. j:':\ i, r 11::: i (j r.\ ~ i: : ': : : . r l \,\ I II 1 L:) I ( \ : \! ~ C ! , . , ;< I I: i:\ \: n . in j1ccei:'i'l'r (J r I ~I-: S tahe !l,usc ,,:" l\vjJr('~"ll t:\ t i \'r'", SC]Cl:t ~~UhCOi'li:iittcc 011 :11I:1icii,:.1 l.~\.lllrts. jlrcp;I:''.:d:1 fin:l: 1'c]"'((1't ;lll.l rl'Cl)ili:i<'lld:lt i.!::, :111.\ j,lcl~ti \'iv.1 1\'..' prol)Jcms ::et UljrC'~olvcd h:: thl' existing t:\'ur~ :;ystCJ:1; :llld the ]H'lh1,'i'l idell! i fied :1:' tlh' ]D\: prio1'in' the :;talL: .\ttorne::s l\'ould give to l111ll1il'ip::J nrJin:ll1l'\.:S !iC'causl.' of the great \'OlUJilC oi iHlIUicil,:ll ordin:ll1Ce \'iol:ttions :lncl hecause tltc~' I:lllst he riChl'd in perspective ,':l.th the overall criminal S)'stCl1l; :llld, COll!lt~' orCi.ci:tls :I1'e Ilot t':llnili:tr \.;ith the city o nl i n :1}1 C e san d c j t r pro b 1 ems; :: n d , lhis Coullcil h:lS prcviou:;I)' :ldoptcd i{csollltion S~)-7~l, requestin); thc'Lci,.islatllre intr<hllkC':l. consti.tution:1] :wl'ndment ",hieh \-:f,nl1d ilg:lin pro\'idc for a Iil u n i c i pal c () u r t S :: s t em; :1 n d , :1\'i:1hlc altern;lti\"c to the 1:111llic:ip:1l court sy:;tC:lIl llns hecn clwc!cd ('or Wlllicip:llitics 01- P:lln lk:1L'h County through the Legis];lti\:c cn:lctHll'llt or Florid:l L;lh' 7~)-S'D; aJld', the Lcgis1:lti'/C' intent: orCcllcr:lll.;l\\' 79-S.\1 \\':l~ to _promotc, protect :ll1d improve thl' h(,:llth, S:lrctv :llld \\clrare or thL' citi::cl1S or 1i.llllicii':llitl~'s In' pro\<jding a J1 e q II ita b 1 c C' x p (' d i t i (Hl S, C' r !- c ,,: 1 i n~ ; III dill ex p ell"; i \" (' I1l C t ho d 0 f C 11 r 0 r c i 11 g va I' i 0 U s :n l1l i l: i pill (: () d C' \. i () 1 a t i (, fl'~ . ;\(H\', TI!I:fU~FOIU~, Bj~ IT RESO!.VL]l BY Till: COlL~CrL OF TilL CfTY ()\: C.\IT COlnl., THAT: The !. c g i s 1 :1 t II I' C' J S 11 ere b:-, re q II cst c d to (' n:1 L t :l~ C n c r:t 1 la\.: sllh:--::~;lnti:lJI)' the S:ilnc as FlcHllh !.:l\-,' 7~)-S.rl, nr<)\'idill\' for the cs1:11'11 i''';!lIl1ent or a co\.le cll:'un'cl'lent ... ., hO:lrJ in c:lch Ilunic:ipallty to cnt'orcv Cil:: ordinance. I~E 1T nmTllLlZ I{L~:;iJL\'En TIL\T: lhe city 1'1::111:1:,'('1' i:; :Iutliori::ed :ind dtrClLl'd t.) ,lisl1'ihutl' tllis rC'S(lllltion a~; he Ill:l'" dCC'Ii! :lppropri:ltL' to ilaplc::JC'llt its :int.ent. llllLY\PPIWVLI) A>;1l l\JlOj'T!:D TIllS .;:J.)''''~ D:\Y OF ()CT(\B!:I~, 1~)7;1. ~ , \ - : " , ' '.' ,~ 'rll;\:I-li-~', r:-';:Icj'l )-;;'6. ;....~:l :l)~()1..t; - ---.......:-- ..\TTFSITIl i\:\ll rrLl:u l~~ 1IY niTre!: 'UI1S ,_~?_~~~:~":'_ Il:\\" OF OCTOBER, l')7~1. t! () I. ' ~ _ ~....~.,.. ~;.:~ (I. ".~.._ }.........: :\,,, ".") {.\":....... ....::_~ .." _ -f hda l~. .J()q:l'~):;cll:\ (:.ity LICl'I_ 1 ~. ,', {'~~ j A ..,. . 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 ~ , - _:J '16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ..,- _:J .(? :27 ,;:l - .., ... . .:.. .'" \/ C fr. - . . '/' .,./ I ' \. . / \ " " " / / . . // A bill to be :;~titlc;c. A:.l Ac: G.::~e.r.c.::..::.g O:.apter 1 71, :.iu:::licipal ~.::1e~ tlC:l 0-:- Ccr:.t=a.c:::'O:l, ~"'~o:-'ic:a Sca=:.:.-:e S I to p::"oYid~ a deii~on :0::: encla.ve; to p:"cv:de a..:l a::.:l~~::a::ic,n p= oc ec'l..:-l" e :0:- e.::c.la.....'~ s; a::.d p::'ovi.d~::::.g :or t:.e eiiect"i..re cia te he::: eel. Secticn 1. Sectio::l 171. 031, De=-=.itiocs, 0: Ccal=ter 171, ~!ll.~icipal P ':"':~ e.:OtiCll or CC::':=3..~ion.' Flo::-:ca Stat:.::tes, is a...-:::leIld~ci !to c=~ate a. ::.ew s'1:.b-sec.":'or. (3) ::0 =~a.2. a.3:oUcws: (3)IIS::.cl.;:l.V'.ell. r=.~.::?..:::..;5 c..:l1......;-co=-:::Ol"3..::Gc. a.:::ea oi fO='"::'1 (~~)) , 0= iewer ac=es 0: lA~'td. e::.irely 'c.o=.t2.i.::.ed ....-vioi.::. t::.e O'.....Q- ---. bo~da.=ies oft::.c a""r:ex.bg :::l1.:::..:.c:.:::aE::-'f. 11 , . .- ..~cif1:.=~er ~~e..:::.c.ec. ~o =e..::.l.::::.~e= s--..:b.seq'.:.e.nt si.:.b-s_ec-':'c~s. I Sectio:l 2.. S~c-:.iC)::' 171. O'41.~, :=lo:-ica Sta::-':':'es, lS ::'e=e~y c.= e.a:ec. to ::: e2.c. as io llow s: II $ectoc. 1 71. 0414. .~..::::lex:3. t:'OL 0: encla'.r es . A gov e.~-=.i=.rrbcc.'" of a ==\:.=..ic;.:=aE~..-:::.a. ~l ~'--e..:t a::."r e~ C.1a.' ~ _ # .. oJ 6 . . a 3 de.!l~ed , ) 171. 031 (3) by adcpt:.c::l cf J,=:' c::--:::..:...-:.a..::;.c e ?'...l..:" s\:=,.::t ':0 ;~ ..... t,;..e prccec.~e fer "~,.Jt,.a":I.'V-"":C""'" ~_; a ~.- "--:;:'--......-- ::: c:: t~~ ; = g e=. c: f 0 -:: Ci.=.J..::. c e \..". ~. l:1" 0'1 e~ta...,j..':'S1:..e<..;, oy J.OO. .;: . :." . A;:j, o;-dir::.>;Jce adopted a.s provided b.e:::e~s=':l.ll '::e ~ec. wit:.:. t.'=.e Cle=k 01 :=-e Ci=c~t Ccc.=-: . . "" I",i. . . . ~"'"'"'l.,"'- t"'f.__..._ .. :'::'e ~e, C 0'-= 'ti. :.:: :=..~.._~ c:FQ~:=:' i.s lct:<,_~e~ .:.:l,C w:.:..~ ~-e l:)e;:a.;-==.e:-..: 0: ~..."::!--,:) II - -- - - . Section 3. -\..~ ~. .;._5 ..c. .s ;:a11 ..~..~ A _..,- e.:: eo': .. . -,,\~,.......-..-- .....---.....-5 - '..:.=C:: I. \ I \ I 1;0:. -- .- """". I "l-''''''- I \ I I I ! I I I I