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Meeting of October 3, 1979
The Council of Local Governments of Seminole County met in regular
session on Wednesday, October 3, 1979, at 7:30 p.m. at Casselberry
City Hall.
Present: Commissioner Sandra Glenn
Councilman Barbara Christensen
Mayor June Lormann, Longwood
Deputy Mayor Hap Arnold, Winter Springs
Mayor Norman Floyd, A1tamonte Springs
Commissioner Edwin Keith, Sanford
Mayor Walter Sorenson, Lake Mary
Commissioner Glenn called the meeting to order.
Commissioner Glenn said the minutes of the September 5th meeting
would be mailed out shortly and would be considered along with the
October 3rd minutes.
Councilman Owen Sheppard, City of Casselberry, was present and
addressed the members regarding the problem of aquatic weed growth
in the chain of lakes in Casselberry and said they were trying to
find solutions to the problem. He said the cost of chemical treat-
ment was prohibitive, said just the chain of five lakes would cost
approximately $70,000. He said they would like some information on
the possibility of using white amur fish as a possible means of
Mrs. Glenn said if the lakes flow from one body of water into another
there has to be barriers built between the lake in that no fish can
go from one lake to another. She said if it is a private lake the
only program they have going is that if a lake is less than 25 acres,
the homeowners around the lake can make application to the Dept. of
Natural Resources, and at their expense take care of the cost of
getting the fish to the lake, and the Dept. of Natural Resources will
do a monitoring process.
She said by a public lake, they mean that a city would have to own a
parcel of land that would entail a driveway and a boat ramp into the
lake that the public could use. And in that case, you could be put
on a list where the Dept. of Natural Resources will stock the fish,
but it is a participation program and if they have to use herbicides
or do monitoring, the city would have some cost.
CALNO Meeting
October 3, 1979
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Mayor Floyd said they were on a program and had started with herb-
icides, then went to the more economical way of putting the fish
in the lake. He said Lake Orienta is land locked so had no problem
there. He said between the herbicides and the fish, Altamonte
Springs' cost last year was $12,000 for the spray applications, but
now that they are under a pilot project, they don't have to pay
Commissioner Glenn said she would send Councilman Sheppard the info-
mation she had received from the Dept. of Natural Resources and said
there was some new information on "grass carp". She said the differ-
ence as explained to her between the white amur and the grass carp
was the grass carp was a sterilized fish, and they were in the
experimental stage with it and they were using fingerlings (2-5 in.)
instead of the larger fish (2-3 lbs) and found that in using the
smaller fish, that they would be eaten up by the other fish. Mayor
Floyd said they were using the 2-3 lb. fish in their lake.
Mrs. Glenn said that with private lakes if you do not have any runoff
from roads and other drainage ditches, just strictly private residence
runoff, you may want to work out something with the homeowners in
that they would participate in the cost of getting the fish. She said
most of the homeowners living on lake fronts would be more than
willing to share a one time cost to buy the fish, but the fish program
is still in an experimental project and no one knows how it will turn
Treasurer, Mayor Sorenson, reported a balance of $356.66, as of 9/28/79,
in the treasury.
Commissioner Glenn said she talked to the new mayor of Oviedo, Mayor
Tom MOrgan, and he said he was committed until January with a course
he was teaching but after that he would be the member to CALNO for
the City of Oviedo.
Altamonte Springs - no report
Casselberry - no report
Lake Mary - Mayor Sorenson said he had no report but just wanted to
comment on the grant application they had discussed with the County
on the previous day, and said regardless of whether it worked or not,
that it was a nice effort on the part of the City and County to sit
down together to consider and talk about the ways they could cooperate
together to get the things that they all needed and it was very nice
CALNO Meeting
October 3, 1979
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to be able to do that for once. He said it was a CBDG Grant in two
areas - the portion that Lake Mary was looking at was an economic
development; the portion the County was looking at was in drainage
and it appeared that they could compliment one another's needs.
Discussion was then held on the CETA program. Mrs. Glenn said once
they were back to the dollars in CETA and CETA positions were being
requested by the municipalities, she suggested that they show up at
the Commission meetings which are usually held the first Tuesday
after the Thursday meeting held by the prime sponsor.
Longwood - no report
Sanford - no report
Seminole County - Commissioner Glenn said, as they were all informed
by memo, that effective September 15, the Sanlando tTansfer station
would be open on Saturdays, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and effective
October 1, 1979, all Seminole County transfer stations would be open
on Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Winter Springs - Mr. Arnold said he would like input from all the
CALNO members on the pros and cons of owning their own utilities.
Mayor Floyd said as long as they have Federal monies involved, they
would have a lot of problems, State DER, certain requirements they
put on, etc. Mr. Arnold said he wondered whether it would be a good
governmental decision to own their own utilities or not.
Councilman Christensen brought up the subject of the Transmission
Authority and the salary increases the employees recently received.
Discussion was held on this.
Commissioner Glenn brought up the subject of the new Senate Bill that
had to do with roads and of the County and municipalities maintenance
responsibilities and she said she would like their interpretation on
it. She said permits and franchises could also be involved in it and
would check with Bill Bush about it. She said she would send them
all a copy of the road bill on curb-to-curb.
Mr. Arnold invited all the members to take a look at Sunset Road; he
said it was going to be a nice smooth road and thanked Casselberry
for their contribution and the Florida Land Company.
CALNO Meeting
October 3, 1979
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Commissioner Glenn said a meeting had been held between DOT, City of
Casselberry and the County regarding Winter Park Drive, Red Bug Road
and 436 and said there should be some changes in that intersection
within 60 days. She said on October 15th, a work session would be
held regarding participation program with new development going in
on Red Bug Road, traffic signalization, etc.
Councilman Christensen said Casselberry City Council has discussed
quite a bit about a traffic light at Seminole Blvd. and Winter Park
Drive. She said it was County jurisdiction and also was within the
City and wondered what could be done about it. Commissioner Glenn
said they have funds in traffic engineering and do match things like
that. She said the City should have a traffic check made on the area
in question and submit it to Bill Bush.
The next CALNO meeting will be held in the City of Lake Mary on Wed-
nesday, November 7, 1979, at 7:30 p.m.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.