HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979 07 09 Letter Re: Fire Inspection Report dated May 7, 1979 or:- ,r7. /.' ," .' / Country }~urniture DISTRIBU10RS INC. f~r[ 'I !')X ')7D C;A['d \ 'i",l II, \1,11).\ 1."T/l 4 ( 1; )' ~ . . ~ ~ '.: ;Ju] y 9, lq79 William Kir.choff Seminole County Conunissj on Sanford, Florida 32771 Dear Commission0r Kirchoff: I am writing regardir:g a fire irspection report (ettached) I;ated May 7 I 1979. The inspectors have ordered me to make changes that I feel are unnecessary for the safety of my employees and/or customers but ',lould jeopardize the protection of my merchandise. Since we are in a rural area, there have been several attempted burglaries. However, with one exception, thesC' attempts have been unsuccessful because of our doors veiny securely locked. In one CLlse <1 burglar broke throuqh oIJr wall ,111<1 would have been able to "clean \1S ouL" if he could have op(~n('d a door. For't.IIII.)l..l y, the bur<j1ar W2.fi only ublc La lclke some small items throurJh th(~ ('peninq he had rndcle in the wa.ll. All <3001'5 cl rc unlocked dur il1fJ bib i n('~>s hours for ecl~;Y ar:ccss. Conscqur~n 1'1 y, 1 n,qlw~,;l u vdridllce to alJ.ow rr1(~ to ke(~p cxi.~;lin'l J0c'ks. I also rc:qt.l~st a variance concerni.ng manuol fire alarrns at each exit in our - _..:.--- store and lighted exit sIgns in our warehouses. I am sending drawings of our store und warehouses so that you can see how impractical the'Sc re'1:uirements are: Cl1stom(~rs do not enter our warehouse and employees always hLlve the overheao doors open when they enter the warehouses. We are willing to meet the ot:her requirements as listed, ~Hor",'Y" ' " ~",5~,~Q ~,~, I'hj]lipD. ) re Pre sident