HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979 06 29 Memo Re: Minutes - Tax Equalization Committee TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: M E M 0 RAN DUM BOARD OF COUNTY COW~ISSIONERS ROGER NEISWENDER, COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR JEFF ETCHBERGER, OMAE DIRECTOR MEMBERS OF CALNO cow-n SS lONER SANDRA GLENN JUNE 29, 1979 MINUTES - TAX EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE Please see attached for your information. MINlITES TAX EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE June 5, 1979 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Bo Simpson, Chairman W.E. Knowles Dave Chacey Les Bentley Charles Glascock Francis Mark Members Absent: Jan Liebin Tom DeWolf Others Present: Roger Nieswender Jeff Etchberger Sharon Stryker The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by the Chairman, Bo Simpson. Mr. Mark was present to represent the City of Lake Mary, and Sharon Stryker was representing the League of Women Voters. Members received a copy of the new House Bill 1568 which would consider all county revenue as a question of double taxation. Chairman Simpson asked for the feeling of each member as to the impact of this new law, and the future of the Tax Equalization Committee. Federal Revenue Sharing funds were discussed and the method: of allocation. The population of the county is the formula used for allocation to the County and the cities population is used for the amount allocated to the cities, separate from the total county population count. Mr. Nieswender said that the information gathered by the committee and looking at the way the money was spent was informative and if some areas of concern could be worked out to a reasonable solution which would be fair to the city and the county, the committee has made progress. Chairman Simpson asked Mr. Nieswender if he felt the County Com- missioners would be receptive to sitting down and trying to work out the areas of concern, and he said he had no doubt of their willingness. Mr. Knowles expressed the op~n~on that this House Bill 1568 has created new ground rules whereby all county revenues would be considered as a question of double taxation and whether or not this committee has any worthwhile purpose since the original goal has changed. He said he felt su]::"e the county would want to study MINUTES - Tax Equalization CommiLtee - June 5, 1979 Page 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- this new law before they sit down and discuss it and it would be better to sit down and discuss the budget as total and where there is double taxation, arrive at a solution. Mr. Glascock said he felt the bill has changed the purpose of this committee but he did not feel his time had been wasted. He felt everyone had learned about the operation of the county revenue system and would like to see the County Commissioners and elected officials sit down and go through the whole thing, since they are the ones who can do something once a conclusion is reached. Mr. Chacey said that what the committee had been charged with has been changed by the bill and the committee shoUltireport back to CALNO that the purpose has been eliminated. Mr. Marks said he would like the committee to continue unless there were objections from the committee members. Mr. Bentley agreed that time had not been wasted but the question now is where to go from here. He also felt the problem should be now turned over to the county. It was suggested that the committee forward a letter of commendation on behalf of Roger Nieswender and Jeff Etchberger for their research and contribution to the committee and a letter of thanks to Sheriff Polk for his participation. Chairman Simpson volunteered to take care of both. Mr. Knowles moved that the Tax Equalization Committee forward to CALNO the fact that this committee will recess and request the County Commission to consider the impact of the passage of the 1979 law containing House Bill 1568, and request the County immediately initiate a study as to the impact of this law on the entire county budget as it may apply to the question of double taxation, and utilize that study to create a discussion and meeting of the minds with all of the municipalities in Seminole County. Mr. Chacey seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.