HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979 04 24 Minutes from Tax Equalization Committee MINUTES l~X EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE April 24, 1979 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Bo Simpson, Chairman W.E. Knowles D3.ve Chacey Les Bentley Jan Liebin Charles Glascock Others Present: Roger Nieswender Jeff Etchberger John Polk The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Bo Simpson, at 7:40 P.M. in the City Manager's Conf~rence Room at City Hall. He then turned the meeting over to Sheriff John Polk to continue his report. Sheriff Polk said he felt his report was complete and he had given a breakdown to Mr. Knowles. Mr. Knowles read the break- down as follows: Patrol Salaries-$706,2l2. plus $134,533. social security and other matching funds. Personal service, $840,745.; gasoline used on patrol, $66,615.64; travel, $33,600.;vehicle operation, $100,215.64; uniform cost & supplies, $14,199.25, for a total of $955,159. In addition there are other costs, such as liability insurance, etc. in the amount of $13,772., making a total of $968,931.89. The total of the patrol department constitutes about 26.3% of the Sheriff's total budget. The Sheriff said if double taxation exists, it would be on the entire budget and not a section of a department, and he said the courts have ruled that the Sheriff is a constitutional office and breaking out any part of his budget would be a matter for the courts. Mr. Knowles said there was no question of authority and that this committee addresses only one thing regarding double taxation, and that is the method of levying a tax. In order ID study the method of taxation it is necessary to study the money used to determine the method of taxation and not the operation. Ms. Liebin said she felt real and substantial benefit had been shown to her, and any service for public health and safety could not be taken out, and she feels county road patrol is for public sa fety . --'- "....~~:,:~"<"~';""::....,N unTl'T'T'T.'t".. 'l'^y 'I<'~UAT..lZATION . COMMITTEE - April Page 2 19i9-'':':r:'ji:r'p''~'M.'.TC"'"'''' ----------------------------------------------------------------- During the discussion on city police departments, Sheriff Polk said he did not intend for cities to abolish city police departments. He also said that if a municipality wanted around-the-clock pro- tection, the only way to do that would be to assign a special taxing district and levy taxes on your own district. Sheriff Polk was excused from the meeting and the Chair~n thanked him for his attendance and input. Chairman Simpson asked the members where they would like to proceed from this point. Ms. Liebin and Mr. Glascock said they would like to discuss the Fire Dept. for information purposes. Chairman Simpson said the Fire Dept. is funded entirely by funds outside city limits and does not have to do with double taxation. Regarding an agenda for the next meeting, Mr. Knowles asked Roger and Jeff to get information on ad valorem millage as it is assessed to each activity, as to value of the mill and dollar value assessed by ad valorem tax only. They said they would try to get the in- formation to be presented at the next meeting set for May 15, 1979. Mr. Knowles moved to adjourn and meet again on May 15, 1979, at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Glascock seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.