HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979 03 07 Minutes
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The regular meeting of the CouncU of Local Governments in Seminole County was
held on March 7, 1979 at 7: 30 p.m. at the Lake Mary Fire Station.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Sandra Glenn.
Present were:
Commissioner Sandra Glenn
Mayor June Lorman
Mayor Walter A. Sorenson
Deputy Mayor Wil:f'red Arnold, Jr.
Commissioner Harry Jacobs
Commissioner Edwin O. Keith
-- Seminole County
-- City of Longwood
-- City of Lake Mary
City of Winter Springs
-- City of Altamonte Springs
-- City of Sanford
A progress report on the Solid Was'te study was presented by Mr. Schuder. An
outline which contained cost study and a draft of conclusions and recommendations
was distributed to each member. The final draft w1ll be ready in the next two
weeks, at which time recommendations w1ll be discussed.
The Treasurer, Mayor Walter A. Sorenson, reported that last month's balance was
$344.85 and this month with contributions and dues the balance was $469.85.
At the meeting of February 7, 1979 motion was made and carried for a contract to
be written for the hiring of a secretary for the Tax Equalization Committee at a
fee of $15 per meeting. Commissioner Glenn informed the members of Calno that
she was unable to hire a seoretary at the rate of $15 per meeting. Commissioner
Glenn asked the members to consider a rate of $30 per meeting, not to exceed
$ 300 for the year. Motion was made by Mayor June Lorman to a.uthorize expenditure
up to $300 for secretarial help, seconded by Mayor Walter Sorenson and the motion
City of Altamonte Springs
City of Casselberry
City of Lake Mary
City of Longwood
City of Sanford
Seminole County
No report
Representative not present
No report
No report
No report
Repm-t covered below
Commissioner Glenn stated that Seminole County was to have a public hearing on
March 15, 1979 on the Energy Efficiency BuUding Code for the purpose of adopting -7
the Florida Model Energy Efficiency Code with the II}!nimum. requirements at first.
She asked the cities to look closely at the plan so that it might be possible \ 0
for all to be on the same plan. ) 1';S;lV~
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City of Winter Springs -- No report \ ~.:~e.~
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. The next meeting will be held in the C-tf? <1:l.
City of Longwood. ..co)/ -(;