HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979 02 07 Memo from Evelyn 11/11 Sandra - I apologize for not getting these minutes to you sooner. There were two items at the January meeting that were mentioned to be taken up in February: Altamonte Springs Center Street project - Commissioner will attend the meeting for Mayor Floyd and I will get information to him that he mentioned he would bring to meeting. City of Sanford - enclaves Also it was mentioned to contact the City of Oviedo. ~-w-(pJ Evelyn Jacobs / the the . ilL ~S ...- ~)f1' DATE TIME LOCATION AGENDA ~. '2!\. -s&. M E E TIN G NOT ICE d,u e-'>(\ ttI NO --- ~~ ~cP o ;l~.? Approval of Minutes of January 10, 1979 Meeting ~. Altamonte Springs - R~lV~Q~ O~ ~~~~ b. casselberry_~~~V\~~ ~ ~e Ma~ etv Q,\laD e=:. ~. LOngWOOd-~- ~. Sanford- ~. ~. * * * REM I N D E R - - Please pay your Annual Dues!!* * * Council of Local Governments Wednesday, February 7, 1979 7:30 P.M. Casselberry City Hall Commission Chambers Treasurer I S Report-- Reports: Seminole County- Winter Springs - ~ ADJOURN MINUTES OF COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN SEMINOLE COUNTY February 7, 1979 ********************************************** The regular meeting of the Council of Local Government in Seminole County was held on Wednesday, February 7, 1979, at the Casselberry City Hall, at 7:30 p.m. Present were: Commissioner Sandra Glenn Councilman Barbara Christensen Mayor June Lormann Deputy Mayor Wilfred Arnold, Jr. - Mayor Walter Sorrenson Commissioner Harry Jacobs Seminole County City of Casselberry City of Longwood City of Winter Springs City of Lake Mary City of Altamonte Springs Meeting was called to order by Chairman Sandra Glenn. The minutes of the meeting of January 10, 1979 were approved as read. Treasurer, Mayor Sorrenson, reported balance of $344.85. He stated that annual dues were now due and had received $25.00 from the City of Longwood. Tax Equalization Committee - Recording Secretary Mr. B. Simpson, Chairman, Tax Equalization Committee, requested that CALNO furnish their committee with a recording secretary to more efficiently run their meetings. He offered two proposals - to either have each city provide the recording secretary when meetings are to be held in their city, or to get a certain amount of money and contract a person, from the County or one of the cities, to take minutes at their meetings. Mayor Sorrenson said he favored the second proposal. Chairman Glenn said she had checked on this and could get a County person to take minutes at $15.00 a meeting, transcription and agendas included. Mayor Sorrenson made a motion to approve the request that CALNO furnish a recording secretary and to do this by contracting a person. Mayor Lormann seconded the motion. Chairman Glenn suggested that they put a time limit on it since they had a limited amount in their treasury. Mayor Sorrenson amended his motion to have this cover 20 meetings only and at that time to consider a specific assessment of the members if it was necessary to continue. Mayor Lormann seconded the amendment. Discussion was held. Mr. Arnold asked if there were any other demands on the treasury and questioned using this amount at one time. Mayor Sorrenson there were none at this time. Vote was taken on the amendment and main motion - that a contract be written for a recording secretary for the Tax Equalization Committee to take minutes at $15.00 per meeting, including agendas and transcriptions, to run for 20 meetings, and this person to be contracted from County staff. Motion passed with Mr. Arnold casting the only dissenting vote. CALNO MINUTES February 7, 1979 Page 2 REPORTS Altamonte Springs - Commissioner Harry Jacobs furnished members with a copy of Resolution No. 320 which was recently passed by Altamonte Springs wherein they requested from Metropolitan Planning Organization to include the Center Street corridor in the Federal Aid Urban (FAU) Highway System. He requested support from CALNO and asked that they adopt a similar resolution to the one Altamonte Springs adopted. He said he would also like individual resolutions from each of the CALNO municipalities in support of this. Discussion was held. Mayor Sorrenson made a motion that CALNO adopt such a resolution. Mr. Arnold seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Casselberry - Councilman Christensen discussed the problem of enclaves in Casselberry and particularly on Plumosa. She said it needed paving urgently but it was impossible to make any assessments as part of the property was in the County. Mr. Arnold also discussed the problems they were having in Winter Springs with enclaves and the problem of paving Sunset. Chairman Glenn said she would look into this but would like to talk to the property owners first before getting CALNO into it. Lake Mary - no report Longwood - no report Sanford - no report Seminole County - no report Winter Springs - Mayor Sorrenson asked how the Solid Waste Committee was progressing. Mayor Lormann said she understood a report was to be coming. Chairman Glenn said she would check with Jack Schuder about it and see if possibly a report could be made at the next meeting. The next meeting of CALNO will be held in the City of Lake Mary, on Wednesday, March 7, 1979, at 7:30 p.m. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned. ~ h1. j)U~ Aida M. D'Ercole Recording Secretary