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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 11 14 Letter of Appointment to Tax Equalization Study Committee C 0 U N C I L o F L 0 C A L G 0 V ERN MEN T S S E M I N 0 L E C 0 U N T Y , F' 1. 0 RID !\ Mr. Bo Simpson 349 E. Sanlando Longwood, FL Springs Dr. 32750 Dear Mr. Simpson: The Council of Local Governmer.ts, at theil regular sch.,rJuled meeting on October 25, 1978. al'f)Qinted you h.) the Tax Eqdi.l1.i 2.d.tion Study Committee. 1-\ determination of responsi bi Ii ties wi 11 be discussrd for this Committee at their next meetinq to be held on December (" 1978, at the Lake Mary City Hall at 7:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please [,>01 free to call 1;\\: office at 323-4330, extension 280. ::;incerely, COUNCIL OF 1.C1C1\1, GOVERNr'Ht.l\j Bob FreLcl1 Chairm.lil BF /tt Novcml><'! 14, 197<:3 TO: B. C. C. -2- November 30, 1978 5. The Federal government has issued a regulation which provides for financial assistance for resource recovery project development. Pre-applications for this financial assistance are due December 15, 1978. Orange County is anxious that we join with them in the pre-application for this assistance, which does not commit us to any funds at this time but will require a local share if we proceed into the full application phase and are actually offered financial assistance by the Federal government. It is in the County's interest to cooperate with Orange County. Approval of the proposed resolution and participating in the pre-application with Orange County will allow us to investigate further the feasibility of a long-range regional approach to solid waste disposal. WJS:jw