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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 10 11 3rd Annual Solid Waste Management Workshop
October 11-12, 1978
Holiday Inn, University Center
Gainesville, Florida
Loyd Adams
Marion Co. Sheriff's
P. O. Box 1987
Oeala, FL 32670
J. G. Det-1arco
City of Pompano Beac.h
101 S.W. 1st St.
Pompano Beach, FL 33060
Robert Andre\Y'
Lake Co. Board of Co. Comm.
416 West Main Street
Tavares, FL 32778
Richard D. Garrity
City of Tampa
404 Jackson St., Suite 305
Tampa, FL .33602
James H. Arnold
Refuse Services, Inc.
P. O. Box 6831
Jacksonville, FL 32205
Gerald J. Gresh
Waste Management, Inc.
800 N.W. 62nd St., Suite 420
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309
~~~on M. Bishop
.lesville Police Dept.
P. O. Box 1250
Gainesville, FL 32602
James D. Harp
Fla. Gas Company/Senergy
Orlando & Orange Avenues
Winter Park, FL 32790
E. M. Campbell, Jr Robert D2 Himschoot.
Wakulla'Co. Arthropod Control., , WMI/Gulf,Disposal ,..rnc.
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Post,;;B\lckley, Sch,+-~:,&Jerni
7S00N\'i,-\S2nd Stre~t:i~;;j:. Inc.
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Timothy'E3.Hunt~'Jr;J:{~i,;j! ....... .>t,
Palm Beach ,Co. ,Solid ,Waste
;!if' AuthoritY':'2'. . .').....;~ ;. :"r ,": ". .. . .....
';.120 S..: Olive Ave. ;',;.Suite406
W ~(PalTIl~B~ach'~.FL<~",33401':
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'Ha:rc51d,)-IJiJohnson,{:",::,'};~[.;.,i. ::.' ".'
WasteManagement;,\}Inc~~'()f 'Fla.
.800 N.W;j62nd St .~,Sui te 420: .
" ~t.,Lau~.~r~~l e, . FLi33309 .
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J. Lincer
Sarasota County Board of
County Commissioners
Sarasota, FL
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Ronald L. Markham
Wast~ Management, Inc.
P. O. Box 6831
Jacksonville,FL 32205
Nancy McCann
Hillsborou~h Co. Interlocal
SW Mgt./RK Mgt. Committee
700 Twiggs St., Suir.e 800
Tampa~ FL 33602
Kevin B. McConnell
City of Tampa, Bureau of
City Plannlng
1420 Tampa Street
Tampa, FL_ 33602
Gloria A~ Mills
UOP, Inc.
40 UOP Pla:.a~ Algonquin
& Nt . Prospect Rds .,.,<:(~,
Des Plaines, 111.60016
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Fla. Gas',Co'mpany lSenergy~
Orlando;' &~ Orange Avenues..'~,
. Winter Park, FL '. 32790 '.:~'
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. , Larry R: ~'Iott;.. :.i;"
Gainesville Police' Dep'L'
..721 N ~\'l.., 6th St. "
Gainesv~l,~~, , FL 32601'
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Wallace D. Myers
Winter Park Police Dept.
401 Park Ave., S.
Winter Park, FL 32'189
Larry Simpson
Ecoloco, Inc.
P. O. Box 3037
Hendersonville, NC
Tommy Crawford ~
Univ. of Fla., Grounds D~r~'
Physical Plant Division
Gainesville, FL 32611
Joseph G. Novak
St. Petersburg Fire Dept.
1429 Arlington Ave., N.
St. Petersburg, FL 33705
Tom Slade
Scientific Energy Engineering
110~ Blackstone Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Leon Epperson
Univ. of Fla., Grounds Dept.
Physical Plant Division
Gainesville, FL 32611
Richard G. Orman
Barker, Osha & Anderson, Inc.
860 U.S. Highway #1
N. Palm Beach, FL 33408
Richard E. Stokes
Gainesville Police Dept.
721 N.W. 6th Street
Gainesville, FL 32601
Noel Lake
Univ. .of Fla., Grounds Dept.
Physical Plant Division
Gainesville, FL 32611
William Peterson
Peterson Corp.
P.O. Box 15396
Tampa, FL 33684
A. F. Vessey
Citrus County Landfill
Board of Co. Commissioners
Inverness, FL 32650
Ben Henry Pooley
Santa Rosa Co. Arthropod &
Solid Waste Control
P.O. Box 108
Milton, FL 32570
Karen 1. Wenzel
3461 S.W. 2nd Ave., # 424
Gainesville, FL 32607
James P. Rhodes
Gainesville Police Dept.
721 N.W. 6th Street
Gainesville, FL 32601
A. Read Wescott, III
City of Tallahassee
2727 Municipal Way
Tallahassee, FL 32304
Richard Rozansky
City of Winter Springs
102 N. Moss Rd.
Winter Springs, FL.. .32707
Kenneth~1. Zenzel
Fla. Gas Cornpany/Senergy
Orlando & Orange Avenues
Winter Park, FL 32790
Willie Sallet
Univ of Fla., Grounds Dept.
Physical Plant Division
Gainesville, FL 32611
John B. ZllJl1\valt, III
Post, Buckley, Schuh
2131 Holl~vood Blvd.
Suite 402
Hollywood, FL 33020
& Jernigan
Jerry R. Sexton
Lake Co. Planning Dept.
315 W. Main St.
Tavares, FL 32778
Richard A. Zwelak
Hillsborough Co. Interlocal SW
~tgt/RR l-Igt. Cornrni ttee
700 Twiggs St., Suite 800
Tampa,eFL 33612
"3rL Annual Solid Waste Management ~\'rkshop"
Ruben Aguilar, Director
!'uolic Relations Dept.
Durbin Paper Stock Co.
2303 N. \'J. 70th Avenue
Miami, FL 33122
lv!:r. Tom Ard, P. E.
Resource Recovery Council
Twin Towers Building
2600 Blair Stone Rd.
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Mr. Tom Batton, Vice-President
Circle Leasing of Fla. Corp.
Suite 416, 1111 N. Westshore Blv
Tampa, FL 33607
f.rr. P. Fred Biery, P.E.
Regional Manager
Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan
2180 W. First Street Inc.
Suite 303
Ft. Myers, FL 33901
Dr. Kenneth Clayton
~,t. of Food &' Res. Economics
_...1. versi ty of Florida
G 109 HcCarty Hall
Gainesville, FL 32611
Mr. Chris Daughdrill
Swacars Sales, Inc.
P.O. Box 717 ',.,'.,
Valdosta, GA 31601
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Mr. Arden A. Esslinger
Regional Sales ~mnage~
John Deere Indus EqUJ_p,
P. O. Box 1321
Bal timore, HD'
[.Ir. Hanke
Dept. of Environmental
THin Towers Building
2600 Blair StaneRd.
Tallahassee, FL.i;'32301
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~jr. Jack Harper""g.E.
--- County Environmental
Ft. lvlyers, FL
Mr. Bob Hawfield
Dept. of Environmental Reg.
Twin Towers Building
2600 Blair Stone Rd.
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Mr. Bob Johnson, Vice-President
Hazardous Waste Systems
Browning Ferris Indust., Inc.
Fanning Bank Building
Houston, TX 77030
Mr. Charles Kiester, Director
Local Planning Assistance
N. Cent. Fla. Reg. Plann. Coun.
2002 N.W. 13th Street
Gainesville, FL 32601
Ms. Mary Leffler
Hillsborough Co. Public Utils.
P. O. Box 1110
Tampa, FL 33601
Mr. Raymond L. Moreau.
Staff Associate
Resource Recovery Council
Twin Towers Building
2600 Blair Stone Rd.
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Mr. John Orsillo
Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan
2131 Hollywood Blvd. Inc.
Sui te 402
Hollywood, FL 33020 .
Mr. John Reese
Solid Waste Specialist
Dept. of Environmental Reg.
TW1n Towers Building
2600 Blair Stone Rd.
Tallahassee, FL' 32301
Dr. EarL~I. Starnes, Director
of-Center for Urban and
Regional Planning
College of Architecture, U of F
211 Flint
Gainesville, FL 32611
Mr. Serge StoreHi
Durbin Paper Stock Company
2303 W. 70th Avenue
FL .33122
Mr. Wilson Tennille
~ITA Equipment Corp.
P. O. Drawer 688
Amelia Island, FL 32034
Mr. Draper Underwood
Director of Waste Managemen
Administering Board
Alachua County
2800 N.E. 39th Avenue
Gainesville, FL 32601
Dr. Richard D. Palmer
Training Program Coordinato
Univ. 'of Fla. - TREEO Cente
2012 W. University Ave.
Gainesville, FL 32603