HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 04 06 Orlando Sentinel Articles Mayor Paul Partyka Censored/Droppedul ~eluelly ' '•° ~'w:unau nrr ,-nllnm
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SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 2002 r B3
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Winter Springs mayor maybe censured j '
Partyka faces a possible censure next
week as city commissioners decide
whether he misled them about his
role in a proposed homeless center.
• Commissioner Robert Miller says
Partyka was deeply involved in the
project, which he never disclosed, yet
he lobbied the city to extend services
to it.
At the City Commission meeting
Monday, Miller plans to ask that the
second-term mayor be reprimanded
and ordered to reimburse more than
$1,400 that the city paid for services
associated with his participation in
the project.
Partyka could not be reached for
comment Friday.
When first questioned by the com-
mission about his role, Partyka said
he was the real estate broker on the
sale of a 7.75-acre parcel at 350 Old
Sanford-Oviedo Road to Health Care
Center for the Homeless. In 2000, the
agency wanted to build a $2 million,
50-bed convalescent center where
homeless people could recover from
medical problems.
Nearby residents said they feared
that homeless people would wander
into their neighborhood. But center
proponents said the patients would
be returned to a homeless shelter in
Orlando after their stay.
The city eventually sided with resi-
dents and last year paid $300,000 to
~, j =
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buy the property from the heath-c~ -
center to keep the project from be
built. '
' Miller said Partyka strongly 1 -
bied the City, Commission to ext ,
water and sewer services to the pr
eriy while insisting he only rep~• -:
sented the seller. Later, he adini
he represented the health-care'cen~ ~ '
on the land deal. But even then, Pa~-
ka did not disclose that he was the '• _1
project's` developmenf"director, Mai -
ersaid. ;102 `
In a memo to commtssioners, , . - -
er suggests Partyka's behavor,rai~ ~
"serious• ethical questlons:regar
acceptable standards of conduct "'U
..' ; _; f
Robert Perez can be reached at .
rperez@orlandosentinel.com or 407322-729~A }
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COri1ri11SS1011ePS deClded; ;' two years .'ago. The center never ,and falsely. accusing tthe imayor
COritTOVerS 1bOUt h1S POIe came._to be because of neighborhood information that, if investigated?
~' opposition ~ ~ ;would have. eliminated any. core
lIl 1 pPOpOSed SllelteX : ' Partyka ds~losed~that he was.the ; versy," said Partyka, reading fr~~
re`al•;estaje broker : on the sale of a`prepared statement: ; r ;. ;a,.
should be laid to rest. , 7,~5-acre -parcel. $n ~ Old Sanford- Miller ~ said. he was not ttyiti ;
Oviedo Road to Health Care Center. embarrass anyone but merely tr
By MIKE BERRY ~ for the Hpmeless. . ~ to get to the truth of an issue that;
sBrrTirrEL sTnFF wRiTEx But his detractors on the commis- lingered over the city for two year
` sion'took issue with the fact that he The city ended up buying'~t
WINTER SPRINGS -City coin- a1so,.helped the Health Care Center property from the Health Care
missioners decided Monday. not to look for a site and that he pushed to ter to stop the project.. ;~
censure Mayor Paul Partyka over his extend. water and sewer services to Commissioner 1Vlichael Bl~,
personal role in a proposed home- the site chosen. while generally standing up for t
less shelter in the city, voting instead Partyka said he represented only.; mayor, said it would have been "p;
to lay the issue to rest. the seller of the property, Marie Cho- dent" for Partyka to disclose his to
The conflict ended with ahand- wanski. He denied the suggestion involvement in the project up from
shake .between Partyka and. Coin- ~ .that he was a project director for the Commissioner Cindy . Genn
missioner Robert Miller,' who had Health Care Center. said the mayor could have exciis
raised ethical questions about Party- His real estate firm, Realvest Part- himself from any city discussion
ka's role as a real estate agent. tiers, .did authorize a soil study on the project to avoid the. appearar
But not before the mayor vigor- the property on behalf of the Health of a conflict of interest.
ously defended his conduct and Care Center, he said. But real estate Finally, Commissioner Day
accused Miller of a "mean-spirited agents typically do that kind of thing McLeod suggested that the ma3
personal attack." And not before to help move a deal along, he said. and Miller shake hands and put`1
other commissioners suggested Par- Partyka also said he sat in on city matter to rest.
tyka could have handled the issue staff meetings pertaining to the cen- "I'm willing to do that if I get
better. ter's application but did so simply to apology," Partyka said.
Miller asked commissioners to protect his client. "You have it,"Miller said.
consider a censure because he said "Commissioner Miller has embar-
the mayor did not disclose his total rassed the city and he embarrassed Mike Berry can be reached at 407-320-09}
involvement in the proposed center his office by damaging, distorting mberry@orlandosentinel.com.
.Orlando Sentinel
to censure
is dro ~ e
Accusations flew, but a
Winter Springs
commission meeting
er~~cd iii a h~l~dsnaxe.
Aversion of this article appeared in
some editions o f Tuesday's Local &
State section.
By Mtl~ BERRY ,
commissioners backed off a pro-
posal tocensure Mayor Paul Party-
ka over his personal role in a pro-
posed homeless shelter in the city,
but they didn't hold back their
Commissioners found other is-
suesfor which fo criticize the may-
or, including his use of City Hall
and city business cards for private
A particularly contentious
meeting Monday night ended with
`a handshake between. Partyka and
- ;~ Commissioner-Robert Miller, who
.had raised ethical questions about
Partyka's role , as . a real-estate
agent =:r -:, ~ ,.. ~1 F :.
< <
Bit the. handshake ddn°t' come
pefore°the;mayor vigorously de-
-~fended; h>s ,conduct and -accused
Miller:of a'"mean spirited personal
attack."~OtYier commissioners sug-
"gested Pattyka'couldhave handled
the issue better,,.
Miller asked commissioners to
consider: a censure because, he
said, the mayor did not disclose his
total involvement in the proposed
center two years ago. The center
never materialized because of
neighborhood opposition.
Partyka disclosed that he was
the real-estate broker on the sale'of
a 7.75-acre parcel on Old Sanford-
Oviedo Road to Health Care Cen-
terforthe Homeless.
But some on'the cgmmission
said he -also helped Health-Care
Center look for a site. and that- lie
pushed to extend water and sewer
services to the site chosen.
Partyka said he represented on-
ly the, Property's seller, Marle
PrsnsE s~ MAYOR, 14
Winter Springs mayor.
Paul Partyka's role in a
homeless-shelter proposal
raised questions.
Partyka goes on the off
. Chowanski. He denied the sug-
gestion that he was a project di-
rector for the Health Care Cen-
Realvest Partners, where
Partyka works, did authorize a
soil study on the property on be-
half of the Health Care Center,
but real-estate agents typically
do that to help move a deal
along, he said.
Partyka also said he sat in on
city staff meetings pertaining to
the center's application but did
so simply to protect his client.
"Commissioner Miller has
embarrassed the city and he em-
barrassed his office by damag-
ing, distorting and falsely accus-
ing the mayor on information
that, if investigated .. , would
have eliminated any controver-
sy," said Partyka, reading from a
prepared statement.
Miller said he was not trying
to embarrass anyone but was
trying to get to the truth of an is-
sue that had lingered for two
The city ended up buying the
Property from Health Care Cen-
ter tostop the project.
Commissioner Michael
Blake, while generally standing
up for the mayor, said it would
have been "prudent" for Partyka
to disclose his full involvement
in the project up front.
Commissioner Cindy Gen-
nell said the mayor could have
excused himself from any city
discussion of the project to avoid
the appearance of a conflict of
Finally, Commissioner David
McLeod suggested that the may-
or and Miller shake hands and
put the matter to rest.
"I'm willing to do that if I have
an apology," Partyka said.
"You have it,"Miller said.
The arguments weren't over,
though. Commissioners Gennell
and Ed Martinez gave the mayor
a hard time for meeting with
real-estate clients at City Hall
during a recent weekend.
Gennell said she saw chil-
dren of the parents Partyka was
meeting running around unes-
corted. She said it was a security
risk because of computers and
• ,.-
enslve p~:
other equipment. ~:
Partyka said he was showing
off City Hall. ~.
City Manager Ron ~' Mcl`;e-
more, who stayed out of the fray
Monday, said personal use of
City Hall after business hours
"could cause problems."
Commissioners voted to ask
the state's Ethics Cormnissiorito
rule on whether it is ethical i'or
city officials to use city business
cards to promote themselves for
personal gain. That issue arose
from the mayor's distribution~of
his mayoral business cards 'to
prospective real-estate clients;
Partyka said he was proud;of
his position as mayor and saw
no conflict in giving clients his
city card along with his profes-
sional card.
Gennell, Miller and Martinez,
who were most critical of Par{y-
ka on the other issues, voted'to
send the issue to the Eth~cs
Commission. Blake and M
voted against the measure. r'
MHre Berry as be reacbcd ai - -
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