HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 08 The Tuskawilla Almanac
ccording to our By-Laws, our nominating
Acommittee "shall present the names of suitable
prospective directors to the Association by the second
week in August along with any and all accepted
nominations from the floor at the August membership
meeting. All nominations may have been submitted in
writing to the Secretary, signed by two voting members,
and accepted by the nominee. At the September
meeting, elections shall proceed by written ballot. A
majority of those voting at a legally constituted
meeting, including proxy votes and absentee ballots,
shall constitute an election. New directors shall assume
dudes October 1st. Consent of all nominees must be
secured before names are presented " If serving on the
Board interests you, please write us care of P.O.Box
195666, Winter Springs, FL 32719.
ttention all Unit 2 Homeowners. The Covenants
Aand Restrictions on Real Estate (Deed Restrictions)
for your area will no longer be enforceable after
February 7, 2002 if a majority of unit 2 homeowners do
not vote to renew them. Under Florida Statute 712.05
deed restrictions are enforceable for a period of 30
years, and they can be renewed by a majority vote at a
meeting of the membership where a quorum is present.
The Tuscawilla Homeowners Association will hold a
special meeting onThursday evening,August 23, 2001 at
7:00 p.m. in the'lhscawilla Country Club dining room.
Unit 2 Homeowners should attend this meeting to vote
on this issue. A letter will be mailed to all unit 2
Homeowners advising them of this meeting. It is very
important that a quorum be present to insure that the
Covenants and Restriction on Real Estate for unit 2 be
renewed. Please call me, Bob Williams, at 407-699-0238
if you have any questions.
gus#~~20~'.1 ,'j
~Yre thank Ben and Martha Lupo for records of the
,Vr early days of our community and we express our
gratitude to every one who worked hard against
enormous odds to preserve the promise of the Master
Plan and to pave the way for one of Orlando's brightest
and best communities.
1. In 1971, a small group of homeowners got together
County, Florida. In a one page flier, the "HOME
sketch to announce our first general meeting "on
Thursday, October 14, at 8:00 p.m. at the Education
Building of Altamonte Community Church, near the
Altamonte Post Office on SR 436."
Continued on page 11
~>s Pt.ACE~
7'FRESA L~ ~
T. R!/BBLE ti ~ ~...
...And Now The Rest
Of The Story
Dear fellow citizen:
AS an elected Commissioner from District 3 in
Tl~scawilla, I would like to take this opportunity to
appeal to you to become aware of three important issues
that will be on the ballot in a special election to be held
on September 4th.
This is anon-typical election year and voter turnout may
not be as large as it is in national elections. It is important
that you become familiar with the pros and cons of each
issue and vote accordingly. The City has mailed out
information on the "1 Cent Sales Tax Extension" and
"Charter Revision" to all Winter Springs residents. To get
more information on any of the issues you can call the
City Clerk or any of your elected officials who have spent
much time and effort in reviewing and debating the
.fallowing three referendum items:
1 Cent Sales Tax Extension
Some years ago, voters in a countywide election
approved a 1 Cent Sales Tax primarily for road projects.
You are currently paying the 1 Cent Sales Tax. The
Referendum on September 4 of this year is also a
countywide election to extend the 1 Cent Sales Tax for
another 10 years. Here are some of the points that were
reviewed and debated by your City Commission:
• It paid for the widening and beautification of
Tuskawilla Road
• It will bring $1.3 million that will help develop new
streets in theTown Center and the maintenance of our
local roads and realize the Village Walk/5treetscape on
SR 434
• If it passes, we are scheduled to have a new school
built in our city.
• Some studies have shown that as much as 50-60% of
the sales tax is paid by tourist going through our
Bond Referendum
For the past two years the City Commission has been
struggling with the problem created by lack of
sufficient practice fields for our youth to engage in
sports. We have held marathon public meetings and
residents have told us that they do not want the noise
and traffic around their backyards or in the vicinity of
their homes.The elected officials have been directed to
come up with a solution.
• This solution lies in the purchase of the Parker
Brothers property to the west of Central Winds Park.
This is a large parcel and is in the vicinity of the
existing Central Winds Park as well as the Winter
Springs High School. It would create an extension to
our park and provide the necessary recreational
space to fill the existing vacuum and satisfy the
needs of the youth of our community.
If you attended the public meetings, then you know the
issues and will vote accordingly. If you didn't attend the
public hearings then you need to become familiar with
the pros and cons of all the issues. Please call the Ciry
Clerk or any of your elected officials to get a better
understanding on the public information available on this
issue. Don't wait until it is too late. Exercise your right to
all points of view on this issue and vote accordingly.
City Charter Revision
Our City Charter needed revision badly. It was first
approved approximately 20 years ago and many of its
sections are out of sync, have confusing language, and
are in need of clarification. For months, the Ciry Charter
Review Committee has held public workshop meetings.
Much time and effort has been spent to review and
debate in depth each and every aspect of the existing
City Charter. Outside consultants were also used to
provide fresh insight on the pros and cons of the Winter
Springs Charter versus those for other cities and
municipalities. The findings and recommendations of
the Charter Review Committee were presented to the
City Commission. The following are the revisions
proposed by majority vote of the City Commission:
• The changes will put those revisions in compliance
with State and Federal Laws.
• One of the most important changes to note deals
with terms of office. Instead of three-3 year terms, it
is now proposed to be three-4 year terms, thereby
coinciding with the State and Federal elections. It
will afford our citizens a greater opportunity -to
participate in the process. The record shows that a
greater number of citizens turn out to vote during
State and Federal elections.
Please call the City Clerk or any of the elected officials
to become more familiar with the various aspects of the
Winter Springs City Charter and the proposed revisions
and vote accordingly.
Please mark your calendar on September 4 -
Referendum Day!
Come to City Commission meetings and become
familiaz with issues important to you and exercise your
right to participate in the debate. Don't wait until it is
Ed Martinez Jr., Commissioner District 3
August ~200;~l,.
Referendum Day
City Manager Ron McLemore
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he following are excerpts from City Manager
T-ion McLemore's message on the September 4
1. Extension of focal Option
Infrastructure Sales Tax
"The extension of the countywide 1-Cent Local
Option Infrastructure Sales Tax for an additional 10
years...This sales tax was first approved by voters
in Seminole County ten years ago to construct
badly needed transportation projects. For example:
The four laning and beautification of Tuskawilla
Road currently under construction was funded
from the first 10 year sales tax "
a. "Schools - 25% of the tax is dedicated to
building new schools to reduce over-crowding,
and to modernize older schools throughout the
County.""...funds from the extension of the sales
tax will guarantee construction of a new
elementary school... "
b. "Transportation -Extension of the sales tax
will provide $12.9 million to Winter Springs for
street improvements to improve traffic
movement, traffic safety, street construction,
including streets in the new Town Center, street
lighting and S.R. 434 Beautification, Village Walk
project, and paving of dirt roads:'
c. "A large percentage of the sales tax will be
paid by tourists. Some studies have shown that
as much as 50-60% of the sales tax is paid by
tourist and other persons traveling through our
2. City Charter Revision
"The twenty-three recommended revisions to ti
Charter are the result of months of study ar
public meetings by the City Charter Advisor
Committee, appointed by the City Commission, ai
the City Commission in conjunction with ti
University of Central Florida "
"The powers of the Mayor, Commission, and Ci
Manager are the same. Most of the changes are mini
and intended to provide for a much improve
organization of Charter provisions, removal
provisions outdated by changes in State and Feder
Law, and clarification of confusing language"
"The most substantive change is ti
recommendation to increase the length of term
for the Mayor and Commission from three to fog
years in line with other Federal and State electic
cycles, and reflecting the nationwide movement
four-year elections in local governments "
"All the Charter revisions will be available in ha
copy at City Hall and on the City's web si
www.winterspringsfl.org by July 1, 200
Additionally, public meetings will be scheduled
August to provide additional information to ti
residents.A special issue of the City Newsletter w
be sent to residents in August providing a detail:
recap of the recommended Charter revisions:'
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Continued from page 5
2. "Highlight of the Meeting
Guest speaker Gloria Ward, President of English
Estates Homeowners Association. [Indian Hills]
"Topics to be discussed:
Construction problems
Warning Signs
Appearance of the entrance to Winter Springs
[Dyson entrance]
Social events
Elections to form a Homeowners Association"
At the October, .1971, meeting it was concluded that
~tbe cost of incorporation cannot be borne on
the united funds currently available."
3. The first publication of a 3 page newsletter was
appropriately titled "FROM THE TREE TOPS" in
deference to the tall pines in the heavily wooded and
undeveloped 3,500 acres. It included:
• Thanks to Gloria Ward [Indian Hills] "for all her time
and help in assisting us to set up our WIlVTER SPRINGS
• Congratulations to the first elected officers "who will
be holding office until the terms and conditions of
elections are resolved " (President -Fred Stein, VP -
~c Herring,Treasurer -Jack Griffiths, Coordinating
Secretary -Pat Lombardi, Recording Secretary -
Diane Wiener, Legal Secretary -Joanne Fiercy)
• Cautionining residents of a Halloween curfew to
discourage Trick or Treaters from "cutting through
empty lots or vacant houses."
• Notification to residents to hold off on printing any
stationery, cards, etc., "as the Post Office is looking
into changing our mailing address to
Casselberry""The City of Winter Springs is serviced by
the Casselberry Post Office. The Winter Springs
Development is serviced by the Maitland Post Office"
• Recognition, by name, of 33 families households
represented at the first meeting.
• A plea to pet owners:"Don't make your neighbor hate
them - if they want to fertilize their yards, they'll do
it without the help of your pet. Love you pet -and -
love your neighbor."
• A reminder to residents to sent a check for $10/year
to "Seminole-Goldenrod Fire District in Goldenrod"
for "Fire Protection for Winter Springs"
4. The 2nd Meeting was held November 12,1971, at the
Casselberry City Hall Meeting Room. "A Get To-Meet
Your Neighbors Party will follow the meeting at the
Caboose Restaurant, to the right of the Jai Alai "
• NAME CHANGE: At the meeting, the Homeowners'
Association agreed to send a letter to Mayor Brown and
to Mr. Goodman [Developer] stating our ohjecNoris to
the City of No. Orlando changing its name to
Winter Springs. This loss of identity has caused
considerable confusion and inconveniences not only
for the homeowners, but also for the merchants and
delivery people attempting to service us:'
Development Homeowners Association Inc
established its first Constitution in 1971.
• Purpose: (1) To strive for defend ubhold the highest
degree of residential zoning within the area
designated as Winter Springs Develo went.
Seminole Coun~v Florida and to seek such
alterations or amendments thereto which shall be
in the interestsQf and for the general welfare of the
homeowners of Winter Springs Develo ment. (2) To
propose and/or advocate any and all improvements
or designs which shall be for the general
improvement of Winter Springs Development and the
welfare of its homeowners. (3) To promote and foster
neighborly and community interest among the
homeowners of Winter Springs Development.
• Annual membership dues shall be $ 5 per
family household.
6. Voting Change: "As residents of Tuscawilla, we are
placed in Precinct #5 and, for the coming September
10th Primary, we will be voting at the Oviedo City
Hall " (9/74)
7. Changes to the Constitution and to the Bylaws: "In
each case throughout the Bylaws and the
Constitution, the name of the Organization shall be
changed to `Tuscawilla Homeowners' Association'.
The name of the development shall be `Tuscawilla'.
(December, 1974)
8. "Immediate incorporation is a must. We have waited
too long for help from the developer and for our own
protection must act now We have less than 25%
membership. We are a community half in the county
and half in the city ... and for the present serves to
dilute our influence in both
{ ~August~`20%0"1
"...We Can And Will Be Heard"
1 The September 15, 1972 meeting, was held at
i . Aloma United Methodist Church (just off SR 436).
"Information concerning the forthcoming elections and
candidates for the various County offices will be
presented by Col. Fred Stein "
2 In the May, 1973, issue of the Winter Springs
. Development Homeowners Association news,
President Rolfe Arnhym stated: "As a small community,
we have a small voice. We can and will be heard,
"We are also looking for another resident to serve
3 . on the Winter Springs Zoning Board and someone
to run for City Council:' (President Rolfe Arnhym)
"We need your support and response. If we don't
4 . convince School Board and City Council members
that we are concerned (by writing and attending the
January 24, 1974, meeting)...of new school boundaries
which exclude us from Red Bug Elementary,'Iliscawilla
Middle School and Lake Howell High School...be
prepared to see how much they care about us."
(President Rolfe Arnhym)
"As long as our membership is only 65 families out
7 . of 228, it is very difficult to deal effectively with
city and county." (September, 1974, President Rolfe
"In this period when many are beset with
8. economic problems, it is more important than
ever that we spend wisely and protect our investments.
How easily we forget how much is invested in our
homes and the size of our mortgage payments. It is
therefore amazing how few are concerned with the
community, their homeowners' association, and what is
happening to it - .all of which involves your dollar."
(December, 1974, President Rolfe Arnhym)
"We have worked closely with .the county
9 . government, and members of the community have
been appointed to several important committees. We
fought. a good fight on. education, and at least now we
have our elementary school children going to the
closest school ""Our community is gaining in influence,
and has a voice in matters that affect our daily lives and
budgets "(March, 1975, President Rolfe Arnhym)
5 "As a new and isolated development in Seminole
.County and in the City of Winter Springs, we have
unique individual and collective problems which can
and are being solved by the Homeowners' Association.
Your membership is essential if we are to have a
meaningful voice in influencing development, .taxes,
public services and facilities, and our environment "
(President Rolfe Arnhym)
"Elections are to be held for Mayor of Winter
. Springs and two (possibly three) council seats on
December 4th, 1973. We need representation which
means someone in the city half of our community
should run. Speak now or forever hold your peace,
as the saying goes "(President Rolfe Arnhym)
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Our Initiation
1 During the building of Disney World, three men -
.Roy Dye, Bill Goodman and Norm Rosman -shared
a common vision of a Master Plan of 3,500 acres designed
so its distinctive character and beauty would be preserved
for all times. The acquisition began in 1969 with the
purchase of lands from Gardena Farms in the Village of
North Orlando and from the Dyson family in Seminole
County. Development actually started in 1969 with Unit 1
being platted and recorded in 1970. George Nader, built
the first home that same year and sold it for $29,000.The
project was named Winter Springs and marketed as Last of
the Big Splendors. It still is the largest of all residential
developments northeast of Orlando.
2 In 1971, the project was annexed by the Village of
. North Orlando and the Winter Springs P.U.D.
(Planned Unit Development) was born.
3 On October 14, 1971, a small group of
. homeowners got together and founded the Winter
Springs Development Homeowners Association, Inc,
Seminole County, Florida.TheAssociation drafted its first
Constitution at the same time.
In 1972, the Village of North Orlando, seeking its
.own identity, adopted the name Winter Springs for
the City. To avoid any confusion, the name Tuscawilla
was adopted for the development based on the historic
name from the area's past and the resultant Tuskawilla-
Gabriella Road. The "k" was changed to "c" to provide
our very own name.
In February 1972,Tuscawilla Pioneer Garden Club
5 . was formed for environmental control,
horticulture and flower arranging. The first President
was Madeline Faubert.
On June 22, 1972, Tuscawilla Women's Club was
. formed "to aid, assist and further the aims of social
unity and community affairs "The first Presidents were
Martha Lupo & Claire Sligh.
Winter Springs Boulevard was built in 1973 which
.coincided with the completion of the Joe Lee
designed 18-hole golf course in September of that year.
In November, 1973, Gulfstream Corp,Tuscawilla's
8. new Developer, completed the parking area
project for the Country Club.
In the summer of 1974, the swimming pool and
9. tennis courts were added to the Country Club
1 0 • In December, 1974, the Constitution and
Bylaws were revised to state: "the name of the
Organization shall be changed to `Tuscawilla
Homeowners' Association'. The name of the
development shall be "ILscawilla'.
11 • In 1977, the Tuscawilla Homeowners'
Association was officially registered as a
Florida not-for-profit corporation.
1 ~ • In March 1982, "Tuscawilla Homeowners'
Association -News Letter" proudly heralded
itself as "our initial newsletter"
1 In September, 1987, the Country Club was
3 . offered for sale to the new owners, Florida
Country Clubs.
1 ~ • Starting November 1987, the name of
"Tuscawilla Homeowners' Association -
Newsletter" was changed to "Tuscawilla Today"
1 ~ • In November, 1987, the Developer announced
the first major facelift of Tuscawilla's main
entrance at Tuskawilla Road and W.S. Blvd. The old
wooden sign would be replaced by a brick sign with
fountains in the pools.
The new 22,000 square foot clubhouse was
1 .completed and open to members in 1990.
1 ~ • The Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification
District project was started in July, 2001, and
will be completed in 2002.
Paul's Painting
August 2001