HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 Winter Springs General Demographic Characteristics (2)Viable DP-t, Profile of General Demographic Characterisxics: 2tf40 ;eographic Area: Winter Springs city, Florida '-`--.~,ation on confidentiality proteu(on, nansampling error, and definitions, see. text] subject Number ' Peh~rtl Subject Number Percerd aoauiation..... ....... ............... 37,666 "' 100.@ HiSPANlC ~i LATNO AND t1ACE Tatatl paPulaRian .. . ............ . . . ........ 51,666 100.0 ` raE Ftispartic or t.atino {~ any race) ................ 3,330 10.5 ------ ................................ 15.368 48.5 Mexican........... .. ...................... 219 0.7 Female.......... ................................. 16.29$ 5LS ..Puerto Rican,.,....,...........,. ........,. 1.762 5.6 UnderS years ............................... 1.898 6.0 Cuban .................................... 284 0.9 5 to 9 years ................................. 2.390 7.5 OtherHispanic ar Lateen ...,......,......... o Hi i 1.065 3.4 t0 to 14 ........., y~rs ..................... 2.859 8.4 N t span c or Latina ........................ 28,336 89.5 75 to 19 years ............................... 2,368 7:5 White atone..................,............... 25 851 81.6 20 to 24 years ............................... 1,555 4.9 RELATIONSHIP 25 to 34 years ............................... 3,6-04 it S Totalpapulatlon........................... 31,666 100.0 35 to 44 years ............................... 5.671 #7.9 In households.......,................,...,... 51.630 98.9 45 to 54 years ............................... 5.188 16.4 Householder..,... ...,.....-.....,......... it,774 37.2 55 to 59 years ............................... t,713 5.4 Spouse ........................,..,....... 7,203 227 60 to 84 years ............................... 1,146 3.6' -ChiM......,......,........................ 10,059 31.8 65 to 74 years ............................... 2.ona 6.3 pwn child under t 8 years ..... - - - - . - - • - . - 7,3$5. 252 75 to 84 years ............................... 1.199 3,8 ¢tt~rrelativas.,..._...........------------ 1.215 3,8 8S years arrfever ............................ 230 0.T Under#8 years ...............,......... 423 t.3 Median age {years) ....... ...... ............... 37.4 (X) Nanrelativas ... .................,........., 1.379 4.4 Unmerix;d parAaer ....................... 809 1.9 18 years arxf over,... ........................ 23.106 73:0 In group quai~rs................................ 38 0.1 Male ........ . .......... . .................. 10.980 34ff nstihrtionalized poprrtation:.................. - - Female .................................... 12.146 38.4 Naruostituticxia0zed poputa#ion , .. , ....... , ... 36 0.1 21 years and aver............................... 22.009 69.5 82 years and over .. . ............. . ...... . .... 4.064 128 HQUSEHOLD BY TYPE 65 years attd over ............................ 3,433 10;8 Total housdtiot~.................,_...... 1#,774 100.0 Male .................. . . • - - ............. - . 1 S22 4.6 Family ttousehokfs (fames); .......... , ... , ... 8.902 75.6 Female.. , ... , ..._ ....... , .._ ..:........... 1.911 6:4 WiUt own ch4Cket> teller' 18 years .. , , ..... , 4,488 38.1 FAatried-couple Famiy ....... ....... .... 720"3 61.2 RACE With own children un~r 18 years .. ..... 3,458 29.4 One race .................. .................. 31.037 98:0 Female househotder.na husband present..... 1,343 11.1 WhRe .................................... . 28.098 88.7 With awn chilrtren under 18 years .......... 812 6.9 Black ar African Amerman ................... 1,452 4.$ Nonfamiy households ........................ 2,872 24.4 American Indian and Alaska Native........... 59 0:2 Horuehotder living eons .................... 2.211) 18.8 Asian ..................................... 615 1.9 Householder 65 years and over............ 750 6.d Asian htdian ............................. 138 0.4 Chinese ................................. 125 OA Househokds widtirxxviduals Under t8 years ..... 4,745 40.3 Filipino . ... . . ........... . ...... . ........ 98 0,3 kfousahatds with iKidirriditats 65 years and over .. 2,488 21.1 Japanese ....... ......................... 28 4 i Average hausehaid size.... ... _....,.,,,..,... 2.69 (X) Korean ............... :.................. 78 0,2 ' Average #am8y size 3 08 (X} Vietnamese...._ ........................ $4 0.3 ........................... . other Asian ' ................ ........... 64 0.2 kI411SINta O€CUPANCY Native. Hawavan and Qther Parma' Islarder.... 14 Total housing units ................. . ..... 7'2 306 100.0 Native Hawaiian .......................... 3 - Occupied housing units ...............-....... , 11 774 7 95 Guamanian ar Ghamorro .......... . ....... 5 - YacaM housing.units.................. ..... . 532 . 4 3 Samoan ...... ........................... Otieer Pacify islander ` .... . .. . . . . . 2 4 - . .. Forseasartal,racreatianat, or . . ... ... Same other race ......... . ................. 798 2.5 occasional use.... ..... , ................. 83 0.7 Two or more aces . ......................... . 629 2.0 Homeowner vacancy rate. (percertt)............. #2 (X) Race alone cr in eom6iaation .with exrre Retrial vacancy rate {percent) . .. . .............. 9A (X} ^- -- other races: 3 ...... ...... .... 28 644 90 5 HOUSING TENURE .... .,;.an American . . ...... ........ . #.635 . 52 Otxupieti housing unite: .................. thtrner-occu~d hwrsa : nits #1,774 458 9 100.0 80 3 mores and Alaska Native ............. 187 0.6 rag .. , .............. u ied hcntsin Renter-occu units , 2 316 . 19 7 ................................... 742 2.3 p g , ................. . . .snasan and Other Pacific Islander...... 24 0.# Average houseoall size of owner-otxupied units. 2.72 (X} ace ............................. 1.105 3.5 Average household size atrerrter-occupied ~Iis. 2.55 (X} - rtepresents zero ar rounds to zero. (X) Not applicable. ' Other Asian alone. or two ar more Asian~categor~s. s Other Pacific Islander alone,. a taro or mare Native Hawaiian and Outer. Paszdic !slander categories, a In combination with one or mare of the Other races fisted. The six nulnbars may add to mare tlean ills tatai population and rtes six percentages say add io mare than 100 percent because individuais may report mare than ono race. Source: U.3, Census Bureau, Census 2000. 943 !.S. Certzus Bureau There are seven cities in Seminole County. Please see the information provided in this section, through page 24. Population Trend / Seminole County ;k - 1980 1990 2000 2005 jur~sd~ct~ional Square Miles~~~ 179,752 287,521 361,920 399,754 ~` ~~~~~'~ '.Seminole o~ I' c F'`Countjf t ator ate ~ ie Historic County ~~~~~= " "~~ ~ cl. din e - yy8~ ~ Population ,_ ;; , j '__~ o ;a e ~, ~ncor Population~by City mo gs 1920 1930 10,986 18 735 Altamonte;S~ riri s 41 200 Gasse e 1940 , 22,304 Casselberry `' 22;629 'a "= -o woo I 1950 26,883 LaketiMary,~, ~¢ , 1~~~5~ M~ tlo a 1960 54,947 Longwood`~~ r~~;~ ~-- X745 ~fo 1970 83,692 Oviedo , ~', ~t,~- 26;31:6 ~ ~ s ' ' ' 1980 179,752 Sanford '~~ ~ ~ w :38~~29~ tres ~ C otal f 1990 287,529 ngs~ 3,66 = W~nter~Spn 1999 354,148 , ~~ §~ Urnncorporated~ ~- 176 615 365 196 ,Total'~~ ~ , Court X ; Source: Bureau of Economic and Business Research