HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 12 17 Orlando Sentinel: Center to Help Homeless Recovers
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The respite facility in Winter clean, warm place to recover from fore the property was purchased, City Commissioner Ed Martinez said
Springs will give patients a their illnesses -has been successful Commissioner Cindy Gennell said. ~ there are too many unanswered ques-
in large urban centers such as Boston "R/e had no opportunity to refuse tions about the project. What type of
place to convalesce. dome and Chicago and is credited with it,"she said. people will be there? What supervision
officials are leery of the plan. bringing large numbers of homeless What's more, the seven-acre parcel will they have? Will homeless people
back into working society. at 350 Old Sanford-Oviedo Road will be; allowed to roam the streets of the
By ROBERT PEREZ Now, Orlando's Health Care Center be taken off the city's tax rolls now city? How will they get ~o,the center?
oP ~ sErrrnv~, sTnFF for the Homeless, which will operate that a nonprofit organization owns it, "It's tyot the kind oir'i~istitution that
the respite center in Winter Springs, is she said. we warif in Winter Sprrirgs," he said. "I
: WIIVTE~t SPRINGS - In less than a hoping the 50-bed facility will have the "I see it as probably sending prob-. guess. they have fo have a place to go,
mouth, g~eound will. be broken on the. same success. lems from Orange County here," she but there'.: mt'3st ~e , a more attractive. .
first convalescent center for the home- Some local officials aren't embrac- said. "It also is depriving Winter parcel for that type of setting." '
less in Florida. ing the center. Springs of its tax base and showing no Not every elected o al in the city.
The relatively new concept in help- The City Commission was not con- .benefit; to the citizens of Winter
ing the homeless -giving .them •a salted about the center's location be- Springs. It's not like it's a ark." P ERESPITE $4
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was agent for ste,.s sale
is against the center. In fact,
. Mayor Paul Partyka. was the
real estate agent who sold the
parcel for the center.
]?artyka said the-city has an
obligation to provide for all its
. residents. What's more, -the re-
spite-center project will extend
a much-needed sewer line to
the industrial park where it is
Supporters of the respite
center. concede that city resi-
dents might be concerned
about the facility but said the
benefits it will bring to the
homeless community are great.
"The only thing worse than
being homeless is being home-
less and sick," said the Rev.
John Bluett of St. Stephen's
. Catholic Church in Winter
Bluett was instrumental in
collecting more than $2 million
in contributions, pledges and
donated services to build the
25;000-square-foot center ; He .
recruited the. firm of Schenkel
and:: Schultz to draw up the
plans; Cochrane Engineering to
do the site work.and Dominic
Maciaone as the general con-
tractor on the project. All are
donating their services:
Once construction gets start-
ed in January, the three-buiid-
ing complex thaf will include a
library, recreation room, clinic,
offices and dormitories will be
finished in about a year.
The need for such respite
centers in Central Florida is
"unbelievable," said Sally Pick-
ering, Health Care Center for
the Homeless shelter adminis-
Respite centers in other
parts of the country have been
successful in getting as many as
two-thirds of their clients off
the streets, Pickering said.
At least two local social serv-
icegroupsare eager for the cen-
ter to open. Seminole County's
vocational rehabilitation pro-
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gram and the` welfare-to-work
program at Seminole Commu-
nity College have contacted
Pickering ::abbot working .with
the center's clients.
'`'' Health''`Caie Center for the
Homeless plans to start with 15
clients ar~d expand eventually
to 50 clients.
The group currently oper-
ates an eight-unit apartment
complex for recovering tuber-
culosis patients. Pickering said
the tuberculosis shelter, which
has operated for six years, has
housed 150 patients with few
problems. The lessons learned
there will-help make the respite
center run smoothly, she said.
Pickering stressed the re-
spite center will have a highly
stnictured program that in-
cludes training and education.
Staff members will be on site 24
hours per'.'da~,-and clients will
be accepted only as referrals
from hospitals. If clients don't
want to stay at the facility, they
will be takento a shelter.