HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 03 01 Orlando Magazine Mayor Article Ozlandc~ MARCH 2000 SPLENDOR IN THE GRASS: THE PROS PICK ORLANDO'S HOTTEST GOLF COURSES ............. 35 Even though you're not playing in this month's Bay Hill Invitational, you can still hit the links with the pros. Central Florida attracts golfing professionals and wannabes in droves because of the area's exquisite weather, as well as the plethora of challenging, pristine golf courses. In this special golf course roundup, we share with you the pro's choices-and why they think their favorite club is par for the course. BY BOB 1'F.HLWG WITH I~IKI{ ]AMISON AND DAVID IJIIiN NEIGHBORHOOD POLITICS: ORLANDO'S "OTHER" MAYORS ........ 42 Surely Mayor Glenda [food is the most visible Orlando head of state in town (especially this month as she goes head-to-head with lead mayoral candidate Bruce Gordy. But the truth is our region is home to several mayors-l7 to be exact. In honor of Central Florida's mayors, here's a look at the "other" leaders who .ire dili- gently working to improve their respective communities-from traffic to sprawl to marauding mice! BY MICHAFI C,ANUEL~ARIA SPECIAL ORLANDO MAGAZINE EVENT "THE SINGLE GREATEST NIGHT" ...... 6 ~ Welcome to the "Single Greatest Night," afund-raising parr}~ that honors Central Florida's finest single professionals-individuals who display their unparalleled commitment to Orlando's business, cis°ic and char- itable organizations. lt's a night of food, fun and music-all to help find a cure for cystic fibrosis. SPECIAL SECTIONS ORLANDO'S LEADERS ....................... S3 . ON THE COVER: Strong leadership defines efficient companies. In this special section, mee~ some of slx-TIME "nA~oR' Orlando's "top guns"-individuals who are making a difference in the companies CHAMP NICK FALDO for which they work and the hundreds of lives they touch. PERFECTS HIS S`NING AT THE FALDO GOLF wsTITUTE KEENE'S POINTE ........................................ . ...... 69 PHOTO COURTESY of ~hhis ideal community has it all-beautiful homes, charm and aesthetic ambiance. THE FALDO GOLF Welcome to Kecne's Pointe, nrlandds newest dream annnumity. IrJSnruTE By Ct~r.izu_ ~>~i~za ~ni i PAGE 69 PAGE 37 2 OErI .~,r;n.~ h4-u;a~r,v! -Mn~a~ 2000 PAGE 43 PAGE 53 IN CENTRAL FLORIDA, ORLANDO MAYOR GLENDA HOOD`S FACE IS AS READILY RECOGNIZABLE AS MICKEY MOUSE'S. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE I7 OTHER MAYORS-THOSE LEADING ORANGE AND SEMINOLE COUNTIES INTO THE NEW MILLENNIUM? IF YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF $. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT OR ~ON VANDERLEY, OR HAVEN'T MET PAUL PARTYKA OR KAREN RUENHECK, READ ON TO LEARN ABOUT OUR AREA`S 7 OTHER MAYORS. SEVERAL OF THESE IMPORTANT FUTURE-SHAPERS, MANY OF WHOM TOIL IN NEAR ANONYMITY, WORK AFULL-TIME JOB AND EARN A "CITY" PAY- CHECK SUMS THAT DON'T ALWAYS TOTAL $$,OOO ANNU- ALLY IN HIS OR HER SPARE TIME. MOST IMPORTANTLY, THEY'RE MAKING THINGS HAPPEN IN ORANGE AND SEMINOLE 000N- TIES-BIG THINGS. AS ALL EYES TURN TOWARD THE HIGH-PROFILE CITY OF ORLANDO MAYORSHIP ~BE SURE TO PUT YOUR VOTE TO WORK ON TUES., MARCH ~ 4~, WE HONOR THE LESSER-KNOWN HIZZONERS WHO ARE MAKING THE GREATER ORLANDO ,AREA A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE FOR EVERYONE. MAKEUP ~Y TAw~; any Lou ,Andrews carries around nu delusions of grandeur as OviedoA mayor. The city of ?~k,OUf) residents is run by a cite council o(five elected members and Andrews. Council members have the abilit~~ to vote on the issues at hand- Andrewscanner. BAs ;~ result, I\ndrews' role is one of liaison attd moderaux, not Che official signer on-the-dottrel-line. ``X/hifc Andre~~'s. 4~, hasn't afferred much chan,~c since she's only been mayor since October, she alrcadc kno~ss southeast Seminole Counte is espcrieneing "unhclir~'ablc,. ~ruwth, just like nc~ rest of Orlando. She secs her job as an opportunity to hrin;; pco plc toge[hei: "V11' pcrumal challenge is to decipher the different points of vir~c," she saes. °Council nu nih~~n somrrinics sec things differently from one anorher~. l scam tt> promote rooperatiun .nn~mtS [hem." Topping her list of prioriCies is keeping traltii undir control Ithc tin hopes u~ mare nu~rc accts. reads to improve traffic floc; cur rende, a n~anspurtaiiun adciu~n~ council of residents front Ovicdo's ncighhorhu~uls is esinhlishing an ariiou hlanl. I_,tahli,hing additional recreation areas (residrnu rr~enilc appru~ed gn:ucr lundin,; fur park) and a ?U cede vision plan also top ;Andre~c;~ liu. f Ice j~~h, she ,.~~~, i, ,nnil.u u, that of :~ Inurnalia- -ui help find ans~err< he rrcii~w in:; all the ~luc,tiun,, then rnucluriin;; rcu.trch.:An~lrrss~s, in f.ut, t,iut;ln High-„hoof ,,, ~.~ ,cur(, ~.;y uI Haruwool d,u s,. R U... .., nrnmr CENTRAL ~LORIDAS ~~OTIIER~~ MANORS jounlalisnl and I~_nglish in Ohio hclorr launching her nine year icadling career at Srnlinolc (~ounl~~ Public Schools (Sla'S). I'nllcs- sionall~, ;\ndrrws rvriu•s cmplo~~cr nlanu.lls, cc[tifi- cation handhnoks and Ill-esrl l l,l U(711ti. I he nulthrr of an (hairdo I li~,h ~tu~lcnt and wi}r of a SCPS cnlployn', Andrew's has kept het hand in sduxll operations by srn~~ing as Ocirdo 1 Iigh School Advisory CounciPs chair (shr finishes her term this nxmth). Shr recently hclprcf rclocue three Kos- ovo families to Oviedo and participates in Florida I-lospintl's infant-coddlers program. \l'hilr shr'. always been a behind-the-scenes voluntrri; she's now mak- Ing a dl}}CI"l'ncC In a nl'W way. "I\r always won- dered ~s~har it'd hr like on the other side-ut have a little bit of power. And what could hr accom- plishrd that wac?" says Andrews, whose term c~pirrs in fall ?001. "[f I find out there's more red tape invoh~ed, and if the titles actualh~ a ~barrier~ to gcttin~ things done, I WOn•C bC ma1'Ur egaln." pings happened so fast, Paul Parnka isn't quite sure about all the derails. Rack ~.^ nc~ Luc 19SOs, he attended a meeting about a proposed shopping center devclop~~tent in his :~,eighbr;hood of ~1'uscawill:~. Partvka had never dune it hrfnrc, but this time he spo'. c up and in sharp dissent about the project. Url~a~ing enough attention from others at th; nucring, '~, was ~~tvitcd to become more active in Winter Springs' affairs. I Ie remembers joking ac ;hr time...} don•t e~cn know where ciTy hall i~." In 1959, he became a city cununissioner.'.~ow, abet being rr-e'e.ted rr .~ second three-year term last Novcmbcl; P;irtvka is \\~inter Springs' ma~ol: Z'he move scemingh has been good for Seminole County's city of 30,O~h residents .:~. also >.'minole's largest city by land nrtss). A salesman by profession, Partyka spent l9 ~,ars as a ~::!., nran.t~er with Proctor & Gamble, the giant pharnrtccutical company, before leaving in l `~9(1 to st art a sports market- ing company and agolf-dub manufacturing business. Today, hr ,ells amlmercial re,~'..,rate. The Notre Dame grad served as a city commissioner from 19ti9-199' before taki:•.~ office .is mayor in 1996. During his tenure, he's been insrnnnrnral in guiding \V'intrr S.~rings ulw: r.i devrlrr~mau of a town center, e+-hich is taking shape near nc~ intersection of S.R. 431 .::~d ~I iisca~~~,Ila Road. AY1ith at least three more wars in office, he'd like to see the project come to tn~_~.tion hef~l:,' he Ira~,s oftire. "Tlte mayor has to be the hest salesperson," he says. "A~ly job is grtri~, people t~~ set this ,oncrpt, Then getting them to buy into it~reating a vision and then selling that ri;ion." :And like nc~ hest of salespeople, he sccla to spread his intluencr wit;•. disannin stele. " l~reat peo- ple with respect and br optimistic all the time because ~somebodv's alw.n sj worse ~lrr he s.t~s. "1 like people" (~uitc apparently, Parn~ka, ~0, also loves life. I Ic eschewed crn'poratr '.:te hccwsc of its phi sicll toll (he once anlsidcrrd hinlsclf to he a funnc heart attack victim), bur has si...e comple~::d the Reston anil Di>nev marathons and h;is hcamu a golf official for the U.S. Gulf Ass~~.~~..~tiun. Politics, though, is high anwng his passions. "h.vcn-body should g.: nlculvcif .~~ loc:ll t~~~lihc> at Irasr once in their life." ttc r ~curlc ? Itc l i~ch.unncnt l r~kutan, titatc t~radr, }'tn;~„l,t~ra, tnd I ihena I~rancc. din' ~;hain, tti ~,~.trs. tt,r ~ the tr,u,t Victn.utt ,ndrrstand` 1,ctr totla~. ~1'tn-ant,~~a ,tl x,hu`~ 1 _ `;~, h: tnal:r~ ins five nstturc hell t;t~nr uurn,rr~~w ah~,trr h,„~~ hrc>umhtr~,n~ tht, nu,rrttt lat shcttd hi, tnsc ~Icll an,lva ~C .l ~, rltllec rn ~sunn', tr,r nntcrir wttlr hrc. ,t tlvice w,tv race ~YJinut Park l~.it~' L nnnmissr,iurr~ 1,t.rry ltutar`I ,uul hrh ,larch tn;ut)- 1ic>;~urlh•s ul the ~rntrr,nu ener;tl elretunt t~ ~~~.~tirh,t~hl.t (thr >;" tht. 7? Ycat-crltl say' to IivC etch 1l,ut in ulfia l~~l try . d~av ut its fullest .utd drni t wart) ahrutt dtings that 1 can't e1""tg`~,. he savs~~ mavrtr in March Crt~wncd 1997, Icrranov~.t has had a hand rn ~a hrt ut change. hcch~'tltrl.tnva tuc ~lishmcnt is 11ast ph`u`, will acorn"1 Idte ~Olllll new strcetscapc be atmhlcted to September. ~ rttstcr~ n graded tenant ,and 1 ,trtiatlarly rllcr jerrat;t'v~t wa, I' t~wc in settling the cuntettttuu~ evr'tlttttll~ yssuc of ptttjcct EunJint', n,tu',, c„m ~ ~ l uur}t` 1.u (lrau~.,, ~ ui t t tltc rx,tth t~(1 ~~hrn the 'er"~ x ttrr 1`~t,ti 1' t,ltrt 1 and tu„1, d•` ~cc ~.ut. 1, 1`ttitl, an,l c I , m,m m \t,ut~k.t ~tr.t,hl` "tr htcr.tlh hart (L, the ~n~ „~ t, ~,. uuntrt~ - _ Iti ~ , u,~ cite nt.ma.;cr, ~ nt ~ ,~,t ~,~k ~,, tt,c , eta ~,_ t, nr.t~„t i xxrip rn te` ~ Cltl1.1. utdan~r ' trt hr dr.,crihrd a~ .t t ~~~.~~ -~ l'rulrt ht` ;~ cite pt, ul~ati~~n what ~ . ~ p the .ern~ed t't I.~y`'I~ ~ ~ incltr~Grr;t took r,Ytice, ~idents y1'UU 11 rtt' rand tll>l rl- '., ~,t'e krrt:~ tci d,t~ ~ ntr+tc th.trt 1 `Ull nc w ~ whl:a tht the dccadc~, but ~ 1 7'~ _-~ I Zren 1tS _ ~ r 1iu1a~. tt~ ~ it h,t.1 rrh~CaDOn' ~i„n ttr cl,t>r , .till r~ 1 in,t, as deer ,talc tot corhr~rtte a ~tatc t„ha=:c Mme. 1t,u,cd ut to :. make tt, nano. ,t..t t ch,m`~e, rttcludin;', Um,uh all the , tnr{ old-Fatilaxtr nr1 chal- k tans,,. Land h,t; remained n1<rstt~ t ale < \h~rhl.a~, tt"'c countrc-hc,~ manner . ~tu1 w'rtrlds> I ~ ..;~11 0l a hrs charmis~=„ ~~ith ne`W hr ,tatc,~. .Ahrtp~'' hint ut deal ,Ir, ~ °' C?n the xrter~ for czatnt rue tr. , ~ ~ ethic lracc cnal,ted tnd 1 h,ut tP ~~~Xtc'rr try' r;onat ct,tnt ,nt nt~ des ' lru~=.e.. l>t thr t ~' he er7mmcnt,' .thrall " I try 1 had one pcrchrd r,tutmy. ~uddett, ~ ~~,upka's ec ttsu trvin,~ t° move ` ntillicrrt~ ttt tit Cr ltri'ir:Ur'ttrnt' ~ 1 - whCn ~t,t, bnt ..ere ` V1tCC. tank A~~ainst the - ins'. to pant; rtntr, the 1 ` VV'ar talc titic~, rrrvrr t l.attlc eva` last ,hlxttltcxxls. btt,rnr 1atc~ ~ u~hk,i s nit?- vclcrpnt?~ ~ arrtrtt~ ~~furhl A\'.n 11, in4cstcd : t ~~t de tlcnnc frrnn mice vi<unt• I .uul, ~~'ho ltad ,Atrcr rctunnnt; „thee „mr rnavcr+. for ter thrre scars m rt 0 I and ~hlit tape ,tlilllxdl: w.nttr.l tw.h~~l hmt 1 tirtnd,ud irirnd` 1 yhO: ,uul nttrr the the t,wner ut a lhrttu~.h thr t hi nt,tvural duttcti tnr~i'` h,-silt vvr,tlc' hrl lug u t butirucs;ttiVt ,rth then attn. nt,t~ t,r and 1 ' , nc htll time. ~li~da~. ..~„hctc~rr thc~ c;trt catch n'r- hlstt distrthttnr,n ccntc'. - thr tll iity hall h~xn` t~tth h~rthlr until ? .t.m., c'n<urtn". him t„ c, tnrl tscrt trllicc wrrkh. ~ Ira<r the tuwe' ty,~,), hr didn t ttr c~,u tlrt l)ec..;l, tytr city of the ~rurcu,. wotrldti t bite nec•1` ~ ih 1 t+, t~ hi resputt~i~c ur the c„t~ t .,ut. the hc,r ~tnt tt` t wm~u,l~tr thrnt .I;rilr~. "t to t„ t", rr, 41 ,p.trkni~,.r,<,nipnuni,r th.u rr,tili r~l nr nducr~~l pnrlrr[ Ire, for I'arl: \crnur icn.int,, which cn.rhlyd in.urc ul [brat to rcntain ur hu,i nr.,. Ile al.o helped roncnrrc nac,accn that h;n-in}; a ~';dcnna Crunnuinitc (;ollcgr husinc„ I,i.tn~h in \C'in[cr I';nk•s wc,t sidr nnl a I'arl:.Acrnue Sun~l~rust Isank r~llirr would Iu•ncfit all. "My };oal i, to nrakr \C'in[cr Park thr pn ntirr urh;ut cill;tgc of thr Suuth- r.nt he ..n,. "It's alrrady the prrnricr urban villagr in Ccnnal Florida, and many pcuplr hclicvr it , the prcmirr urb;ut village in Ilorida. \x'c want to takr it up thr nr~t <tcp... lit get thrrr, the transportation picnnr nui,[ improcr. "\x~intrr Park, hcrausr of its loruiun, has an nxxdinatc :unount of irathc going through town," he says, noting that appntximatch~ 300,000 nips occur dailc throughout the cih~ of 25,000. If he continues as mayor, lcrranova cows to help that situa- tion any wac he aut. But if hr doesn't remain in office, he'll hacr nutre time ro work with the honx• Iess and un encironntental concerns. Since attic Oa 1S t0 inter r t e re- u anvi- ~~l'll ' a s su I~.~~ :rIa~ ing in Wintrr Park IR vcan ago, he's volun tccrcd for nc~ Winrrr Nark I.i brtn and thr Center fur Indr- pcndent Livia;;, among other,. °I became ma yor hccnrsc it seemed to hr the next step up in terms of (nwking~ it a better place ro live," he says. "That's all I wanted to do." n„ I lauck ha, only b~~cn inacor for ficr manths, Ixn hr ha, .t tiro[ :,i.i~p un ~ch.u it rakrs a~ he vir~cs,ful: political t~.unwurk. "Otic r~l nc~ thing, euu i~~.rrr ire .I~, in lu,.rl ~,ocrnuncnt i, dec~~l~~p ~~rnunui, -nr find ru~.t ~chrrr ii i, ~~ hc,ar,. \Irhr~u;~,h I laud: h~t, li.td ,ut inr~~rr.t in politics ,inrr high uh~rrl, .tii~l uvcrJ .t, an :AIram~nur Shnn,t;, ~it~ cununi~,ioncr trtr I(1 gran and as a arnununitc ~~~lunurr in ~.ui~ni, c.rp.rriur., hccomin m,tc„r era, nc~cr .r goal- licatming macr~r, hr sacs. i5 ,intplc .ut c~trn;i~~n of thr,.c actnitir,. "I hclic~ r in the Rotu~ nuttto rat 'Scni~c \hu~c Srlf•, hc,acs. ":\I of u. an dirrct~ aflrctrd I,c politics, c:pc rrtllc h~ the petlitiral dea,inn, of local getcrrnnunt. I prefer t~, ire an ,icu~r I~.trticip,uu in this procr~>- not juu a pas,icc nhsr•n-ci.` Ih,pitc his un:unnnin~ po,nirc, Hauck ha, big plan, htr ~cnrinn!i lounn~, lar~r,t cin~ ut dtl,l~tfO rc,idrnn. I lighcst on his list of priorities, like ;o many other lrnual I~londa m;tcur,, i, transporta- tion. Spcciliealle, he want, :AItanxnuc springs to he part of the' rrgiun~. solution, not a utr~~ spot. Rut how doe, he intend ur get thcrr? Through amsensus. "l~hr hi~~rsr rh,tllrnpr kill he nr work with our regional partners to develop a conununirc vision and eonscnsus rrganiinp nansporctrion, cspeciallc ma,s trut,it,•' he .aes. "You can't get too far out ahead of the conununitc. f lauck, who hats a three-Fear term, plans to take a yen tactictl approach to the atik, a skill he honed during his wars as a U.S. Navy officer. l~he 19?U l.ti. Naval .Acadrnrc graduate spent eight ycus in active duty on ship, throughout the country, then becanu• a Naval insnucror. ~litdac, as ci~e president of Systems Research Group Inc., he's still inculved in the miliran~ (the cuutpanc, a defense contractor; principally supports the military through training ,tad sinnilation, as wrll as conducting research and developnx•nt w improve the realism of warfare training for soldirnl, ~I~ht~ ~?-year-old hopes to continue sharing his gift of knrtwlydgr through teaching. "\lc philr.u- ph~~ is to provide the cite manager and staff with the tools .utd reuxiras thrv tired to du their j~~hs, provide policy guidance, encourage invocation, theft Iet then[ do their work. • 45 ~n~ U,~Ir h,iti i;rrat ~Ind,iin for blind n~nsyintur~_ AV'h~u h~. h~~~,~inr iu,~cur in ~anuarv 19`J%, the nnc pc,ts ~~rrr a ia~in;; wa~rrlront nuisanr~~ in hi, iii, ~,I ; ' i(lll_ Ihr~ ~crrc such a force ghat l>,~Ic lists hi, talc ,~~ a Skeeter Ih•fcarcr a~ unr ..I liil t~~iiun~'ti nine trip{ui(iiant acannplishnunrs. Rch~rc caw undcrrstinr.~tc Ilalc's raft iir his rug ~, ~~,~nccss, cnn,idrr this: Sanford is the scat nl nuintc ~ocernnu~nt ,nn/ boasts the arca~s n~~aru ,iirw~n..A~lakr nn niitirakc: Sanford is a hap- iunin~ place. "\V~c're ar the apc~ ~~f the ~rrncth corridrn;'~ hr nnninucti. "l beer art tw~~ new interchanges to Intestate ~ being built scithin cite limits, plus the arrix~n. L'ui wr~rc also nnc of ~Cenrral Florida's old ru m~~ ns, su the infrtstnicuirc is old. ~[ hen there's ;;ruwih. AX4~ ha~~r u~ niakc sure we can rcaliic our potential." \t~~st notably, Dale's taken a leadership talc in wurkin}; ~~~nh the rc~innal .AIetropoliru~ Planning Organvation in planning fora $?i-million tcrntina rs~,anv<ui ;u Orlando-Sanford Airport (()SA alrra~ic handles iionu'sric and in[ernational traffic, with I',tn;liu brni}~ ilu hest rn after daily domestic fli~h[;~. At Dale'; urging, Sanford is also in nc~ ninuin~ fur .~ 54l) milhun County conference center; which ,hould arrive within ?O(ll_ faalr has actually worked behind the scenes inr oars as I ake ~ti'ian~s first planning and zonmt; Irani chair (one of ntanr hoards iu which hr's iarticipa~rdi and was I_tkr \lan's assistant lire chief. \lorr intporruulc, he's never let politics art in the way i,h~~ watt a Ih•ntocru until hecomin}~ a 1Zr~,iihliran in I`1~8; no~~; he notes, he's a IZrpuhGcau ui a U~~niorrati~ ~ucl. Iic trade, he's a resides tctl ;uhdivision developer; which has helped hint u, bnt~ i undertitand and inana~c growth issues. fn hit si,arr tintr, the :Vlissi~~ippi hrn~ sin};s in hip church rhnn Ihc's also ~nlunircrcd as a softball Coach and her ihr hrn Scouts of :Anurictl. "I ,~rohahlc ai,proach the job a whole lot iliffrrrnt ih,in nunt i~nliuci.ui.,h,. A~~. I, i'nt nol a poliiirian. I drm~t Ira<r dcci>ions on t;rttint; re elrcicd ° tact the i? ~r,irul~l, whnu~ t~~rnt cunrludcs in t\pril ?UUI. "\Ie dual n to do a ,;uod job, d~~ it ri:;h~ and d~~ the re;h~ thine,. I tl~~u~i han~ .t pnlitirtl agenda. I tau I~~t macor because I ;aw Sanf~~rd's potential. lhnr', sr, inurh hrn~ ~, . 47