HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 03 21 Revised Goal Setting Workshop City of Winter Springs
Community Workshop
February 26, 2009
Facilitated by
Marilyn E. Crotty & Teresa Jacobs
The John Scott Dailey
Florida Institute of Government at the
University of Central Florida
The Winter Springs City Commission solicited the assistance of the John Scott Dailey
Florida Institute of Government at the University of Central Florida (IOG) to guide and
facilitate the development of a strategic plan for the City of Winter Springs.
The first step in the process was to conduct a Community Visioning Workshop on
Thursday, February 26, 2009. The goal of the workshop was to give community
stakeholders (residents, businesses, etc.) an opportunity to share their ideas and dreams
for the future of the city.
The Mayor and all five members of the City Commission attended the workshop to listen
to the ideas of the citizens. The workshop was very well attended, with approximately
108 community members participating.
This report is a summary of the discussions and conclusions of the Community Visioning
Participants were asked to list the things, both physical and intangible, that they most
treasure about Winter Springs; those things that should be protected and preserved.
Many participants used different terms to describe the same or similar treasures. The
following is a list of their responses, grouped into general categories. The number in the
parenthesis indicates how many participants identified the same or very similar treasure.
Parks & Recreation (103)
(Central Winds Park (17), Dog park (8), Sam Smith Park (2) Trotwood Park (6),
State parks, Magnolia Park, Baseball complex (2), Cute kids water park off
Moss Rd., Partnership parks - Pop Warner (3), Babe Ruth, CFU, 19, Athletic
fields, Playgrounds)
Park system (38)
Well used and maintained
For picnics and places for children to run
Award winning, well managed and beautiful
Winter Springs Golf Course (3)
Bear Creek walk (2)
Well maintained parks within the city limits
Recreation department
City mini golf course
Golf courses
Eating outside now with my family and dogs
Close to natural areas to hike, canoe
Events and sports
Winter Springs Basketball league
Access to lake
Green City (92)
City is clean / green (3)
Aesthetically pleasing (20)
Streetscape / landscaping / beautification (15)
SRSR434 (3)
Trees (13)
Green areas (13)
Especially former Winter Springs Golf Club
Open space (7)
Nature areas / wooded areas and parks and attention to their preservation (2)
Natural Environment (2)
Undeveloped land
Natural landscape Wildlife (4)
Owls (2), hawks, eagles, cardinals, foxes
Conservation Areas
Minimal development / uncluttered feel / uncluttered neighborhoods (3)
Open air - natural feeling
Rural look/character (2)
Recycling efforts
Active tree planting program
Clean air and water
Minimum development of SR434 between Tuskawilla Rd andSR417
Preserve areas of green along Tuskawilla Rd
Keeping the city with trees, grass, and very little concrete
The commission, the Mayor, and others have a proactive attitude on
environmental issues
Conservation area that acts as residential drainage for water run off / home to
many birds and animals, wildlife.
Public Safety (63)
Police/Fire (30)
Safe neighborhoods (22)
Low crime rate (7)
Good neighborhood (3)
Police attention to speed limits
Trails (46)
Cross Seminole Trail (8)
Convenience and scenic beauty
Bicycle trails (3)
Give me exercise and fresh air on weekends
Bicycle trail to Town Center through center of town
Bridge over SR434 well constructed and aesthetically pleasing
Rail trail (2)
Linear park through city
Nature trails
Walking paths
Superior and well maintained
Trails throughout the Highlands
Town Center (45)
Blumberg Blvd. (2)
Magnolia Park
Veterans Memorial (2)
Specialty businesses
Schools (42)
Good/great/excellent/wonderful (35)
Winter Springs High School (2)
Support for our schools
Progressive education policies and personnel, especially in the elementary
Top schools in Seminole County
I came here originally because of the good school system
Diversified schools and school clubs
Town Atmosphere (39)
Small-town feeling / atmosphere (16)
Residential look and feel
Home-town atmosphere
Slowed-down atmosphere
Controlled development (7)
Controlled commercial growth
Not buried in strip malls, ugly buildings fronting major roads
Does not have to host large, commercial / retail outlets - we are
No distracting businesses, ex: car lots, nightclubs, etc.
Population size (2)
Family atmosphere (2)
Bedroom community (2)
Walkable community (2)
Character of architecture
The clean look of commercial districts - no 17-92 or 436
Low density development
Keep to minimum high density housing
Range of housing
Upscale atmosphere and enforced standards
Town Events / Activities (38)
.4t' of July/ fireworks (9)
Town Center Events (3)
Highland Games (3)
City sponsored community activities (2)
Christmas tree lighting (2)
Santa coming around (2)
Parades (2)
Tree giveaway (2)
Concerts (2)
Easter egg hunt
Organized as revenue neutral
Bringing our city together and especially great for families
Lots of planned activities
Community special events committee
Sense of Community (36)
Neighborhoods (8)
Warm, caring, friendly (7)
Open to all
When someone is in need, the community comes to support
Neighbors who will help at the drop of a hat if needed
Diversity of population (3)
Religious community (3)
Local sense of identity (2)
Community involvement (2)
Strong community
One of the best places to live
Progressive character of the community
People's interest in community
All age groups
We are not dependent on the "Disney industry", away from the tourist traps,
Civic organizations that assist nearby. This is a very desirable place to live.
Responsive City (27)
City government (6)
City staff (5)
Low Taxes (5)
Long range smart growth (4)
Ordinances for preservation (3)
Citizen participation (in government)
Hurricane debris pick-up
Enforcement of laws/codes
Level of municipal services
Transportation (17)
Roads (6)
Well maintained
Proximity to major roads- SR417 (5)
Low levels of traffic (3)
Speed limit
Proper street maintenance
Widened/paved/improved/lighted roads
Senior Center (15)
Local businesses (9)
Tuscawilla Country Club (9)
Lake Jessup (5)
National/Local reputation (4)
Tuscawilla subdivision (2)
Civic Center (2)
Convenient shopping (2)
High/stable property values (2)
Sidewalks (2)
Location (2)
Historical wharf sites
Near hospital
Gateway to East Seminole County (Deleon Street)
Chamber of Commerce
UCF Incubator
Clear separation of urban and rural density and usage on the eastern border
Regional approach in the area
Tuscwilla PUD
Proximity to Winter Park, highway, events
Availability of natural gas utilities/appliances
Comments concerning items people would like to have:
Keep the temporary dog park and make it into a permanent dog park
Winter Springs Golf Course - Purchase land now, in down real estate market in
public-private partnership
Other parks that can be used to bring visitors
Fully utilize the parks and recreation facilities more fully
The trails system needs to be completed and expanded so that elementary school
kids can bike to school
Community participants were invited to imagine that it was the year 2020 and all their
hopes, dreams and desires for Winter Springs had come true. They were asked to
describe what Winter Springs would look like and feel like, and what it would be like to
live, work, and raise a family here.
Participants worked in small groups and documented their vision of Winter Springs in
2020. Many of the physical and intangible attributes were repeated and are grouped
below in broad themes.
Communication / Technology
Wifi city wide (6)
Communications - state of the art
Fully functional e-commerce website to conduct all city business (20)
Web cam community meetings and state of the art annual reports
Interactive televised Winter Springs community meetings
More government services online
Winter Springs activities TV Channel
Better citizen information source
Technology leader
Paperless billing
Community, Sense of
Wonderful small town feel (3)
Keep historical identity alive - way back! (2)
Winter Springs kids go to Winter Springs schools
Community stays involved with schools
Intergenerational community
Scholarship for needy families (not academic)
Raising families
Family friendly centers (parks) larger, community pool, bowling, tennis (i.e.
aquatic center in Orlando), art center, community theater, indoor basketball
courts, etc.
Communities that work together
Stable population - non-transient
Community level volunteer program- schools, groups, individuals
Downtown- Winter Park-like
Keep community as is
Walkable community
Community gardens - shared
Cultural Amenities
Library (8)
Theater (5)
Cultural and Performing Arts Center (4)
Community music and theater for citizen participation
Information center
Public art
Cultural arts district
Art gallery (2)
Arts and culture - dinner theater
Town playhouse
Value based and affordable civic events
Better civic center
More art venues and permanent events, etc.
Economic Development
Hotel (7)
Conference center, local, LEED certified
Seminole Way - residential appearance
City support for business
Seminole Way- Office/Professional
Well done, clean industry in appropriate locations
Jobs- green sensitive, clean manufacturing
SRSR434 to US 17-92 redevelopment
Office parks alongSR417
Large corporations alongSR417
Renewal of older/ neglected part of SR434
High tech corridor
Multi-family dwellings planned
Town homes filled
Convention center
Business center with multi-service professional services- attorneys, CPA's, etc.
Economic activities: (no large corporations)
High wage, clean industry community
Use of ball fields for state and regional uses
Complete/finish all land development construction- condos
UCF incubator- medical research, competition or tie with Lake Nona
Schools still attractive to families - high quality
Best schools in Florida
Art school/craft school
Renewable/alternative energy sources for city uses
Transportation - no fossil fuel, mass transportation, electric and alternative energy
Affordable alternative energy
CNG - natural gas for autos
Natural gas
Solar powered community lighting
Electric cars
Charging stations
Green energy leader incentives: solar, LEED standards, gas
Supplement Progress Energy with a solar power plant
Fiscally Responsible
Diversified tax base (3)
More commercial to help tax base
Increase non-residential tax base
Keep value incentive with tax base
All bond debt paid by communications tax
Lower franchise tax
Tax money spent as people voted- no increase without vote
Government Services / Partnerships / Growth Management
Simplify tax bills and structure
Infrastructure (maintenance and development: water drainage, sewers, bridges,
power grid, underground utilities)
Better treatment of animals - city capability - strict anti-cruelty
More programs for animal control - spay/neuter education, no killing strays by
Better communication between interlocal and county, especially police
Better county-city relationships
Enhanced relationship with sister cities
Private-public partnerships
Partner with SCC and UCF
Zoning, annexation, green preservation
Still strong and creative growth plan, residential in town center
County wide land use
Steady development
Sustainable growth
Controlled growth
Public services keep up with population
Commission follows steady growth
Clean up junk area on SR SR419 - state buy?
Ordinances in place - i.e. no parking on lawns
SRSR434 and WS Blvd - constrained corridors (no new lanes)
Green City
Environmental club - volunteer, pick up trash, etc.
Retained, functional ecosystem - south shore of Lake Jessup, north of SRSR434,
Seminole Way is threat to that area
Xeriscape (2)
Agricultural extension center - eco-friendly planting, urban gardening, etc.
Conservation of water (naturally and use)
Environmentally green
Reclaimed water to all
Expanded recycling
Preserve trees in new developments
Keep city green areas
Green standards - water sense toilets and fixtures
Green city / environment
Hospital/health care - local urgent care, town center
Integrated healthcare system - progression of care
Medical center
Closer hospital
Small town clinic
Lake Jessup
Access to Lake Jessup (clean)
Lots of potential for Lake Jessup- recreation, clean, useable, renewed, beauty
Clean up Lake Jessup- make it attractive, have access to lake, marina restaurants
Parks / Trails / Recreation / Youth Programs
Swimming / aquatic center (4)
Golf course (3)
Premier natural golf course
Public golf course
Winter Springs golf course
Trails (3)
Bike trails, multi-links to schools, expansion, bike racks
Improve nature trails- Sidewalk to trail from neighborhoods, well lit,
better visibility
Connect bike trails
Restrooms along trail
Inside recreation center, movie theater, skating rink, bowling alley (2)
Dog parks (2) - 10 minutes from everyone
Maintain and improve excellent parks (2)
Full-time community youth center (2)
More athletic fields
Complete Central Winds Park
Multi-purpose facility by Winter Springs Golf Club
More youth programs
Quality of Life
Underground power/utilities (2)
Building height limitations (no skyscrapers)
Growth - smart growth - retain small town feel, retain quality of life (green areas)
More sports facilities, basketball
More and more better streetscape projects - continued excellent maintenance
Special needs activities
Affordable living
Keep division of rural and city
No high rises
Limit density -multi-family
More street lighting
No billboards (2)
No neon signs
No sleaze establishments
More quality restaurants (non-chain)
More outside dining (covered, music)
Whole Foods or Fresh Market (2)
Bakery, shoe repair, flower shop - reasonable rent
High end restaurants
Rural in nature
Shopping - specialty stores, like Waterford
Covered walkways within shopping districts
Clean up promises met
Handicap-friendly intersections
SRSR434 - plans for safe school bus pickup with all new development
Safe - outside, low crime, kids, walking
Walkway across SRSR434 from town center
Pedestrian bridges across SR434 to nature trail
Cater to pedestrians / bikes
Improved school zone signage - consistent
Safe crossings and crosswalks
Camera enforcement at signals
Public safety- tornado sirens
Sidewalks along all roads
Senior Citizen Friendly
Senior / handicapped access
Senior / independent living
Expanded senior center
Town Center
Thriving town center
Completed town center - vibrant, daring, alternative transportation, all inclusive
Town center expansion adding unique, attractive, charming high-draw business
and events
Town Center expansion - 90-100% capacity (2)
Town center is regional hub with more parking, parking garages, pedestrian
friendly, friendly attitude towards business owners (city hall)
Move post office to Town Center
Completed Town Center and Central Winds Park
Town center completed per vision with parking garage (2)
User-friendly town center - commercially attractive
Expand Winter Springs Town Center - more businesses, more parking
Better public transportation (all alternatives)
Public parking for bikes and motorcycles
All roads paved
Public transportation (6)
connection to mass transit (Sunrail), internal loops, buses for local trips,
trolleys (2)
establish multi-modal transportation systems
light rail/bus
connecting to Lynx
State of the art transportation, more buses, golf cart community
Traffic signal at Tuscora and SR434
City/state owns all roads
Enhance SRSR434 West of SR SR419
Community travel and events
Entrance to Central Winds Park off SRSR434 with message board
More business hiring of the disabled
Disposition / resolution of Winter Springs golf course
Former Winter Springs golf club restored to municipal golf club
UCF usage
Annex to SCC
Miller's Hardware or ACE
Waterfront district
I like it just like this... "If it's not broken..."
Why wait? ASAP
User friendly parking and code enforcement
Tuskawilla extended to Jessup with public access
More uniform city boundaries, eliminate enclaves
Parking garage, ample parking downtown
No overnight parking throughout all districts (district wide)
Better entrance to Winter Springs on SR434 (going east)
Larger signage / monument for activities
2020 Winter Olympics
Summer Olympics
FEBRUARY 26, 2009
Please share your thoughts and comments on the following issues:
1. The Winter Springs website
• A lot of good info, but sometimes difficult to navigate. Not such small
• Haven't used it! What can you do there? Pay bills?
• Use website to download forms, pay bills, find details of special events.
Find a good "model" and go for it. Spend whatever it takes to do it
• Auto bill pay
• 1 have to admit that I have not used the W. S. Website. However, I
believe that many do depend or would like to depend on a website as a
source of good and thorough information.
• City wide wifi, expand website, pay bills on site, more info about
events, podcasts
• Get info re events, city plans, proposed changes, etc. pay utility bills,
download forms, view city job opportunities.
• 1 like the website, but don't use it often.
• On a scale of 1-10, a 7 - pretty good.
• Like it, use it, have found what I need there.
• 1 don't have a problem. It cannot be all things to all people.
• Better search facility
• Need to be able to pay water bill!
• Pay utility bill on-line. Download forms. City financials on it - easy to
read, city gov't meeting or podcast, esp. commissioner's mtg.
• Add easy feedback to city, pay bills electronically, email newsletter,
forms to print at home or fill out on line.
• 1 have not viewed it in quite a while, but it was ok but not always easy
to navigate. Under current economic conditions would not consider it a
priority to update.
• More user friendly, podcast on website, more information financial of
• Update to include bill paying. Bring site into 21St century
Pay bills online, more user friendly, hard to find forms, update who is in
charge of different departments
Looks good
• Needs improvement
• Needs redesign to be more (novices) people friendly. Difficult (now)
for beginners! Public notices, current projects need to be kept up to
date! Old, and/or completed projects should be removed. Each
department should utilize space in their category to post information.
• Keep calendar up to date. Last week many March meetings were not
• Current site needs to be completely revamped.
-low functionality (brochure approach)
-hard to find info
• 1 do not, nor will I, have a computer! Do have meetings televised (as
they do on C-SPAN). I'd like to read more about city gov't. in the
Sunday paper!
• Continued enhancements
• Needs to be user friendly. Should be able to
-pay bills
-event calendar
-pod cast city meetings
-find cell phone #s and communication info.
• Getting better, needs improvement, more archive access, more "e" -
abilities (process things without having to come to City hall). Upgrade
the Human resources area to the present century.
• Keep enhancing it. The more functional, the better.
-Current City Finances
-Bill Payment
Permit applications
• Very well done for the most part, need special spot for all
communications to public, proactive intercity communications so
everyone can see all that is happening.
• They cost money to maintain!! Overall - very good - I can find what I
want. I sometimes find it difficult to look at and/or print agendas and
agenda items. I like being able to listen to Commission meetings on
line. (I do not understand why some people say they cannot find info.;
• The website document search works if you are researching a specific
topic. But it's not so easy to use for more casual browsing, for
example if you just want to find out what's been happening at the
commission meeting.
• Events Center, vendor, sponsor signup, past and future event info,
podcasts, career center, financial reports and statuses.
• Not warm & fuzzy. Water - auto pay? Our reclaimed water was
"down" for a good while (days, maybe a week) we thought our system
was broken. We called a repairman. This problem could've been
addressed on website - like let us know.
2. The proposed Seminole Way
• Great! Develop it and develop our waterfront. Let's make our lake
front an attraction
• Limited acreage dedicated to this project. Control the sprawl.
Preserve natural lands and environment. Green. Eco-friendly. Traffic
and congestion a huge concern. Protect the environment.
• Encourage with caution
• Hi-Tech business, medical BioTech, Hotel. Park and ride areas.
Caution - let's not get too commercial
• Involve community in master planning. Do not "piece meal" the
development of the corridor. Identify the uses and infrastructure
needs, involve the adjacent cities and county owned parcels.
• Keep it clean industry.
• The sooner the better
• Always good to diversify the tax base in a well-planned way!
• I don't know about this yet. Need more info. Is it on website? If not,
put it on there.
• It needs to be pursued aggressively. I'm not sure that will happen
because of limited parcels and parcel size. We may not be as
significant in the process as the northern and southern end locals. If
can, develop a supplemental process.
• No comment, beyond joining in with the county and other cities to
make this a success.
• 1 would NOT like to see any development at the intersection of 417 &
434!!! It would increase the traffic significantly and destroy our
environment. Really bad idea.
• A great idea that should be fast tracked. Build a hotel very close to
• Economic development south of 434, all cities cooperating, hub for
HiTech corridor
• Now Now Now - office park and clean industry (tech oriented)
• Keep the citizens of W. S. in minds. Fight for what is best for
residents. O
• Need to ensure it doesn't become another "downtown Orlando"
• Great idea
• Professional businesses, office park setting, no more than 3 stories.
Hotel with meeting/conference space. Design should be very
aesthetically pleasing. Waterfront access to the public if possible.
Also green businesses should be encouraged.
• Threat to Lake Jessup? Take into account traffic.
• The Seminole Way needs to remain completely segregated from the
rest of the community - we can't allow the greenspace between the
Seminole way and the rest of our city to be encroached upon.
• #1 reason for having access by public transportation between 17/92
and the Greenway (#417) on 434. Be mindful of the surge of daily
traffic that might occur - No industrial park with a Winter Springs
• In favor
• Keep it simple. Set reasonable limits.
• Accessible by all means of transportation and secured areas for each
(pedestrian, bicycle, motorcycle, bus/public transportation, car/truck,
train/trolley). Park & ride.
• Yes, yes, yes. Keep it light industry, professional, recreation, high
tech, entertainment.
• Must include environment as a foremost focus point.
• The city has done a great job of setting the groundwork through
annexations. Now the city must be careful in controlling the
development that comes in. Do not lower our standards for codes and
development requirements just because the economy is bad - wait for
it to improve.
Do we need more houses? Don't mess with Lake Jessup.
3. The parking of commercial vehicles in residential neighborhoods
• NO! Don't allow it. No overnight parking in street, mine is too narrow.
NO. I like the GVW limit, I don't want a tow truck parked next door.
• The less affluent area of Winter Springs will struggle with this idea.
How can we accommodate the diverse population of the city? Limit by
weight. What's eco-friendly? Flexibility, common sense and
• To be determined by HOA
I'm not sure how I feel about this issue, since I can see the rationale of
both sides. 1 do live in a deed restricted neighborhood that prohibits
commercial vehicles. If allowed, there should be restrictions in terms
of size.
Park only as long as necessary to complete the task.
• Need to use discretion, while tractor trailers, large panel trucks should
not be allowed, a work truck with company logo's ad's should be
• Would prefer a 4 hour time limit. Need to allow parking but many
streets are too narrow to permit safe parking for a long period of time.
Nothing larger than a van (like a small panel) no work trucks, no signs,
no semi's.
• Not an issue in my neighborhood - does need to be regulated.
• As long as it's not an oversized vehicle or trailer type. I don't have a
problem with it. It would make the city more business friendly. An
independent business owner with his company vehicle would hesitate
to buy here knowing he'd have to hide his pickup or park & ride
Commercial vehicles should have parking privileges in order that
services may be provided in a timely and efficient manner. Allowed
during normal business hours - 8am - 6pm. No overnight parking
should be allowed.
• Semi-tractor-tractors - NO! Plumbers, brighthouse, small business
vehicles - OK!
• 1 have NO problem with this as people use them to earn a living. I do
have a problem with winter visitors parking large motor homes in
residential areas.
Should only be personal style cars, pick up trucks with lettering not full
wrap around vehicles.
• Not really in favor of, but would be willing to allow them up to a certain
GVW like a small pickup truck or van
• Not allowed only for repair during the day, some flexibility small van or
car, limit by gross weight
Write the changes to be sure that "junk" vehicles are excluded - ie 70
Ford 150 with 2 colors for the front fenders and rusted out.
• Should not be allowed.
• For folks who drive it back and forth to work. Ok; otherwise, no.
• No semis, etc.
• Businesses often require employees to take vehicles home to provide
on-call service (ex: electricians, plumbers, etc). Others provide vehicle
as part of compensation package. Current req. asks for magnetic
signs to cover which are stolen. So - allow small vans with lettering,
provided vehicles are well maintained (not rusty or falling apart) and
are not filled with huge ladders and equipment. Also regulate by
vehicle weight!
• No overnight parking of large vehicles limit by gross vehicle weight
• Does not bother me, as long as they are parked in the drive way or
properly on the street.
• Use common sense.
• There needs to be a clear definition of "commercial vehicles" size,
signage, wheel base. Can the vehicles be parked in the garage?
• Allow smaller vehicle and restrict size and sign on vehicle
• Be flexible, where HOA exists, let them handle it. I like the vehicle
weight restriction theory.
• Flexibility - perhaps declare "no enforcement" during times of
hurricane clean-up or other times when "function" of the community
and the jobs people do are recognized more than just an "eyesore" in
the driveway. Reward people that set the "peel off' type logos for their
vehicles, provide incentive. Do need some type of size/weight/visibility
• Should be left to the discretion of the home owner associations.
Where there's no HOA, the city should allow the parking of small
commercial vehicles, i.e. vans, pickup trucks, etc.
• It needs to be controlled - we do not want large vehicles. However,
there may be room for compromise, such as: small signage on
vehicles, small roof/ladder racks, etc.
• NO. Also, no parking on your lawn! Mandatory house painting every
several years. No commercial vehicles.
• To have marked side at street parking if the resolution is passed. Too
many times people park one side then someone parks on the other
side with no room to get around.
• Problem in CV Parking across from one another. Sometimes garbage
trucks can't get through! Please fix the "maze" of WS Town Center!
Please use the back of this page for comments on any other issues.
Thank you for participating!
• The bedroom community has statistically a 60% to 75% residents with
ownership of dogs. People walking dogs don't remember to take bags
with them so when their dogs relieve themselves, the owners don't pick
it up. Dog Parks provide bags and one of the rules is to pick up the
poop. 95% to 98% of the people who use the dog park follow that rule.
Plus it gives the dogs a place to run which is something they can't do
on a leash. The current temporary park is so poor, that people I have
talked with would rather go to other dog parks. Plus it is a place that
people can talk and make friends other than their immediate
• Please finish the dog park in time to use the matching grant. This
project has been discussed since 2001. $7,000 has been given to
make a final dog park. It has been voted to go by the matching grant.
That means completing it in 3 years and one year has passed without
any construction. One commission's vote should not undo a vote of
the last. Underground electric.
• Gated communities should not have to pay for road improvements.
We pay taxes like everyone else.
• Targeting foreclosure crisis on a local level
- target "owners" of foreclosed properties to ensure they are kept in
"good condition".
- use the city resources as a conduit to local financial institutions to
work with current homeowners with troubled mortgages.
• Ensure Oviedo mall does not become a "slum area".
-work with Oviedo, Seminole County government to ensure property is
dealt with and provides a sustainable business area.
-target existing "smaller" stores to incorporate operations in Winter
Springs town center
-tax incentives, etc.
• We need to establish one or more community gardens. They beautify,
build community, can be used to educate children, work as therapy
and more.
See the American Community Gardening Association
Yes, I would be willing to volunteer my time and effort to make this
happen. David A. Smith 407-435-2926 dsmith48C)_cfl.rr.com
• -We started off this evening with what is "good" about Winter Springs
-We moved on to discuss what would make Winter Springs "better"
-But we didn't even touch upon the impact of "better" on quality of life
more growth, more congestion, higher population density
-1 moved to Florida 25 years ago. At that time, Orlando was a small
town and Winter Springs was "out in the Country". Today, Orlando is
quickly evolving into just another big, overcrowded city and Winter
Springs will shortly follow.
-the big challenge is to carefully control growth and population density
while improving quality of life.
• Need to be consistent with Town Center code enforcement. Some
businesses have been required to remove vehicles with signage that
were parked in spaces along SR434 frontage. Recently there has
been a VWA with temporary signs "stuck" to it and a large banner
(H&R Block) along SR434. If enforcement has changed (due to
economy?) tell everyone. The message I heard is that people like
Winter Springs the way it is. The "city", management and elected
officials, need to plan carefully and maintain what we have and why we
live here.
FEBRUARY 26, 2009
Objectives Not Met Fully Met
Allow participants to identify the treasures 1 2 3 4 5
of the City of Winter Springs they want preserved 1 1 9 44
into the future
Allow participants to describe their 1 2 3 4 5
hopes and desires for the future of the 2 2 10 41
City of Winter Springs (comment: needed facilitators)
Allow participants to provide input on specific 1 2 3 4 5
Issues (comment: difficult in a Ig group) 4 4 8 36
Objectives Disagree Agree
The facilitators were impartial and helpful 1 2 3 4 5
6 49
• Nice job, well organized
• Followed the agenda to a T! I feel a better job could have been done explaining
what the meeting was truly about.
With housing costs coming down, more families will continue to move into Winter
Springs. This will increase the need for more fields for soccer, Lacrosse, Baseball,
etc... All the current fields are at full capacity, so more land will be needed for the
growth between now and 2020
• Excellent and positive workshop. Many things to think about.
• Thank you for this opportunity to express our visions and opinions regarding our
future! Bravo and kudos!
• Lot of input crammed into small amount of time
• 1 commend the commissioners for doing this
• Good process, appears that there are plenty of open projects that are not completed
yet, keep expectations in balance with affordability of the residents
• Great meeting well attended
• Very interesting concept. Very positive exchange of ideas. I appreciate the
opportunity to participate.
• This needed to be held over several days for people to be able to provide their input
specifically. This was a great beginning but much more time was needed. 6:00 was
too early for my friends to attend since they got off work at 6pm.
0 Great opportunity
• Great exercise and hopefully, we can see some of the most important ideas come
true. For example, a library, web site, user friendly, accessible to high tech
businesses. Also develop the town center and finish a marina, lake front hotel, etc.
• Very valuable interesting, very worthwhile
• Well done, would like to see more workshops
• We need to have one of these for current economic conditions.
• Thank you! This has been very positive and informative! We love living in Winter
• 1 wasn't looking forward to this, but was asked to come. But I am very pleased to
have come and very impressed at so much good and constructive discussion and
good ideas generated. Thanks!
• Great opportunity. Should be repeated every 2-4 years. Marilyn always does a
great job!
• While the oversight of the session was unbiased, the assumption of no limitations to
a future (2020) is itself a bias. There will be no "blue sky" but an extremely
limited/curtailed future and not discussing those limitations before starting the small
group sessions leads to lots of energy being spent on ideas that have little chance of
coming to be - worse, it encourages too much straight-line thinking
• Unfortunately people always, think bigger is better, not focusing on the quality of life.
• Thank you. I look forward to seeing the results from this meeting as well as the
practical application.
• Truly enjoyed the opportunity to participate in this workshop. The test is seeing what
is done with the input received. Was glad the flyer was sent with the water bill. The
County and the cities are our partners. Let's not throw darts at each other, even if
they start it.
The workshop, in my opinion, was of great value to the city.
• Winter Springs new police chief is great. Winter Springs has a low crime rate - that's
great - BUT your police officers need to have MUCH better communication skills -
MANY are condescending and rude. Everyone is not a criminal. There are like
vultures! The entire 417 Exit onto 434 IS NOT 25 MPH - ONLY the exact spot of
change basket and reader for pass transponders is 25 MPH. At those exact spots
only! Prior to those spots - is a deceleration ramp! After that point - the speed limit
is the same as city streets! That's why there is an arrow on the 25 MPH sign
pointing at the ground! Also regarding police - please don't trump up citation code
numbers and apply them where they don't have a specific use. There is no
ticketable offense for having a FADED license! Don't write the code for not having a
valid license instead!!
• The facilitators did an excellent job of maintaining the flow of the workshop. The
group was a very good representation of our "average citizens" with minimal
personal agendas. These are the people the Commission needs to listen to.
• High quality session that identified lots of opportunities. There will be lots of hard
work to put these into workable plans and future actions. A good start.
• This workshop was a great idea. Maybe it could be extended through a forum
attached to the Winter Springs website.
• This should be a regular event! Thank you for asking for citizen's ideas. But I do
hope some of the ideas are acted upon. In my opinion, the most important idea that
needs to be accomplished is completing the Winter Springs Trail from Layer
Elementary to the Environmental Center. In addition, development of a waterfront
district on Lake Jessup would add to the quality of life for Winter Springs residents.
One of the best things about Winter Springs is the city parks and greenspaces.
These areas must be preserved and expanded. Biking trails linking residential,
commercial, schools and parks would promote a healthy lifestyle. A library and
cultural arts area are a must! These could occupy vacant storefronts, particularly in
or near the Town Center. This would help our children, emphasizing the value of
education and the arts. It sends a message about our community. Thank you for
listening to the citizens of Winter Springs!
• A very professional group of facilitators and a very civic-minded group of citizens.
• Very well organized. Facilitators moved activities along very well.
Nl~ai A statement which gives an organization's reason for
being; why it exists.
(dal: A broad directional statement of emphasis or intent to
do or accomplish something in the future.
(l~edi~ A desirable specific output or result which is
measurable, observable, or identifiable, with a timetable and
a person who is accountable or responsible for its
Adivily. An action or input which contributes to the
accomplishment of an objective.
A goal is a broad statement of intent. It is a positive
declarative statement of what will be done to address an
identified need.
• It indicates a general direction
• It is global in nature
• It is timeless
• It voices what will be done ... to meet a
To increase two-way communication with our
residents, businesses, and visitors
Objectives are specific measurable steps taken to
accomplish a goal
• They are end products
• They are "what" statements ...not "how"
• They are not means
Each objective should state four things:
1. What will be accomplished
2. By whom
3. What level of measurementJdegree of accuracy
4. By when
The City Clerk will review and enhance the city
website to include paying of bills online by October
1, 2009.