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2008 01 14 Consent 207 Amendment 91 with Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc.
COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 207 January 14, 2008 Meeting CONSENT X INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR MGR 'Z~/DEPT ~/`~~ Authorization REQUEST: Utility Department Requesting Authorization to Execute Amendment 91 -North Orlando/First Addition Water Line Improvements with Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is to request authorization for the execution of Amendment 91 for Engineering Services for the design of Improvements to the Water Lines in the North Orlando/1st Addition subdivisions with Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc. at a cost of $48,039. CONSIDERATIONS: This amendment is needed to upgrade and relocate the water mains in the North Orlando and North Orlando 1sr Addition subdivisions. This area is generally comprises Flamingo Avenue, Fairfax Avenue, Edgemon Avenue, Devon Avenue, Cortez Avenue, and Bombay Avenue north of SR 434 and south of Third Street. The water and sewer systems in this area were built around 1961. The water lines are slightly undersized and the water services and meters are located in rear yard easements. Access for repairs, meter reading, and service cutoffs has been an issue for many years. Remote read meters helped address the meter reading issue but repairs and service cutoffs continue to be a problem. This project would replace and upgrade the water mains to the street right of way improving fire protection, system reliability, and customer service. The construction would include reconnection of the customer's service line so that there is no cost to the customer for the completion of this project. Design is anticipated to be completed with 6 months. January 14, 2008 Consent Agenda Item 207 Page 2 FUNDING: The funding source for this project expenditure of $48,039 is the Utility Enterprise Fund - (3600-62100). North Orlando/North Orlando ls` Addition Existing Water Lines RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that authorization be given for the execution of Amendment 91 for Engineering Services for the design of Improvements to the Water Lines in the North Orlando/1st Addition subdivisions with Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc. at a cost of $48,039 payable from the Utility Enterprise (3600-56330). IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: The scope of services will be completed within 180 days of approval and proceed directly to competitive bidding. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Amendment 91 COMMISSION ACTION: NQRTH QRLANOC~ FIRST ADDITION WATER LINE IMPRC}VEIUIENTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS AND GPH ENGINEERS, ING. This Amendment dated , 2007, by and between the City of Winter Springs (hereinafter called the OWNER) and CPH Engineers, Inc. (hereinafter called the Engineer), is mutuaity agreed upon and declared an authorized Amendment to an Agreement dated November 27, '1984, between the parties, herein setting forth the scope, terms and conditions of the services herein authorized. The appropriate provisions of the Agreement apply as fully as if repeated herein. SECTIt~N 1 GENERAL 1.1 The purpose of this Amendment is to provide far Engineering Services, mare specifically itemized heroin, in the preparation of contract documents for the 11Vater Line Improvements in North Orlando First Addition, SECTION 2 ~ASC SERVICES 01= THE ENGINEER 2.1 GENERAL 2..1.1 The ENGINEER agreesto perform.professional services in connection with the project as hereinafter stated. 2.1.2 The ENGINEER will serve as the OWNER'S professional engineering representative in those phases of the project to which this Amendment applies, and will give consultation and advice to the OWNER during the performance of his services. The ENGINEER will perform the services forthe City Commission under the general supervision of the City Manager and Utilities Director and will submit interim plarfs and or reporks to them for their review, input, decision, etc. as appropriate. SECTION 3 SCOPE OF SERVICES ~.1 GENI~RAL The OWNER hereby authorizes the ENGINEER to proceed with the preparation of the plans and permit applications necessary to achieve approval and to perform construction. We will provide engineering services for the design of a new water distribution system within the existing subdivision of North Orlando First Addition. The project wiH provide new 8 inch water lines throughout the. area with new fire hydrants spaced at 750 feet apart to replace the smaller back yard water lines. All of the existing G-inch lines on First Street, Second Street and Third Street will remain in plane and in service. Afl new water lines will be placed within the existing roadway ROW and all units will be re-served from the front side of the house. A new service Line will be required from the new meter location in the front yard to the existing service point of each residential uni#. It is intended that the old water lines in the back areas of the hawses will be disconnected from the water distribution system upon completion of the new water line and associated work and clearance ofthe new line by FDEP. The old lines can then be converted to provide reclaimed water service to the area. Reclaimed water supply to this area wili be addressed under a separate proposal.. The streets and the estimated lengths of replacement for the associated streets included in this proposal are as follows * North Flamingo Street {290 LF} * .North Fairfax Street (965 LF} • North Devon Street (1880 LF} * North Edgemon Street {'1438 LF} * North Cortez Street {1630 LF} • North Bombay Street (1423 LF) 3.2 Gather and review available data on the existing area, Perform site visit to evaluate existing conditions, utility locations and identify possible line roufiing in the RaW. Prepare preliminary engineering design far use at Gity meetings and with the review agencies in accordance with typical engineering guidelines.. 3.3 Based on preliminary engineering, prepare 30% design layoutldrawings and submit seven (7) sets for review (Task 1}. The 30% drawings will be in the half size format for submittal and review, Sheets to include the following: • Gover Sheet • General Notes SheeUKey Sheet • Plan sheets {double plan format) 1 inch equals 34 foot scale {5 sheets). No profile view will be provided far the design drawings. • Water Line Gannectian Details {connection to existing system} (1 sheet} • Standard Details {2 sheets) 3.5 The C?WNER has requested that we minimize survey on the project and use available topographic aerials and maps of the OWNER. The available aerials are 2005 Lidar with one foot contours. These will be used for the base maps far our drawings. Stormwater improvements are minimal in this existing subdivision. We will identifiy where the stormwater items exist, but there will be no survey of these facilities. Locations will be based on available data from the QWNER. The drawings will show standard set back, separation and crossing details to be used by the contractor in order to deal with any in-field conflicts between the two systems, The Design flans wili be provided to other utilities {telephone, cable, electric and gas} to obtain locations of their facilities in the affected area based on their record drawings. Field location/verification of utilities by survey will :not be provided {Task 2}. 3.6 Since the area is already developed, we will n®t retain the services of a geotechnical engineer per the direction of the OWNER. 3.7 Prepare 60°l0, 90°/a and 100°fo plans and specifications for the pipe improvements far bidding (Task 3}. The plans will be double plan view with na profile view. 3.$ Prepare documentation and a permit submittal package forthe FDEP. Fees for the submittal package will be the responsibility of the OWNER (Task 4), At the preliminary engineering level, we will send a permit determination letter to FDEP. The purpose of this letter is to de#ermne whether more than one permit is required due to multiple connections between the old system and the new. The new lines may not be considered "continuous" and it is possible that each street may necessitate a permit application. FDEP will not provide a permit determination over the phone. 3.9 Provide bidding services (Task 5}. SECTIQN SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES OF THE EIIIGINEER 4.1 If authorized in writing by the OWNER prior to the rendering of such services, the ENGINEER will furnish ar obtain under subcon#racts, supplementary services of the following types which will be paid for by the OWNER. 4.1.1 Additional services due to significant changes in the scope of the project or its design including, 'but not limited to, changes in size, complexity, character of construction or due to time delays in initiating or completion of the work as described herein. 4.1.2 Additional services in connection with the project including services normally furnished. by the OWNER as described in Section 5 herein and services not otherwise provided for in this Amendment. 4.1.3 Preparing to serve and serving as an expert witness for the OWNER in any protest,. litigation, or other proceeding involving the project. 4.1.4 Additional engineering services required by revisions to regulations (after the date of this Amendment) as applicable to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the St. Johns River Water Management District, or other regulatory agency requirements. 4.'1.5 Provide surveying services if required or requested by the OWNER. 4.1.6 Provide, through a subconsultant, soils investigation and geohydrologicai services 'rf required or requested by the C?WNER, or if required by the SJRWMD, recommended by the ENGINEER and authorized by the C7WNER. 4.1.7 Pr©vde, through a subconsuitant, electrical/HVAC services if required or requested by the C}WNER ~~E~ThDN 5 THE t)VIINER'S RESPONSIE3ILITII=S 5.1 The OWNER will: 5.1.1 Advise the ENGINEER of his requirements for the project and designate a person to act as the nWNER'S representative with respect to the work to be performed under this Amendment,. and such person shall have complete .authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define the t~WNER'S policies and decisions pertinent to the work covered by this Amendment. 5.1.2 Guarantee access to .and make a(I provision for the ENGINEER to enter upon public and private lands as required for the ENGINEER to perform his work .under this Amendment. 5.1.3 Provide data requested that is reasonably available on the existing utility systems, population and projections, land use and planning inforrrtation. 5.1.4 Provide personnel to locate facilities and mow, trim, or otherwise make them accessible for inspection. 5.1.5 Examine ail studies, reports, sketches, anal other documents presented by i:he ENGINEER and render decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable tune so as not to delay the work of the ENGINEER. 5.1.6 Obtain approval of all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the project, and such approvals and consents from such other individuals or bodies as .may be necessary for completion of the Project. 5.1..7 Furnish, or direct the ENGINEER in writing to provide at the QWNER'S expense, soils investigations if advised in writing by the ENGINEER that they .are necessary or advisable. 5.'1.8 Furnish, or direct the ENGINEER in writing to provide at the C?WNER`S expense, necessary additional services as stipulated in Section 4 of this Amendment, or other services as required. 5.1.9 Provide such legal, accounting, and insurance counseling services as may be required for the project, and such auditing services as the OWNER may require. 5.1.10 Give prompt written notice to the ENGINEER whenever the OWNER observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in the Project. SECTION 6 6.1 PAYMENT PAYMENT Payments for services and expenses of the ENGINEER to be as set forth below: 6.1.1 Principals and Employees of the ENGINEER. 6.1.2 The fee for the engineering design scope of services described herein wil! be provided for a lump sum fee of $48,039.U0 far the base services, as shown an the attached manpower breakdown. 6.2 REIMBURSED EXPENSES 6.2.7 The OWNER will make prompt monthly payments in response to ENGINEER'S monthly statements without retention for all categories of services rendered under this Amendment and far reimbursable expenses incurred, 6.2.2 Charges for the services rendered by principals and employees as witnesses in any litigation, hearing or proceeding in accordance with Paragraph 4.1.3 wilt be computed at a rate of $650.00 per day or any portion thereof (but compensation for time spent in preparing to appear in any such litigation, hearing or proceeding will be computed an an hourly rate}. 6..2.3 If this Amendment is terminated during prosecution of the services prier to completion of the services of Section 3, payments to be made in accordance with Paragraph 6.1.1 and 6.2.1 on account of that and all prior work under this Amendr~tent shall be due and payable, and shall constitute total payment far services rendered. In addition, upon termination, the ENGINEER shall be paid' for any Additional Services authorized and rendered under Section 4. 6,2.4 The ENGINEER shall promptly begin work on the services authorized by this Amendment upon receipt of notice to proceed from the OWNER. SECTION 7 GENERAL CON®iTION5 7.1 Since the ENGINEER has no control aver the cast of labor, materials, or equipment, or over any construction contractor's method of determining prices, any opinions of probable construction cost which may be provided in the services of this Amendment are made on the basis of his experience and qualifications and represent his best judgement as a design profiessional familiar with the construction industry, but the ENGIN EER cannot and does not guarantee that bids or the construction cost will not vary from opinions of probable cost prepared by him. 7.2 The OWNER and the ENGINEER each binds himself and his partners, successors, executors, administrators and assigns to the other party of this Amendment and to partners, successors, executors, administrators., and assigns of such other party in respect to all covenants of this Amendment. Nothing herein .shall be construed as creating any personal liability Qn the part of any .officer or agency of any public body which may be a party hereto, nor shall it be construed as giving any rights or benefits hereunderto anyone other than the OWNER and the ENGINEER. SECTIC)N 8 8.1 The ENGINEER agrees to prosecute the work in a timely manner until the Project is completed. IN 'IhIITNESS iIItHEREC3~', the parties hereto have made and executed this Amendment. the day and year first above written. ®WNER~ City of Winter Springs, Florida ATTEST ~y: Date: ENGINEERS CPH Engineers, Inc. ATTEST I3y: Date: J:1Zfi5821PROPOSRLSiwSPGS1AtV1E ND91. DQC ~i ~~ ~~ ~. ~, ~~ ~-- :. O O o 0 I f O o 0 rn rn o c f tfr ~ .m+ -~-, v 'o L2 LL as t]' CO C_ r-., Q '~'~ ~ Q. ~ O O ~ ~ ~~ N c a .` rt^ "L2. Sl) ~ ,F,, ++ N O '~ C t~ O {qr L r3 c~ ~ o m'r3~lrn t'~1 i c7 I i ~.~ U.•= ~ 4 2 ~ ' 3 cU ~ I -~ o iU ; q} U ,~ ~ ~= ~ t!3 US ~ ~ I 413. 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N:~ O..C (ll~v ~~~ ~ r ~ (~ (/) V~ '', Qi Q~ ~ V ~ `~ ~ {!J '"~ ' V? 11.1 U1 I _J U3 W ; E] ~ ~.no~c~iao,o 0 o r-~ O~c~;a to do~cnrol~ cao~oc~: Q ~ Ef3 I tR i ff3 ffl I fi-} KT M ; fFT H} t° ! H3 -- {~ . ~ '~ ~ i ', ', ~ 1 '', ~ i -6 ~ ~ I p I~ Z © r r ~ r X h"` c-P ` ~ NEB 'X ~ ~rj ~ d' ~ C~ ' , ~ r - ~ QS ~ ', fA O~ r .i -+ .~ , ~ ~ C~ Off:'" ~ OGL' O 'N, ~ E' ~ N N (.~ ~: t53 O O~ N ~ J . O~ IL Q (U U (tl . ~:. W ~ Oo~~Q:~~LL;m ~sva~ Q ~ ' ~ ~ ~ cs3 ~ ~ ~ O O ~ O U ~!~~ ~-~ , . f- a> Gl tCf fl. Winter Springs Proposal North flrlar~do First Addition Water Line Replacement TASK SUMMARY TASK 1 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING $10,95$.0(7 TASK 2 SURVEY & GEC~TECHNICAL $7C7.UQ TASK 3 PREPARATION ©F CQNSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS $2~3,'33.OL7 TASK 4 PERMITTING SERVICES ~3,904.Q0 TASK a BIDDING SEl~VICES ~3,574.OQ Page °I'-7 ., AMENDMENT 91 TO AGREEMENT DATED NOVEMBER 27, 1984 FOR NORTH ORLANDO FIRST ADDITION WATER LINE IMPROVEMENTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS AND CPH ENGINEERS, INC. This Amendment dated , 2007, by and between the City of Winter Springs (hereinafter called the OWNER) and CPH Engineers, Inc. (hereinafter called the Engineer), is mutually agreed upon and declared an authorized Amendment to an Agreement dated November 27, 1984, between the parties, herein setting forth the scope, terms and conditions of the services herein authorized. The appropriate provisions of the Agreement apply as fully as if repeated herein. SECTION 1 GENERAL 1.1 The purpose of this Amendment is to provide for Engineering Services, more specifically itemized herein, in the preparation of contract documents for the Water Line Improvements in North Orlando First Addition. SECTION 2 BASIC SERVICES OF THE ENGINEER 2.1 GENERAL 2.1.1 The ENGINEER agrees to perform professional services in connection with the project as hereinafter stated. 2.1.2 The ENGINEER will serve as the OWNER'S professional engineering representative in those phases of the project to which this Amendment applies, and will give consultation and advice to the OWNER during the performance of his services. The ENGINEER will perform the services forthe City Commission under the general supervision of the City Manager and Utilities Director and will submit interim plans and or reports to them for their review, input, decision, etc. as appropriate. SECTION 3 SCOPE OF SERVICES 3.1 GENERAL The OWNER hereby authorizes the ENGINEER to proceed with the preparation of the plans and permit applications necessary to achieve approval and to perform construction. We will provide engineering services for the design of a new water distribution system within the existing subdivision of North Orlando First Addition. The project will provide new 8 inch water lines throughout the area with new fire hydrants spaced at 750 feet apart to replace the smaller back yard water lines. All of the existing 6-inch lines on First Street, Second Street and Third Street will remain in place and in service. All new water lines will be placed within the existing roadway ROW and all units wi(I be re-served from the front side of the house. A new service line will be required from the new meter location in the front yard to the existing service point of each residential unit. It is intended that the old water lines in the back areas of the houses will be disconnected from the water distribution system upon completion of the new water line and associated work and clearance of the new line by FDEP. The old lines can then be converted to provide reclaimed water service to the area. Reclaimed water supply to this area will be addressed under a separate proposal. The streets and the estimated lengths of replacement for the associated streets included in this proposal are as follows: • North Flamingo Street (290 LF) • North Fairfax Street (965 LF) • North Devon Street (1880 LF) • North Edgemon Street (1438 LF) • North Cortez Street (1630 LF) • North Bombay Street (1423 LF) 3.2 Gather and review available data on the existing area. Perform site visit to evaluate existing conditions, utility locations and identify possible line routing in the ROW. Prepare preliminary engineering design for use at City meetings and with the review agencies in accordance with typical engineering guidelines. 3.3 Based on preliminary engineering, prepare 30% design layout/drawings and submit seven (7) sets for review (Task 1). The 30% drawings will be in the half size format for submittal and review. Sheets to include the following: • Cover Sheet • General Notes Sheet/Key Sheet • Plan sheets (double plan format) 1 inch equals 30 foot scale (5 sheets). No profile view will be provided for the design drawings. • Water Line Connection Details (connection to existing system) (1 sheet) • Standard Details (2 sheets) 3.5 The OWNER has requested that we minimize survey on the project and use available topographic aerials and maps of the OWNER. The available aerials are 2005 Lidar with one foot contours. These will be used for the base maps for our drawings. Stormwater improvements are minimal in this existing subdivision. We will identify where the stormwater items exist, but there will be no survey of these facilities. Locations will be based on available data from the OWNER. The drawings will show standard set back, separation and crossing details to be used by the contractor in order to deal with any in-field conflicts between the two systems. The Design Plans will be provided to other utilities (telephone, cable, electric and gas) to obtain locations of their facilities in the affected area based on their record drawings. Field location/verification of utilities by survey will not be provided (Task 2). 3.6 Since the area is already developed, we will not retain the services of a geotechnical engineer per the direction of the OWNER. 3.7 Prepare 60%, 90% and 100% plans and specifications for the pipe improvements for bidding (Task 3). The plans will be double plan view with no profile view. 3.8 Prepare documentation and a permit submittal package for the FDEP. Fees for the submittal package will be the responsibility of the OWNER (Task 4). At the preliminary engineering level, we will send a permit determination letter to FDEP. The purpose of this letter is to determine whether more than one permit is required due to multiple connections between the old system and the new. The new lines may not be considered "continuous" and it is possible that each street may necessitate a permit application. FDEP will not provide a permit determination over the phone. 3.9 Provide bidding services (Task 5). SECTION 4 SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES OF THE ENGINEER 4.1 If authorized in writing by the OWNER prior to the rendering of such services, the ENGINEER will furnish or obtain under subcontracts, supplementary services of the following types which will be paid for by the OWNER. 4.1.1 Additional services due to significant changes in the scope of the project or its design including, but not limited to, changes in size, complexity, character of construction or due to time delays in initiating or completion of the work as described herein. 4.1.2 Additional services in connection with the project including services normally furnished by the OWNER as described in Section 5 herein and services not otherwise provided for in this Amendment. 4.1.3 Preparing to serve and serving as an expert witness for the OWNER in any protest, litigation, or other proceeding involving the project. 4.1.4 Additional engineering services required by revisions to regulations (after the date of this Amendment) as applicable to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the St. Johns River Water Management District, or other regulatory agency requirements. 4.1.5 Provide surveying services if required or requested by the OWNER. 4.1.6 Provide, through a subconsultant, soils investigation and geohydrological services if required or requested by the OWNER, or if required by the SJRWMD, recommended by the ENGINEER and authorized by the OWNER. 4.1.7 Provide, through a subconsultant, electrical/HVAC services if required or requested by the OWNER SECTION 5 THE OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 The OWNER will: 5.1.1 Advise the ENGINEER of his requirements for the project and designate a person to act as the OWNER'S representative with respect to the work to be performed under this Amendment, and such person shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define the OWNER'S policies and decisions pertinent to the work covered by this Amendment. 5.1.2 Guarantee access to and make all provision for the ENGINEER to enter upon public and private lands as required for the ENGINEER to perform his work under this Amendment. 5.1.3 Provide data requested that is reasonably available on the existing utility systems, population and projections, land use and planning information. 5.1.4 Provide personnel to locate facilities and mow, trim, or otherwise make them accessible for inspection. 5.1.5 Examine all studies, reports, sketches, and other documents presented by the ENGINEER and render decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the work of the ENGINEER. 5.1.6 Obtain approval of all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the project, and such approvals and consents from such other individuals or bodies as may be necessary for completion of the Project. 5.1.7 Furnish, or direct the ENGINEER in writing to provide at the OWNER'S expense, soils investigations if advised in writing by the ENGINEER that they are necessary or advisable. 5.1.8 Furnish, or direct the ENGINEER in writing to provide at the OWNER'S expense, necessary additional services as stipulated in Section 4 of this Amendment, or other services as required. 5.1.9 Provide such legal, accounting, and insurance counseling services as may be required for the project, and such auditing services as the OWNER may require. 5.1.10 Give prompt written notice to the ENGINEER whenever the OWNER observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in the Project. SECTION 6 PAYMENT 6.1 PAYMENT Payments for services and expenses of the ENGINEER to be as set forth below: 6.1.1 Principals and Employees of the ENGINEER. 6.1.2 The fee for the engineering design scope of services described herein will be provided for a lump sum fee of $48,039.00 for the base services, as shown on the attached manpower breakdown. 6.2 REIMBURSED EXPENSES 6.2.1 The OWNER will make prompt monthly payments in response to ENGINEER'S monthly statements without retention for all categories of services rendered under this Amendment and for reimbursable expenses incurred. 6.2.2 Charges for the services rendered by principals and employees as witnesses in any litigation, hearing or proceeding in accordance with Paragraph 4.1.3 will be computed at a rate of $650.00 per day or any portion thereof (but compensation for time spent in preparing to appear in any such litigation, hearing or proceeding will be computed on an hourly rate). 6.2.3 If this Amendment is terminated during prosecution of the services prior to completion of the services of Section 3, payments to be made in accordance with Paragraph 6.1.1 and 6.2.1 on account of that and all prior work under this Amendment shall be due and payable, and shall constitute total payment for services rendered. In addition, upon termination, the ENGINEER shall be paid for any Additional Services authorized and rendered under Section 4. 6.2.4 The ENGINEER shall promptly begin work on the services authorized by this Amendment upon receipt of notice to proceed from the OWNER. SECTION 7 GENERAL CONDITIONS 7.1 Since the ENGINEER has no control over the cost of labor, materials, or equipment, or over any construction contractor's method of determining prices, any opinions of probable construction cost which may be provided in the services of this Amendment are made on the basis of his experience and qualifications and represent his best judgement as a design professional familiarwith the construction industry, but the ENGINEER cannot and does not guarantee that bids or the construction cost will not vary from opinions of probable cost prepared by him. 7.2 The OWNER and the ENGINEER each binds himself and his partners, successors, executors, administrators and assigns to the other party of this Amendment and to partners, successors, executors, administrators, and assigns of such other party in respect to all covenants of this Amendment. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating any personal liability on the part of any officer or agency of any public body which may be a party hereto, nor shall it be construed as giving any rights or benefits hereunder to anyone other than the OWNER and the ENGINEER. SECTION 8 8.1 The ENGINEER agrees to prosecute the work in a timely manner until the Project is completed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Amendment the day and year first above written. OWNER: City of Winter Springs,...I~Et~rida A TF~ST 1 ATTEST By. 1 ~~ ~~ Date: /- !'7 ENGINEER: CPH Engineers, Inc. By: Date: Z-l l U J:\26582\PROPOSALS\WSPGSWMEND9I.DOC Winter Springs Proposal North Orlando First Addition Water Line Replacement Project Project Senior Misc. Task 1 Task Descri tion Mana er En ineer Desi n Tech Clerical Ex enses I 1 Conduct vital meeting to collect available data. ~ 3'' ~ 3 ' _ _ 1 ' 2 Review existing data for the protect area (water, sewer, etc.) , _ 6 4 3 Perform site visit to evaluate existing conditions, review utility ,locations and identify potential. conflict situations ~ 1! 4 ~; 4 2 ~ drawin sand la out 10 drawin s with cover re 30 P 9 Y ( 9 1 4 % sheet) 10 201, 40 41 5 !,Submit seven sets Half Size format 1 2, _ 2' $38.00 - 6 - Meet with staff to review __ 3 3 I- 1 - ~_. 7 p Pre are written list of comments and actions 3 ~ ._ 1 _ SUBTOTAL DIRECT LABOR See supporting documentation for breakdown of miscellaneous expenses Project Manage Project Enginee Senior Design Tech Clerical Total Raw Labor Cos 16 39 50 10 TOTAL LABOR COST $10,920.00 Misc. Expenses $38.00 TOTAL TASK 1 $10,958.00 RATE HOURS r $140.00 16 $2,240.00 r $120.00 39 $4,680.00 $70.00 50 $3,500.00 $50.00 10 $500.00 t $10,920.00 Page T-1 Winter Springs Proposal North Orlando First Addition Water Line Replacement Project Project Senior Misc. Task 2 Task Descri tion Mana er En ineer Desi n Tech Clerical Subconsultant Ex enses 'Survey __ -- -! ..Topographic information of route of the project area. Use '~ 1 Lidar maps for base. Obtain and manipulate for base. ' 1 1 8I 1 _. 2 Supplemental Survey NA ~~ - ~ ~- i- SUBTOTAL DIRECT LABOR HOURS 1 1 8 1 TOTAL LABOR COST $870.00 SUBCONSULTANT $0.00 Misc. Expenses $0.00 TOTAL TASK 2 $870.00 $0.00 0 RATE HOURS Project Manager $140.00 1 $140.00 Project Engineer $120.00 1 $120.00 Senior Design Tech $70.00 8 $560.00 Clerical $50.00 1 $50.00 Total Raw Labor Cost $870.00 Page T-2 Winter Springs Proposal North Orlando First Addition Water Line Replacement Task 3 Task Descri lion Project Mana er Project Senior En ineer Desi n Tech Clerical Misc. Ex nses Preparation of Construction Documents Final Design - - - __ _ _ 1 I Prepare 60°~ drawings and specifications _ ? 8 ' b Lo ation/Key Map and General Notes 2 ~ 8 c Double Plan sheets (5 anticipated at 1 "-30' scale) 5~ 10! 40' ~ P ( t J ~ 24 i, assurance and "Constructibility" review qual ty l ovide e _ 3 2 ; f Prepare technical specifications _ 2 16 6, __ _ 2, ._ 2 $211.00 h' Meet with Cit staff to review I Y 3 3 ~- 1 for verification Y lt n u 3 ~ 3' I below ents See vPse docume ts er com Re ) t ~ i 2 g P P ~ Pre are 90 /° drawin sands eafications - a o n ar ~ ~ atl"=30'scale { 5anti ated DoubleP sheets c 2 _ 10 3 20 6 Details ( she ts) d _ . _ _ _ Y q e ~ e Provde ualit assurance and "Constructibitit "review 3' 3 i fj Rewse technical specfications 1 ~ 8 _ 4! ° l and current cost estimate ecf ~at ons g package willenclude plans, sp I i ~ 2! 1 $211.00 I Meet with City staff to revew ~ h 3 3 1 _ _ t segregated by plan o l isheet a e ~ p 2 i 3~ 3 2 90% eview (see be owj se documents per Rev t I 3 ', Prepare of 100% Drawings and specifications i ilit " i " _ 1 ~ 2 10' 2 40j 3i 4 Construct rev ew ~ Provide ualit assurance and b q y - _ y ~ _ 5 T g. 'Pre are a si ned and sealed En meers Cost Estimate g P 1 4' 4 _ 2 ~ _ ven sets of construction drawings and technical specifications I u I 6 -- C ty It the ~ _j 2t _ 2 i $211.00 - SUBTOTAL DIRECT LABOR 29 94 163 27 See supporting documentation for breakdown of miscellaneous expenses TOTAL LABOR COST $28,100.00 Misc. Expenses $633.00 TOTAL TASK 3 $28,733.00 RATE HOURS Project Manager $140.00 29 $4,060.00 Project Engineer $120.00 94 $11,280.00 Senior Design Tech $70.00 163 $11,410.00 Clerical $50.00 27 $1,350.00 Total Labor Cost $28,100.00 Page T-3 Winter Springs Proposal North Orlando First Addition Water Line Replacement Project Project Senior Misc. Task 4 Task Descri tion Mana er En ineer Desi n Tech Clerical Ex enses Permitting _ 1 Prepare and submit permit determination letter. 1 2 2 2 'Prepare application for a water line replacement permit for 2 FDEP. 2 i -- 16',I 4 2 ~ $184.00 P ry~ _ - ~ _ _ __ ! 2 - 3 Res and to one RAI if necessa 4, SUBTOTAL DIRECT LABOR See supporting documentation for breakdown of miscellaneous expenses 2 20 12 4 TOTAL LABOR COST $3,720.00 Misc. Expenses $184.00 TOTAL TASK 4 $3,904.00 RATE HOURS Project Manager $140.00 2 $280.00 Project Engineer $120.00 20 $2,400.00 Senior Design Tech $70.00 12 $840.00 Clerical $50.00 4 $200.00 Total Raw Labor Cost $3,720.00 Page T-4 Winter Springs Proposal North Orlando First Addition Water Line Replacement Project Project Senior Misc. Task 5 Task Description Mana er En ineer Desi n Tech Clerical Ex enses Bidding Assistance - - - ,Furnish 10 sets of drawin sand one set of technical 9 1 I p Y I ~ s ecs and 1 CD to the Cit _ 2 I 3 2; $174.00 2 Prepare for and attend pre-bid conference 3 _ _. _ 3 a _ 2' ' Consider written uestions and re are addenda as i Q P P 3 re wired. 2 - 4 _ 1 it Review and evaluate bids/prepare bid tab/verify I r ~ 4 I references/make recommendations. 1 I' 6' 6 SUBTOTAL DIRECT LABOR 6 15 3 11 See supporting documentation for breakdown of miscellaneous expenses Project Manager Project Engineer Senior Design Tech Clerical Total Raw Labor Cos TOTAL LABOR COST $3,400.00 Misc. Expenses $174.00 TOTAL TASK 5 $3,574.00 RATE HOURS $140.00 6 $840.00 $120.00 15 $1,800.00 $70.00 3 $210.00 $50.00 11 $550.00 t $3,400.00 Page T-5 MISCELANEOUS EXPENSES Winter Springs Proposal nortn ur~an ao rust Aaaiuo n water pine rce p~acemeni ITEM DESCRIPTION COST UNIT TASK 1 TASK 2 TASK 3 TASK 4 TASK 5 Qty Ext Qty Ext Qty Ext Qty Ext Qty Ext Photocopies 8 1/2 x 11 $0.05 Sheet $0.00 ~ 6.300 $315.00 ~ 1200 $60.00 -- 300 $15.00 Photocopies 11x 17 $0.20 Sheet 70 i $14.00 $0.00 _ $0.00 lots Standard $6.40 Sheet 30 $192 00 ~ 10 I $64.00 p Half size lots $1.40 Sheet i 10 $14.00 - ~ __ $0.00 ~ 1 10, $14.00 Blueprinting 24" x 36" $0.60 Sheet ~ 210' $126.00 40' $24.00 100 $60.00 Plotting Mylars $8.00 Sheet I ~ ~ i Color Flyer 8 1/2 x 11 double sided $1.70 Each - ~ { $0.00 Color Plot 24' x 36' $36.00 Sheet I, _ __ ~~ $0.00 I _ Postage $0.37 Letter _ -- -- ' $0.00 Scanned Images $1.10 Sheet ~ - ~ Digital Camera $10.00 Ea Use 1 $10.00 _ _ _ Diskette $3.50 Disk -- ~ 6; $21.00 Miscellaneous I -- I ~ $100.00 TOTALS $38.00 0 $633.00 $184.00 $174.00 Page T-6 Winter Springs Proposal North Orlando First Addition Water Line Replacement TASK SUMMARY LUMP SUM TASKS TASK 1 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING $10,958.00 TASK 2 SURVEY & GEOTECHNICAL $870.00 TASK 3 PREPARATION OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS $28,733.00 TASK 4 PERMITTING SERVICES $3,904.00 TASK 5 BIDDING SERVICES $3,574.00 TOTAL LUMP SUM PROJECT DESIGN COST $48,039.00 Page T-7