HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 11 10 Consent 203 Records Management/Document Imaging Project
ITEM 203
Consent X
Public Hearing
November lO. 2003
Regular Meeting
Mgr. / Dept.
Information Services is requesting authorization for the
City Manager to enter into a contract with Florida League
of Cities consultants for Records Management/Document
Imaging Project.
To obtain authorization to secure consultants for Records
Management/Document Imaging project, Phase I, Project Plan.
The Records Management/Document Imaging Project was set forth in the
LT. Plan Document created in FY 2002. We are now ready to begin the
project but will need the assistance of a consultant to accomplish this task.
· Identify stakeholders and schedule interviews with each.
· Establish and orient the project team.
· Gather documentation - provide guidance for departments to gather
and identify pertinent documents that may be candidates for the
records management system.
· Analyze needs:
o What documents or files are cost effective to image?
U:\Docs\Agenda Items\FY 2004\November
2003\111003 _ COMM _ Consent_ 203 _Records _ Management_ Consultant. doc
Page 1 of3
o What process should be used to effectively Image the
o How will documents be retrieved?
o What are the effects on public records laws and State retention
o What interfaces are necessary from existing systems into the
records management system?
Generate white paper on retention requirements:
o Review state statutes
o Analyze available technology
o Develop a white paper that specifically addresses the issues of
retention and compliance with public records laws
Develop implementation plan which will include:
o A specifically identified action plan with priorities
o Identified milestones, with timeframes and deadlines
o Identification and assignment of responsibilities
o Recommendation for potential strategic outsourcing
opportunities .
Identify hardware/software needs - provide an itemized list of
hardware, software, training and any other items that need to be
purchased to implement the plan. Whenever possible, state contract
will be used to identify vendors and costs.
Determine Project Management Cost - provide a final proposal to
manage the actual implementation of plan on behalf of the City, once
all requirements have been identified.
Compile Report - all information and research obtained will be
compiled into a written implementation plan with an executive
summary. The plan will be provided in written form and electronic
Generate Presentation - generate a slide presentation to provide a
summary of the plan. The plan will then be presented to the City.
The League guarantees that total labor cost will not exceed $33,015 to
complete this scope of work. This amount is included in Information
Services FY 2004 budget. No additional funding is necessary. An
initiation fee of$5,OOO (included in the $33,015) is required to start the
We recommend that the Commission authorize the City Manager to
contract with Florida League of Cities to begin phase I of the Records
Management/Document Imaging Project - the goal being to furnish The
City with an analysis and implementation plan.
U:\Docs\Agenda Items\FY 2004\November
2003\111003 _ COMM _ Consent_ 203 _Records _ Management_ Consultant.doc
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ATTACHMENTS: "Florida League of Cities Proposal for Records Management
Technology Analysis and Implementation Plan" document
U:\Docs\Agenda Items\FY 2004\November
2003\111003_ COMM _ Consent_ 203 _Records _ Management_ Consultant.doc
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City of Winter Springs, Florida
Proposal For Records Management
Analysis and Implementation Plan
November 3, 2003
Technology Services
125 E. Colonial Drive - P.O. Box 530065 - Orlando, Florida 32853-0065
b fl.OlllIJ"t",'GUeOvCI11''''"SC.
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
Table of Contents
About the Florida League of Cities .............................................................................. 3
The League's Understanding of Your Needs ..............................................................4
Project Approach ........ ..... ........ ...... ....... ........ ................. ... ........... ......... .............. ... .......5
Project Deliverables .......... ...... ....... ........ ..... ......... ...................... ........ ........... ...... .... ......7
Project Staffi ng ............................................................................................................. 9
Project Schedu Ie......................................................................................................... 12
Project Cost................................................................................................................. 13
Contractual Terms and Conditions... ............... ................. ............. ........ ............ ........ 14
Page 2
November 6, 2003
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
~ fl.OIUnA l..E,\GUJ~ 01' C.11.:S, INt'.
About the Florida League of Cities
The Florida League of Cities (League) has had a long history of assisting local
government providing efficient and effective services to the public. City officials, who
recognized the benefits of uniting local governments, created the FLC in 1922. Since
that time, the League has grown to become one of the largest state municipal leagues in
the nation. Membership in the League is limited to municipal governments within the
State of Florida. The League is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of elected
officials from cities, towns and villages in the state.
The League delivers a number of products and services to its member agencies.
Through the use of the "pooling" concept, we have been able to negotiate contractual
services in advance and collectively offer services and programs at a substantially
reduced cost.
In addition, the League provides technology services to members consistent with the
direction, mission and goals of the League. These services are provided through two
initiatives. First, as mentioned above, through "pooling" the needs of our members for
similar services, the League is able to negotiate more favorable contracts to provide
high-quality services at a substantially reduced cost. Second, for those services needed
by our members that do not fit the "pooling" model, the League endeavor to provide the
services directly through in-house personnel. This includes our consulting services and
network technology assistance program.
Page 3
November 6, 2003
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
The League's Understanding of Your Needs
It is our understanding that the City of Winter Springs desires the League to develop a
records management technology and implementation plan to include the following:
· Help the City to determine how to proceed in the future with documents that are
already digital in nature (MUNIS and KIVA documents or documents located on
servers, etc). How can we implement these documents into the new records
management system?
· Help the City to determine and resolve issues related to the records
management project as well as help us to resolve some questions that have
come up regarding how we should store long term documents (microfilm,
microfiche, CD, tape, etc.); are there any state requirements on retention of long
term or permanent documents? These questions should all be spelled out in an
issues paper.
· Help the City to specifically determine which services, software, hardware or
other technology is needed for the City's records management system.
· Prepare an itemized list of costs for the entire project as well as help the City to
determine which of the items are available on state contract:
· Hardware - itemized list with costs
· Software - itemized list with costs
· Implementation to include training (vendor)
· Project Management for implementation (vendor)
· Other expenses
· Prepare an Implementation Plan for the entire city with timelines, responsibilities
and milestones.
· Determine cost for FLC to manage the implementation project.
Page 4
November 6, 2003
~ FI.OIlIllA'.I!,\(;UI!OpCmp.s"",'.
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
Project Approach
The project will be approached in phases with multiple steps in each phase. Many of
these phases and steps will overlap each other in terms of scheduling.
Phase I - Project Initiation
Step 1: Initiate Project
During the project initiation step, the stakeholders of the project will be identified
and an interview schedule developed. Also the project team is established and
Step 2: G~ther Documentation
The League will provide guidance for Departments to gather and identify
pertinent documents that may be candidates for the records management
system. Samples of these documents will be gathered for initial review.
Phase II - Interviews and Analysis By Department
Step 1: Departmental Interviews
The League will meet with each of the 9 departments to review their document
management needs. This interview will gather information for analysis to
· What documents (or files) are cost effective to image
· What process should be used to effectively image the documents
· How documents will be retrieved
· What are the effects on public records laws and State retention
· What interfaces are necessary from existing systems into the records
management system
· Interviews and Analysis By Department
Page 5
November 6, 2003
. FI.OIlIllA l."AGU"OI'CITII!S, 'St.
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
Step 2: Generate White Paper on Retention Requirements
Through review of State statutes and analysis of the technology, the League will
develop a white paper to specifically address the issues of retention. (Note:
This will not be a legal opinion, but will provide the City Attorney with relevant
information upon which to provide the City with a legal opinion).
Phase III - Implementation Plan Development and Identifying Needs
Step 1: Develop Implementation Plan
The League will develop a detailed implementation plan for the records
management project to include:
. A specifically identified action plan with priorities
. Identified milestones, with timeframes and deadlines
. Identification and assignment of responsibilities
. Recommendation for potential strategic outsourcing opportunities
Step 2: Hardware I Software Needs
After completing the analysis and developing an implementation plan, the
League will provide an itemized list of hardware, software, training and any other
items that need to be purchased to implement the plan. Whenever possible,
State contract will be used to identify vendors and cost.
Step 3: Determine Project Management Cost
The League will provide a final proposal to manage the project on behalf of the
City, once all requirements have been identified.
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November 6, 2003
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
Phase IV - Compile Final Implementation Plan and Presentation
Step 1: Compile Report
All information and research obtained will be compiled into a written
implementation plan with an executive summary. The plan will be provided in
written form and electronic form using Microsoft Word.
Step 2: Generate Presentation
Generate a slide presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint to provide a summary
of the plan. The plan will be presented to the City.
Project Oeliverables
The final deliverable for this project is an Implementation Plan with specific action items,
timeframes, responsibilities and deadlines. In addition the plan will specifically identify
an estimated cost associated with the implementation process. The plan will be
presented in paper as well as a Microsoft Word 2000 electronic format. The
presentation will be in Microsoft PowerPoint 2000.
Intermediate Deliverables by Phase:
Phase I - Project Initiation
. List of stakeholders and schedule of interviews
Phase" - Interviews and Analysis By Department
· A list of all documents that will be imaged by Department
· A recommended process for imaging the documents
· Identification and quantification of current backlog that will have to
be dealt with
· Create a list of issues and questions, by department, along with
their corresponding resolutions and answers
Phase'" - Implementation Plan Development and Identifying Needs
. Draft of implementation plan
· Specifically identified hardware, software, training and other such
needs with associated cost
Phase IV - Compile Final Implementation Plan and Presentation
. Implementation Plan
. Executive Presentation
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November 6, 2003
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
Project Assumptions
1. Access to Personnel: It is assumed that the League will have open access to
Winter Springs department heads and other key individuals for interviews. We
assume that we will be able to schedule timely appointments for these
2. Access to Facilities: It is assumed that the League will have open access to
Winter Spring's facilities in order to review the technology equipment. We
understand that, depending upon the area, we may need to be escorted.
3. Access to Vendors: It is assumed that the League will have open access and
cooperation from Winter Spring's software vendors, MUNIS, KIVA, and others
identified in the Analysis phase, in order to review the technology equipment.
We understand that, depending upon the area; we may need to be escorted.
Page 8
November 6, 2003
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
fU.Hfmi\ l.e,\Gup. OPCITII'.s, INC.
Project Staffing
Three individuals with extensive experience and background in the municipal
environment and public sector will staff the project. Frank Hagy will serve as the Project
Executive and will provide project oversight. Sherry Hilley will serve as Project Manager
on the project and will be fully involved in all aspects of the project. Tom Babington will
be developing the white paper (issues document) relating to the retention of documents.
Franklin R. Haav. CPM
Frank Hagy is the Chief Information Officer for the Florida League of Cities. He has over
thirty years of experience in the technology industry spanning both public sector and
private industry. The past twenty years have been spent in senior level management
positions developing and implementing technology visions and plans.
Prior to coming with the League he was an Associate Director with Gartner Group
Consulting specializing in State and Local Government information technology
governance, strategic planning, outsourcing, and implementation strategies.
Mr. Hagy served as the Director and Chief Information Officer for the City of Orlando,
Florida. As the City's first Director of Technology, Mr. Hagy created a full service IT
organization establishing and implementing all appropriate policies, procedures and
methods of IT governance. Application systems implemented include financial and
accounting, public safety computer aided dispatch and records management, permitting,
geographic information systems, public works, environmental services, and recreation
systems. Implemented systems included Internet, intranet and mobile technologies.
Responsibilities included management and maintenance of an infrastructure necessary
to support a two thousand plus user base with associated local and wide area networks.
During this period Mr. Hagy was twice elected as President of the Florida Local
Government Information Systems Association and was very active in legislative issues
regarding technology at the Florida State capital.
Additionally, Mr. Hagy was Branch Manager at EG&G Corp. at Kennedy Space Center.
In this position he was responsible for applications, databases and the technology
infrastructure necessary to support NASA base operations including facilities
management and public safety. Here he served on NASA's quality assurance council
and received NASA's quality contractor award. Mr. Hagy also provided technology
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November 6, 2003
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
leadership in private industry as the Director of Information Systems and Director of
Finance for a subsidiary of General Mills, Inc.
Mr. Hagy holds an MBA from Nova University, a BS degree in Management Science
from Shenandoah College and has obtained a Certified Public Manager (CPM)
designation from Florida State University.
Mr. Hagy has also served an adjunct professor for Barry University, Chairman for the
Business Advisory Council for Vocationalrrechnical Education and as a Board Member
for Valencia's Community College technology programs for the disabled. He is the
founder of the Orlando Community Services Network; technology systems that assist
non-profit agencies in providing quality services to the homeless and indigent.
Sherry L. Hillev. CISA
Sherry Hilley is the Training and Development Manager for the Florida League of Cities.
She has over fifteen years of experience in the technology industry working for the public
sector. The past eleven years have been spent in senior level management position
developing and implementing software technology.
Prior to coming with the League she was Software Support Senior Manager at the City
of Orlando specializing in information technology strategic planning, implementation
strategies, implementing all appropriate policies, procedures and methods of IT
governance. Application systems implemented include financial and accounting, public
safety computer aided dispatch and records management, permitting, geographic
information systems, public works, environmental services, and recreation systems.
Implemented systems included Internet, intranet and mobile technologies. She
established a Learning Center for the training of desktop and system applications.
During this period Mrs. Hilley was elected several times to serve on the Board of
Directors for the Central Florida Midrange Users Group providing IT training for the
technical group.
During her first four years with the City, she worked with the Internal Audit Department
providing Compliance, Financial and Information Systems (IS) Audits. She assisted
external auditors with the IS portion of their review each year. Mrs. Hilley is still very
active with the Central Florida Chapter of Information Systems Auditors and Control
Association and the International Board supporting their annual control conference.
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November 6, 2003
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
~ fU.HUlM LI:,\GUP- 01' CITIES, INf.'.
Additionally, Mrs. Hilley was Assistant Comptroller for American Bakeries Inc. in the
Orlando office. In this position she was responsible for all financial applications,
databases and production requirements for the Central Florida area of product
Mrs. Hilley holds a BS degree in Accounting from Florida Southern College and has
obtained a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) designation from the
Information Systems Audit and Control Association.
Tom Babinaton
Tom Babington has spent over 25 years in senior leadership roles in the IT industry, in
both the private and public sector, in telecommunications and in IS, as an IT manager
and as an IT consultant. Most recently, Tom served as a Vice President for Gartner
Consulting, a role in which he delivered consulting services and managed a team of
consultants, which provided IT management consulting for private sector firms as well as
state and local governments in the southeast U.S.
Prior to joining Gartner, Tom was the Director of Information Technology for Orange
County, Florida for six years, which followed an eight-year period during which he was
the county's Telecommunications Manager. As an employee of Orange County, Tom
headed the Region 9 Radio Coordination efforts for 800MHz, represented the county in
all PTI activities (Public Technology Incorporated), served on PTl's Urban Consortium,
completed a nine-month Leadership Orlando program, provided leadership for the
founding and later served as president of the Well-Connected Community (a grass roots,
not-for-profit organization that in 1995 promoted the benefits of community-based web
collaboration), and successfully completed a three-week program for Senior Executives
in State and Local Government at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard
In addition to having been a guest speaker for various user's groups and ICMA
conferences over the years, Tom has contributed articles to health care and government
publications, including the League's "Quality Cities" magazine. His professional
experiences have covered all aspects of managing the IT environment.
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November 6, 2003
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
Project Schedule
It is estimated that this project will take ten weeks to complete.
Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Phase I - Initiate Project -
Phase II - Interviews and Analysis by
Phase III - Implementation Plan
Develooment and Identifying Needs
Phase IV - Compile Final
Implementation Plan and Presentation
Page 12
November 6, 2003
PI.OnmA 1.I!t\GUP. 01' Cines, 1:'\It'.
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
Project Cost
Fees are based upon the amount of time required to complete our assignment in a
thorough and professional manner. This project will take approximately 301 hours to
complete and up to 15 to 18 trips to the City of Winter Springs over a period of 8 to 10
The Leaque Quarantees that total labor cost will not exceed $33,015 to complete this
scope of work. In addition to labor cost actual expenses will be charged. All personnel
will come from Orlando; therefore travel will be by automobile. We estimate total
expenses will not exceed $500.00.
An initiation fee of $5,000 is required to start the project. All remaining fees are payable
30 days after completion of the project. The City's obligations to the League under this
Agreement shall terminate upon receipt by the League of all outstanding fees due from
the City. The project is deemed complete upon the City's receipt of the final report at the
management presentation. The League's obligations to the City under this Agreement
shall terminate upon the City's receipt of said report.
This project definition and fee quote is valid until November 30, 2003.
Page 13
November 6, 2003
~ I'I.ORIO,\L"'\GU"OI'C"",!S,L~e.
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
Contractual Terms and Conditions
If the Florida League of Cities, its employees or agents fail for any reason, whether or
not negligent, to fulfill the conditions as contained in this contract, the City of Winter
Springs only remedy shall be to receive a refund of all monies paid for the project. In no
event will the Florida League of Cities be liable for any loss, special, punitive or
consequential damages or damages in excess of the amounts received by the Florida
League of Cities under the terms of this Agreement.
Entire Agreement
This agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the Florida League of
Cities and the City of Winter Springs with respect to the subject matter of this agreement
and shall not be modified or changed without the express consent of the parties. The
provisions of this agreement supersede all prior oral and written quotations,
communications, agreements and understandings of the parties with respect to the
subject matter of this agreement.
Franklin R. Hagy, Chief Information Officer Date
Florida League of Cities
Agreed To on behalf of the City of Winter Springs:
Page 14
November 6, 2003
City of Winter Springs, Florida
Proposal For Records Management
Analysis and Implementation Plan
November 3, 2003
Technology SetvYCes
125 E. Colonial Drive - P.O. Box 530065 -Orlando, Florida 32853-0065
Hwewa Lr:~cm: urCm~s. i~~.
Table of Contents
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
About the Florida League of Cities .............................................................................. 3
The League's Understanding of Your Needs ..............................................................4
Project Approach .......................................................................................................... 5
Project Deliverables ......................................................................................................7
Project Staffing ............................................................................................................9
Project Schedule .........................................................................................................12
Project Cost .................................................................................................................13
Contractual Terms and Conditions ............................................................................14
Confidential Page 2 November 11, 2003
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
About the Florida League of Cities
The Florida League of Cities (League) has had a long history of assisting local
government providing efficient and effective services to the public. City officials, who
recognized the benefits of uniting local governments, created the FLC in 1922. Since
that time, the League has grown to become one of the largest state municipal leagues in
the nation. Membership in the League is limited to municipal governments within the
State of Florida. The League is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of elected
officials from cities, towns and villages in the state.
The League delivers a number of products and services to its member agencies.
Through the use of the "pooling" concept, we have been able to negotiate contractual
services in advance and collectively offer services and programs at a substantially
reduced cost.
In addition, the League provides technology services to members consistent with the
direction, mission and goals of the League. These services are provided through two
initiatives. First, as mentioned above, through "pooling" the needs of our members for
similar services, the League is able to negotiate more favorable contracts to provide
high-quality services at a substantially reduced cost. Second, for those services needed
by our members that do not fit the "pooling" model, the League endeavor to provide the
services directly through in-house personnel. This includes our consulting services and
network technology assistance program.
Confidential Page 3 November 11, 2003
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
The League's Understanding of Your Needs
It is our understanding that the City of Winter Springs desires the League to develop a
records management technology and implementation plan to include the following:
• Help the City to determine how to proceed in the future with documents that are
already digital in nature (MUNIS and KIVA documents or documents located on
servers, etc). How can we implement these documents into the new records
management system?
• Help the City to determine and resolve issues related to the records
management project as well as help us to resolve some questions that have
come up regarding how we should store long term documents (microfilm,
microfiche, CD, tape, etc.); are there any state requirements on retention of long
term or permanent documents? These questions should all be spelled out in an
issues paper.
• Help the City to specifically determine which services, software, hardware or
other technology is needed for the City's records management system.
• Prepare an itemized list of costs for the entire project as well as help the City to
determine which of the items are available on state contract:
^ Hardware -itemized list with costs
^ Software -itemized list with costs
^ Implementation to include training (vendor)
• Project Management for implementation (vendor)
^ Other expenses
• Prepare an Implementation Plan for the entire city with timelines, responsibilities
and milestones.
• Determine cost for FLC to manage the implementation project.
Confidential Page 4 November 11, 2003
Fweum Lr:nuue or Crt~rr, w~~.
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
Project Approach
The project will be approached in phases with multiple steps in each phase. Many of
these phases and steps will overlap each other in terms of scheduling.
Phase I -Project Initiation
Step 1: Initiate Project
During the project initiation step, the stakeholders of the project will be identified
and an interview schedule developed. Also the project team is established and
Step 2: Gather Documentation
The League will provide guidance for Departments to gather and identify
pertinent documents that may be candidates for the records management
system. Samples of these documents will be gathered for initial review.
Phase II -Interviews and Analysis By Department
Step 1: Departmental Interviews
The League will meet with each of the 9 departments to review their document
management needs. This interview will gather information for analysis to
• What documents (or files) are cost effective to image
• What process should be used to effectively image the documents
• How documents will be retrieved
• What are the effects on public records laws and State retention
• What interfaces are necessary from existing systems into the records
management system
• Interviews and Analysis By Department
Confidential Page 5
November 11, 2003
F~uwiua Lra~:ur. nrCrru•_r. ~~c.
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
Step 2: Generate White Paper on Retention Requirements
Through review of State statutes and analysis of the technology, the League will
develop a white paper to specifically address the issues of retention. (Note:
This will not be a legal opinion, but will provide the City Attorney with relevant
information upon which to provide the City with a legal opinion).
Phase III -Implementation Plan Development and Identifying Needs
Step 1: Develop Implementation Plan
The League will develop a detailed implementation plan for the records
management project to include:
• A specifically identified action plan with priorities
• Identified milestones, with timeframes and deadlines
• Identification and assignment of responsibilities
• Recommendation for potential strategic outsourcing opportunities
Step 2: Hardware /Software Needs
After completing the analysis and developing an implementation plan, the
League will provide an itemized list of hardware, software, training and any other
items that need to be purchased to implement the plan. Whenever possible,
State contract will be used to identify vendors and cost.
Step 3: Determine Project Management Cost
The League will provide a final proposal to manage the project on behalf of the
City, once all requirements have been identified.
Confidential Page 6 November 11, 2003
PIAINIUA ~.I.:ll:lll~:l/1' CIi11.Y,1\l'.
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
Phase IV -Compile Final Implementation Plan and Presentation
Step 1: Compile Report
All information and research obtained will be compiled into a written
implementation plan with an executive summary. The plan will be provided in
written form and electronic form using Microsoft Word.
Step 2: Generate Presentation
Generate a slide presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint to provide a summary
of the plan. The plan will be presented to the City.
Project Deliverables
The final deliverable for this project is an Implementation Plan with specific action items,
timeframes, responsibilities and deadlines. In addition the plan will specifically identify
an estimated cost associated with the implementation process. The plan will be
presented in paper as well as a Microsoft Word 2000 electronic format. The
presentation will be in Microsoft PowerPoint 2000.
Intermediate Deliverables by Phase:
Phase I -Project Initiation
• List of stakeholders and schedule of interviews
Phase II -Interviews and Analysis By Department
• A list of all documents that will be imaged by Department
• A recommended process for imaging the documents
• Identification and quantification of current backlog that will have to
be dealt with
• Create a list of issues and questions, by department, along with
their corresponding resolutions and answers
Phase III -Implementation Plan Development and Identifying Needs
• Draft of implementation plan
• Specifically identified hardware, software, training and other such
needs with associated cost
Phase IV -Compile Final Implementation Plan and Presentation
• Implementation Plan
• Executive Presentation
Confidential Page 7 November 11, 2003
Fu~w uu~ Lr_u:uv ur Cmvx i.r.
Project Assumptions
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
1. Access to Personnel: It is assumed that the League will have open access to
Winter Springs department heads and other key individuals for interviews. We
assume that we will be able to schedule timely appointments for these
2. Access to Facilities: It is assumed that the League will have open access to
Winter Spring's facilities in order to review the technology equipment. We
understand that, depending upon the area, we may need to be escorted.
3. Access to Vendors: It is assumed that the League will have open access and
cooperation from Winter Spring's software vendors, MUNIS, KIVA, and others
identified in the Analysis phase, in order to review the technology equipment.
We understand that, depending upon the area; we may need to be escorted.
Confidential Page 8 November 11, 2003
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
Fi.uwm,~ Le.~,mc or C,nrx.,~c.
Project Staffing
Three individuals with extensive experience and background in the municipal
environment and public sector will staff the project. Frank Hagy will serve as the Project
Executive and will provide project oversight. Sherry Hilley will serve as Project Manager
on the project and will be fully involved in all aspects of the project. Tom Babington will
be developing the white paper (issues document) relating to the retention of documents.
Franklin R. Haav, CPM
Frank Hagy is the Chief Information Officer for the Florida League of Cities. He has over
thirty years of experience in the technology industry spanning both public sector and
private industry. The past twenty years have been spent in senior level management
positions developing and implementing technology visions and plans.
Prior to coming with the League he was an Associate Director with Gartner Group
Consulting specializing in State and Local Government information technology
governance, strategic planning, outsourcing, and implementation strategies.
Mr. Hagy served as the Director and Chief Information Officer for the City of Orlando,
Florida. As the City's first Director of Technology, Mr. Hagy created a full service IT
organization establishing and implementing all appropriate policies, procedures and
methods of IT governance. Application systems implemented include financial and
accounting, public safety computer aided dispatch and records management, permitting,
geographic information systems, public works, environmental services, and recreation
systems. Implemented systems included Internet, Intranet and mobile technologies.
Responsibilities included management and maintenance of an infrastructure necessary
to support a two thousand plus user base with associated local and wide area networks.
During this period Mr. Hagy was twice elected as President of the Florida Local
Government Information Systems Association and was very active in legislative issues
regarding technology at the Florida State capital.
Additionally, Mr. Hagy was Branch Manager at EG&G Corp. at Kennedy Space Center.
In this position he was responsible for applications, databases and the technology
infrastructure necessary to support NASA base operations including facilities
management and public safety. Here he served on NASA's quality assurance council
and received NASA's quality contractor award. Mr. Hagy also provided technology
Page 9
November 11, 2003
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
Fu~rtnM li_~cur uvCmrx, ~K.
leadership in private industry as the Director of Information Systems and Director of
Finance for a subsidiary of General Mills, Inc.
Mr. Hagy holds an MBA from Nova University, a BS degree in Management Science
from Shenandoah College and has obtained a Certified Public Manager (CPM)
designation from Florida State University.
Mr. Hagy has also served an adjunct professor for Barry University, Chairman for the
Business Advisory Council for Vocational/Technical Education and as a Board Member
for Valencia's Community College technology programs for the disabled. He is the
founder of the Orlando Community Services Network; technology systems that assist
non-profit agencies in providing quality services to the homeless and indigent.
Sherry L. Hilley, CISA
Sherry Hilley is the Training and Development Manager for the Florida League of Cities.
She has over fifteen years of experience in the technology industry working for the public
sector. The past eleven years have been spent in senior level management position
developing and implementing software technology.
Prior to coming with the League she was Software Support Senior Manager at the City
of Orlando specializing in information technology strategic planning, implementation
strategies, implementing all appropriate policies, procedures and methods of IT
governance. Application systems implemented include financial and accounting, public
safety computer aided dispatch and records management, permitting, geographic
information systems, public works, environmental services, and recreation systems.
Implemented systems included Internet, Intranet and mobile technologies. She
established a Learning Center for the training of desktop and system applications.
During this period Mrs. Hilley was elected several times to serve on the Board of
Directors for the Central Florida Midrange Users Group providing IT training for the
technical group.
During her first four years with the City, she worked with the Internal Audit Department
providing Compliance, Financial and Information Systems (IS) Audits. She assisted
external auditors with the IS portion of their review each year. Mrs. Hilley is still very
active with the Central Florida Chapter of Information Systems Auditors and Control
Association and the International Board supporting their annual control conference.
Confidential Page 10 November 11, 2003
Fureron LrauueurCmrs, ~.~i'.
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
Additionally, Mrs. Hilley was Assistant Comptroller for American Bakeries Inc. in the
Orlando office. In this position she was responsible for all financial applications,
databases and production requirements for the Central Florida area of product
Mrs. Hilley holds a BS degree in Accounting from Florida Southern College and has
obtained a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) designation from the
Information Systems Audit and Control Association.
Tom Babinaton
Tom Babington has spent over 25 years in senior leadership roles in the IT industry, in
both the private and public sector, in telecommunications and in IS, as an IT manager
and as an IT consultant. Most recently, Tom served as a Vice President for Gartner
Consulting, a role in which he delivered consulting services and managed a team of
consultants, which provided IT management consulting for private sector firms as well as
state and local governments in the southeast U.S.
Prior to joining Gartner, Tom was the Director of Information Technology for Orange
County, Florida for six years, which followed an eight-year period during which he was
the county's Telecommunications Manager. As an employee of Orange County, Tom
headed the Region 9 Radio Coordination efforts for 800MHz, represented the county in
all PTI activities (Public Technology Incorporated), served on PTI's Urban Consortium,
completed anine-month Leadership Orlando program, provided leadership for the
founding and later served as president of the Wetl-Connected Community (a grass roots,
not-for-profit organization that in 1995 promoted the benefits of community-based web
collaboration), and successfully completed athree-week program for Senior Executives
in State and Local Government at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard
In addition to having been a guest speaker for various user's groups and ICMA
conferences over the years, Tom has contributed articles to health care and government
publications, including the League's "Quality Cities" magazine. His professional
experiences have covered all aspects of managing the IT environment.
Confidential Page 11 November 11, 2003
FUIRIUA r.f_AI:111:1 W CRL'3.Itif.
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
Project Schedule
It is estimated that this project will take ten weeks to complete.
Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Phase I -Initiate Project ~
Phase II -Interviews and Analysis by
Phase III -Implementation Plan
Develo ment and Identi in Needs
Phase IV -Com
ile Final
Im lementation Plan and Presentation
Confidential Page 12 November 11, 2003
Fwe ion Lraaur: or CITIYS. irr.
Winter Springs, Florida
Records Management Plan Proposal
Project Cost
Fees are based upon the amount of time required to complete our assignment in a
thorough and professional manner. This project will take approximately 301 hours to
complete and up to 15 to 18 trips to the City of Winter Springs over a period of 8 to 10
The League guarantees that total labor cost and actual expenses will not exceed
$33,015 to complete this scope of work.
An initiation fee of $5,000 is required to start the project. All remaining fees are payable
30 days after completion of the project. The City's obligations to the League under this
Agreement shall terminate upon receipt by the League of all outstanding fees due from
the City. The project is deemed complete upon the City's receipt of the final report at the
management presentation. The League's obligations to the City under this Agreement
shall terminate upon the City's receipt of said report.
This project definition and fee quote is valid until November 30, 2003.
Confidential Page 13 November 11, 2003
Winter Springs, Florida
~~yr Records Management Plan Proposal
(! i i~ Fu»mM Lr_~cut ~~r Cm~s. ~~.
Contractual Terms and Conditions
If the Florida League of Cities, its employees or agents fail for any reason, whether or
not negligent, to fulfill the conditions as contained in this contract, the City of Winter
Springs only remedy shall be to receive a refund of all monies paid for the project. In no
event will the Florida League of Cities be liable for any loss, special, punitive or
consequential damages or damages in excess of the amounts received by the Florida
League of Cities under the terms of this Agreement.
Entire Agreement
This agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the Florida League of
Cities and the City of Winter Springs with respect to the subject matter of this agreement
and shall not be modified or changed without the express consent of the parties. The
provisions of this agreement supersede all prior oral and written quotations,
communications, agreements and understandings of the parties with respect to the
subject matter of this agreement.
F anklin R. Hagy, Chief Information Officer Date
Florida League of Cities
Agreed To on behalf of the City of Winter Springs:
Signature: Date
Confidential Page 14 November 11, 2003