HomeMy WebLinkAboutFramensons, Inc. Proposal -2008 10 09
860 Montclair Terrace Orange City, Fl. 32763
Phone: 386-956-8400
framensons a;earthlink.net
Thursday, October 09, 2008
City of Winter Springs
To: Randy Stevenson (Community Development Director)
Mr. Stevenson:
State Certified
I would like to thank you and the City of Winter Springs for the past seven years of contract work
that you have awarded our company. I have been approached and asked to provide a proposal
for services during the fiscal year 2008-2009.
We are currently providing two commercially certified inspectors to the City of Winter Springs.
The number of inspectors provided has been appropriated according to the workload. The rates
for the 2007-2008 fiscal years are as follows: The rate for a commercial certified building inspector
per Chapter 468 FS has been $75.00 er r. a rate for a residential certified building inspector
per Chapter 468 FS has been 6 r. a rate for a certified plans examiner per Chapter ~ -~'-
468 FS has been $75.00 per hour. Shoul you choose to renew with our firm for a period of one
year (for the fiscal year 2008-2009), our rates will remain the same as the 2007-2008 fiscal year
with no increases and no changes in the services we provide during the 2008-2009 fiscal year.
These rates are based on a continuous contract for one year. There is a m;n;mum charge
of four hours per day per man that is requested. Our rates shall include all necessary
vehicles, fuel, insurances, mobile phones, benefits and small tools for our employees to
use while our company provides services to the City of Winter Springs. Required forms,
City ordinances and code books shall be provided by the City of Winter Springs. Rates
for weekend, holidays and emergency events such as hurricane damage assessment will
be billed at one and one half times the normal rates quoted above. Each man shall be
permitted a one week vacation, each at different intervals during the year, in which the
expense shall not be the responsibility of the City of Winter Springs.
860 Montclair Terrace Orange City, Fl. 32763
Phone: 386-956-8400
framensonsG~earthlink. net
State Certified
I thank you in advance for your time and consideration. It has been a pleasure serving
the City of Winter Springs for the past seven years and we look forward to serving the
city for many years to come. I have provided three copies of this proposal for your
records. Upon commission approval for the City of Winter Springs to enter into an
agreement with our firm, kindly sign and return one of the three copies to me at your
earliest convenience.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me and I'll be happy to
assist you.
Andrew R. Frame CI, CPE, CCA, CGC
~~ O
FRAMEN ,Inc. President's Signature Date
ity of Winter S~xings Representative's Signature Date
*This proposal, all terms and conditions stated within is valid for forty five (45) days
from the `ui~te of the proposal. A new proposal will be required if the forty five (45) day
time period expires and may be subject to changes.