HomeMy WebLinkAboutFlorida Power Authorization and Agreement -2000 01 27i ~{: ~~ :~~ ',FLORIDA ~. •'.~ POWER CORPORATION X^ WORK AUTHORIZATION AUTHORIZATION AND AGREEMENT INVOICE X^JOBORDER J35-99-1581UG NUMBER 99-1581 CUSTOM~~R'S NAME /TRADE NAME REP NTATIVE'$,NAME n REPRES TATIVE'S TITLE - ~ ~ ~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CITY STATE Z P 1126 E SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 - WORK DESCRIPTION CONTRIBUTION IN AID OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRIBUTION FROM CUSTOMER TO PROVIDE UNDERGROUND SERVICE TO CENTRAL WINDS PARK THEATER AREA LOCATED AT 1126 E SR 434. Florida Power Corporation is not responsible for damage to, or costs arising from unknown underground facilities,landscape or driveways in trench routes. TERMS OF PAYMENT °f Other BILLING METHOD zo days ever ®Contract Price $ 4529.15 ®Cost Cost plus 15% ®In advance Date of invoice~Explain below OTHER TERMS OF PAYMENT OWNERSHIP OF COMPLETED PROJECT DATE CHECK RECEIVED ®FPC Customer AGREEMENT The Customer is responsible for the cost,repair or replacement of (1) any sod;trees,shrubbery,ornther plants damaged in the normal course of pertorming or gaining access to the above work, and (2) any damage to non-FPC underground wires, conduit, pipes or other utility facilities that have not been staked or located by owner of the facilities. Contract price and terms of payment become invalid if the signed Agreement is not received by FPC on ort3efore ......... 30 DAYS The undersigned hereby authorizes and employs Florida Power Corporation to perform the above work including all necessary labor, facilities, equipment and / or materials to pay in accordance with the above terms of payment. SIGNATURE OF ABOVE CUSTOMER OR REPRESENTATIVE DATE AUTHORIZATION REPORTING LO ATION RA CODE AUTHORIZING SUP ISOR DAT JAMESTOWN 562 DAVID AMATO ACCOUNTING INFC;nMATION DATE (MONTH3YEAR) J.E.(MONTHRNUMBER) SEO ACTIVITY COMMENT 2 4 6 B 10 39 CHARGES (DesIT) CREDITS S AMOUNT PRIMARY PRIMARY ACCOUNT RA EAC ACTIVITY A CODE CCOUNT RA EAC ACTIVITY CODE t0 43 48 19 55 40 t3 I8 IB 55 14220 582 562 809 AJ3510 b1612W 54,628.16 'AL II I S4,b29.16 Please open Job Order for accumulating costs. REQUESTED BV DATE _ WORK ORDER ACTINTY TASK COMPLETION DATE NUMBER Pbese cbse Job Ober l0 7068023379 ORIGINAL PLANT ACCOUNTINGlGENERAL ACCOUNTING COPIES TO PBDAD; DISTRICT OFFICE; CUSTOMER, ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT ..... I.. .-.-, FLORIDA I.W." .. .. AUTHORIZA TION AND AGREEMENT \- t -/ POWER '-!. .~. . .... e CORPORATION INVOICE [K] WORK AUTHORIZATION ~JOB ORDER J35-99-1581 UG NUMBER 99-1581 CUSTOMER'S NAME I TRADE NAME REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME REPRESENTATIVE'S TITLE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CHUCK PULA CITY STATE ZIP 1126ESR434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 WORK DESCRIPTiON CONTRIBUTION IN AID OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRIBUTION FROM CUSTOMER TO PROVIDE UNDERGROUND SERVICE TO CENTRAL WINDS PARK THEATER AREA LOCATED AT 1126 E SR 434. Florida Power Corporation is not responsible for damage la, or costs arising frolllunknown underground facilities, landscape or driveways in trench roUles. TERMS OF PAYMENT nor eore Other BILLING METHOD 20 days after' [!] Contract Price $ 4529. 15 [!] Cost DCost plus 15% [!] In advance D Date of invoice DExplain below OTHER TERMS OF PAYMENT OWNERSHIP OF COMPLETED PROJECT DATE CHECK RECEIVED I!JFPC DCustomer AGREEMENT The Customer is responsible for the cost, repair or replacement of (1) any sod,trees,shrubbery,or other plants damaged in the normal course of performing or gaining ( access to the above work, and (2) any damage to non-FPC underground wires, conduit, pipes or other utility facilities that have not been staked or located by owner of the facilities. Contract price and terms of payment become invalid if the signed Agreement is not received by FPC on or before ......... 30 DAYS The undersigned hereby authorizes and employs Florida Power Corporation to perform the above work including all necessary labor, facilities, equipment and I or materials to pay in accordance with the above terms of payment. SIGNATURE OF ABOVE CUSTOMER OR REPRESENTATIVE ,//'/ " ;J~) DATE ?J-:dt-/'.t?/ ~ ]-/_ C;..) AUTHORIZATION REPORTING LOCATION AUTHORIZING SUP JAMESTOWN DAVID AMATO ACCOUNTING INFC;"ivlATION DATE (MONTH&YEAR) J.E.(MONTH&NUMBER) ACTIVITY COMMENT 2 4 6 6 3. # _. CHARGES (DEBIT) CREDITS $ AMOUNT PRIMARY PRIMARY IA'=>IVKA ACCOUNT RA EAC ACTIVITY A CODE ACCOUNT RA EAC ACTIVITY CODE 40 43 46' 49 55 40 43 46 49 55 14220 562 562 809 AJ3510 51512W $4,529.15 . TOTAL $4,529.15 TO: CONTROLLER'S DEPARTMENT .. Please open Job Order for accumulating costs. i !REaUESTED BY DATE WORK ORDER -- - I I ICOt.1PlETlON DATE ACTIVITY TASK NUMBER Please close Job Order to 7068023379 ur " ORIGINAL PLANT ACCOUNTING/GENERAL ACCOUNTING COPIES TO P&DAD; DISTRICT OFFICE; CUSTOMER, ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT