HomeMy WebLinkAboutFlorida Physicians Medical Group Agreement -2004 02 03 tLC)RJDA f"H')/SICJANS MEI;)IIQAI. CiJ .. c:I U .. NEWMAN F'AMILV MEDICINE: B.........AMtN 13. NEWMAN, MD, FAAFP Ol'"Ioel.......TI, "'.....".g...N 8el^"l;I QF ,,"""""I,V "'''''''I;TII;o; FlI:LLClw, "''''~'"~^N AC:"I:lCMV elF F"A""IoV PI1Y.tC.AN. SAMUEL. P. SHAY. MD DI,"LDMATE, AMERICAN BOARD OF" FAMILV PRACTICE THc:lMAIi 101. MON'l'AI.QO, MO DIPLOMATE. AMERICAN BOARD OF F""MILY PRACTICE LAu~A .... PM,,,,,,,,,, PA-C DEENA CRAIB, PA-C AGREEMENT This agreement is made and entered into by IDd bctwecJ1 the City ofWln1er Springs. a politicalllubdivision of the Slate otFlorida and Florida Physicians Medical Group, doing busine55" Newman .Family Medicine, hereinafter referred to 11$ "Providers". WITNESSETH: Whereas, the City desi~s to obtain 1be services of the Providers to provide specific health care services for City employees, and Whereas, City employees shall be authorized to obtain health care services from the Providers at the following location: Newman Family MediciDe Group 661 El!$t Altamonte Drive Suite 115 Allamonte Springs, Florid4 32701 Whereas, Providers agree that die location for services ,hall be available for use by City .~mployees throughout the term of the Agreement NOW, therefore, in consideration o~tbc mutual agreement herein contained. the parties agree as follows: 1, SERVICES: Providcn will pro'lide services as contained in this agreement IDd shall comply with the terms and conditions. Services to be perfonned by Providers are contained in Exhibit "A". 2. FEES: Providers shall be co~ted for services in accordance with the list of services and Cees shoWD therein attached hereto as Exbibit "^ ". Providers shall have the right to increase rates for services ~ to S% a)'\'al'. In the vent $Cl'viccs Il'C required which are not listtd in the attached schedule, COmpcDllation IlhaU be u aareed by dle City Manaser. 3. TERMlNA nON: this agreement may be terminated immediately by either party upon thirty (30) days prior wriUen Dotice. c5c5l EAST ALTAMDNTE DRIVE, SUITE 1 1 ~ ALTAMCNT~ 6P~INGG, F"1..0~IOA 32701 407/S31-4040 · F'AX 407/260.0291 4. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: It is agm:d by the ptDtica !bat, at aU limes and Cor all PUIpU5ClI WitJUn the scope otthiJ aereement, the relationship otProvidera to cbe City are that ofUldependent contractol1 and not that of emplOyees, No statement Contained in thiS agn;emcnt shall be construed 110 as to fInd Providers employees of the City, and Providers shall be entitled to none of the rights, privileges or . bcnc:fits of City employees. S. 1'BRM: The term of this ~ sball be for a period otthrec yurI bcaumma on JllDUlII'y 13.2004. At the option of the parties, tbislllreement shall be rellCWlble for an additional three year period. Should Providtts elect not to reucw this asreement. Providers shall eive the city three (3) months written notice of intent not to renew. City aha.Il give Pro~den three (3) montlu DOtice of intent not to renew. 6. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: It i$11DderstQod and agreed that the entin: agn:ement of the parties is conlained hcmn md that this agrccm::ntllupcmlcdcll aU onlagR:cm&mls and ncgoLialioDll between the panies relating to the subject matter hereof as well an any previous agreementa presently in effect between the parties relating to thcsubject matter hereof: A1J.yalterations, amendments, deletions, or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement shaII be valid only when expTes$ed in writing and duly signed by both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement on the day, month and year herein written. Signed and sealed in the presence of: Florida Physicians Medical Group Newman Family Medicine Group By: JC;~ ~~ As: dlv.l.A~ Date: , -.,.t 7...() tf ! ') c.:.::; '. G.<..<:. <r~ ~ J l~~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF (1)( CLAC p IS ", 7~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on thi~ day ol'~, 2004, by V-.c~.. c..l,< \C'(\~ as D',n:~ur (title) of Flbrlda Physicians Medical . Group - Newman Family Medicine Group, having authority to execute this Agreement, who is ~ personally known to me OR who has produced hislher State of Florida Driver's License Number, as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. <::=----.~O-uACE-l. C~"" Notary Public cLC1 l_ ~ (n )..., (lei r~e.~ Pnnted Name SEAL: i~-~'~""-"'--"""'", .,""'-."':""-.....".,..._ l ,pS,VP<'1 (,~nCIALNOTARYSEAL ~O, 0><: LAURA L CARTER J) r'(\ <II ~\': J.. ~.. '::~MISSKlll NUMBER 7 0 D~13 '< ." " """'"""" ""Fe ,,,,,_?F F::::..._...,jl:!!V !.,?,Q05 City of Winter Springs By: I?v~ {,J, 'Wl.~~\P As: C 1 'f~ "V\.AoV.'\ v.~.1? Date: ~- '3 ~~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ~(t-Ja..2 T~ foregoing instrument was acknowledged before m~n this ~ 0 9ay of ~........I""} 2004, by ( ~~;. v. ~ as . ~~ (tItle) of the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, having authority to execute this Agr ement,--who IS ---personally known to me OR who has produced hislher Sta~-eQ'lorida Driver's Li ense, N~ber: as identification and who di~ take an oath. \ r, I SEAL: 1fJ Andrea Lorenzo..luaCH ,V . ,. My Commission 00209870 ota!)' P IC ,~~, "./ Expires May 09 2007 ~ \ Printed Name l \})) PRE-EMPLOYEMENT FlREF1GHTER This pre-emplo)'l1lel1t pacbge will include the fonowing Im'fces: Complete Physical CXIID.1natlOD.,.... ...... ...... ............................... It .....$70.00 Vital sips. I"', '1"" ......... II' ...... ... ".. II I"', ...... ....... '" ... II' "1' II II' II' ,..included m exatD Audiometry........................... ................................................. ....$25.00 Vision testing, mcludins Ishialwa Screening......... ........................ ... .....no charge EKG............ ...... ...................................................... ............ ....included in stress testing Chestx.ray...... II' '" .... .... II II...... I' I'll .......1. .... II ... I" ... It II II II' "11'" 1...$55.00 PulmOD&ry' .Flmctloa TestiD&:" .....,.t ""1"" I" I" fl" "'111 ... II' ...... I" ...... ......$60.00 Blood ~1ile...................................................... ...................... ..$80.00 (including CBC, chemistry profile, thyroid functions, coronary risk pIOfi1c) Urinalyal"" ... ....... r II .... ..... ". .... It ". ............ ......... III'" ........ ....... ,..SI0.oo PPD. II ""1' II.. II II.. I' ... .... .... ....... I..... ..... ...... .... .... ... ..t ............ ....t ... .........$ 10.00 Strl:IIs Test... ... ... ........ t ... ...... 'tt t.. ...~., ... ... ..........., .... ... ....... ....... .......SI'O.OO Package Price:....................................................................... .....$310.00 FIREFIGHTERS This firefighter annual paebge will inClude the following services: Cotnp1ctc physical exam........................ .................................... ...$70.00 Vital aigns........................ ..... .............................................. .....included in exam AudioJlletry.................. ... ... ................................................... ...$25.00 Vision testing includina Isbiahara screening... .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. ....... .. .. .. .. .. .. .no charge EKO............... ..................... ......... ....................................... ..$50.00 Chest x-ray.......................................... .............................. ......$S5.OO PutlnOnlry tunction teating............... ............... ........................ ......$60.00 Blood. profile. t"'t t.. ... .........". ... ...... ..... .... ......, .,." ... ...... ... ...... ....$80..00 (includes cae. dhemlscry profile, thyroid functions. eorooary risk profile) Utimalysis..........., I ,.. ... ...... ... ... ... ...... ..... ,.... .t. ...... .... 't. t. ...t... ... .....$1 0.00 PPD...... ,..... ... ... ... ..... t.. t.., ...... ........... ....... ,.. ... ....." .1. ... ....... " ...$10.00 Package Price:... .................. ............... ...... ... .......... ................... .$260.00 JI POLICE DEPARTMENT Police Department armual aDd pre-employment packages will iDcludc: Coanpletephysioal exam............ .................... ........................... .$10.00 Vitalaips.................................... ................................. ..... ..Jacluded in exam Audi9~.t"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..........................125,00 VisioD teadng. lDcludiDg IshJahara 1ClCCDing............ ........................no cbarge EKG...... ... II.. II"" II It,. "1 ft. .., I.. .,... ,...... ..... .... ........,........, ..... II II ,..,$50.00 Chest x-ray................................. ....................................... ....$55.00 Blood profile..................... ................................................. ....$80.00 (includiDg CBC. chemistry profile. thyroid t1mction, COIOll8IY risk profile) Uriql)'1is....... II... r ,... It. '1' ... '1' II"""" ...... It... II ....., '" ......,... '" If... II .....'10.00 lJPD.... ........... ... .... ..1.. ... II...... ..... ..... '" .... II .... ...... .., It... II ....11. ... '10' .... II .$1.0.00 "" Pacbge Price:...... ........ ............ ..... ..... ..,.... ... It.. ... ,,, It' f" tt. 't' .,... It ....t .$200.00 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Public works annual and pre-employment package will Include: Cmnplete physical e:xaD1........................ ............... ...... ..................... ...$70.00 Vita! .ign................ .................. .................. ............... .............,. ....included in exam A~~iornetrr.................,............................................................... ...$25.00 VUilon testing............ .................................... .................. ......... .......no chare;c Blood profile. ........ ............................................................ ...$80.00 (including caC. chcmistr)' profilc. thyroid funetiou. c:orouary risk profile) Urinalysis........................ ................................................ ....$10.00 Pawge Price:......................... ....................... .................. .....$11'.00 VLl MISCELLANEOUS S1ress Testina that may be indieated for lSyqrtomatic patients 45 and ~. For anyone who demonstratet a ft1ecSlcal necessity...... ... ...... ... .... .. .. ..$1 SO.OO TctIIm1s boolta'.. .... t. II t, tt. ft. ,...., ,.. ...... '"' .1. ... I... II t.. II" I... ... "' I'''. ..$25.00 Hepatitis B Vaccination (series o(3).... ........... ......... .....,..,......... ...$\ 50.00 (S50.oo per bVection) Hcptltitis Titer (to CODfinn Hepatitis B lnununity)... ..........................$35.00 tJritlC Dna.a Screen (8 )JIIlel)...... ... ......, II .... ...... ........... .........". I" .$'5.00 WV antLbo<Iy tcstiDg... .I.. .... ........ .,a,.. ... .., .f. .... 1,.,1 ......... ...... .., ...$90.00 Hepatitis Profile. including A,B IIId C............ ...... ...... ............... ...$90.00 Hepatitis C Antibody.............., .................. ......... ................... ..$20.00 Menioglcoccal vacclae... ... III ..." II '"-t,", .1. ... ..." "' I..... .., .tt ...... tf. 't' It ...$7'.00 flu Vaccine.. .......................... ................................... ........... .$18.00 (subject to change) "