HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 01 23 Regular Item 300 Solid Waste Management Agreement Seminole County
ITEM 300
Public Hearing
Regular X
January 23, 2006
Regular Meeting
City Manager Requesting the City Commission Approve the Solid
Waste Management Agreement with Seminole County.
To execute a ten year interlocal agreement with Seminole County
committing the solid waste generated in Winter Springs to the Seminole
County Landfill and receiving a Three Dollar per ton discount in
consideration of that commitment.
This agenda item is needed to complete discussions staff has had with Seminole
County regarding a commitment of the Winter Springs solid waste stream to the Seminole
County landfill. This agreement commits all solid waste, residential and commercial
collected on behalf of the City, to the County landfill for a period often years. The only
exception is construction and demolition (C&D) debris which can but is not required to be
disposed of at the County landfill. There are numerous other C&D landfills locally with
more competitive rates than the County.
In consideration of this commitment, the County is offering a $3.00 (three dollar)
discount per ton from the current rate of $33.17 to $30.17. It is the intent of staff to
receive this as a direct credit to the haulers costs rather than being remitted separately to
the City. The disposal cost per ton (tipping fees) is a direct pass through under the current
and proposed solid waste franchise agreement. This agreement also provides for revenue
sharing of the recyclables which varies according to market conditions.
012306_ COMM _Regular _300_ Solid _ Waste _ Interlocal
January 23, 2006
The approval of this agreement is anticipated to result in a reduction to the tipping
fee component of the solid waste charge ranging from $0.39 per month in the residential
rate to $0.13 per month for commercial front loaders.25 to $0.50 per month range
depending upon the final negotiations with the waste hauler.
It is recommended that the City Commission approve the Solid Waste
Management Agreement with Seminole County.
1. Seminole County and City of Winter Springs Solid Waste Management Agreement
012306_ COMM_ Regular _300 _Solid_Waste _Interlocal
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this
day of
20 by and between SEMINOLE COUNTY, a political
subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is Seminole County
Services Building, 1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771,
hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," and the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a
Florida municipal corporation, whose address is 1126 East State Road
434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708, hereinafter referred to as "CITY".
WHEREAS, Chapter 403, Part IV, Florida Statutes, delegates the
responsibility for providing solid waste disposal facilities to coun-
ties; and,
WHEREAS, landfilling is the primary method of solid waste dis-
posal in Seminole County, Florida; and,
WHEREAS, on or about September 28, 1994, the COUNTY and CITY en-
tered into a Solid Waste Management Interlocal Agreement and the par-
ties now desire to terminate said Agreement and enter into a new
agreement which shall wholly and completely supercede said Agreement;
WHEREAS, the CITY provides for collection and disposal of solid
waste from the residents and businesses located within its geographic
boundaries and the CITY recognizes the need for safe and sanitary
processing and disposal of solid waste; and
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to participate in a coordinated county-
wide program for the management of solid waste and control of solid
waste processing and disposal in compliance with Federal, State and
local regulations to prevent, control and abate air, water and ground
pollution; and
WHEREAS, the CITY and the COUNTY recognize the need to plan and
develop an adequate solid waste system to benefit all residents of
Seminole County, Florida; and
WHEREAS, the CITY and the COUNTY recognize the importance of en-
vironmentally responsible solid waste disposal capacity; and
WHEREAS, the CITY recognizes that the COUNTY's infrastructure
provides for the construction, operation, repair and maintenance of
COUNTY solid waste disposal facilities, and that this infrastructure
was established, and is available, for the use and betterment of all
municipalities within the COUNTY; and
WHEREAS, the CITY recognizes that the cost of existing disposal
infrastructure is solely supported by the COUNTY's Solid Waste Manage-
ment Division revenues; and
WHEREAS, Chapter 403, Part IV, Florida Statutes encourages coun-
ties to enter into interlocal agreements with municipalities for coop-
erative solid waste management, including establishing recycling pro-
grams and pursue recycling acti vi ties to reduce the impact of solid
waste disposal on landfills; and
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to cooperate with the COUNTY toward
achievement and maintenance of the State of Florida's recycling goal
and compliance with Chapter 403, Part IV, Florida Statutes,
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and
promises by and between the parties hereto, and for the mutual benefit
of the CITY and COUNTY and their respective citi zens, the parties
agree, as follows:
SECTION 1. RECITALS. The above recitals are true and correct and
form a material part of this Agreement upon which the parties have re-
The following definitions apply to this
Agreement unless specified otherwise:
(a) Agreement: Shall mean this written document and all amend-
ments to it.
Biological Waste:
Shall mean any solid waste that causes
or has the capability of causing disease or infection and includes
biomedical waste, animals which died from disease, and other wastes
capable of transmitting pathogens to humans or animals.
Biomedical Waste:
Shall mean any solid waste or liquid
waste which may present a threat of infection to humans. The term in-
cludes, but is not limited to, non-liquid human tissue and body parts;
laboratory and veterinary waste which contain human-disease-causing
agents; discarded disposable sharps; human blood, human blood products
and body fluids; and other materials which in the opinion of the State
of Florida Department of Health represents a significant risk of in-
fection to persons outside the generating facility.
Bulky Waste:
Shall mean any item whose large size or
weight precludes or complicates its handling by normal collection,
processing, or disposal methods.
(e) City: Shall mean the City of Winter Springs.
Shall mean any person, firm or company that
has entered or will enter into an agreement with the COUNTY or CITY
for solid waste, recycling, or yard waste collection and disposal ser-
Construction and Demolition Debris (C&D):
Shall mean dis-carded materials generally considered to be non-water soluble and non-
hazardous in nature, including, but not limited to, steel, glass,
brick, concrete, asphalt material, pipe, gypsum wallboard and lumber
from the construction or destruction of a structure as part of a con-
struction or demolition project.
The term includes rocks, soils, tree
remains, trees, and other vegetative matter which normally results
from land clearing or land development operations for a constructions
project and clean cardboard, paper, plastic, wood, or metal scraps
from a construction project.
Shall mean Seminole County, Florida, a political
subdivision of the State of Florida.
(i) Designated Facility: Shall mean the disposal facility(ies)
designated by the COUNTY for receiving solid waste, yard waste, white
goods, bulky waste or recyclable material under this Agreement within
the solid waste management system.
The Designated Facilities pursuant
to this Agreement are specified in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and
incorporated herein.
Disposal Fees:
Shall mean the rates charged for disposal
or processing of items at the Designated Facilities.
The Disposal
Fees pursuant to this Agreement are specified in Exhibit "B", attached
hereto and incorporated herein.
Shall mean all kitchen and table food waste and
animal or vegetative waste that is attendant with or results from the
storage, preparation, cooking, or handling of food materials.
(1 )
Hazardous Waste:
Shall mean solid waste which, because
of its quantity, concentration or physical, chemical or infectious
characteristics, may cause, or significantly contribute to, an in-
crease in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible or inca-
pacitating reversible illness or may pose a substantial present or po-
tential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly
transported, disposed of, stored, treated or otherwise managed.
(m) Household Waste: Shall mean any solid waste, including gar-
bage, trash and sanitary waste in septic tanks, derived from house-
holds, including, but not limited to, single and multiple residences,
hotels and motels, bunkhouses, ranger stations, crew quarters, camp-
grounds, picnic grounds, and day use recreation areas.
Municipal Customer:
Shall mean a municipality that collects refuse and delivers the collected refuse in collection vehicles
to a COUNTY facility, or a municipality that contracts for the collec-
tion of refuse and directs its contractor to deliver the collected re-
fuse in collection vehicles to a COUNTY facility.
(0) Recyclable Material: Shall mean materials capable of being
recycled under the COUNTY I S Recycling Program and which would other-
wise be processed or disposed of as solid waste.
Recyclable Material
includes newspapers
(including inserts),
magazines and catalogs,
clear, green and brown glass bottles and jars, plastic bottles (Nos.l-
7), aluminum and steel cans (including empty aerosol cans) which are
collected from curbside recycling programs.
Recyclable materials also
include telephone books that may be collected annually.
Shall mean a person whose domicile is within the
boundaries of the CITY or the unincorporated COUNTY.
Residential Waste:
Household refuse generated from the do-
mes tic acti vi ties of a resident's domicile.
Residential waste does
not include refuse generated from commercial activities in a domicile
or commercial waste brought to a domicile.
Shall mean any process by which solid waste, or
materials which would have otherwise become solid waste, are col-
lected, separated or processed and reused or returned to use in the
form of raw materials or products.
(s) Solid Waste: Shall mean sludge unregulated under the Fed-
eral Clean Water Act or Federal Clean Air Act; sludge from a waste
treatment works, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution con-
trol facility; or garbage, rubbish, refuse, special waste, or other
discarded material including solid, liquid or semi-solid, or contained
gaseous material resulting from domestic, industrial, commercial, min-
ing, agricultural or governmental operations.
(t) Special Waste: Shall mean those wastes requiring special
handling and management, including, but not limited to, white goods,
waste tires, used oil, lead acid batteries, construction and demoli-
tion debris, ash residue, yard waste, biological wastes, and mercury
containing devices or lamps.
(u) White Goods: Shall mean inoperative and discarded refrig-
erators , ranges, washers, water heaters, freezers and other similar
domestic and commercial large appliances.
Yard Waste:
Shall mean vegetative matter resulting from
landscaping maintenance or land clearing operations and includes mate-
rials such as tree and shrub trimmings, grass clippings, palm fronds,
trees and tree stumps.
(a) The COUNTY agrees to maintain its disposal facilities to
ensure adequate capacity for all of the CITY's solid waste disposal
and to operate in accordance with all applicable local, State and Fed-
eral environmental regulations.
(b) The COUNTY agrees to make its disposal facilities available
to the CITY, the residents of the CITY, and the CITY's residential and
commercial collection contractor(s) for the Disposal Fees specified in
Exhibit "B" at the Designated Facilities for solid waste, yard waste
and recyclable material generated from residential and commercial
(c) The COUNTY agrees to provide to the CITY the lowest Dis-
posal Fees charged to any Municipal Customer. The COUNTY further
agrees to provide to the CITY the highest Environmental Administrative
Revenue Share and Recycling Revenue Share provided to any municipal
(d) The COUNTY may increase or decrease these fees as set forth
herein. The COUNTY agrees to maintain reasonable Disposal Fees as set
by the Board of County Commissioners and established by resolution.
Fee increases shall be consistent with the reasonable costs required
to operate and maintain the COUNTY's solid waste management system.
(1) The initial Disposal Fee schedule shall remain in ef-
fect until September 30, 2007.
On October 1, 2007, and annually
thereafter, as established by resolution of the Board of County Com-
missioners, the COUNTY may increase disposal charges and recycling
processing charges by a rate equal to the increase in the Consumer
Price Index - All Urban Consumers (CPI-U). The first rate determina-
tion period shall be from January 1, 2006 to the date the new fee
schedule is proposed.
Subsequent rate determination periods shall be
from the date the most recent rate was set to the date the new fee
schedule is proposed.
CPI price increases will take effect on or after October 1 annually.
(2 )
directly attributable
changes in law including mandates imposed by Federal and State regula-
tory agencies shall not be limited by the CPl.
The COUNTY shall
promptly notify the CITY of any impending or anticipated increases di-
rectly attributable to changes in law, including mandates. The COUNTY
shall provide to the CITY a written explanation of the fee increase
attributable to a change in law.
The increase in the Disposal Fee
shall take effect after the COUNTY gives ninety (90) days written no-
tice to the CITY that said increase is required.
(3) The COUNTY may initiate non-CPI Disposal Fee increases
beyond the CPI for reasons other than changes in law.
shall provide to the CITY a written explanation of any non-CPI Dis-
posal Fee increase.
If the CITY chooses not to accept the non-CPI
Disposal Fee increase proposed by the COUNTY, the CITY may terminate
this Agreement with ninety (90) days written notice to the COUNTY.
(e) The COUNTY agrees to pay CITY an Environmental Administra-
tive and Recycling Share for residential solid waste and recyclables
as set forth in Exhibit "B".
(f) The COUNTY agrees to maintain and provide services to the
CITY as outlined herein:
(1) Tire Amnesty Days, held periodically each year at the
Designated Facilities, at which there shall be no charge to residents
for the disposal of tires generated from their residential property.
(2) Household Hazardous Waste Disposal. There shall be no
charge to residents for the disposal of household hazardous waste gen-
erated from their residential property when delivered to the Desig-
nated Facilities.
(3) Household Hazardous Waste Amnesty Day(s), held in
various locations, at which there shall be no charge to residents for
the disposal of hazardous waste generated from their residential prop-
(4) Used Oil Collection Centers, at which there shall be
no charge to residents for .the disposal of used motor oil generated
from their residential property.
(5) Sharps Disposal Program, at which there shall be no
charge to residents requiring the use of medical sharps, needles or
lancets, for Sharps containers and the disposal of the sharps gener-
ated from their personal use.
The Sharps Disposal containers shall be
available at Fire Stations, Health Department locations, and the Des-
ignated Facilities.
(6) Inspections shall be provided to businesses generating
small quantities of hazardous waste at no charge to the business owner
in compliance with Section 403.7225 (11), Florida Statutes.
These inspections shall assess, notify and verify potential and known genera-
tors generating less than 2,200 pounds of hazardous waste in a calen-
dar month.
Section 403.7234, Florida Statutes, requires that each
county notify known and potential small quantity generators of their
legal responsibilities regarding proper waste management practices,
and provide a list of available hazardous waste management alternatives.
(7 )
Hazardous Material Spill Response Coordination.
The COUNTY's Environmental Compliance Assistance and Pollution Prevention
Programs (ECAP3) Team will be available to the CITY to provide assis-
tance and technical direction in responding to situations involving
hazardous materials spill.
(8) Environmental education shall be provided to include,
but not be limited to, hazardous waste, pollution and litter preven-
tion, recycling and waste reduction at schools, special events, Desig-
nated Facilities, businesses , civic and homeowner association meetings.
(9) Environmental monitoring shall be provided to ensure
the Designated Facilities and solid waste management facilities remain
in compliance with all local, State and Federal regulations.
(10) Environmental investigation and enforcement coopera-
tion shall be provided.
The County's ECAP3 Team will continue to co-
ordinate Environmental Task Force meetings where local agencies can
coordinate on environmental crimes initiatives.
(11) Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Business
Collection Events, held periodically, at a Designated Facility or
various sites, at which the County shall extend its contracted dis-
posal rate for disposal of hazardous waste generated at business
(businesses must meet Federal and State regulations concerning hazard-
ous waste management and transport) .
(12) Disaster Recovery.
The COUNTY shall work to coopera-
tively respond with the CITY for the collection and management of de-
bris management during disaster recovery efforts.
The COUNTY's contract for debris management is available for the CITY to "piggy-back"
a contract for services.
(13) Mulch and compost shall be available to residents and
businesses at the Designated Facilities, at no charge for their use,
when the resident or business provides the means to collect and trans-
port mulch and compost from the Designated Facilities.
(14) Recycling Centers, at the Designated Facilities, shall
be available at no charge for residents and businesses to deliver re-
cyclable materials generated from their residential or commercial
(15) Cooperation on any solid waste management grant programs.
(a) The CITY agrees that all solid waste and recyclable materi-
als deemed suitable for processing and disposal collected by or on be-
half of the CITY shall be disposed of at the COUNTY Designated Facili-
ties, as set forth in Exhibit "A".
(b) The CITY agrees to cooperate with the COUNTY to provide all
necessary information to the COUNTY so that the CITY and the COUNTY
can determine the quantity of the CITY's solid waste and recyclable
material being delivered to the Designated Facilities.
(c) The CITY agrees to collect or enter into a collection con-
tract for recyclable materials consistent with recyclables materials
accepted and managed by the COUNTY.
(d) The CITY agrees to amend its existing solid waste, yard
waste and/or recyclable materials collection agreements, if any, to
ensure disposal of all solid waste, yard waste and recyclable materi-
als at COUNTY Designated Facilities as set forth in Exhibit "A".
(e) The CITY agrees to amend its commercial solid waste fran-
chise agreements, if any, to include language directing commercial
solid waste to the COUNTY Designated Facilities set forth in Exhibit
(f) The CITY agrees that as long as this Agreement is in effect
and unless it is a violation of any Federal anti-trust law, it shall
not construct, acquire, operate, or permit any solid waste disposal
area which may compete or tend to compete with the COUNTY's System.
(g) The CITY agrees to cooperate with the COUNTY to provide all
necessary information to the COUNTY to determine if the COUNTY is
meeting the State recycling goal and the requirements of Chapter 403,
Part IV, Florida Statutes.
(h) The CITY agrees to provide the COUNTY monthly recycling re-
ports by the 10th day of each month following service.
(i) The CITY agrees to cooperate with the COUNTY on any solid
waste management grant programs.
(j) For the purposes of this Section, solid waste shall not
mean construction and demolition debris.
SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Agreement shall become effective
March 1, 2006 and remain in full force and effect for ten (10) years
and shall automatically be renewed annually thereafter unless termi-
nated earlier by either mutual agreement or by one (1) year prior
written notice provided, as set forth hereunder, to the other party on
or before the annual renewal date.
(a) Each party to this Agreement is responsible for all per-
sonal injury and property damage attributable to the negligent acts or
omissions arising out of this Agreement of that party and the offi-
cers, employees and agents thereof.
(b) The parties further agree that nothing contained herein
shall be construed or interpreted as denying to any party any remedy
or defense available to such parties under the laws of the State of
Florida, nor as a waiver of sovereign immunity of the parties beyond
the waiver provided for in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes.
(c) The waiver of a provision herein by either party shall not
constitute the further waiver of said provision or the waiver of any
other provision.
In the event that performance by the
COUNTY or CITY of any of their responsibilities under this Agreement
shall be interrupted, delayed, or prevented by an occurrence not occa-
sioned by the conduct of such party, whether such occurrence be an act
of God or any other occurrence whatsoever that 'is beyond the reason-
able control of such party, including, but not limited to, a change in
environmental law or regulation rendering performance impractical or
impossible, then such party shall be excused from such performance for
such period of time as is reasonably necessary after the occurrence to
remedy the effects thereof, or until such performance is no longer im-
practical or impossible.
Whenever either party desires to give
notice unto the other, it must be given by written notice, sent by cer-
tified United States mail, with return receipt requested, addressed to
the party for whom it is intended at the place last specified and the
place for giving of notice shall remain such until it shall have been
changed by written notice in compliance with the provisions of this Sec-
For the present, the parties designate the following as the re-
spective places for giving of notice, to wit:
Seminole County
Department of Environmental Services
1101 East First Street
Sanford, FL 32771
Attention: Department Director
City of Winter Springs
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32771
Attention: City Manager
No modification, amendment or alteration in the terms or conditions contained
herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document exe-
cuted with the same formality and of equal dignity herewith.
This Agreement shall be binding
upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and the successors
in interest, transferees and assigns of the parties.
SECTION 11. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement shall not be assigned by
either party without the prior written approval of the other.
gations under Article 1, Section 24, Florida Constitution and Chapter
119, Florida Statutes, to release public records to members of the pub-
lic upon request.
CITY acknowledges that COUNTY is required to comply
with Article 1, Section 24, Florida Constitution and Chapter 119, Flor-
ida Statutes, in the handling of the materials created under this Agree-
ment and that said statute controls over the terms of this Agreement.
This Agreement is made for the sole benefit of the parties hereto and their
respective successors and assigns and is not intended to and shall not
benefit any third party. No third party shall have any rights hereunder
or as a result of this Agreement or any right to enforce any provisions
of this Agreement.
Time is of the essence rela-
tive to all aspects of performance under the terms of this Agreement.
In providing all services pursuant to this Agreement, the parties shall abide by all
statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations pertaining to, or regulat-
ing the provisions of, such services, including those now in effect and
hereafter adopted.
Any violation of said statutes, ordinances, rules,
or regulations shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement, and
shall entitle the other party to terminate this Agreement immediately
upon delivery of written notice of termination to the other party as
provided hereinabove.
SECTION 16. DEFAULT. If any CITY or COUNTY fails to perform any
of the terms and conditions of this Agreement for a period of sixty
(60) days after receipt of notice of such default from the other
party, the party giving notice of default may be entitle to seek spe-
cific performance of this Agreement.
The parties each acknowledge
that money damages may be an inadequate remedy for the failure of per-
formance and that the party giving notice is entitled to seek an order
requiring specific performance by the defaulting party.
In the event that such an order is sought, each party shall be responsible for its
own costs. and expenses so incurred, including all attorneys fees, if
Failure of any party to exercise its rights in the event
of any breach by another party shall not constitute a waiver of such rights.
No party shall be deemed to have waived any breach by another
party unless such waiver is reduced to writing and executed by the
waiving party.
Such written waiver shall be limited to terms specifi-
cally contained therein.
This paragraph shall not prejudice the right
of any party to seek such additional remedy at law or equity for any
breach hereunder.
If anyone (1) or more of the cove-
nants or provisions of this Agreement shall be held to be contrary to
any express provision of law or contrary to the policy of express law,
though not expressly prohibited, or against public policy, or shall
for any reason whatsoever, be held invalid then such covenants or pro-
visions shall be null and void, shall be deemed separable from the re-
maining covenants or provisions of this Agreement, and shall in no way
effect the validity of the remaining covenants or provisions of this
Clerk to the Board of
County Commissioners of
Seminole County, Florida.
For the use and reliance
of Seminole County only.
As authorized for execution by
the Board of County Commissioners
at their , 20____
regular meeting.
Approved as to form and
legal sufficiency
County Attorney
11/8/02 11/12/02 6/9/03 7/16/03 12/1/03 12/16/03 12/16/05 12/30/05
inter local w winter Springs-solid waste
Exhibit "A" - Designated Facilities
Exhibit "B" - Fees and Payments
Designated Facilities under the terms of this Agreement shall be:
1) The Seminole County Osceola Road Landfill located at 1930 East
Osceola Road, Geneva, and
2) The Central Transfer Station located at 1634 State Road 419,
The Seminole County Osceola Road Landfill accepts solid waste, yard
waste, construction and demolition debris, tires, and white goods.
The Central Transfer Station accepts solid waste, yard waste, and re-
Citizen delivered household hazardous waste is accepted at the Central
Transfer Station and the Osceola Road Landfill.
The Seminole County Osceola Road Landfill and the Central Transfer
Station do not accept biological or biomedical wastes.
Seminole County Solid Waste Disposal Fee:
(Per County Rate Resolution)
$33.17 per ton
Environmental Administrative Revenue Share:
$3 per ton
Municipal Customer Recyclables Disposal Fee:
No Charge
Recyclables Processing Fee:
$20 per ton
Minimum Recycling Revenue Share to City
$ 6 per ton based on calculation below
Environmental Administrative Revenue Share Calculation
The COUNTY shall provide to the CITY an Environmental Administrative Revenue Share of
$3.00 per ton. The Environmental Administrative Revenue Share shall be based upon the
tonnage of Residential Waste (solid waste and yard waste) delivered to the Designated Facility
by the City's contractor.
The City shall direct its contractor to operate Residential Waste collection routes to assure the
delivery of discrete loads comprised solely of City generated solid waste or yard waste to the
Designated Facilities. The CITY and its contractor shall provide sufficient truck and route
information so that the COUNTY and the CITY can track and monitor the quantity of residential
solid waste and yard waste delivered by the CITY's contractor to the Designated Facilities. The
CITY's contractor's trucks shall be clearly marked as delivering waste from only the CITY to the
Designated Facilities.
The Environmental Administrative Revenue Share shall be provided as a credit on each month's
disposal fee statement for the CITY if the CITY chooses to pay the COUNTY directly for
disposal, or the Environmental Revenue Share shall be provided as a credit on the CITY's
contractor's monthly disposal fee statement if the CITY chooses to have its contractor pay for
waste disposal. Prior to the effective date of this agreement, the City Manager shall provide
written instruction to the COUNTY concerning how credit for the Environmental Revenue Share
shall be provided.
Recvclinq Revenue Share Backqround
The County shall pay directly to the City a revenue share based on the County's Recycling
Processing Agreement which expires on December 31,2009. The County's Recycling
Processing Agreement currently contains the following floor prices:
Fiber stream (FS): $42 per ton
Commingle containers (CC): $ 2.50 per ton
The County's Recycling Processing Agreement provides for Processing Payments to be made
to the County at or above the floor amount. The description of payments to be made to the
County by its contractor is described in Exhibit "A" of FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECYCLING
PROCESSING AGREEMENT (RFP-4114-01/JVP), effective February 20,2004, expires
December 31,2009.
Recvclinq Revenue Share Calculation
The COUNTY shall pay the CITY a per ton rate equal to the Processing Payment received by
the County less the Recyclables Processing Fee. The Recycling Revenue Share shall be
calculated as follows:
1. Processing Payment the County receives from its contractor is determined by the
formula: County's Processing Payment = (Tons CC X Price CC) + (Tons FS X Price
2. The City's percentage break down of percent CC and percent FS is assumed to be the
same as the percentage breakdown of the overall shipments made by the County to its
contractor each month.
3. Recycling Revenue Share = (Tons of Recyclables delivered by City X percent CC X
Price CC) + (Tons of Recyclables delivered by City X percent FS X Price FS) - (Tons of
Recyclables delivered by City X Recycling Processing Fee).
4. The County shall provide a detailed description of the Recycling Revenue Share
Calculation on a monthly basis with the Recycling Revenue Share payment.
The Recycling Revenue Share shall be provided as a credit on each month's disposal fee
statement for the CITY if the CITY chooses to pay the COUNTY directly for disposal, or the
Recycling Revenue Share shall be paid directly to the CITY on a monthly basis. Prior to the
effective date of this agreement, the City Manager shall provide written instruction to the
COUNTY concerning how credit for the Environmental Revenue Share shall be provided.
At the expiration of the County's recycling contract, the COUNTY and the Municipality shall
negotiate a revenue share for the recyclable material based on the COUNTY's next recycling
contract. The COUNTY shall advise the CITY as to the status of negotiations. The COUNTY
shall consider any written input received from the CITY during the course of such negotiations in
order to provide benefits and advantages resulting from such negotiations to both parties.
The CITY shall require its contractor to operate recycling collection routes to assure the delivery
of discrete loads comprised solely of Municipality recyclables to COUNTY facilities. The CITY
and its contractor shall provide sufficient truck and route information so that the COUNTY and
the CITY can track and monitor the quality of recyclables delivered by the CITY's contractor to
COUNTY facilities. The CITY's contractor's trucks shall be clearly marked as delivering
recyclables from only the CITY to the Designated Facilities.
Telephone (407) 327-1800
Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
January 27,2006
Mr. Don Fisher, Acting County Manager
Seminole County
11 0 1 East First" Street
Sanford, FL 32771
Dear Don,
This letter is to advise you that the Winter Springs City Commission approved the above-
referenced and attached Interlocal Agreement at its January 23, 2006 meeting.
In accordance with the requirements of Exhibit B to this Interlocal Agreement, please be further
advised that the City of Winter Springs is opting to pay the County directly for disposal services.
Accordingly, please provide for our Environmental Administrative Revenue Share and our
Recycling Revenue Share as a credit on the City's monthly disposal fee statement. Please remit
related invoices and statements to:
City of Winter Springs
Attn: Accounts Payable
1126 E State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Thank you for you attention to this matter. Please contract me if you need additional information.
R-lnald W. McLemore
City Manager
cc: John Cirello, Director, Department of Environmental Services
Dori Fisher 01 2506
'l'HIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this
day of
, 20
by and between SEMINOLE COUNTY, a political
subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is Seminole County
Services Building, 1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771,
hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," and the CI'l'Y OF WINTER SPRINGS, a
Florida municipal corporation, whose address is 1126 East State Road
434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708, hereinafter referred to as "CITY".
W I 'l' N E SSE 'l' H:
WHEREAS, Chapter 403, Part IV, Florida Statutes, delegates the
responsibility for providing solid waste disposal facilities to coun-
ties; and,
WHEREAS, landfilling is the primary method of solid waste dis-
posal in Seminole County, Florida; and,
WHEREAS, on or about September 28, 1994, the COUNTY and CITY en-
tered into a Solid Waste Management Interlocal. Agreement and the par-
ties now desire to terminate said Agreement and enter into a new
agreement which shall wholly and completely supercede said Agreement;
WHEREAS, the CITY provides for collection and disposal of solid
waste from the residents and businesses located within its ,geographic
boundaries and the CITY recognizes the need for safe and sanitary
processing and disposal of solid waste; and
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to participate in a coordinatedcourity-
wide program for the management of solid waste and control of solid
waste processing and disposal in compliance with Federal, State and
local regulations to prevent, control and abate air, water and ground
pollution; and
WHEREAS, the CITY and the COUNTY recognize the need to plan and
develop an adequate solid waste system to benefit all residents of
Seminole County, Florida; and
WHEREAS, the CITY and the COUNTY recognize the importance of en-
vironmentally responsible solid waste disposal capacity; and
WHEREAS, the CITY recognizes that the COUNTY's infrastructure
provides for the construction, operation, repair and maintenance of
COUNTY solid waste disposal facilities, and that this infrastructure
was established, and is available, for the use and betterment of all
municipalities within the COUNTY; and
WHEREAS, the CITY recognizes that the cost of existing disposal
infrastructure is solely supported by the COUNTY's Solid Waste Manage-
ment Division revenues; and
WHEREAS, Chapter 403, Part IV, Florida Statutes encourages coun-
ties to enter into interlocal agreements with municipalities for coop-
. erative solid waste management, including establishing recycling pro-
grams and pursue recycling activities to reduce the impact of solid
waste disposal on landfills; and
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to cooperate with the COUNTY toward
achievement and maintenance of the State of Florida's recycling goal
and compliance with Chapter 403, Part IV, Florida Statutes,
NOW, THEREFORE, . in consideration of the mutual coverjants and
promises by and between the parties hereto, and for the mutual benefit
of the CITY and COUNTY and their respective citizens, the parties
agree, as follows:
SECTION 1. RECITALS. The above recitals are true and correct and
form a material part of this Agreement upon which the parties have re-
The following definitions apply to this
Agreement unless specified otherwise:
(a) Agreement: Shall mean this written document and all amend-
ments to it.
Biological Waste:
Shall mean any solid waste that causes
or has the capability of causing disease or infection and includes
biomedical waste, animals which died from disease, and other wastes
capable of transmitting pathogens to humans or animals.
Biomedical Waste:
Shall mean any solid waste or liquid
waste which may present a threat of infection to humans. The term in-
cludes, but is not limited to, non-liquid human tissue and body parts;
laboratory and veterinary waste which contain human-disease-causing
agents; discarded disposable sharps; human blood, human blood products
and body fluids; and other materials which in the opinion of the State
of Florida Department of Health represents a significant risk of in-
fection to persons outside the generating facility.
Bulky Waste:
Shall mean any item whose large size or
weight precludes or complicates its handling by normal collection,
processing, or disposal methods.
. (e) City: Shall mean the City of Winter Springs.
Shall mean any person, firm or company that
has entered or will enter into an agreement with the COUNTY or CITY
for solid waste, recycling, or yard waste collection and disposal ser-
Construction and Demolition Debris (C&D):
Shall mean dis-
carded materials generally considered to be non-water soluble and non-
hazardous in nature, including, but not limited to, steel, glass,
brick, concrete, asphalt material, pipe, gypsum wallboard and lumber
from the construction or destruction of a structure as part of a con-
struction or demolition project. The term includes rocks, soils, tree
remains, trees, and other vegetative matter which normally results
from land clearing or land development operations for a constructions
proj ect <;ind clean cardboard, paper, plastic, wood, or metal scraps
from a construction project.
Shall mean Seminole County, Florida, a political
subdivision of the State of Florida.
(i) Designated Facility: Shall mean the disposal facility(ies)
designated by the CO~TY for receiving solid waste, yard waste, white
goods, bulky waste or recyclable material under this Agreement within
the solid waste management system. The Designated Facilities pursuant
to this Agreement are specified in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and
incorporated herein.
Disposal Fees:
Shall mean the rates charged for disposal
or processing of items at the- Designated Facilities.
The Disposal
F~es pursuant to this Agreement are specified in Exhibit "B", attached
hereto and incorporated herein.
Shall mean all kitchen and table food waste and
animal or vegetative waste that is attendant with or results from the
storage, preparation, cooking, or handling of food materials.
Hazardous Waste:
Shall mean solid waste which, because
of its quantity, concentration or physical, chemical or infectious
characteristics, may c.ause, or significantly contribute to, an in-
crease in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible or. inca-
pacitating reversible illness or may pose a substantial present or po-
tential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly
transported, disposed of, stored, treated or otherwise managed.
(m) Household Waste: Shall mean any solid waste, including gar-
bage, trash and sanitary waste in septic tanks, derived from house-
holds, including, but not limited to, single and multiple residences,
hotels and motels, bunkhouses, ranger stations, crew quarters, camp-
grounds, picnic grounds, and day use recreation areas.
Municipal Customer:
Shall mean a municipality that col-
lects refuse and delivers the collected refuse in collection vehicles
to a COUNTY facility, or a municipality that contracts for the collec-
tion of refuse and directs its contractor to deliver the collected re-
fuse in collection vehicles to a COUNTY facility.
(0) Recyclable Material: Shall mean materials capable of being
recycled under the COUNTY's Recycling Program and which would other-
wise be processed or disposed of as. solid waste. Recyclable Material
includes newspapers (including inserts), magaziI)es and catalogs,
clear, green and brown glass bottles and jars, plastic bottles .(Nos .1-
7), aluminum and steel cans (including empty aerosol cans) which are
collected from curbside recycling programs. Recyclable materials also
include telephone books that may be collected annuqlly.
(p) Resident: Shall mean a person whose domicile is within the
boundaries of the CITY or the unincorporated COUNTY.
(q) Residential Waste: Household refuse generated from the do-
mestic acti vi ties of a resident's domicile.
Residential waste does
not include refuse generated from commercial activities in a domicile
or commercial waste brought to a domicile.
(r) Recycling: Shall mean any process by which solid waste, or
materials which would have otherwise become solid waste, are col-
lected, separated or processed and reused or returned to use in the
form of raw materials or products.
(s) Solid Waste: Shall mean sludge unregulated under the Fed-
eral Clean Water Act or Federal Clean Air Act; sludge from a waste
treatment works, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution con-
trol facility; or garbage, rubbish, refuse, special waste, or other
discarded material including solid, liquid or semi-solid, or contained
gaseous material resulting from domestic, industrial, commercial, min-
ing, agricultural or governmental operations.
(t) Special Waste: Shall mean those wastes requiring special
handling and management, including, but not limited to, white goods,
waste tires, used oil, lead acid batteries, construction and demoli-
tion debris, ash residue, yard waste, biological wastes, and mercury
containing devices or lamps.
(u) White Goods: Shall mean inoperative and discarded refrig-
era tors , ranges, washers,. water heaters, freezers and other similar
domestic and commercial large appliances.
Yard Waste:
Shall mean vegetative matter resulting from
landscaping maintenance or land clearing operations and includes mate-
rials such as tree and shrub trimmings, grass clippings, palm fronds,
trees and tree stumps.
(a) The COUNTY agrees to maintain its disposal facilities to
ensure adequate capacity for all of the CITY's solid waste disposal
and to operate in accordance with all applicable local, State and Fed-
eral environmental regulations.
(b) The COUNTY agrees to make its disposal facilities available
to the CITY, the residents of the CITY, and the CITY's residential and
commercial collection contractor(s) for the Disposal Fees specified in
Exhibit "B" at the Designated Facilities for solid waste, yard waste
and recyclable material generated from. residential and commercial
(c) The COUNTY agrees to provide to the CITY the lowest Dis-
posal Fees charged to any Municipal Customer. The COUNTY further
agrees to provide to the CITY the highest Environmental Administrative
Revenue Share and Recycling Revenue Share provided to any municipal
(d) The COUNTY may increase or decrease these fees as set forth
herein. The COUNTY agrees to maintain reasonable Disposal Fees as set
by the Board of County Commissioners and established by resolution.
Fee increases shall be consistent with the reasonable costs required
to operate and maintain the COUNTY's solid waste management system.
(1) The initial Disposal Fee schedule shall remain in ef-
fect until September 30, 2007. On October 1, 2007, and annually
thereafter, as established by resolution of the Board of County Com-
missioners, the COUNTY may increase disposal charges and recycling
processing charges by a rate equal to the increase in the Consumer
Price Index - All Urban Consumers (CPI-U).
The first rate determina-
tion period shall be from January 1, 2006 to the date the new fee
schedule is proposed.
Subsequent rate determination periods shall be
from the date the most recent rate was set to the date the new fee
schedule is proposed.
CPI price increases will take effect on or af-
ter October 1 annually.
(2 )
i'ncreases directly attributable to
changes in law including mandates imposed by Federal and State regula-
. tory agencies shall not be limited by the CPI. The COUNTY shall
promptly notify the CITY of any impending or anticipated increases di-
rectly attributable to changes in law, including mandates. The COUNTY
shall provide to the CITY a written explanation of the fee increase
attributable to a change in law.
The increase in the Disposal Fee
shall take effect after the COUNTY gives ninety (90) days written no-
tice to the CITY that said increase is required.
(3) The COUNTY may initiate non-CPI Disposal fee increases
beyond the CPI for reasons otp.erthan changes in law. The COUNTY
shall .pr()vide to the CITY a written eXplanation of any non-CPI Dis":
posal Fee increase.
If the CITY chooses not to accept the non-CPI
Disposal Fee increase proposed by the COUNTY, the CITY may terminate
this Agreement with ninety (90) days written notice to the COUNTY.
(e) The COUNTY agrees to pay CITY an Environmental Administra-
tive and Recycling Share for residential solid waste and recyclables
as set forth in Exhibit "B".
(f) The COUNTY agrees to maintain and provide services to the
CITY as outlined herein:
(1) Tire Amnesty Days, held periodically each year at the
Designated Facilities, at which there shall be no charge to residents
for the disposal of tires generated from their residential property.
(2) Household Hazardous Waste Disposal. There shall be no
charge to residents for the disposal of household hazardous waste gen-
erated from their residential property when delivered to the Desig-
nated Facilities.
(3) Household Hazardous Waste Amnesty Day(s), held in
various locations, at which there shall be no charge to residents for
the disposal of hazardous waste generated from their residential prop-
(4) Used oil Collection Centers, at which there shall be
no charge to residents for .the disposal of used motor oil g~nerated
from their residential property.
(5) Sharps Disposal Program, at which there shall be no
charge to residents requiring the use of medical sharps, needles or
lancets, for Sharps containers and the disposal of the sharps gener-
ated from their personal use. The Sharps Disposal containers shall be
available at Fire Stations, Health Department locations, and the Des-
ignated Facilities.
(6) Inspections shall be provided to businesses generating
small quantities of hazardous waste at no charge to the business owner
in compliance with Section 403.7225 (11), Florida Statutes. These in-
spections shall assess, notify and verify potential and known genera-
tors generating less than 2,200 pounds of hazardous waste in a calen-
dar month. Section 403.7234, Florida Statutes, requires that each
county notify known and potential small quantity generators of their
legal responsibilities regarding proper waste management practices,
and provide a list of available hazardous waste management alterna-
(7) Hazardous Material Spill Response Coordination. The
COuNTY's Environmental Compliance Assistance an~ Pollution Prevention
Programs (ECAP3) Team will be available to the CITY to provide assis-
tance and technical direction in responding to situations involving
hazardous materials spill.
(8) Environmental education shall be provided to include,
but not be limited to, hazardous waste, pollution and litter preven-
tion, recycling and waste reduction at schools, special events, Desig-
nated Facilities, businesses, civic and homeowner association meet-
(9) Environmental monitoring shall be provided to ensure
the Designated Facilities and solid waste management facilities remain
in compliance with all local, State and Federal regulations.
(10) Environmental investigation and enforcement cbopera-
tion shall be provided.
The County's ECAP3 Team will contirtue to co-
ordinate Environmental Task Force meetings where local agencies can
coordinate on environmental crimes initiatives.
(11) Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Business
Collection Events, held periodically, at a Designated Facility or
various sites, at which the County shall extend its contracted dis-
posal rate for disposal of hazardous waste generated at business
(businesses must meet Federal and State regulations concerning hazarq-
ous waste management and transport) .
(12) Disaster Recovery. The COUNTY shall work to coopera-
tively respond with the CITY for the collection and management of de-
bris management during disaster' recovery efforts. The COUNTY's con-
tract for debris management is available for the CITY to "piggy-back"
a contract for services.
(13) Mulch and compost shall be available to residents and
businesses at the Designated Facilities, at no charge for their use,
when the resident or business provides the means to collect and trans-
port mulch and compost from the Designated Facilities.
(14) Recycling Centers, at the Designated Facilities, shall
be available at no charge for residents and businesses to deliver re-
cyclable materials generated from their residential or commercial
(15) Cooperation on any solid waste mahagement grant pro-
(a) The CITY agrees that all solid waste and recyclable materi-
als deemed suitable for processing and disposal collected by or on be-
half of the CITY shall be disposed of at the COUNTY Designated Facili-
ties, as set forth in Exhibit "A".
(b) The CITY agrees to cooperate with the COUNTY to provide all
necessary information to the COUNTY so that the CITY and the COUNTY
can determine the quanti ty of the CITY's solid waste and recyclable
material being delivered to the Designated Facilities.
(c) The CITY agrees to collect or enter into a collection con-
tract for recyclable materials consistent with recyclables materials
accepted and managed by the COUNTY.
(d) The CITY agrees to amend its existing solid waste, yard
waste and/or recyclable materials collection agreements, if any, to
ensure disposal of all solid waste, yard waste and recyclable materi-
als at COUNTY Designated Facilities as set forth in Exhibit "A".
(e) The CITY agrees to amend its commercial solid waste fran-
chise agreements, if any, to include language directing commercial
solid waste to the COUNTY Designated Facilities set forth in Exhibit
"A" .
(f) The CITY agrees that as long as this Agreement is in effect
and unless it is a violation of any Federal anti-trust law, it shall
not construct, acquire, operate, or permit any solid waste disposal
area which may compete or tend to compete with the COUNTY's System.
(g) The CITY agrees to cooperate with the COUNTY to provide all
necessary information tp the COUNTY to determine if the COUNTY is
meeting the State recycling goal and the requirements of Chapter 403,
Part IV, Florida Statutes.
(h) The CITY agrees to provide the COUNTY monthly recycling re-
ports by the 10th day of each month following service.
(i) The CITY agrees to cooperate with the COUNTY on any solid
waste management grant programs.
(j) For the purposes of this Section, solid waste shall not
mean construction and demolition debris.
SECTZON 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Agreement shall become effective
March 1, 2006 and remain in full force and effect for ten (10) years
and shall automatic~lly be renewed annually thereafter unless termi-
nated earlier by either mutual agreement or by one (1) year prior
written notice provided, as set forth. hereunder, to the other party on
or before the annual renewal date.
(a) Each party to this Agreement is responsible for all per-
sonal injury and property damage attributable to the negligent acts or
omissions arising out of this Agreement of that party and the offi-
cers, employees and agents thereof.
(b) The parties further agree that nothing contained herein
shall be construed or interpreted as denying to any party any remedy
or defense available to such 'parties under the laws of the State of
Florida, nor as a waiver of sovereign immunity of the parties beyond
the waiver provided for in Section 768.28, F~orida Statutes.
(c) The waiver of a provision herein by either party shall not
constitute the further waiver of said provision or the waiver of any
other provision.
In the event that performance by the
COUNTY or CITY of any of their responsibilities under this Agreement
shall be interrupted, delayed, or prevented by an occurrence not occa-
sioned by the conduct of such party, whether such occurrence be an act
of God or any other occurrence whatsoever that 'is beyond the reason-
able control of such party, including, but not limited to, a change in
environmental law or regulation rendering performance impractical or
impossible, then such party shall be excused from such performance for
such period of time as is reasonably necessary after the occurrence to
remedy the effects thereof, or until such performance is no longer im-
practical or impossible.
Whenever either party desires to give
notice unto the other, it must be given by written notice, sent by cer-
tified United States mail, with return receipt requested, addressed to
the .party for whom it is intended at the place last specified and the
place for giving of notice shall remain such until it shall have been
changed by written notice in compliance with the provisions of this Sec-
For the pres~nt, the parties designate the following as the re-
spective places for giving of notice, to wit:
Seminole County
Department of Environmemtal. Services
1101 East First Street
Sanford, FL 32771
Attention: Department Director
City of Winter Springs
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32771
Attention: City Manager
cation, amendment or alteration in the terms or conditions contained
herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document exe-
cuted with the same formality and of equal dignity herewith.
BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement shall be binding
upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and the successors
in interest, transferees and assigns of the parties.
SECTION 11. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement shall not be assigned by
either party without the prior written approval of the other.
gations under Article 1, Section 24, Florida Constitution and Chapter
119, .Florida Statutes, to release public records to members of the pub-
lic upon request.
CITY acknowledges that COUNTY is required to comply
with Article 1, Section 24, Florida Constitution and Chapter 119, Flor-
ida Statutes, in the handling of the materials created under this Agree-
ment and that said statute controls over the terms of this Agreement.
Agreement is made for the sole benefit of the parties hereto and their
respective successors and assigns and is not intended to and shall not
benefit any third party. No third party shall have any rights hereunder
or as a result of this Agreement or. any right to enforce any provisions
of this Agreement.
SECTION 14. TIME OF THE ESSENCE. Time is of the essence rela-
tive to all aspects of performance under the terms of this Agreement.
In providing
all services pursuant to this Agreement, the parties shall abide by all
statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations pertaining to, or regulat-
ing the provisions of, such services, including those now in effect and
hereafter adopted.
Any violation of said statutes, ordinances, rules,
or regulations shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement, and
shall entitle the other party to terminate this Agreement immediately
upon delivery of written notice of termination to the other party as
provided hereinabove.
SECTION 16. DEFAULT. If any CITY or COUNTY fails to perform any
of the terms and conditions of this Agreement for a period of sixty
(60) days after receipt of notice of such default from the other
party, the party giving notice of default may be entitle to seek spe-
cific performance of this Agreement.
The parties each acknowledge
that money damages may be an inadequate remedy for the failure of per-
formance and that the party giving notice is entitled to seek an order
requiring specific performance by the defaulting party. In the event
that such an order is sought, each party shall be responsible for its
own costs, and expenses so incurred, including all attorneys fees, if
applicable. Failure of any party to exercise its rights in the event
of any breach by another party shall not constitute a waiver of such
rights. No party shall be deemed to have waived any breach by another
party unless such waiver is reduced to wri ting and executed by the
waiving party. Such written waiver shall be limited to terms specifi-
cally contained therein. This.paragraph shall not prejudice the right
of any party to seek such additional remedy at law or equity for any
breach hereunder.
If anyone (1) or more of the cove-
nants or provisions of this Agreement shall be held to be contrary to
any express provision of law or contrary to the policy of express law,
though not expressly prohibited, or against public policy, or shall
for any reason whatsoever, be held invalid then such covenants or pro-
visions shall be null and void, shall be deemed separable from the re-
maining covenants or provisions of this Agreement, and shall in no way
effect the validity of the remaining covenants or provisions of this
BUSH, Mayor
Clerk to the Board of
County Commissioners of
Seminole County, Florida~
For the use and reliance
of Seminole County only.
As authorized for execution by
the Board of County Commissioners
at their , 20____
regular meeting.
Approved as to form and
legal sufficiency
County Attorney
11/8/02 11/12/02 6/9/03 7/16/03 12/1/03 12/16/03 12/16/05 12/30/05
interlocal w Winter Springs-solid waste
Exhibit "A" - Designated Facilities
Exhibit "B" - Fees and Payments
Designated Facilities under the terms of this Agreement shall be:
1) The Seminole County Osceola Road Landfill located at 1930 East
Osceola Road, Geneva, and
2) The Central Transfer Station located at 1634 State Road 419,
The Seminole County Osceola Road Landfill accepts solid waste, yard
waste, construction and demolition debris, tires, and white goods.
The Central Transfer Station accepts solid waste, yard waste, and re-
Citizen delivered household hazardous waste is accepted at the Central
Transfer Station and the Osceola Road Landfill.
The Seminole County Osceola Road Landfill and the Central Transfer
Station do not accept biological or biomedical wastes.
Seminole County Solid Waste Disposal Fee:
(Per County Rate Resolution)
$33.17 per ton
. Environmental Administrative Revenue Share:
$3 per ton
Municipal Customer Recyclables Disposal Fee:
No Charge
Recyclables Processing Fee:
$20 per ton
Minimum Recycling Revenue Share to City
$ 6 per ton based on calculation below
Environmental Administrative Revenue Share Calculation
The COUNTY shall provide to the CITY an Environmental Administrative Revenue Share of
$3.00 per ton. The Environmental Administrative Revenue Share shall be based upon the
tonnage of Residential Waste (solid waste and yard waste) delivered to the Designated Facility
by the City's contractor.
The City shall direct its contractor to operate Residential Waste collection routes to assure the
delivery of discrete loads comprised solely of City generated solid waste or yard waste to the
Designated Facilities. The CITY and its contractor shall provide sufficient truck and route
information so that the COUNTY and the CITY can track and monitor the quantity of residential
solid waste and yard waste delivered by the CITY's contractor to the Designated Facilities. The
CITY's contractor's trucks shall be clearly marked as delivering waste from only the CITY to the
Designated Facilities.
The Environmental Administrative Revenue Share shall be provided as a credit on each month's
disposal fee statement for the CITY if the CITY chooses to pay the COUNTY directly for
disposal, or the. Environmental Revenue Share shall be provided as a credit on the CITY's
contractor's monthly disposal fee statement if the CITY chooses to have its contractor pay for
waste disposal. Prior to the effective date of this agreement, the City Manager shall provide
written instruction to the COUNTY concerning how credit for the Environmental Revenue Share
shall be provided.
Recvclina Revenue Share Backaround
The County shall pay directly to the City a revenue share based on the County's Recycling
Processing Agreement which expires on December 31,2009. The.County's Recycling
Processing Agreement currently contains the followilig~oor priCes:
Fiber Stfi.El. am (FS): $42 per ton
Commingle containers (CC): $ :2.50 per ton
. The County's Recycling Processing Agreement provides for Processing Payments to be made
to the County at or above the floor amount. The description of payments to be made to the
County by its contractor is described in Exhibit "A" of FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECYCLING
PROCESSING AGREEMENT (RFP-4114-01/JVP), effective February 20,2004, expires
December 31, 2009.
Recyclina Revenue Share Calculation
The COUNTY shall pay the CITY a per ton rate equal to the Processing Payment received by
the County less the Recyclables Processing Fee. The Recycling Revenue Share shall be
calculated as follows:
1. Processing Payment the County receives from its contractor is determined by the
formula: County's Processing Payment = (Tons CC X Price CC) + (Tons FS X Price
2. The City's percentage break down of percent CC and percent FS is assumed to be the
same as the percentage breakdown of the overall shipments made by the County to its
contractor each month.
3. Recycling Revenue Share = (Tons of Recyclables delivered by City X percent CC X
Price CC) + (Tons of Recyclables delivered by City X percent FS X Price FS) - (Tons of
Recyclables delivered by City X Recycling Processing Fee).
4. The County shall provide a detailed description of the Recycling Revenue Share
Calculation on a monthly basis with the Recycling Revenue Share payment.
The Recycling Revenue Share shall be provided as a credit on each month's disposal fee
statement for the CITY if the CITY chooses to pay the COUNTY directly for disposal, or the
Recycling Revenue Share shall be paid directly to the CITY on a monthly basis. Prior to the
effective date of this agreement, the City Manager shall provide written instruction to the
COUNTY concerning how credit for the Environmental Revenue Share shall be provided.
At the expiration of the County's recycling contract, the COUNTY and the Municipality shall
negotiate a revenue share for the recyclable materjal based on the COUNTY's next recycling
contract. The COUNTY shall advise the CITY as to the status of negotiations. The COUNTY
shall consider any written input received from the CITY during the course of such negotiations in .
order to provide benefits and advantages resulting from such negotiations to both parties.
The CITY shall require its contractor to operate recycling collection routes to assure the delivery
of discrete loads comprised solely of Municipality recyclables to COUNTY facilities. The CITY
and its contractor shall provide sufficient truck and route information so that the COUNTY and
the CITY can track and monitor the quality of recyclables delivered by the CITY's contractor to
COUNTY facilities. The CITY's contractor's trucks shall be clearly marked as delivering
recyclables from only the CITY to the Designated Facilities.
. ..
. .
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this
day of
, 20tJIr.
by and between SEMINOLE COUNTY, a political
subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is Seminole County
Services Building, 1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771,
hereinafter referred to as ~COUNTY," and the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a
Florida municipal corporation, whose address is 1126 East State Road
434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708, hereinafter referred to as ~CITY".
WHEREAS, Chapter 403, Part IV, Florida Statutes, delegates the
responsibility for providing solid waste disposal facilities to coun-
ties; and,
WHEREAS, landfilling is the primary method of solid waste dis-
posal in Seminole County, Florida; and,
WHEREAS, on or about September 28, 1994, the COUNTY and CITY en- \
tered into a Solid Waste Management Interlocal. Agreement and the par-
ties now desire to terminate said Agreement and enter into a new
agreement which shall wholly and completely supercede said Agreement;
WHEREAS, the CITY provides for collection and disposal of solid
waste from the residents and businesses located within its .geographic
boundaries and the CITY recognizes the need for safe and sanitary
processing and disposal of solid waste; and
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to participate in a coordinated county-
wide program for the management of solid waste and control of solid
waste processing and disposal in compliance with Federal, State and
8:~ 4b:' :~RI~A
, .
local regulations to prevent, control and abate air, water and ground
pollution; and
WHEREAS, the CITY and the COUNTY recognize the need to plan and
develop an adequate solid waste system to benefit all residents of
Seminole County, Florida; and
WHEREAS, the CITY and the COUNTY recognize the importance of en-
vironmentally responsible solid waste disposal capacity; and
WHEREAS, the CITY recognizes that the COUNTY's infrastructure
provides for the construction, operation, repair and maintenance of
COUNTY solid waste disposal facilities, and that this infrastructure
was established, and is available, for the use and betterment of all
municipalities within the COUNTY; and
WHEREAS, the CITY recognizes that the cost of existing disposal
infrastructure is solely supported by the COUNTY's'Solid Waste Manage-
ment Division revenues; and
WHEREAS, Chapter 403, Part IV, Florida Statutes encourages coun-
ties to enter into interlocal agreements with municipalities for coop-
erative solid waste management, including establishing recycling pro-
grams and pursue recycling activities to reduce the impact of solid
waste disposal on landfills; and
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to cooperate with the COUNTY toward
achievement and maintenance of the State of Florida's recycling goal
and compliance with Chapter 403, Part IV, Florida Statutes,
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and
promises by and between the parties hereto, and for the mutual benefit
, .
of the CITY and COUNTY and their respective citizens, the parties
agree, as follows:
SECTION 1. RECITALS. The above recitals are true and correct and
form a material part of this Agreement upon which the parties have re-
The following definitions apply to this
Agreement unless specified otherwise:
(a) Agreement: Shall mean this written document and all amend-
ments to it.
Biological Waste:
Shall mean any solid waste that causes
or has the capability of causing disease or infection and includes
biomedical waste, animals which died from disease, and other wastes
capable of transmitting pathogens to humans or animals.
Biomedical Waste:
Shall mean any solid waste or liquid
waste which may present a threat of infection to humans. The term in-
cludes, but is not limited to, non-liquid human tissue and body parts;
laboratory and veterinary waste which contain human-disease-causing
agents; discarded disposable sharps; human blood, human blood products
and body fluids; and other materials which in the opinion of the State
of Florida Department of Health represents a significant risk of in-
fection to persons outside the generating facility.
( d)
Bulky Waste:
Shall mean any item whose large size or
weight precludes or comPlicates its handling by normal collection,
processing, or disposal methods.
(e) City: Shall mean the City of Winter Springs.
" .
Shall mean any person, firm or company that
has entered or will enter into an agreement with the COUNTY or CITY
for solid waste, recycling, or yard waste collection and disposal ser-
Construction and Demolition Debris (C&D):
Shall mean dis-
carded materials generally considered to be non-water soluble and non-
hazardous in nature, including, but not limited to, steel, glass,
brick, concrete, asphalt material, pipe, gypsum wallboard and lumber
from the construction or destruction of a structure as part of a con-
struction or demolition project. The term includes rocks, soils, tree
remains, trees, and other vegetative matter which normally results
from land clearing or land development operations for a constructions
proj ect and clean cardboard, paper, plastic, wood, or metal scraps
from a construction project.
Shall mean Seminole County, Florida, a political
subdivision of the State of Florida.
(i) Designated Facility: Shall mean the disposal facility(ies)
designated by the COUNTY for receiving solid waste, yard waste, white
goods, bulky waste or recyclable material under this Agreement within
the solid waste management system.
The Designated Facilities pursuant
to this Agreement are specified in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and
incorporated herein.
Disposal Fees:
Shall mean the rates charged for disposal
or processing of items at the Designated Facilities.
The Disposal
Fees pursuant to this Agreement are specified in Exhibit "B", attached
hereto and incorporated herein.
Shall mean all kitchen and table food waste and
animal or vegetative waste that is attendant with or results from the
storage, preparation, cooking, or handling of food materials.
Hazardous Waste:
Shall mean solid waste which, because
of its quantity, concentration or physical, chemical or infectious
characteristics, may cause, or significantly contribute to, an in-
crease in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible or inca-
pacitating reversible illness or may pose a substantial present or po-
tential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly
transported, disposed of, stored, treated or otherwise managed.
(m) Household Waste: Shall mean any solid waste, including gar-
bage, trash and sanitary was te in septic tanks , derived from house-
holds, including, but not limited to, single and multiple residences,
hotels and motels, bunkhouses, ranger stations, crew quarters, camp-
grounds, picnic grounds, and day use recreation areas.
Municipal Customer:
Shall mean a municipality that col-
lects refuse and delivers the collected refuse in collection vehicles
to a COUNTY facility, or a municipality that contracts for the collec-
tion of refuse and directs its contractor to deliver the collected re-
fuse in collection vehicles to a COUNTY facility.
(0) Recyclable Material: Shall mean materials capable of being
recycled under the COUNTY's Recycling Program and which would other-
wise be processed or disposed of as solid waste. Recyclable Material
includes newspapers (including inserts), magazi~es and catalogs,
clear, green and brown glass bottles and jars, plastic bottles (Nos.l-
7), aluminum and steel cans (including empty aerosol cans) which are
collected from curbside recycling programs. Recyclable materials also
include telephone books that may be collected annually.
(p) Resident: Shall mean a person whose domicile is within the
boundaries of the CITY or the unincorporated COUNTY.
(q) Residential Waste: Household refuse generated from the do-
mestic acti vi ties of a resident's domicile.
Residential waste does
not include refuse generated from commercial activities in a domicile
or commercial waste brought to a domicile.
Shall mean any process by which solid waste, or
materials which would have otherwise become solid waste, are col-
lected, separated or processed and reused or returned to use in the
form of raw materials or products.
(s) Solid Waste: Shall mean sludge unregulated under the Fed-
eral Clean Water Act or Federal Clean Air Act; sludge from a waste
treatment works, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution con-
trol facility; or garbage, rubbish, refuse, special waste, or other
discarded material including solid, liquid or semi-solid, or contained
gaseous material resulting from domestic, industrial, commercial, min-
ing, agricultural or governmental operations.
(t) Special Waste: Shall mean those wastes requiring special
handling and management, including, but not limited to, white goods,
waste tires, used oil, lead acid batteries, construction and demoli-
tion debris, ash residue, yard waste, biological wastes, and mercury
containing devices or lamps.
(u) White Goods: Shall mean inoperative and discarded refrig-
erators, ranges, washers, water heaters, freezers and other similar
domestic and commercial large appliances.
Yard Waste:
Shall mean vegetative matter resulting from
landscaping maintenance or land clearing operations and includes mate-
rials such as tree and shrub trimmings, grass clippings, palm fronds,
trees and tree stumps.
(a) The COUNTY agrees to maintain its disposal facilities to
ensure adequate capacity for all of the CITY's solid waste disposal
and to operate in accordance with all applicable local, State and Fed-
eral environmental regulations.
(b) The COUNTY agrees to make its disposal facilities available
to the CITY, the residents of the CITY, and the CITY's residential and
commercial collection contractor(s) for the Disposal Fees specified in
Exhibit "B" at the Designated Facilities for solid waste, yard waste
and recyclable material generated from' residential and commercial
(c) The COUNTY agrees to provide to the CITY the lowest Dis-
posal Fees charged to any Municipal Customer. The COUNTY further
agrees to provide to the CITY the highest Environmental Administrative
Revenue Share and Recycling Revenue Share provided to any municipal
(d) The COUNTY may increase or decrease these fees as set forth
herein. The COUNTY agrees to maintain reasonable Disposal Fees as set
by the Board of County Commissioners and established by resolution.
. .
Fee increases shall be consistent with the reasonable costs required
to operate and maintain the COUNTY's solid waste management system.
(1) The initial Disposal Fee schedule shall remain in ef-
fect until September 30, 2007.
On October I, 2007, and annually
thereafter, as established by resolution of the Board of County Com-
missioners, the COUNTY may increase disposal charges and recycling
processing charges by a rate equal to the increase in the Consumer
Price Index - All Urban Consumers (CPI-U).
The first rate determina-
tion period shall be from January I, 2006 to the date the new fee
schedule is proposed.
Subsequent rate determination periods shall be
from the date the most recent rate was set to the date the new fee
schedule is proposed.
CPI price increases will take effect on or af-
ter October 1 annually.
(2) 'Disposal Fee increases directly attributable to
changes in law including mandates imposed by Federal and State regula-
. tory agencies shall not be limited by the CPI.
The COUNTY shall
promptly notify the CITY of any impending or anticipated increases di-
rectly attributable to changes in law, including mandates. The COUNTY
shall provide to the CITY a written explanation of the fee increase
attributable to a change in law.
The increase in the Disposal Fee
shall take effect after the COUNTY gives ninety (90) days written no-
tice to the CITY that said increase is required.
(3) The COUNTY may initiate non-CPI Disposal Fee increases
beyond the CPI for reasons otper than changes in law.
shall provide to the CITY a written explanation of any non-CPI Dis-
posal Fee increase.
If the CITY chooses not to accept the non-CPI
Disposal Fee increase proposed by the COUNTY, the CITY may terminate
this Agreement with ninety (90) days written notice to the COUNTY.
(e) The COUNTY agrees to pay CITY an Environmental Administra-
tive and Recycling Share for residential solid waste and recyclables
as set forth in Exhibit "B".
(f) The COUNTY agrees to maintain and provide services to the
CITY as outlined herein:
(1) Tire Amnesty Days, held periodically each year at the
Designated Facilities, at which there shall be no charge to residents
for the disposal of tires generated from their residential property.
(2) Household Hazardous Waste Disposal. There shall be no
charge to residents for the disposal of household hazardous waste gen-
erated from their residential property when delivered to the Desig-
nated Facilities.
(3) Household Hazardous Waste Amnesty Day(s), held in
various locations, at which there shall be no charge to residents for
the disposal of hazardous waste generated from their residential prop-
available at Fire Stations, Health Department locations, and the Des-
ignated Facilities.
(6) Inspections shall be provided to businesses generating
small quantities of hazardous waste at no charge to the business owner
in compliance with Section 403.7225 (11), Florida Statutes. These in-
spections shall assess, notify and verify potential and known genera-
tors generating less than 2,200 pounds of hazardous waste in a calen-
dar mon th .
Section 403.7234, Florida Statutes, requires that each
county notify known and potential small quantity generators of their
legal responsibilities regarding proper waste management practices,
and provide a list of available hazardous waste management al terna-
Hazardous Material Spill Response Coordination.
COUNTY's Environmental Compliance Assistance anq Pollution Prevention
Programs (ECAP3) Team will be available to the CITY to provide assis-
tance and technical direction in responding to situations involving
hazardous materials spill.
(8) Environmental education shall be provided to include,
but not be limited to, hazardous waste, pollution and litter preven-
tion, recycling and waste reduction at schools, special events, Desig-
nated Facilities, businesses, civic and homeowner association meet-
(9) Environmental moni toring shall be provided to ensure
the Designated Facilities and solid waste management facilities remain
in compliance with all local, State and Federal regulations.
. .
(10) Environmental investigation and enforcement coopera-
tion shall be provided.
The County's ECAP3 Team will continue to co-
ordinate Environmental Task Force meetings where local agencies can
coordinate on environmental crimes initiatives.
(11) Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Business
Collection Events, held periodically, at a Designated Facility or
various sites, at which the County shall extend its contracted dis-
posal rate for disposal of hazardous waste generated at business
(businesses must meet Federal and State regulations concerning hazard-
ous waste management and transport) .
(12) Disaster Recovery. The COUNTY shall work to coopera-
tively respond with the CITY for the collection and management of de-
bris management during disaster' recovery efforts.
The COUNTY's con-
tract for debris management is available for the CITY to Upiggy-back"
a contract for services.
(13) Mulch and compost shall be available to residents and
businesses at the Designated Facilities, at no charge for their use,
when the resident or business provides the means to collect and trans-
port mulch and compost from the Designated Facilities.
(14) Recycling Centers, at the Designated Facilities, shall
be available at no charge for residents and businesses to deliver re-
cyclable materials generated from their residential or commercial
(15) Cooperation on any solid waste management grant pro-
(a) The CITY agrees that all solid waste and recyclable materi-
als deemed suitable for processing and disposal collected by or on be-
half of the CITY shall be disposed of at the COUNTY Designated Facili-
ties, as set forth in Exhibit "A".
(b) The CITY agrees to cooperate with the COUNTY to provide all
necessary information to the COUNTY so that the CITY and the COUNTY
can determine the quantity of the CITY's solid waste and recyclable
material being delivered to the Designated Facilities.
(c) The CITY agrees to collect or enter into a collection con-
tract for recyclable materials consistent with recyclables materials
accepted and managed by the COUNTY.
(d) The CITY agrees to amend its existing solid waste, yard
waste and/or recyclable materials collection agreements, if any, to
ensure disposal of all solid waste, yard waste and recyclable materi-
als at COUNTY Designated Facilities as set forth in Exhibit "A".
(e) The CITY agrees to amend its commercial solid waste fran-
chise agreements, if any, to include language directing commercial
solid waste to the COUNTY Designated Facilities set forth in Exhibit
"A" .
(f) The CITY agrees that as long as this Agreement is in effect
and unless it is a violation of any Federal anti-trust law, it shall
not construct, acquire, operate, or permit any solid waste disposal
area which may compete or tend to compete with the COUNTY's System.
(g) The CITY agrees to cooperate with the COUNTY to provide all
necessary information tp the COUNTY to determine if the COUNTY is
.0 .
meeting the State recycling goal and the requirements of Chapter 403,
Part IV, Florida Statutes.
(h) The CITY agrees to provide the COUNTY monthly recycling re-
ports by the 10th day of each month following service.
(i) The CITY agrees to cooperate with the COUNTY on any solid
waste management grant programs.
(j) For the purposes of this Section, solid waste shall not
mean construction and demolition debris.
SECTION 5. EFFECTrvE DATE. This Agreement shall become effective
March 1, 2006 and remain in full force and effect for ten (10) years
and shall automatic~lly be renewed annually thereafter unless termi-
nated earlier by either mutual agreement or by one (1) year prior
written notice provided, as set forth hereunder, to the other party on
or before the annual renewal date.
(a) Each party to this Agreement is responsible for all per-
sonal injury and property damage attributable to the negligent acts or
omissions arising out of this Agreement of that party and the offi-
cers, employees and agents thereof.
(b) The parties further agree that nothing contained herein
shall be construed or interpreted as denying to any party any remedy
or defense available to such parties under the laws of the State of
Florida, nor as a waiver of sovereign immunity of the parties beyond
the waiver provided for in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes.
(c) The waiver of a provision herein by either party shall not
constitute the further waiver of said provision or the waiver of any
other provision.
In the event that performance by the
COUNTY or CITY of any of their responsibilities under this Agreement
shall be interrupted, delayed, or prevented by an occurrence not occa-
sioned by the conduct of such party, whether such occurrence be an act
of God or any other occurrence whatsoever that 'is beyond the reason-
able control of such party, including, but not limited to, a change in
environmental law or regulation rendering performance impractical or
impossible, then such party shall be excused from such performance for
such period of time as is reasonably necessary after the occurrence to
remedy the effects thereof, or until such performance is no longer im-
practical or impossible.
Whenever either party desires to give
notice unto the other, it must be given by written notice, sent by cer-
tified United States mail, with return receipt requested, addressed to
the party for whom it is intended at the place last specified and the
place for giving of notice shall remain such until it shall have been
changed by written notice in compliance with the provisions of this Sec-
For the present, the parties designate the following as the re-
spective places for giving of notice, to wit:
Seminole County
Department of Environmental Services
1101 East First Street
Sanford, FL 32771
Attention: Department Director
. .
City of Winter Springs
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32771
Attention: City Manager
cation, amendment or alteration in the terms or conditions contained
herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document exe-
cuted with'the same formality and of equal dignity herewith.
BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement shall be binding
upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and the successors
in interest, transferees and assigns of the parties.
SECTION 11. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement shall not be assigned by
either party without the prior written approval of the other.
gations under Article 1, Section 24, Florida Constitution and Chapter
119,Florida Statutes, to release public records to members of the pub-
lic upon request.
CITY acknowledges that COUNTY is required to comply
with Article 1, Section 24, Florida Constitution and Chapter 119, Flor-
ida Statutes, in the handling of the materials created under this Agree-
ment and that said statute controls over the terms of this Agreement.
Agreement is made for the sole benefit of the parties hereto and their
respective successors and assigns and is not intended to and shall not
benefit any third party. No third party shall have any rights hereunder
or as a result of this Agreement or any right to enforce any provisions
of this Agreement.
. .
Time is of the essence rela-
tive to all aspects of performance under the terms of this Agreement.
In providing
all services pursuant to this Agreement, the parties shall abide by all
statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations pertaining to, or regulat-
ing the provisions of, such services, including those now in effect and
hereafter adopted.
Any violation of said statutes, ordinances, rules,
or regulations shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement, and
shall entitle the other party to terminate this Agreement immediately
upon delivery of written notice of termination to the other party as
provided hereinabove.
SECTION 16. DEFAULT. If any CITY or COUNTY fails to perform any
of the terms and conditions of this Agreement for a period of sixty
(60) days after receipt of notice of such default from the other
party, the party giving notice of default may be entitle to seek spe-
cific performance of this Agreement.
The parties each acknowledge
that money damages may be an inadequate remedy for the failure of per-
formance and that the party giving notice is entitled to seek an order
requiring specific performance by the defaulting party.
In the event
that such an order is sought, each party shall be responsible for its
own costs. and expenses so incurred, including all attorneys fees, if
Failure of any party to exercise its rights in the event
of any breach by another party shall not constitute a waiver of such
rights. No party shall be deemed to have waived any breach by another
party unless such waiver is reduced to writing and executed by the
waiving party. Such written waiver shall be limited to terms specifi-
cally contained therein. This ,paragraph shall not prejudice the right
of any party to seek such additional remedy at law or equity for any
breach hereunder.
If anyone (1) or more of the cove-
nants or provisions of this Agreement shall be held to be contrary to
any express provision of law or contrary to the policy of express law,
though not expressly prohibited, or against public policy, or shall
for any reason whatsoever, be held invalid then such covenants or pro-
visions shall be null and void, shall be deemed separable from the re-
maining covenants or provisions of this Agreement, and shall in no way
effect the validity of the remaining covenants or provisions of this
I "
C erk to the Board of
County Commissioners of
Seminole County, Florida'.
Da te : ~ -;Z r - () ~
For the use and reliance
of Seminole County only.
As authorized for execution by
the Board of County Commissioners
a t their ;:=e.6'. / V , 2 O~
regular meeting.
Approved as to form and
legal sufficiency
~~~ ~
County Attorney
~,. ~ cr,O(p
. .
11/8/02 11/12/02 6/9/03 7/16/03 12/1/03 12/16/03 12/16/05 12/30/05
interlocal w Winter Springs-solid waste
Exhibit UA" - Designated Facilities
Exhibit UB" - Fees and Payments
Designated Facilities under the terms of this Agreement shall be:
1) The Seminole County Osceola Road Landfill located a.t 1930 East
Osceola Road, Geneva, and
2) The Central Transfer Station located at 1634 State Road 419,
The Seminole County Osceola Road Landfill accepts solid waste, yard
waste, construction and demolition debris, tires, and white goods.
The Central Transfer Station accepts solid waste, yard waste, and re-
Citizen delivered household hazardous waste is accepted at the Central
Transfer Station and the Osceola Road Landfill.
The Seminole County Osceola Road Landfill and the Central Transfer
Station do not accept biological or biomedical wastes.
. .
Seminole County Solid Waste Disposal Fee:
(Per County Rate Resolution)
$33.17 per ton
Environmental Administrative Revenue Share:
$3 per ton
Municipal Customer Recyclables Disposal Fee:
No Charge
$20 per ton
Recyclables Processing Fee:
Minimum Recycling Revenue Share to City
$ 6 per ton based on calculation below
Environmental Administrative Revenue Share Calculation
The COUNTY shall provide to the CITY an Environmental Administrative Revenue Share of
$3.00 per ton. The Environmental Administrative Revenue Share shall be based upon the
tonnage of Residential Waste (solid waste and yard waste) delivered to the Designated Facility
by the City's contractor.
The City shall direct its contractor to operate Residential Waste collection routes to assure the
delivery of discrete loads comprised solely of City generated solid waste or yard waste to the
Designated Facilities. The CITY and its contractor shall provide sufficient truck and route
information so that the COUNTY and the CITY can track and monitor the quantity of residential
solid waste and yard waste delivered by the CITY's contractor to the Designated Facilities. The
CITY's contractor's trucks shall be clearly marked as delivering waste from only the CITY to the
Designated Facilities.
The Environmental Administrative Revenue Share shall be provided as a credit on each month's
disposal fee statement for the CITY if the CITY chooses to pay the COUNTY directly for
disposal, or the Environmental Revenue Share shall be provided as a credit on the CITY's
contractor's monthly disposal fee statement if the CITY chooses to have its contractor pay for
waste disposal. Prior to the effective date of this agreement, the City Manager shall provide
written instruction to the COUNTY concerning how credit for the Environmental Revenue Share
shall be provided.
Recyclinq Revenue Share Backqround
The County shall pay directly to the City a revenue share based on the County's Recycling
Processing Agreement which expires on December 31, 2009. The County's Recycling
Processing Agreement currently contains the following floor prices:
Fiber stream (FS): $42 per ton
Commingle containers (CC): $ 2.50 per ton
The County's Recycling Processing Agreement provides for Processing Payments to be made
to the County at or above the floor amount. The description of payments to be made to the
. .
County by its contractor is described in Exhibit "A" of FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECYCLING
PROCESSING AGREEMENT (RFP-4114-01/JVP), effective February 20,2004, expires
December 31,2009.
Recvclinq Revenue Share Calculation
The COUNTY shall pay the CITY a per ton rate equal to the Processing Payment received by
the County less the Recyclables Processing Fee. The Recycling Revenue Share shall be
calculated as follows:
1. Processing Payment the County receives from its contractor is determined by the
formula: County's Processing Payment = (Tons CC X Price CC) + (Tons FS X Price
2. The City's percentage break down of percent CC and percent FS is assumed to be the
same as the percentage breakdown of the overall shipments made by the County to its
contractor each month.
3. Recycling Revenue Share = (Tons of Recyclables delivered by City X percent CC X
Price CC) + (Tons of Recyclables delivered by City X percent FS X Price FS) - (Tons of
Recyclables delivered by City X Recycling Processing Fee).
4. The County shall provide a detailed description of the Recycling Revenue Share
Calculation on a monthly basis with the Recycling Revenue Share payment.
The Recycling Revenue Share shall be provided as a credit on each month's disposal fee
statement for the CITY if the CITY chooses to pay the COUNTY directly for disposal, or the
Recycling Revenue Share shall be paid directly to the CITY on a monthly basis. Prior to the
effective date of this agreement, the City Manager shall provide written instruction to the
COUNTY concerning how credit for the Environmental Revenue Share shall be provided.
At the expiration of the County's recycling contract, the COUNTY and the Municipality shall
negotiate a revenue share for the recyclable material based on the COUNTY's next recycling
contract. The COUNTY shall advise the CITY as to the status of negotiations. The COUNTY
shall consider any written input received from the CITY during the course of such negotiations in
order to provide benefits and advantages resulting from such negotiations to both parties.
The CITY shall require its contractor to operate recycling collection routes to assure the delivery
of discrete loads comprised solely of Municipality recyclables to COUNTY facilities. The CITY
and its contractor shall provide sufficient truck and route information so that the COUNTY and
the CITY can track and monitor the quality of recyclables delivered by the CITY's contractor to
COUNTY facilities. The CITY's contractor's trucks shall be clearly marked as delivering
recyclables from only the CITY to the Designated Facilities.