HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 02 23 Regular 504
022304_ COMM _Regular _504_ Town_Center _Improvements
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ITEM 504
Public Hearine
Reeular X
February 23. 2004
MGR. (}WM /Dept.
REQUEST: City Manager requesting the Commission to authorize the City Manager to execute
a contract with Glatting, Jackson, Kercher, Anglin, Lopez, and Rinehart to make
recommendations for enhancement of the pedestrian friendly environment of the Town Center,
and to improve traffic circulation within the Town Center.
PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed to enhance the pedestrian friendly environment, and
traffic circulation in the Town Center District.
City staff and J.D.C. recognize that counter measures need to be taken to the negative impact
S.R. 434 is having on the Town Center and to improve the traffic circulation in the Town Center.
One of the fundamental principles of Town Center Design is to create a pedestrian friendly
environment to attract pedestrian activity in the Town Center.
Relatedly, Town Center Design has to separate pedestrians from unsafe traffic conditions and
time traffic patters in order to create an environment which pedestrians feel safe.
The current classification of S.R. 434 as a Class ITI Principal Arterial is creating impacts that are
contradictory and harmful to a safe pedestrian friendly environment.
This study would develop the data necessary to provide a convincing case for F.D.O.T. to down
grade S.R. 434 to an urban street.
Another part of this study would focus upon ways to improve the traffic patterns at the interface
and connecting points of Town Center streets and S.R. 434 in consideration of S.R. 434 being
Additionally, in a companion effort with the city and J.n.c. is employing Glatting, Jackson,
Kercher, Anglin, Lopez, and Rinehart to study traffic patterns within the J.n.c. development to
determine if these traffic patterns can be made more pedestrian friendly. The city study would
take those recommendations into consideration in correlating J.n.c. recommendations with S.R.
434 recommendations.
FUNDING: The $50,000 cost for the city's component of this study would be funded through
the l~ Local Option Sales Tax funds. J.n.c. will be funding the cost of the study of J.n.c.'s
internal traffic circulation network.
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with
Glatting, Jackson, Kercher, Anglin, Lopez, and Rinehart to perform a study to make
recommendations for enhancing the pedestrian friendly environment, and traffic circulation in
the Town Center, including but not limited to down grading the classification of S.R. 434 to an
urban street.
Glatting Jackson Proposal
Jack F. Glatting, Founder
William]. Anglin,Jr.
David L Barth
Jay H. Exum
Carey S. Hayo
Jay It. Hood
Timothy T. Jackson
William C. Kercher,Jr.
Walter M. Kulash
Sharon K. Lamantia
S. Raymond Lopez
Thomas]. McMacken,Jr.
John H. Percy
John F. Rinehart
Gregory A. Bryla
Karen T. Campblin
Frances Chandler-Marino
John W. Cheek
David R. Claus
Charles P. Cobble
Michael R. Cochran
A, Blake Drury
Christi B. EU1ein
Sandy A. Franks
Douglas V, Gaines
John T. Griffin III
Bruce C. Hall
Patricia S. Hurd
Jonathan W. Hoflinan
Gail D, Lacey
Brent A. Lacy
William D. Lites
Ian M. Lockwood
Kok Wan Mah
Jeffrey F. Manuel
Edward ]. McKinney
Randall S. Mejeur
Douglas A. Metzger
John]. Moore III
Balraj N. Mohabeer
Jonathan M. Mugmon
IU.thleen S. O'Sullivan
Kirk]. Olney
Timothy R. Palermo
Kelley Samuels Peterman
Heather]. Phiel
Troy p, Russ
Jodi L. Rutmann
Tara L. Salmieri
Peter C. Sechler
Michael Sobczak
. Jeff M. Sugar
RDnald L Urbaniak
G, Wade Walker
Gary E. Warner
Donald G. Wishart
33 East Pine Street
Orlando, Florida 32801
P: 407 843 6552
F: 407 839 1789
Atlanta' Orlando
WtJt Palm Beach
January 15,2004
Mr. Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
City of Winter Springs
1126 State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Telephone: 407.327.5957
Hereinafter referred to as Client.
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez
Rinehart, Inc.
33 East Pine Street
Orlando, Florida 32801
Hereinafter referred to as Glatting Jackson.
Re: City of Winter Springs/SR 434 Alternative Character Study
Glatting Jackson Project #18157.0
Dear Mr. McLemore:
Glatting Jackson is pleased to provide this Letter of Agreement to the City of Winter Springs (Client)
for services related to developing and articulating an alternative urban cross-section concept for the
portion of SR 434 that runs through the Town Center District of the City.
Part I - Develop and Articulate Alternative Concept for SR 434 Character
1.1 Project Coordination - In addition to the specific services detailed below, Glatting Jackson
shall coordinate our work with the Client's representative and the Client's project team, monitor
the project schedule as it relates to the scope Contained herein, and provide timely invoicing and
reporting of project progress.
1.2 Data Collection
Glatting Jackson will prepare base maps of the SR 434 corridor within the Town Center district
of the City of Winter Springs. Glatting Jackson will also review, map, and evaluate base traffic
(existing and projected mainline and turning movement counts) and development data provided
by the City of Winter Springs for the roadways and parcels located within the Town Center
Deliverable: Base map at a scale of 1" = 200' annotated with existing condition data
G/atting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 10/8
1.3 Visioning Sessions
Glatting Jackson will interview City-identified stakeholders along the corridor to determine
issues and opportunities associated with changes in the character of SR 434 through the project
area. It is anticipated that these interviews will last one to two hours each, and take place over
the span of two concurrent days.
Glatting Jackson will then facilitate a visioning session to be held in Winter Springs for City
staff and the developer to respond to the results of the stakeholder interviews and to further
defme the issues and opportunities associated with modifications to the configuration of SR 434
through the project area. This session is envisioned as a one-day intensive worksession with
representatives from the City and developer as active participants with the consultant team. The
City shall make all physical arrangements for the workshop and invite the participants.
Deliverable: Brief technical memorandum summarizing the issues and opportunities associated
with the corridor resulting from the stakeholder and visioning sessions.
1.4 Develop SR 434 Alternative Concept
Glatting Jackson will develop a cross-section alternative for SR 434 that urbanizes the segment
within the Town Center area. Working with Design Works LLC, who is the site designer under
contract with the Town Center developer (James Doran Company), and the City of Winter
Springs, Glatting Jackson will evaluate cross-sectional elements that rebalance the role of the
roadway to make it a more pedestrian and business-friendly street that responds to the
surrounding Town Center context. The concept will be developed and evaluated with respect to
accommodating existing and future expected vehicular traffic loadings, with elements such as
future signal location and spacing, delineation of new curb line, potential reduction in travel lane
width, integration of bicycle facilities, location and configuration of pedestrian amenities, and
conceptual streetscape elements included in the concept. The concept will be articulated in a
corridor plan at a scale of I" = 200', and supplemented by typical cross-sections and detail
drawings of the major intersections and entryways on the eastern and western edges of the
corridor. Up to four "eye level" perspective renderings of important places within the corridor
will also be developed to graphically articulate the concept as integrated into the surrounding
Town Center context, and to further describe the "urbanization" of both the roadway and
surrounding land uses. A draft of the illustrative master plan and technical support
memorandum will be submitted to Dover KoW, who is the City's architect for the Town Center,
and to the Client for review and comment. Glatting Jackson will incorporate Dover Kohl's and
the Client's comments into the fmal plan and technical memorandum, then prepare detail
vignettes at a scale of 1"=50' for up to eight specific initiatives at intersections, entries, or
midblock locations, as well as up to four eye level perspectives that illustrate the relationship of
proposed elements to the Town Center context. Additionally, all deliverables will be
summarized in an illustrative Executive Summary to be developed in a pampWet or brochure
format for reproduction and distribution by the City.
Glatling Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 20f8
. One draft illustrative conidor "master plan" at a scale of l" = 200' summarizing
specific initiatives and modifications proposed to elicit changes in the character of SR
434 as it traverses the Winter Springs Town Center, supplemented by vignettes at a
scale of 1 "=5 0' of specific configurations at intersections, entries, and midblock cross
. Brief technical memorandum summarizing the recommendations and analyses relevant
to the recommendations (one draft and one fmal incorporating Client's comments).
. One fmal illustrative corridor "master plan" at a scale of 1" = 200'
· Vignettes at a scale of 1"=50' of specific configurations at intersections, entries, and
the midblock cross sections (maximum of eight). .
. Up to four (4) "eye level" perspectives.
. Illustrative Executive Summary in a pamphlet or brochure format.
1.5 Consensus-Building and FDOT Coordination
Glatting Jackson will present the recommended concept to elected and appointed officials of the
City during a two-hour worksession. Comments received at this worksession will be
incorporated into a final conidor vision plan to be presented to FDOT. It is anticipated that two
half-day sessions with FDOT leadership and staff will be scheduled, at which the concept will
be presented and comments received. At the conclusion of these meetings, Glatting Jackson
will develop a methodology outlining the types and extent of analyses that will be required by
FDOT to move the concept forward, as well as any recommended modifications to the concept
plan requested by FDOT. The actual analyses and concept plan revisions are not included as
part of this scope of work.
Deliverable: Methodology memorandum summarizing the information, analyses, and plan
modifications required by FDOT to move the concept forward toward implementation.
Part II - Review and Refine Existing Circulation Concept within Town Center
1.6 Data Collection
Glatting Jackson will prepare a base map of the northwest quadrant of the Town Center district
of the City of Winter Springs, denoting existing and planned development initiatives. Glatting
Jackson will also review, map, and evaluate base traffic (existing and projected trip generation
and turning movement counts) and development data provided by the City of Winter Springs for
the roadways, trails, and parcels located within the Town Center district. Glatting Jackson will
also convene a one-half day worksession with City staff, the developer, and other identified
interested stakeholders (such as the Publix manager) to identify existing circulation issues
related to vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists, and deliveries within the built and planned portion of
the northwest quadrant. The City shall make all physical arrangements for the worksession and
invite participants.
G/aUing Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 3 of8
Deliverable: Base map at a scale of 1" = 200' annotated 'with existing and future circulation
system issues and opportunities.
1. 7 Assessment and Recommendations
Using the results of the worksession, Glatting Jackson will develop a series of initiatives to
respond to the issues and opportunities. Such initiatives are likely to include suggestions to
improve the frontage road system, truck routing scenarios for deliveries, pedestrianization of the
core of the built development, and exploration of connection opportunities between City Hall
and the Town Center.
Deliverable: Technical memorandum identifying issues and opportunities, assessment, and
initiatives in text and graphical format.
Part III - Additional Services
1.8 Additional Services - Glatting Jackson will provide Additional Services as mutually agreed
upon between Glatting Jackson and the Client. These services may include additional meetings
with FDOT or stakeholders in addition to the ones outlined in Part I, or presentation to
METROPLAN Orlando committees and Board.
2.0 PROJECT SCHEDULE - Glatting Jackson, in consultation with the Client, shall perform its
work in such a manner as to comply with an agreed upon schedule.
3.0 ASSIGNED PERSONNEL - The following personnel from Glatting Jackson will be assigned
to this project, and will have the responsibilities described:
Walter M. Kulash
G. Wade Walker
Ian Lockwood
Patty Hurd
Blake Drury
Raj Mohabeer
Mike Cochran
Kris Bristol
Principal-In-Charge/Principal 5
Project Manager/Transportation Engineer 5
Transportation Engineer 6
Transportation Planner 2
Planner 3
Planner 3
Graphic Artist 3
Graphic Artist 1
4.l Part I - The fee for Part I, Develop and Articulate Alternative Concept for SR 434
Character, shall be billed on an hourly basis using the hourly rates listed herein with an
estimated budget offifty thousand dol/ars ($ 50,000.00) plus direct costs.
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 4 0[8
4.2 Part II - The fee for Part II, Review and Refine Existing Circulation Concept Within Town
Center, shall be billed on an hourly basis using the hourly rates listed herein with an estimated
budget of seventeen thousandfive hundred dollars ($ 17,500.00) plus direct costs.
4.3 . Part III - The fee for Part III, Additional Services, shall be billed using the hourly rates and
direct expenses detailed below or as agreed upon fixed fee.
4.3 Hourly Rate Schedule
Principal 5 $250 Transportation Planner 1 $75
Principal 4 $225 Ecologist 4 $130
Principal 3 $215 Ecologist 3 $110
Principal 2 $190 Ecologist 2 $95
Principal 1 $l65 Ecologist 1 $75
Planner 6 $200 Landscape Architect 5 $165
'Planner 5 $l65 Landscape Architect 4 $130
Planner 4 $130 Landscape Architect 3 $110
Planner 3 $110 Landscape Architect 2 $95
Planner 2 $95 Landscape Architect 1 $75
Planner 1 $75 Landscape Designer 3 $90
Transportation Engineer 6 $200 Landscape Designer 2 $80
Transportation Engineer 5 $165 Landscape Designer 1 $70
Transportation Engineer 4 $130 Public Relations 2 $95
Transportation Engineer 3 $110 Public Relations 1 $75
Transportation Engineer 2 $95 GIS Specialist 2 $95
Transportation Engineer I $75 GIS Specialist 1 $75
Transportation Planner 6 $200 Graphic Artist 3 $95
Transportation Planner 5 $165 Graphic Artist 2 $85
Transportation Planner 4 $130 Graphic Artist 1 $75
Transportation Planner 3 $llO Administrative Assistant $55
Transportation Planner 2 $95
4.4 Annual Increase In Hourly Rates - Glatting Jackson may, upon notification to the Client,
annually increase hourly billing rates.
4.5 Other Direct Costs - Other direct costs incurred in completing the scope of services shall be
billed to the Client at cost. These costs are in addition to the fees for each part of the Scope of
Services detailed in this Agreement. Other direct costs may include, but are not limited to,
costs for reprographics, printing, photocopying, photography, courier services, automobile
mileage and other expenses. Personal automobile mileage shall be charged at the current IRS
regulation limit. Field vehicle mileage shall be charged at a rate of $0.50 per mile.
Glatling Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc,
Page 50f8
4.6 Application Fees - All application, filing, and permit fees, including, without limitation, all
fees to local, regional and state governments and agencies, shall be paid by the Client directly
to the appropriate agency at the required time.
4.7 Retainer - No retainer will be required.
5.0 SUPPLEMENTAL TERMS OF AGREEMENT - Please refer to the attached
Supplemental Terms of Agreement for Client Responsibilities and other terms and conditions
of this Agreement.
We look forward to working with you on this project. If you fmd these terms acceptable please sign
where indicated below and return one signed original to Glatting Jackson for our files. Please call me if
you have any questions.
G. Wade Walker, P.E.
Senior Transportation Engineer
Ronald W. McLemore
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez
Rinehart, Inc.
By: ~~~~
City Manager
and by:
(fJh fJlM/'J L tf0AAiJAd1:tv.
Sharon K. Lamantia
Executive Vice President
Date: ~~. \ (0 I wo4
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart. Inc.
Page 60f8
Project Name: City of Winter Springs/SR 434 Alternative Character Study
GJ Project Number: 18157.0
CUent Responsibilities
I. CUent Representative - Client shall designate a Project Representative immediately upon execution of
this Letter of Agreement, who shall be Glatting Jackson's point of contact with the Client, and who
shall, by virtue of Client's designation, have authority to bind the Client. The Project Representative
shall be responsible for all coordination with the Owner (if a separate person or entity from the Client as
shown in Article I) and any separate consultants.
2. Project Information - Client shall provide full infonnation to Glatting Jackson regarding project
r6quirements and constraints including, without limitation, a program setting forth the Client's
objectives, and shall provide all data, drawings, infonnation or other resources requested by Glatting
Jackson that are necessary for completion of the project.
3. Schedule Requirements - Client shall comply with any schedule requirements made known to the
Client by Glatting Jackson and, in any event, shall be available to meet with Glatting Jackson and
provide decisions in a timely manner throughout the project.
4. Project Responsibility - Client shall be responsible for all other aspects of the project not specifically
assigned to Glatting Jackson under this Letter of Agreement or any subsequent request (and acceptance)
for Additional Service.
Supplemental Terms
5. Acceptance of Agreement - This Letter of Agreement shall be valid for Client acceptance for a period of
fifteen (IS) days from the date of execution by Glatting Jackson. This Letter of Agreement may be
terminated by either party with fifteen (15) days written notice. In the event oftennination, GJatting Jackson
shall be compensated through the date oftermination for all fees and direct expenses incurred.
6. Submittal and Payment of Invoices - Invoices for services shall be subinitted on approximately a monthly
basis. Payment shall be due upon receipt. The Client agrees to pay interest of 1.5% per month to be
calculated from the next day after receipt of each invoice, on invoice balances outstanding more than thirty
(30) days. Glatting Jackson reserves the right to withhold work products or to stop work until payment is
received. The Client assures Glatting Jackson that financial arrangements have been made to ful.fill the
Client's obligations under this Letter of Agreement. The Client agrees that Glatting Jackson shall not be
required to provide detailed backup, in the fonn of hourly detail of any kind, in support of invoicing for fixed
fee or lump sum fee projects. Ifbackup is required the Client agrees to pay Glatting Jackson, on an hourly
basis, for the cost of providing such additional infonnation.
7. Action of Agencies Not Guaranteed - Glatting Jackson will exercise professional skill in executing its
services, however, it cannot and does not guarantee the action of any governmental official, agency or
judicial proceeding. The Client shall pay all invoices for professional services and for expert witness
services submitted in accordance with this Letter of Agreement regardless of the results of any such
governmental or judicial actions.
8. Ownership of Property / Construction Lien - In the event that the Client is not the record owner of the
property covered by this Agreement, Glatting Jackson may consider the Client's signature as evidence that
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 70f8
the Client has the Owner's permission and consent to enter into this Agreement. It shall be the Client's
responsibility to infonn Glatting Jackson of any change in ownership or change in any other circumstance
that may affect Glatting Jackson's ability to place a Construction Lien on the property if payment is not
received according to the terms of this Agreement. The Client hereby acknowledges and agrees that
Glatting Jackson's services are professional services that shall be perfonned in the practice of Glatting
Jackson's profession as a planner, ecologist, architect, landscape architect, engineer or other professional in
connection with the specific parcel or parcels of real property referred to in this Agreement and that Glatting
Jackson shall be entitled to a lien upon such real property for the money owing to Glatting Jackson for such
Service pursuant to Section 713.03, Florida Statutes (1989 or its successor), or otherwise pursuant to law or
9. Ownership of Documents - All documents, work product and infonnation contained therein prepared by
Glatting Jackson or its Subconsultants are instruments of service for use by the Client solely with respect to
this Proj ect. Glatting Jackson shall be deemed the author of these documents, work product and infonnation
and shall retain all rights thereto.
10. Retention of Records - All original documents, work product and infonnation contained therein shall be
retained by Glatting Jackson for up to two (2) years following completion of the Project. After that time,
Glatting Jackson reserves the right to dispose of the documents, work product and information in its sole
discretion. The Client shall be provided with reproducible copies of all original documents at its expense
upon request.
II. Limitation of Liability - Glatting Jackson will not be responsible for any circumstances, acts, errors,
omissions or events, of any type, beyond its reasonable control including, without limitation, construction
costs, the acts or failures to act of any governmental or judicial agency and the existence of hazardous waste
of any type associated with the Project. Glatting Jackson shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of
any contractor, Subconsultant or supplier, or of any of the agents or employees or any other persons (except
Glatting Jackson's own employees) at the project site or otherwise furnishing or performing any of their
work; or for any decision made on interpretations or clarifications of any contract documents given by the
Client without consultation and advice of Glatting Jackson.
12. Assignment of Agreement - Neither the Client nor Glatting Jackson shall have any right to assign this
Letter of Agreement to any other person or entity, absent prior written consent from the other party.
13. Dispute Resolution - In the unlikely event of any dispute, difference, claim or counterclaim between
Glatting Jackson and the Client arising out of or in connection with this Letter of Agreement, which cannot
be amicably resolved by the parties through good faith negotiations, any such matter shall be submitted to
the Circuit court in and for Orange County, Florida, for trial and determination by the court sitting without
jury. The parties hereby consent to the jurisdiction of such court and to the service of process outside the
State of Florida (if applicable) pursuant to the requirements of such court in any matter so to be submitted to
it, and they expressly waive the right to a jury trial. The Client agrees to pay all of GJatting Jackson's
reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred in bringing any such suit in the event that Glatting Jackson
14. Entire Agreement / Governing Law - Regarding the subject matter hereof, this Agreement contains the
entire agreement of the parties and their representatives and agents, and supersedes all prior understandings,
whether oral or written. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida.
Chon' *kson
Initials Initials
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 80f8
J.an Palladino
Walter Kulash [WKulash@Glatting.com]
Monday, February 23, 2004 5:25 PM
Ron McLemore
SR 434 Alternatives /analysis
Within the scope and budget of our pending agreement for the analysis of alternatives for
the SR 434/Tuscawilla Road intersection and town center area, we intend to provide
analytical conclusions, for the Florida Department of Transportation, in support of the
preferred alternative for road configuration. This analysis will include these elements,
all of which comprise standard measures of road performance: (1) intersection capacity
analysis, using the current HCS sorftware package; (2) travel speed and travel time
analysis, existing versus proposed traffic signal phasing and possible timing; (4) vehicle
turning radius analysis, in accordance with AASHTO design vehicle templates; (5) impacts
on non-motorized (bicycle and pedestrian) travel; (6) impacts on possible transit travel;
(7) conformance with state ~smart growth~ and ~context-sensitive design" guidelines, and
(7) impact on user safety (all.modes of
Please feel free to call with any questions or comments.
Walter Kulash, P.E.
Glatting Jackson
407 843-6552
Telephone (407) 327-1800
Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
February 24,2004
G. Wade Walker;P.E.
Senior Transportation Planner
Glarting, Jackson, Kercher, Anglin,
Lopez, Rinehart, Inc.
33 East Pine Street
Orlando, Florida 32801
Dear Wade:
Please find attached executed copies of the agreement with the City of Winter Springs
with the following amendments.
Section 8, Page 7 under Ownership of Property/Construction Lien. This Section IS
stricken since it does not apply to governments.
Section 13, Page 8 under Dispute Resolution. Orange County should be replaced by
Seminole County. The last sentence is not acceptable to the City and is deleted.
Additionally, the February 23,2004 e-mail from Walter Kulash is made part and parcel to
this agreement.
Finally, this agreement pertains only to the scope of services provided in Part I of the
Scope of Services. Part II is to be the responsibility of J.D.C. Corporation.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at your convenience.
Ronald W. McLemore !
City Manager
U:\Docs\Word\Town Center\ WWalker Glatting Jackson Agreement.doc
..~.. .>' ..0(.
Jack E Glatting, Founder
William J. Anglin,Jr.
David L Barth
Jay H. Exum
Carey S. Hayo
Jay R. Hood
Timothy T. Jackson
William C. Kercher,Jr.
Walter M. Kulash
Sharon K. Lamantia
S. Raymond Lopez
Thomas J. McMacken,Jr.
John H. Percy
John E Rinehart
Gregory A. Bryla
Karen T. Campblin
Frances Chandler-Marino
John W. Cheek
David R. Claus
Charles P. Cobble
Michael R. Cochnn
A. Blake Drury
Christi B. Elflein
Sandy A. Fnnles
Douglas v. Gaines
John T. Griffin III
Bruce C. Hall
Patricia S. Hurd
Jonathan W. Hoffinan
Gail D. Lacey
Brent A. Lacy
William D. Lites
Ian M. Lockwood
Kok Wan Mah
Jeffrey EManuel
Edward J. McKinney
Randall S. Mejeur
Douglas A. Metzger
John J. Moore III
Balraj N. Mohabeer
Jonathan M. Mugmon
Kathleen S. O'Sullivan
Kirk J. Olney
Timothy R. Palermo
Kelley Samuels Peterman
Heather J. Phiel
Troy P. Russ
Jodi L. Rutmann
Tara L. Salmieri
Peter C. Sechler
Michael Sobczak
Jeff M. Sugar
Ronald L Urbaniak
G. Wade Walker
Gary E. Warner
Donald G. Wishart
C ommU1lity
33 East Pine Street
Orlando, Florida 32801
P: 407 843 6552
F: 407 839 1789
Atlanta. Orlando
WtSt Palm Beach
January 15,2004
Mr. Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
City of Winter Springs
1126 State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Telephone: 407.327.5957
Hereinafter referred to as Client.
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez
Rinehart, Inc.
33 East Pine Street
Orlando, Florida 32801
Hereinafter referred to as Glatting Jackson.
Re: City of Winter Springs/SR434 Alternative Character Study
Glatting Jackson Project #18157.0
Dear Mr. McLernore:
Glatting Jackson is pleased to provide this Letter of Agreement to the City of Winter Springs (Client)
for services related to developing and articulating an alternative urban cross-section concept for the
portion of SR 434 that runs through the Town Center District of the City.
Part I - Develop and Articulate Alternative Concept for SR 434 Character
1.1 Project Coordination - In addition to the specific services detailed below, Glatting Jackson
shall coordinate our work with the Client's representative and the Client's project team, monitor
the project schedule as it relates to the scope contained herein, and provide timely invoicing and
reporting of project progress.
1.2 Data Collection
Glatting Jackson will prepare base maps of the SR 434 corridor within the Town Center district
of the City of Winter Springs. Glatting Jackson will also review, map, and evaluate base traffic
(existing and projected mainline and turning movement counts) and development data provided
by the City of Winter Springs for the roadways and parcels located within the Town Center
Deliverable: Base map at a scale of 1" = 200' annotated with existing condition data
Glath.ng Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 1 of8
1.3 Visioning Sessions
Glatting Jackson will interview City-identified stakeholders along the corridor to determine
issues and opportunities associated with changes in the character of SR 434 through the project
area. It is anticipated that these interviews will last one to two hours each, and take place over
the span of two concurrent days.
Glatting Jackson will then facilitate a visioning session to be held in Winter Springs for City
staff and the developer to respond to the results of the stakeholder interviews and to further
defme the issues and opportunities associated with modifications to the configuration of SR 434
through the project area. This session is envisioned as a one-day intensive worksession with
representatives frorn the City and developer as active participants with the consultant team. The
City shall make all physical arrangements for the workshop and invite the participants.
Deliverable: Brief technical mernorandum summarizing the issues and opportunities associated
with the corridor resulting from the stakeholder and visioning sessions.
1.4 Develop SR 434 Alternative Concept
Glatting Jackson will develop a cross-section alternative for SR 434 that urbanizes the segment
within the Town Center area. Working with Design Works LLC, who is the site designer under
contract with the Town Center developer (James Doran Company), and the City of Winter
Springs, Glatting Jackson will evaluate cross-sectional elements that rebalance the role of the
roadway to make it a more pedestrian and business-friendly street that responds to the
surrounding Town Center context. The concept will be developed and evaluated with respect to
accommodating existing and future expected vehicular traffic loadings, with elements such as
future signal location and spacing, delineation of new curb line, potential reduction in travel lane
width, integration of bicycle facilities, location and configuration of pedestrian amenities, and
conceptual streetscape elements included in the concept. The concept will be articulated in a
corridor plan at a scale of I" = 200', and supplemented by typical cross-sections and detail
drawings of the major intersections and entryways on the eastern and western edges of the
corridor. Up to four "eye level" perspective renderings of important places within the corridor
will also be developed to graphically articulate the concept as integrated into the surrounding
Town Center context, and to further describe the "urbanization" of both the roadway and
surrounding land uses. A draft of the illustrative master plan and technical support
memorandum will be submitted to Dover KoW, who is the City's architect for the Town Center,
and to the Client for review and comment. Glatting Jackson will incorporate Dover KoW' s and
the Client's comments into the fmal plan and technical memorandum, then prepare detail
vignettes at a scale of 1"=50' for up to eight specific initiatives at intersections, entries, or
midblock locations, as well as up to four eye level perspectives that illustrate the relationship of
proposed elements to the Town Center context. Additionally, all deliverables will be
summarized in an illustrative Executive Summary to be developed in a pampWet or brochure
fonnat for reproduction and distribution by the City.
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
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. One draft illustrative corridor "master plan" at a scale of 1" = 200' summarizing
specific initiatives and rnodifications proposed to elicit changes in the character of SR
434 as it traverses the Winter Springs Town Center, supplemented by vignettes at a
scale of 1 "=50' of specific configurations at intersections, entries, and midblock cross
. Brief technical memorandum summarizing the recommendations and analyses relevant
to the recommendations (one draft and one fmal incorporating Client's comments).
. One fmal illustrative corridor "master plan" at a scale of 1" = 200'
. Vignettes at a scale of 1 "=50' of specific configurations at intersections, entries, and
the midblock cross sections (maximum of eight). .
. Up to four (4) "eye level" perspectives.
. Illustrative Executive Summary in a pamphlet or brochure format.
1.5 Consensus-Building and FDOT Coordination
Glatting Jackson will present the recommended concept to elected and appointed officials of the
City during a two-hour worksession. Comments received at this worksession will be
incorporated into a final corridor vision plan to be presented to FDOT. It is anticipated that two
half-day sessions with FOOT leadership and staff will be scheduled, at which the concept will
be presented and comments received. At the conclusion of these meetings, Glatting Jackson
will develop a methodology outlining the types and extent of analyses that will be required by
FOOT to move the concept forward, as well as any recommended modifications to the concept
plan requested by FDOT. The actual analyses and concept plan revisions are not included as
part of this scope of work.
Deliverable: Methodology mernorandum summarizing the information, analyses, and plan
modifications required by FDOT to move the concept forward toward implementation.
Part II Review aREt RefiRe ExistiRg Cireylati9R C9Reept withiR T9wR CeRteF
1.6 Data Collection
Glatting Jackson will prepare a base map of the northwest quadrant of the Town Center district
of the City of Winter Springs, denoting existing and planned development initiatives. Glatting
Jackson will also review, map, and evaluate base traffic (existing and projected trip generation
and turning movement counts) and development data provided by the City of Winter Springs for
the roadways, trails, and parcels located within the Town Center district. Glatting Jackson will
also convene a one-half day worksession with City staff, the developer, and other identified
interested stakeholders (such as the Publix manager) to identify existing circulation issues
related to vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists, and deliveries within the built and planned portion of
the northwest quadrant. The City shall make all physical arrangements for the worksession and
invite participants.
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
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Deliverable: Base map at a scale of 1" = 200' annotated with existing and future circulation
system issues and opportunities.
1.7 Assessment and Recommendations
Using the results of the worksession, Glatting Jackson will develop a series of initiatives to
respond to the issues and opportunities. Such initiatives are likely to include suggestions to
improve the frontage road system, truck routing scenarios for deliveries, pedestrianization of the
core of the built development, and exploration of connection opportunities between City Hall
and the Town Center.
Deliverable: Technical memorandum identifying issues and opportunities, assessment, and
initiatives in text and graphical format.
Part III - Additional Services
1.8 Additional Services - Glatting Jackson will provide Additional Services as mutually agreed
upon between Glatting Jackson and the Client. These services may include additional meetings
with FDOT or stakeholders in addition to the ones outlined in Part I, or presentation to
METRO PLAN Orlando committees and Board.
2.0 PROJECT SCHEDULE - Glatting Jackson, in consultation with the Client, shall perform its
work in such a rnanner as to comply with an agreed upon schedule.
3.0 ASSIGNED PERSONNEL - The following personnel from Glatting Jackson will be assigned
to this project, and will have the responsibilities described:
Walter M. Kulash
G. Wade Walker
Ian Lockwood
Patty Hurd
Blake Drury
Raj Mohabeer
Mike Cochran
Kris Bristol
Project Manager/Transportation Engineer 5
Transportation Engineer 6
Transportation Planner 2
Planner 3
.Planner 3
Graphic Artist 3
Graphic Artist 1
4.1 Part I - The fee for Part I, Develop and Articulate Alternative Concept for SR 434
Character, shall be billed on an hourly basis using the hourly rates listed herein with an
estimated budget offifty thousand dol/ars ($ 50,000.00) plus direct costs.
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
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4.2 Part II - The fee for Part II, Review and Refine Existing Circulation Concept Within Town
Center, shall be billed on an hourly basis using the hourly rates listed herein with an estimated
budget of seventeen thousand five hundred dol/ars ($ 17,500.00) plus direct costs.
4.3 . Part III - The fee for Part III, Additional Services, shall be billed using the hourly rates and
direct expenses detailed below or as agreed upon fixed fee.
4.3 Hourly Rate Schedule
Principal 5 $250 Transportation Planner 1 $75
Principal 4 $225 Ecologist 4 $130
Principal 3 $215 Ecologist 3 $110
Principal 2 $190 Ecologist 2 $95
Principal 1 $165 Ecologist 1 $75
Planner 6 $200 Landscape Architect 5 $165
Planner 5 $165 Landscape Architect 4 $130
Planner 4 $130 Landscape Architect 3 $110
Planner 3 $110 Landscape Architect 2 $95
Planner 2 $95 Landscape Architect 1 $75
Planner 1 $75 Landscape Designer 3 $90
Transportation Engineer 6 $200 Landscape Designer 2 $80
Transportation Engineer 5 $165 Landscape Designer 1 $70
Transportation Engineer 4 $130 Public Relations 2 $95
Transportation Engineer 3 $110 Public Relations 1 $75
Transportation Engineer 2 $95 GIS Specialist 2 $95
Transportation Engineer 1 $75 GIS Specialist 1 $75
Transportation Planner 6 $200 Graphic Artist 3 $95
Transportation Planner 5 $165 Graphic Artist 2 $85
Transportation Planner 4 $130 Graphic Artist 1 $75
Transportation Planner 3 $110 Administrative Assistant $55
Transportation Planner 2 $95
4.4 Annual Increase In Hourly Rates - Glatting Jackson may, upon notification to the Client,
annually increase hourly billing rates.
4.5 Other Direct Costs - Other direct costs incurred in completing the scope of services shall be
billed to the Client at cost. These costs are in addition to the fees for each part of the Scope of
Services detailed in this Agreement. Other direct costs may include, but are not limited to,
costs for reprographics, printing, photocopying, photography, courier services, automobile
mileage and other expenses. Personal automobile mileage shall be charged at the current IRS
regulation limit. Field vehicle mileage shall be charged at a rate of$0.50 per mile.
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 50f8
4.6 Application Fees - All application, filing, and permit fees, including, without limitation, all
fees to local, regional and state governments and agencies, shall be paid by the Client directly
to the appropriate agency at the required time.
4.7 Retainer - No retainer will be required.
5.0 SUPPLEMENTAL TERMS OF AGREEMENT - Please refer to the attached
Supplemental Terms of Agreement for Client Responsibilities and other terms and conditions
of this Agreement.
We look forward to working with you on this project. If you fmd these terms acceptable please sign
where indicated below and return one signed original to Glatting Jackson for our files. Please call me if
you have any questions.
G. Wade Walker, P.E.
Senior Transportation Engineer
Ronald W. McLemore
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez
Rinehart, Inc.
By --JwV\o~r~
T" y. ckso
By: ~uJ4.' Itl.1n )VY~
City Manager
Date: .l - J ~- - 0 L(
QhatA/V L, Oavu-aAI.L&/
Sharon K. Lamantia
and by:
Executive Vice President
Date: ~ N \ rn , 2--004
PM '.
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 6of8
Project Name: City of Winter Springs/SR 434 Alternative Character Study
GJ Project Number: 18157.0
CUent Responsibilities
1. CUent Representative - Client shall designate a Project Representative immediately upon execution of
this Letter of Agreement, who shall be Glatting Jackson's point of contact with the Client, and who
shall, by virtue of Client's designation, have authority to bind the Client. The Project Representative
shall be responsible for all coordination with the Owner (if a separate person or entity from the Client as
shown in Article I) and any separate consultants.
2. Project Information - Client shall provide full infonnation to Glatting Jackson regarding project
requirements and constraints including, without limitation, a program setting forth the Client's
objectives, and shall provide all data, drawings, infonnation or other resources requested by Glatting
Jackson that are necessary for completion of the project.
3. Schedule Requirements - Client shall comply with any schedule requirements made known to the
Client by Glatting Jackson and, in any event, shall be available to meet with Glatting Jackson and
provide decisions in a timely manner throughout the project.
4. Project Responsibility - Client shall be responsible for all other aspects of the project not specifically
assigned to Glatting Jackson under this Letter of Agreement or any subsequent request (and acceptance)
for Additional Service.
Supplemental Terms
5. Acceptance of Agreement - This Letter of Agreement shall be valid for Client acceptance for a period of
fifteen (15) days from the date of execution by Glatting Jackson. This Letter of Agreement may be
terminated by either party with fifteen (15) days written notice. In the event of termination, GJatting Jackson
shall be compensated through the date of termination for all fees and direct expenses incurred.
6. Submittal and Payment ofInvoices - Invoices for services shall be subrrntted on approximately a monthly
basis. Payment shall be due upon receipt. The Client agrees to pay interest of 1.5% per month to be
calculated from the next day after receipt of each invoice, on invoice balances outstanding more than thirty
(30) days. Glatting Jackson reserves the right to withhold work products or to stop work until payment is
received. The Client assures Glatting Jackson that fmancial arrangements have been made to fulfill the
Client's obligations under this Letter of Agreement. The Client agrees that Glatting Jackson shall not be
required to provide detailed backup, in the form of hourly detail of any kind, in support of invoicing for fixed
fee or lump sum fee projects. Ifbackup is required the Client agrees to pay Glatting Jackson, on an hourly
basis, for the cost of providing such additional infonnation.
7. Action of Agencies Not Guaranteed - Glatting Jackson will exercise professional skill in executing its
services, however, it cannot and does not guarantee the action of any governmental official, agency or
judicial proceeding. The Client shall pay all invoices for professional services and for expert witness
services submitted in accordance with this Letter of Agreement regardless of the results of any such
governmental or judicial actions.
8. . OWfterl9hip 8fPr8perty I C8Bstraeti8B LieB In !:he eveRt th!tt the ClieRt i3 Bet the ree6f8 6.Il'ler 6fti,G
pr9perty cQuer~d Q~l thii 4 8fPprnP"Qt~ nl!ltting T~r1rc('\n n1!l)' t"{)n~;rlpr thp rl1pnt'c c;grH~hlrp !lC P'Ujrlpnf'P tp!lt
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 70f8
the Clieat kas the Ov.'Rer's pen:nissi9R aBE! SBRS8Bt te 0Rt@r inte this ;\greemeBt. It shall Be the ClieRt's
r~spQ1J.ii.bili13T tA ;nfArm nl~tt;ng T~"k-''''n Af ~ny "},,,,ngp in AumPT,,}'ir AT "},~nW' in ~ny oth",r "i.rC'lJmstance
...that may ",fFpP-t nl",tting hd("rm '" ",hility to pl"'''p. '" r.onc::tmr.tion T ip.n on thp. pmpp.rfy ifp",)rmpnt i" not
reoeiv8Q aCCGr.ding to t},p tprm" nf thi" A grppmpnt Thp ('Iipnt },PTP]-,Y ~"k-nomledges md agree!> that
. Glatting JachOR 'g serlTicei' arE;' profp'istion~l "PTvi"p" thM "h",l1 ]-,P p"lfArmed in the pndice gf Glattiag
JaekggR 'g profei'i'iou all ~ pl~T'T'PT, p"ologj"t, "'T"hitpP.t, ll'lnrl"""'rp. "'T"h;tpP.t, pngjnpPT ATAthf>rproiP~~i"];1'l1 iD
cgIlRp.dio1J. l'Tith thp Ilpe-cific p~r"pJ AT parC'{']1l of r",~] prAperty refp.rre-Q to iR this ^ gr€eIH€Ilt fIIlQ that G1attiBg
JaeksEla ssaJI 88 8Btitl€lQ t9 a lie>l1.lpo>l i'1.Ich r:eal pp;>pe~T fur the- mORt'~' gmiRg to Glattiag JaeksoR for saes
~8[vice puri'Jl\lut to SectiolJ. 711 {)1, VIArirl~ "t~hltes (l9S9 Ar jt" "'JCCellllor), Qr othfi:f"q!>e pYFERaBt t13 lav: er
9. Ownership of Documents - All documents, work product and infonnation contained therein prepared by
Glatting Jackson or its Subconsultants are instruments of service for use by the Client solely with respect to
this Proj ect. G latting Jackson shall be deemed the author of these documents, work product and infonnation
and shall retain all rights thereto.
10. Retention of Records - All original documents, work product and infonnation contained therein shall be
ret~ed by Glatting Jackson for up to two (2) years following completion of the Project. After that time,
Glatting Jackson reserves the right to dispose of the documents, work product and infonnation in its sole
discretion. The Client shall be provided with reproducible copies of all original documents at its expense
upon request.
11. Limitation of Liability - Glatting Jackson will not be responsible for any circumstances, acts, errors,
omissions or events, of any type, beyond its reasonable control including, without limitation, construction
costs, the acts or failures to act of any govenunental or judicial agency and the existence of hazardous waste
of any type associated with the Project. Glatting Jackson shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of
any contractor, Subconsultant or supplier, or of any of the agents or employees or any other persons (except
Glatting Jackson's own employees) at the project site or otherwise furnishing or performing any of their
work; or for any decision made on interpretations or clarifications of any contract documents given by the
Client without consultation and advice of Glatting Jackson.
12. Assignment of Agreement - Neither the Client nor Glatting Jackson shall have any right to assign this
Letter of Agreement to any other person or entity, absent prior written consent from the other party.
13. Dispute Resolution - In the unlikely event of any dispute, difference, claim or counterclaim between
Glatting Jackson and the Client arising out of or in connection with this Letter of Agreement, which cannot
be amicably resolved by the parties through good faith negotiations, any such matter shall be submitted to
the Circuit court in and for ~ County, Florida, for trial and determination by the court sitting without
jury. The parties hereby consent to the jurisdiction of such court and to the service of process outside the
State of Florida (if applicable) pursuant to the requirements of such court in any matter so to be submitted to
it, and they expressly waive the right to a jury trial. The Cli8flt agr€l€ls to pay all ef GlattiBg JaCki'OR 's
. rE:as()Rable Qttgm~y's fees and ('gilts m('urred m briRgmg ~' such suit in thE: €lV~Rt that Glatting Jackse&
pr8-' 'ails
14. Entire Agreement / Governing Law - Regarding the subject matter hereof, this Agreement contains the
entire agreement of the parties and their representatives and agents, and supersedes all prior understandings,
whether oral or written. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida.
Glatting Jackson
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
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