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2008 02 25 Consent 205 Agreement with ITT Flygt
COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 205 February 25, 2008 Meeting CONSENT X INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR MGR /DEPT / ~~` Authorization REQUEST: Utility Department Requesting Approval to enter into a maintenance agreement with ITT Flygt for repairs to pumps. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is to request approval to enter into a maintenance agreement for repairs and parts to the Flygt brand pumps used in City lift stations. CONSIDERATIONS: This agreement is needed to take advantage of material and labor discounts offered by the local authorized representative for Flygt submersible pumps. The majority of the Utility Departments lift station pumps are manufactured by ITT Flygt. The Department has been using this vendor for several years and we have been pleased with the quality of the work and timeliness of the repairs. Executing this agreement provides the city with a 5% discount on parts and preferred labor rates. The agreement can be cancelled with 30 days notice. FUNDING: No funding needed. The execution of this agreement is expected to result in a savings of $1,000 to $2,000 annually in the Utility operating expenditures line code 3600-54694 Repair & Maintenance Lift Stations. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that approval be granted for the City Manager to execute the agreement with ITT Flygt. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Agreement COMMISSION ACTION: 022508_COM M_Consent_205_Pump_Agreement4 AGi2~~M~:NT `I°lri~ .~~Mr~~«aer~t m~cl~ and cnt~r~;c int~t cttt this c#~y~ cif _ ~'()~~ b~• anti Iae=ttiec°en The C'ityr ra#'~'it•tter S#~rit-a=7~. Itercinafter referred ttt ta5 the Caty"_4tnd IT"I~ 1~I~,°~t I..,I..C hereiztaltcr referred tea tts the ~-t, xrtractctr". WITi'~FS51FTI: "4'4~'hereas, C;it~• has pre~ioust}= itetern~ined that it htts a need #iar T°I..,YCJ"l~ I'(Jl~~'II"^;. 1'a~R'1'~. ~. IZ~;I'~-1IR~i fc~r ~Cl(l at~d Whereas. I~ ly~t .I~'lcarida l,~I~C, is the canly° factor~,~ atttltcarixed repair .facilt~• ita the state of I~'lorida for ~ltirt ~"ukamersikt.le I'itnaps incl. l~lca~-~ therefore, in cranside:ration caf the ahcav~e aril tnattual cc~~~cnartts cckntaineil herein. the parties agree of f~llr~u~s: 1, ~;: ~~ie_~:'s to k~c~_f±c°~tc~rra~«l. 1'he (~`cantr~etc-~r erLl~_ <~~r«~ t~} pa•c•,~•ic~e the C;`it~j ~~°ith the 1~IlY{,~°i" I'LaIu1PS, I'r`~I~ 1:~, dz I~I:I'.~1.TIt~ liar ?(?C)~. as requested in this a~reLna.c~nt aatd all saak~scyuertt o~fi.cial dcac;tta~tcnts that ti~nr, the ccaa~tract #:c~r doctan~c;nts #twar this corrtraet. 2_. Tin-te o#'Ser~rice. Ser~~ices shall Iae perfc>ra77ecl in zx tinjelti n~~anne~-> s_s saeci#ie:d on the specif~eations f=a~~r c~ftliis conirae;t. I'c,rc7i~ ol,r~;rccnlc~r~t~!C)~3tic,n ~? IZc,r~cr~al,, 't'his contract shall he in el'#ect thrc~cat~h I)eceinl}er ~ 1'` 2~tI8. `T'his ec~ntrtrct n7c3}' be rene~~ed 5u1?jett tc~ ree•ised t?riein and labor rates fear tt~ to TI l~)It (~} additicatial Tt~~'II,~'1:: (12) n~canth ~reriods. ~. Ltnen~lmert oftlle tvontraet. `I'ltis contract ntat~ k~c. <anaendcd c7n1~ lay nraataaal ~~ritte:n agrectncnt caf the laarties, - ~. Assi Tntl~entr'Suhc;a~ntractin~. "I"h~ C'c~ntractor shaall lacrliarrtl this ccanta•act. ~}ca ass~txet~<t or suhcvntraetin~ :;:hall tie uil~>~~ ~d ~.~ itltout prior ~a-riatcn ccan:~ectt ot~tl~c; City'. In t.he; eU•cnt of a cc}r~csr~ite aeclcisitican aalc"car t7lcr~er, tllc C't~i2traetr~r shall ~i , 3~ icte: written ncatice tea the C'i~' ti~itl7it~ thirt+;- (3t~j 1?tisiaxess ci a~•s c7f the C'catita°4actcar4 ia~?ti" .,. such ac tat~t~ or +:~n the accurrznce ol~ said actioa3, ~~~ltichc v°er caccurs first:. 'I he a-i~ht tea teraninate this cc~tltract, ~~ hich shall he: teztsoatxal~al~• exercised t?~ tl~e. C°itt =:.la:t" iaaelucle. lout neat lie limited to, a~stat~i:t•< itl ~+hie;h ~t ccar~carate acytaisition ancl:'or n.,:r _~c rcl~resent ~t e°canlliet of`interest or are ~~antr~cry tea and local, state, car federal Ict`<<s. :1,tticaat 1.7~ tlae t't ati~Tardin~; ~a f?id to a laidcler ~,~ hiclr il:.rs clisclc~scd its intea~t t<~ assign car stal>coaltr~act in its response to thel7icl, ~~~ithtaut ~xceptiott shall coatstittate a~asarta~~al far tl~e I~urpaase o#'this a~re;entent. fi. Cancellatcan. City- reserves the right tc7 a~aracel this contract., ~~~ithout ~<ruse, b~ i~=ink tl~rt~ {"~£}1 curs prior ~~Frittetz n€~ti~;c. to tl~c, C"rantrrtctcar czl't~ZC: irrtr:irtic~al t~~ c~ar7~~cP, or ~~~ith ctzzase: if tzt rzra~ tia~~e the contractor fails to fulfill car abide; b~~• <zn~' of the terzn:ti t~z° conditions specified, I~'ailure ul` the Contractor to corzipl}` ~~~th az~~° of the provisiotls of` this extract shall c: ccar~siclered a rxz<ttc;rial breach of coa~rtrac:t ar~d shall. }~< ~arase #or intzncdiatc: termination cal`te contract Gd the c#~er~tion of City. In addition t<> a}1 ot11 ~ lE:~~.:rl r-cznciiies fr~~~rilahle to the ~"ity, C~it~ r-cticr~ tea the ri~klt to cancel sand captain frcazz sric>t~:r source and- iten•rs «hc hat<e z~crt been pro~tidc ~~~thir the; t~cr'iczc} oftir~~c.. stated In the ccantraet, or il~nca such tizz~e is stated, ~vithirz a rctzscanalale pericad oftirne from tl-zc elate caf'order or recizrest, ezs ~let~rnlint°~l k~y~ tkre. City. In addition. in the event than sari (icieni i3u~i<~cvt~~l funds are not rz~•ailal~le for a n~~~ fiscal pericail, the t't~" slatzll aiotif_y the C`caz~trzrctcar cal°st.rrvh accurrezxce trn~l the. cc~ntrac;t shall. termirzatc on tfae. last day o:f the then currcazt #iscal period withotrt penalt~< or e~per~se to tyre C't~,'. 7. C'oa7~taen~:itt~cr. City shall pay Cozztractor trpon Coratr:actflr's coz-rpletiz~ra of, ~arrd Cit~~`s ~l~~t,~?tzn~~~ nr: th~~ scr~~ices recluirici hc:rc;iza. T'ri~es ;hall rca•r•zain fz•na fur tl~ dzzr<rtion ot`the contract. ~~ll #~a~rzrents shizll be made in accordance ~~ith the Florida l'rort~pt 1'a~ nleazt .pct, l~'la tir~lt. ~` i t~.7£) et. sc 1. i'c;rzzzit~.'Lcea~ses. Cozztractc~ar rs~ust secure and maintain anv ar~d rzll pc:rnaits ~znd lc,cnscs rccltarcd to con-apletc this contract. ~>. ~~~a~it. "I'ize Coa~tr°actcar• shall rcttri:n aril r•e.cords relating tea tlYis cc~antr-ac:t fir a period ofszt least 'I°l-ll~v"1~ (3) rears after the final payz~lezart is made. ~~ll records shall bz kept in such a.~ tiva} tas ~~ ill permit tlic:r inspection pursuant to Chapter 11 ~), }°°"harida statutes. Ira. a~i~iit;~-z t"it~~ re:5+~c~~s t#3c right to tzudt such rcc«rc~s przr;~tirtrrat i+~ current code:. I £). l~~liraizzzzzz~a Iri~r~.-atlcc f~erfuircn-acnts. 'T`hc~ ('ontr~actcar zrrust rc;tain izzsuz-azTC"c throughout the: tra-a~~ o~'tLis ~,;ra?r-~-rct. ~I~hc C"ozztractcrr a~~ust p1•n~ icic a certificate ot~ insurazz~~;~ cvida~cz~,..; cc> ~, ~„r~,:,~ pricar tea issuance c~t'sa purchta~c carder ur conrrrze:z-rcenze:nt. of anv ~~ork uncic;r this corztr ;,:t. l 1. Incirazaar7i#ic~.iti4~r~_ C'c>a~tr~aa.(,-~r shall ia~zlezz~nif'~~, pa}r the cast. taCticfcnsc, i rac l arclirz~ attc7rrzc~ s, t~ cs. ~zn~# lac}id izarra~ l~ ". tiTC cif}` firom all waits, ~~etic~ns car c;laizrrs cal' ara~~ chraractc:a• hrotrl~t orx ;~ccotartt cj1`trra}~ in_~uz•ies or dan~a~es rc~cti~~ed «r srasttzizlcd by ar~v perk>n, l~erscaa~5 caa- pa°cay :_r°. #~;" ~,a- 4rc~n1 the sircl ~;caa~tractc~r; car lad, car irz consc:cirrcnce° 01' azz~, nc~lect ire 5=z#i'`~;ra iii~~~; tla; ~~cac}:; caz• by tize tzse of°unaccc;ptal~lc: n~attri~als in tl~e con~;trrzction ot`iaza~~rc~~ ~rrr~:ats: or oaz Gzcccacant c>t`rlnti° act car can~isson, r7~~~lc~et or nrisecanduct c?I`the sGa,.i c,,~-atr°4actcaa•: <~r lip, car on acccar:rnt. ~}t`. 4znv elian car tizzacacznts • ~ ~, rccc~Y4tre~l u~zcl4r tine "1~,~ezrker~' C~'c~nZ~cnsation I,a~,~r`' car ol`an}~ c~tl-zcr lar~°~, l~~°-1~~s, c~rclit~a~~c~~. car~.er car decree, except cznly° ~>,zch i~ljur~~ car rlanla~e as s1-za11 ha4rt~ bccn c~c~~~~ic~~zc;d E~~= the sale z~elience c7f°thc: City-. ,Ilse (i~tit tet~ dollars (.~1~.()E~°} of° ~i?~~~I~~l~:~aticz recei~~ecl l~~°° the C'c~ntr~ctc~r t~~~l~rc:t°i~t~ ~I~c~:if i~ ctansic~~rtztic~t~ tc~r tiz iz~clc:rz~itic3tic~zz c~hli~~ztic~s~. l"?. Gc~~~~errtin4 La~:v. T'lze lar,~s c~l'tlie ~+t<tte cal;l~lorc~a shall t?ti't~f°tl this ar+~eznez7t. l ~. Tnci~~j~n~icr~t ~'c~ntractr~r ~±t~itus_~it-zcl C"c~n~~1~~~~~cc ~~ ith tl-te ln~z-ni~r~tc~n. ]~cl'i~r-zrt ~~rzd ~':cint~-cal Act~v~~ l'~Ci. `l:'he ('ctr~~tractczr is and shall ren~aua ;gin inciepenclent c~~ntr~ctor and is izc:itlzer agent, e~npl€z~ ee, l~<~rtncr, zzc~r joint ~ entctre czf'the City. ~`c~z~tr~z4tcar aekt~zc~r~~iled~es that it is rc;spc~tltiii~lc fczr coznpl}~in with. the pr~:~jisiczns c~l'the Iznznir~ztic~z~ Rclr~rn~ end ~`ctntrczl tact c~i- l {1~+`i lot;,`~ztc:cl at $ L1~ ~,-~C> 13?4, et. ~e ., end rr~~ul~ztions rcl~itirl~, thereto, ~ls either zna} b~ ~ltzze~lclccl f~°<>n~ tinlc. to tune... h'ailzzrc; to cat~~~+l~~ ~~ itl~ tl~~: ~~bo~Pe prc~ti isi~?t~s sh~:ll he cc~t~sitl~°t-wd }t t~~it~ rial lareacl~ and shall be rounds l:c~r in~n~edate terzninfzticzn +~f• the contract at the cii4c rc:ticzn e~f ~t~r. 1~. het eral}ility, "I`e tertn~ encl... ccznclitt~~z~ cif t11is ~~~~--~c;izlc.:r~t sl~~ll he de:a~lc•c3 tc~ E~~: r;E~. er~;ll,Pty. C`r~z~:;ec~uently~, if azxy7 cl~~u:~e. t~.rzn. car cc~nditic~n het-eot~ shall be held. ille~~al ~~~~ ~ oicl, such detern~in~itic~n ~lzall rt<~t eff4ct thy: klalidity~ or lealit}r cif the ren~aini~t~„ tez-nls anzl ct~~~~fiitions. and zz~}t«ithstantlizat~ ~~~z~ ~uc:lz dctermnatic~n. tl~i~ a~~rrcei~~ent shall cc~ntinze in f~~~ll fc~ree and e~fcct t.~nless tllc patrticlzlar clause, tez-rzt, car cc~nditic~n 1lelci tcz he illegal car r~c~zd render: tl~e h~tlance c~f'the a~:reen~ezzt irnpc~ssi'~lc: of performance. 1 ~. l~c~cun~ents toryc~z~z rising Contract. Tl~e ec~ntz-act s1~4~[1 irzclucic: tl1i E~W~re~znent fc~r I'L~CrT Pl~tl'~IPS,, 1'~I~'1~~, ~; I21~'F',~1Ii~''~ ~'{)(}~, as w~,~°cll a~ the fc~ilc~~inl ~ic~c;uznents ~~~~lzicl~ ~~re incc~rpc~rate~l herein f~~r ret~r~t7~~:.: C"c-~r~tract+-~rs C'c~rtitiG~ttc: c71y Itlst~ratl~c t~:'o~~tr<2ctc~rs 1~3id I#Atl~erc: is a cc~tzfict b~:tl~~~:r~ tll~ tert-t~s ~~l tt~i~; ~~~~rc~i~7c:nt ant th;; :~ho~~e retereneect d()~:L1I111',tlt~, t1YCn the ec~z~t~ict sI~<jll hc. rc.~c~l~°e:~ t3y (c~ll~,~~~. tht t~•rizz~ o1'tlzi~: ~i<.:~reuttzetxt shall prevail cat°er the ether c~o~irn~e:nt~;, cY~~~l the t~~~~m~ cif the rc~rz~ait~in~; d«c~~n~~ntti shall e ~i~~cn preference zz their al~c~~=e lute c~r€er. _3_ IR ~t"IT'~I~.~~ ~~~1~FR1~:()F, t1~c~ p~rti~.~ h~r~ir~ h~rti~ e~;ecr:~i~c~ tl~i~ <~rLGr~7tnt f~,t~ ~'I.<`~'~~"1° I'i. ~1PS, l'.~I~1"~, &. I~I~`f':~II~S ~~s c~'tlre t~y° ~~n€3 ~~ebrr° ~r~;t ~~;rrtten ~~!?f~~~~. C~`ntractc~r; ITT I~l~ ~~i LI,C 1~m~~ C°. R.~x~c~~~ll ~~~~ I're~iti~nl ~1ttc~st: Tz Tr~~rItl~lr~r (~~ratc~T~~, ~1~z~ra~er ~. _ ,_-. {~71-iittcc~ naz~1~ ~~: iit1~~} l~tt~ st (~;~;t~~turc) ~prin~~:cl nan~c~ cc~:, title ) ~a FL ITYIf I ~)~~~Ji C ~.RT~.?7. LX tl~I: ~~i~.~ C}ctr clist:nttn frc~rt~ 1:~t. Put~~ps -?-`.'~~ per ?I}()~ Prig.. List.. Parts -5".~ per ?OI}~ Prii:e Dist. ~~c~eatien cif Parts and ~2epair F`Et€:ilit}r: ;°~pc7pl.a, I~'I,. Parts will be deli~r;retl~'sl~ipp~c1 ti+thin ~i41 clot};~ f1.1~~}. Pumps ti~~il1 Ise repaired ti~~itltn a n~tasin~tttt~ c}f' I (} c1a}~s alter repair apprE~~;~a1. C`t~niaCt Person fc~r tte~:~` puma cic;liti-er}-; C'c~tltac:t I'ersc~n fc,r pat~t5 c1e1i~•~erylinclt:iirr~ Ctantact person fc~r repairs ~~1fter 1~tc~urs Imer~enc ~~~arrartt~~ Ne~~~ I'~ttnp: Farts ~~e in4tall: Repairs tahc~r,'rrt€tte.rial ,lud` Kelly' I)av:. 1~`I~al~fitt .(~nt~~ Palicie;~• =1I)7-1~ I3 {)-? ~)t)() 5 ~`~ ~tE' I'~~e~-rat~_'t3_ v~,~5`rc~lttyr I 1 ~ sir ~ d'eli' _ ___ EXNI~IT ~- Ht~URLY PRICING S~HEC3l1LE ITT 3 FLYGT TASK __ ~ __ I=IELD SERVICE 1NITH BC}~3M TRUCK I=1ELl~ SERVICE V~IiTN TRUCK. FIELD SERVICE SUNDAYS & HC7LIDAYS 1=1EL~3 SERVICE - C}VERTIN'IE SHOP RATE !VI-F 8-5 SHOP RATE t~VERTIME --.-__ SH~3P RATE SUNDAYS & E-IC~I.IDAYS SEE NEXT' PAGE I='OR SPECIFIC PULP REPAIR PRICING TT FL.YGT FLRI[3A 20138 LA~3C}R RATES ANa ENVlRQNMENTAL FEES ~_~ ~111NQR MAJC?R ~,T~ MATERIAL &. PUMR ~__ LAB©R ~ I_ABC3R LURE ENVIRC3NMENTAI~ :~t,>f~>v~1v~1LN~. 'I'bis a~reemcnt made at~td cnterc;d into on this _ da~~ c7t' _ _ 2t)t)$ b~° and bet~tett The City oi' ~G'ittter Sprun~s, hereixtaftcr rcFerred to tcs the "City°' and I'I,"I I=1y~;t i.l,C hereinafii:r referred t« as the "C"antrrre:tcrr". V4'ITNE ±SETIi: LVhereas, C't~~ has previc~usl~~ determined that it has a need fttr I~I~~r(.i'i' I'Ei'~-°ll'~, 1':~lt'i'S. c~ Iti~;i't1iR.S fnr 2t)(}$ and Whereats, Flynt ia'lorida i..l.t', is the only factory authorized repair f"~tcilitl ir1 the. state cif Florida tier ~ ly~t ~uhmersihle Pumps and Na~v° there#ore, in cc~-nsideratictn of the ahor~~e rind n-rutual cc>~~e:nants cot~tainc:d herein. the parties a~rce its follo~°s: l . den=ices to he nerfortrtcd. The (."ontractor hereh~~ agrees to provide the C°itv 4th tht 1 i.,YG"1" i't;l~il'S, ['rlit'I'S, ~'i IZf~i'.AIR~ Ii~r Zt)t1$,~as reclcrested in this a~reen~ent and alI subsequent official documents that ft~rir~ the coa~tract I:or documents fc~r this ec~rrtract. ?. Time of'~crvice, Services shall he pert~rrn~ed in a tiineld° n~Ernns:r, r:4 specified can the specifications pale oI'this e.ontraet. 3. I~ertns of 11 reettler~ti~~tror~ uf'Ii`c.i~c_~~al„_ f`his contract shall be in ~: ff'ect tllrou~~h Deceniher 3~lsr 2Uti$. This contract. Wray be rent.~ve;d suhjLCt tc> rtviae,d pricing and l~rl~or rates for ul~ to't'ilRi'1i; (>} additionat `I_t~'I°1,~''f (12j rnanth periods. ~. ~~nendment of the: Contract. 1%ris c~~ntract stray he amended ~~raly l~y° tnutuai written agrcerncnt of the part.ics, ~?. ~ssitilnxentlSuhcontr•actin~. l~hc C.'ontractor ;;hall perf~onn this contract. '~lc> ass~rttnent «r suhcontraetn~ shall lac allowed ~~-itl~out pricer written conscttt cif tltc Citt-. In tlre. event of a corporate ~zcclttsition <cncilor rncr~er. the C'c~i~tr~rctor sh<rll prc>~°ide ~~rri.ttcrj nc~tct~ to the Ciiy° ~~ithn thirty (3[)j business da}'s ol~the C't?ntr~}ctors r~cjtice of such action Ur on the occurrc nee c7f said action, ~~,-1~cltc~, cr occurs tirsfi.. I_lte rid ht to tcrrninatc this contract, ~vliirh shall l?~ rettsonal7!)- exercised !~) the C'it~ sh~rll incluc3c. but not he limited to, instances in rwhich a cc~rpor•ate :tccluisition ancllc7r nter~e~ rclarescat a cc~nf3ic:t of interest or are corttrarv to any Iocal. state. or f~dcral la~~>. r`tctiort by the t'it~ a~~~arciin~; a hid to a hicfdcr ~vhieh Ittts disclosed its intent to assign cjr ~uhcontr<i:[ in its response tc~ the.. l}id, ti~rithout t:xcel~tion shall. c:c~nstittrte apprc>vLtl for the purpose of this a~reerttertt. 6. C<mcellatio~~. C;it}~ reserves the right to cancel this contract, ti~°ithout cause, by gir~~ing thin}~ {3O} clays pric~rr written notice to the C"t>ntractor ofthe. intcntiorl to cane.}. or with cause if <It any time the contractor fails to fulfill or abide by any of the trims or conditions specified. Failure of~the Contractor to comply with any of the pro~risions of this contract shall be c{rtrsidi;reri a material breach ofccrntract and shat.}. be cause for imrl~ediate termination of the contract at the discretion of City. In ~tdditic}n to all otl~rr legal remedies availal~ie to t1~e City, City rese;n•es the right to cancel and obtain from another sours-e any items which hay-e not bean prc~t~ided ~ti~ithin the period of'time stated in the contract, or il'no such tir~7e is stand, within a reasonable period of time from the date of-order or request. as determined by the City. In addition, in tine event that sufficient budgeted funds are not available for a new fiscai perirrd, the ('iii shall notif} the ('oi~trrjctar of scrch occurrence 4rnd the contract shall terminate on the last day of the then current tiscai period without penalty or expense to the. Citti~~- 7. Compensation. City ,hall pay Contractor upon c'ontractor's coriipletion of, and Citys acceptance of, the services required herein. I'ricrs shall remain firm fbr the duration of the contract. All payments shall be. made in accordance v~=ith the Florida Prompt Paynrcnt Act.. 1-'la. tat. ? 18.70 et. s 8. Permits.ILiccnscs. Contractor must secure and maintain an_v and all perrtlits and licenses r-eclttirecl fir cc~tnplr:te this contract. 9. ~trt~lt„ I'hc ('ontrac;tcrr shall retain 4r11 records rr:.lating to this cortract for a period of art mast ~['111Z1;f: (~) rears after the final payment is made. All records shall be kr,pt in such as evay as will pernlii their inspection pursuant to Chapt~;r 11 ~), 1?lc~rida statutes. In addition City reserves th4 right to audit such records pursuant to current code. 10. 11~linimurn Insurance Re~uircments. "1'he ('antractor must retain insurance thz•ou;=bout the. t~rr~l rrf this contract. ~hhe (.'ontractc~r must provide a c~rtiticate of insurance, cvidenr:in~~ cc>~Lrar~e prior to issu~rnc~ o(~4t purchase c>rder car commencement Of arty vvOr~ Undei' lilts Contl"aft. 1 1. ]nclemnificatton_ Cc->ntr~tr;tor shEt}1 indemnify, pw~y the cost oftieft:r~se, _. including attorne} ~' t~ cs. an~.l held harmless the city from all shits. actirxYS or claims of any character brought on account i~f-any injuries ar damages rr;ceveci or st.rsta.ined by any person. persons or propertt~ },~~ or t'rom the s~Iid contractor; or by, or in consequence o}' any nLglect in saf'guEu•dirr~:~ the ~~ork; or• by the. use c>f unacccptal~le ttr:tterials in the COnstrUGtU)rt of In"]p]'o\ ~ments; (11' on aCCi)tAnt of anV act. UI (1llliSSlt)n. neglect OC misconduct ot~ the said conU•actor; or tn~. or on azceount uf; amp claim or arriounts - recovered under the "1~~orkc~rs' C-`ompensatioa~ Lat~•.' car of anar other Ian-°s.1~~~-1~~~s, ordinance, order t7r decree, except only° such in~jur~,~ or daaa~a~e as shall 11~rve bt;en t~cca,5ioncd b~~ the sole ne~li~ence of't.1Ye Cite. Tl~e first ten dollars {l t}.t)(}) cif' ct~napeat4atic~n received I~~.. the ('ontractor rt~pra~sents spc:cif is consideratit~rt fir this indenYniticatit~n t~bli~atiora. 1 `?. C:roti~ernin~ La~v. The 1a~~~s cif tha:' St<~te: of I~ lt~ricla sh{~11 ovt~a•n this agreement. 13, Inde~cndca~t Contractor status and Con~t~liance with. t1~e Imrrai~;ration ~.e~forrn and C:'oaitra:~1 pct of 1 t1~(~. `l"he C"onia•actt~r is and. shalt remain an ia~clcpendcnt contractor and. is neither agent, employee, partner. rat.7r,jcaint venture of the Cite. C'ontr~icttxr ackno~vled~;es that it is rGSponsi~ilt~ loa• cotx°apl~•ing with the: previsions of'the hnmigration Reform and Coa-atrtal .r~ct of 1ftRt~ It~c~ttt;tl at fl (f-~>C'~ 13~?~, et. sue., grad rirygtalations relating; thereto, as either tnayr 1~e amended fron3 time to time. Tailurt; to conlpl}r ~~~ith tlit? alcove prt~visit~ns shall he coa~sidt'rc.d ~~ an~aterial lareach and ~hal1 be grotas~ds fc~r immediate termination of tlYt contract at the discretit~rx of City. 1~. Se~-~:r~ahility. "I°he terms and. cc~nditit~a~s t31 this a;~reeanent shall he dcemecl to he sever~ible. C;t3nsequently, if any clause, ta;rm, or conditit~n hereof. shall he held illt~gal t7r ~•oitl, s>:acl~a dctt:rmiraatic~n shall not effect th4 validity or legality cif the rera~aining terms and conditions, and not~vithstand~lg an~z stash determination, this agreement shall. cc~ratiniae in hill force; and cfft:c.t unless tl~c partctalar clause, tt~rn~, or condition 1~e1d to lac illegal or ~roid renders the 1~alance of t1~ae agreea~~cni impcassihle of 1~erformance. 1 S. I)ocun~aents C"t~m~r~win~ C"ontract. The contract :~I~z~ll include this a~rccmt;nt for I~L~G I~ Pl1Mi'S,1'r1I~"t`~, ~: IZ11'AI1ZS ?t}t)l~, ~~s ~~,°ell as the fc>11ctv~~in cfocumcnt5 «faicli are ~~corporated ha~a°ein f~~r refi;rence: C`c~~~tract~}rs ~'ertitictate of Instaraa~~:e Contractors I3ad 1f there is Ga coatflict }~t:trveeaa tlae terms t~l`tl~is agreen~~nt aracl tl~t; ahovi referenced documents, then the conflict sl~~all hc: resolved <~a f~711o~vs: the terms of this agrcen~aent shall prevail over the other documt~nts, aa~cl the: tea°a~ls t~fthe remaining; dt~c~at1-ac~nts s1~a11 be g;ivcn 1}rc:fcrenc~: in their af~c~~Ye listed. c~rdt~r. -l- IN ~VITNE4~ ~~'HFRT()F, ti1c~ ~~rtic:s hc~r~ir~ hay°~ ~.~x~c~~t~;~ this ~i~re~~a~rnt ~-{~~r °I,~'C,~I~ 1'~_=~~IP~, I':'~It"I'~i, ~. IiE['AIIZS ~~s c~i'ihe ~Ia:~° anc3 yew~r first ~~,--r•itLen ~~hc~~~~:. C`<>ntr~rctcjr: ITT Fl~'~;t. LT.C' ~G11T1C'.s ~.. I2~1.1(I~iil ~ic:~: l~resicierzt ~1tt~st: 1'r~ci Tr~~~~tlpier C~~.ratc~r~:s ~1ai~a~~r C'ity' c~f~'l~'ini:er Srir~~:~. ~~ Ic~ricl~i 4 si!~n~~iirr~} (pri»t~ci r1ai~~e ~ tti~:) r'1ttti;st {si~n~tur~} ~prir~t~c~ r~an~~ ~, titl:.} __ FL4't~'I" I'L1MPS, PAKT4, ~ ItEF AIRS ()trr discouzat from list; I'ru~Ips -~-`.'~~ Iaer ?t)()~ Pricc List. Parts -`~-"•~, pct ?tlt}fi Price List. .ac4tticzn of Parts and #~ePair I~aeilit}~; :llaolai:a, I~I.. Parts r~vll Iae delis ~r«('~;1zilalactl ~~'thza 3(l ~I~z}•;; r1I~("}. Pumps will k~e repairrad ~~~itlan a naa~int~zna of I{) cla~~s after repair aplaz•o~taL C'orztact. Person fiat zic.~~- punx#a ~eliti°er~~: Judi K~I1~ Contact Person for pur-t5 c#e1i~~ery/iz~cluir-}~ l}air I~9cz1•fitt Contact person for rep4zir•s ~~fter I-rours #.m€;r~eric~- ~`arrant~~ 14~e~~~ I'tznrla: Paz-ts ~~e install: Ile#aair-s Iahcar'nzf~terial ~I caz7Y Pali~3er ~I{)7-~K()~~9t)() ~T t'i;ar' pr7-rErtt;tl ~t'arrallt4' I rear i't ~:r I" .--- _-- EXNI~IT A H+DUF2LY PRICING SCHEDULE SEE NEXT PAGE 1=C3R SPECIFIC PUMP REPAIR PRICING TT FLYGT FL©RIDA AGREEMENT This agreement made and entered into on this2t~ day of iE~i[~c.~c--~ 2008 by and between The City of Winter Springs, hereinafter referred to as the "City" and ITT Flygt LLC hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor". WITNESSETH: Whereas, City has previously determined that it has a need for FLYGT PUMPS, PARTS, & REPAIRS for 2008 and Whereas, Flygt Florida LLC is the only factory authorized repair facility in the state of Florida for Flygt Submersible Pumps and Now therefore, in consideration of the above and mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Services to be performed. The Contractor hereby agrees to provide the City with the FLYGT PUMPS, PARTS, & REPAIRS for 2008, as requested in this agreement and all subsequent official documents that form the contract for documents for this contract. 2. Time of Service. Services shall be performed in a timely manner, as specified on the specifications page of this contract. 3. Terms of Agreement/Option of Renewal. This contract shall be in effect through December 31 sc 2008. This contract maybe renewed subject to revised pricing and labor rates for up to THREE (3) additional TWELVE (12) month periods. 4. Amendment of the Contract. This contract maybe amended only by mutual written agreement of the parties. S. Assignment/Subcontracting. The Contractor shall perform this contract. No assignment or subcontracting shall be allowed without prior written consent of the City. In the event of a corporate acquisition and/or merger, the Contractor shall provide written notice to the City within thirty (30) business days of the Contractors notice of such action or on the occurrence of said action, whichever occurs first. The right to terminate this contract, which shall be reasonably exercised by the City shall include, but not be limited to, instances in which a corporate acquisition and/or merger represent a conflict of interest or are contrary to any local, state, or federal laws. Action by the City awarding a bid to a bidder which has disclosed its intent to assign or subcontract in its response to the bid, without exception shall constitute approval for the purpose of this agreement. 6. Cancellation. City reserves the right to cancel this contract, without cause, by giving thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Contractor of the intention to cancel, or with cause if at any time the contractor fails to fulfill or abide by any of the terms or conditions specified. Failure of the Contractor to comply with any of the provisions of this contract shall be considered a material breach of contract and shall be cause for immediate termination of the contract at the discretion of City. In addition to all other legal remedies available to the City, City reserves the right to cancel and obtain from another source any items which have not been provided within the period of time stated in the contract, or if no such time is stated, within a reasonable period of time from the date of order or request, as determined by the City. In addition, in the event that sufficient budgeted funds are not available for a new fiscal period, the City shall notify the Contractor of such occurrence and the contract shall terminate on the last day of the then current fiscal period without penalty or expense to the City. 7. Compensation. City shall pay Contractor upon Contractor's completion of, and City's acceptance of, the services required herein. Prices shall remain firm for the duration of the contract. All payments shall be made in accordance with the Florida Prompt Payment Act, Fla. Stat. 218.70 et. sec .. 8. Permits/Licenses. Contractor must secure and maintain any and all permits and licenses required to complete this contract. 9. Audit. The Contractor shall retain all records relating to this contract for a period of at least THREE (3) years after the final payment is made. All records shall be kept in such as way as will permit their inspection pursuant to Chapter 119, Florida statutes. In addition City reserves the right to audit such records pursuant to current code. 10. Minimum Insurance Requirements. The Contractor must retain insurance throughout the term of this contract. The Contractor must provide a certificate of insurance, evidencing coverage prior to issuance of a purchase order or commencement of any work under this contract. 11. Indemnification. Contractor shall indemnify, pay the cost of defense, including attorneys' fees, and hold harmless the city from all suits, actions or claims of any character brought on account of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property by or from the said contractor; or by, or in consequence of any neglect in safeguarding the work; or by the use of unacceptable materials in the construction of improvements; or on account of any act or omission, neglect or misconduct of the said contractor; or by, or on account of, any claim or amounts -2- recovered under the "Workers' Compensation Law" or of any other laws, by-laws, ordinance, order or decree, except only such injury or damage as shall have been occasioned by the sole negligence of the City. The first ten dollars ($10.00) of compensation received by the Contractor represents specific consideration for this indemnification obligation. 12. Governing The laws of the State of Florida shall govern this agreement. 13. Independent Contractor Status and Compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. The Contractor is and shall remain an independent contractor and is neither agent, employee, partner, nor joint venture of the City. Contractor acknowledges that it is responsible for complying with the previsions of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 19861ocated at 8 U>S>C> 1324, et. sue., and regulations relating thereto, as either maybe amended from time to time. Failure to comply with the above provisions shall be considered a material breach and shall be grounds for immediate termination of the contract at the discretion of City. 14. Severability. The terms and conditions of this agreement shall be deemed to be severable. Consequently, if any clause, term, or condition hereof shall be held illegal or void, such determination shall not effect the validity or legality of the remaining terms and conditions, and notwithstanding any such determination, this agreement shall continue in full force and effect unless the particular clause, term, or condition held to be illegal or void renders the balance of the agreement impossible of performance. 15. Documents Comprising Contract. The contract shall include this agreement for FLYGT PUMPS, PARTS, & REPAIRS 2008, as well as the following documents which are incorporated herein for reference: Contractors Certificate of Insurance Contractors Bid If there is a conflict between the terms of this agreement and the above referenced documents, then the conflict shall be resolved as follows: the terms of this agreement shall prevail over the other documents, and the terms of the remaining documents shall be given preference in their above listed order. -3- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties herein have executed this agreement for FLYGT PUMPS, PARTS, & REPAIRS as of the day and year first written above. Contractor: ITT Flygt LLC City of Winter Springs, Flaritia (signature) ~ James C. Randall Qa n~~ ~ ~, ~''~ ~.~ c.r. ~r: (~ ~ /-1g~ s ~~ ---- y ~ Vice President (printed name & title) Attest: Fred Trumpler Operations Manager Attes ,, , r-- _~ (si ture) (printed name & title) L~~ -4- FLYGT PUMPS, PARTS, & REPAIRS Our discount from list: Pumps -5-% per 2008 Price List. Parts -5-% per 2008 Price List. Location of Parts and Repair Facility: Apopka, FL. Parts will be delivered/shipped within 30 days ARO. Pumps will be repaired within a maximum of 10 days after repair approval. Contact Person for new pump delivery: Contact Person for parts delivery/inquiry Contact person for repairs After hours Emergency Warranty: New Pump: Parts we install: Repairs labor/material Judy Kelly Dave Moffitt Tom Palider 407-880-2900 5 year pro-rated warranty 1 year 1 year EXHIBIT A HOURLY PRICING SCHEDULE In FLYGT TAS K FIELD SERVICE WITH BOOM TRUCK $104 FIELD SERVICE WITH TRUCK $78 FIELD SERVICE SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS $166 FIELD SERVICE -OVERTIME $117 SHOP RATE M-F 8-5 $63 SHOP RATE OVERTIME $95 SHOP RATE SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS $126 SEE NEXT PAGE FOR SPECIFIC PUMP REPAIR PRICING TT FLYGT FLORIDA 2008 LABOR RATES AND ENVIRONMENTAL FEES PUMP MINOR LABOR MAJOR LABOR MATERIAL & LUBE ENVIRONMENTAL 3067 $252 $315 $22 $28 3068 $252 $315 $22 $28 3085 $252 $315 $22 $28 3102 $315 $441 $22 $28 3127 $315 $441 $22 $28 3140 $378 $567 $33 $45 3152 $378 $567 $33 $45 3153 $378 $567 $33 $45 3170 $504 $630 $33 $45 3171 $504 $630 $33 $45 3201 $569 $693 $33 $45 3202 $569 $693 $33 $45 3300 $630 $819 $54 $61 3305 $756 $1,008 $54 $61 3306 $756 $1,008 $54 $61 3311 /12 $1,008 $1, 386 $54 $61 3350-55 $1,134 $1, 386 $54 $61 3356 $1,134 $1,386 $54 $61 3400 $1,638 $2,016 $54 $61 3500/600 $1,638 $2,016 $54 $61 3501 $1,638 $2,016 $54 $61 3530 $1,638 $2,016 $54 $61 3531 $1,638 $2,016 $54 $61 3601 $1,764 $2,142 $54 $61 3602 $1, 764 $2,142 $54 $61 4351/52 $315 $504 $54 $61 4400 $347 $535 $54 $61 4610/20 $378 $504 $54 $61 4630/40 $441 $567 $54 $61 4650/60 $567 $693 $54 $61 4670/80 $630 $756 $54 $61 5150/60 $1, 008 $1,260 $54 $61 7050/55 $882 $1,134 $54 $61 7060/61 $945 $1,197 $54 $61 7075/80 $1,197 $1,512 $54 $61 7100/15 $1,440 $2,016 $54 $61 7120/40 $1,638 $2,142 $54 $61