HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 07 13 Consent 203 Right-turn Deceleration Lane at SR434 & TuscoraCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 203
July 13, 2009
MGR /DEPT ~ ~%~
REQUEST: The Public Works Department requests the City Commission Approve Task
Order #1 to the Engineering Services Agreement with Johnson, Mirmiran, &
Thompson, Inc. for the Design of a Right-turn Deceleration Lane on S.R. 434
Eastbound at Tuscora Drive
PURPOSE: The Public Works Department requests the City Commission Approve Task
Order #1 to the Engineering Services Agreement with Johnson, Mirmiran, &
Thompson, Inc. in the amount of $32,277.01 for the design of a right-turn
deceleration lane on S.R. 434 eastbound at Tuscora Drive, payable from the
Transportation Impact Fee Fund.
• A right-turn deceleration lane on S.R. 434 eastbound is warranted as a safety
improvement, based on the S.R. 434 Right Turn Deceleration Lane Study performed for
the City by Professional Engineering Consultants (PEC) in 2004. PEC's study identified
and prioritized six locations on S.R. 434 where right-turn deceleration lanes are
warranted. The top two priorities, S.R. 434 eastbound at Vistawilla Drive and S.R. 434
eastbound at Hayes Road, are scheduled to begin construction in September 2009. These
two projects have been approved for federal funding under the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Economic Stimulus Plan).
• The next two priorities from PEC's study were S.R. 434 eastbound at Winding Hollow
Blvd. and S.R. 434 eastbound at Tuscora Drive. Of these two, staff recommends
proceeding with the Tuscora Drive turn lane as the next project due to its greater safety
need and lower cost of design and construction.
• Staff recommends proceeding with the design and permitting phase of the Tuscora Drive
project at this time for several reasons. First, the two turn lane projects scheduled for this
year (Vistawilla Drive and Hayes Road) have been federally funded thus there is an
opportunity to advance other prioritized projects. Second, there is a chance that
additional federal Stimulus Plan funding may be available later this year or early next
Consent Agenda Item #203
July 13, 2009
Page 2 of 2
year for "shovel ready" projects on the state highway system. The Tuscora Drive project
can be shovel ready by November 2009. There is also the possibility that state funding
from FDOT could be available for this project, similar to the way the turn lane on S.R.
419 at Sherry Avenue is currently being implemented. If no federal or state funding is
available for construction, the construction would be funded out of the City's
Transportation Impact Fee Fund when sufficient funds are available.
Based on a preliminary review of the Tuscora Drive turn lane, it is likely that the City
will need to acquire a narrow strip of land (less than 5-feet wide) along the back of two
private properties in The Reserve at Tuscawilla (312 and 314 Heatherwood Court). The
narrow strip of land to be acquired would be located entirely outside of the existing brick
wall (on the S.R. 434 side of the wall). The proposed turn lane will also impact some of
the existing landscaping in front of the existing brick wall parallel to S.R. 434. This
agenda item is only for the design portion of the project and is not a request to proceed
with any land acquisition. The final design will determine the extent of any land
acquisition required for the project and this will be brought back to the Commission for
Staff issued Request for Qualifications (RFQ) #008/08/BF in May 2008 for Continuing
Civil Engineering Services. A total of twenty-four (24) firms submitted their
qualifications for review by a selection committee comprised of Public Works Staff.
Two transportation consultants, including Johnson, Mirmiran, & Thompson, Inc. (JMT),
were recommended by the selection committee and approved by the City Commission for
three-year Agreements at the August 8, 2008 City Commission meeting. Staff
recommends JMT for this assignment because of their expertise in design and permitting
transportation projects on the state highway system and their experience with FDOT
District 5.
The total design fee is $32,277.01 and sufficient funds are available in the Transportation
Impact Fee Fund.
Staff recommends the Commission approve Task Order #1 to the Engineering Services
Agreement with Johnson, Mirmiran, & Thompson, Inc. in the amount of $32,277.01 for the
design of a right-turn deceleration lane on S.R. 434 eastbound at Tuscora Drive, payable from
the Transportation Impact Fee Fund.
ATTACHMENTS: 1. JMT Proposal dated May 15, 2009
Aver ~)1 J Years
Enbtnee~hrg.A BrlghterFtiture~
An Emplos~ee Owned Company
May 15, 2009
of Engineering Excellence
Offices in:
Delaware • Fiorida • Maryland • New Jersey
Pennsyhtania • Virginia • West Virginia
Washington, DG
Mr. Brian Fields, P. E. _ _
City Engineer
City of Winter Springs
1126 E. State Road 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
RE: State Road 434/'Itiscora Drive Intersection Improvements Proposal for Professional Engineering
Dear Mr. Fields:
Johnson, Mirnuran & Thompson, Inc. (JMT) is pleased to present this proposal for professional engineering
design, analysis and permitting services for the State Road 434/TLtscora Drive intersection improvements
project which consists of the addition of eastbound right-turn deceleration lane at this intersection.
The terms of this proposal are consistent with our Continuing Engineer Services contract terms and conditions,
including manhours and hourly rates.
Design, Construction Plans Pre>aaration and Permitting
1. Administration -Project Status Meetings (3), Design Schedule, Construction Cost Estimates
2. Utility Coordination -Perform utility coordination (meetings, site visits, and data transmittal). Utility
owners include Bright House Networks (CATV, Phone Lines-Fiber), City of Winter Springs (Water, Sewer,
Reclaim, Stormwater), Progress Energy (Transmission & Distribution) and AT&T/Distribution (Phone).
Includes prepazation of utility adjustment sheets based on input from utility owners. The cost for relocation
design of water mains, force mains or gravity sanitary sewer is not included in this proposal. If required, a
separate proposal will be provided for approval.
3. Roadway Plans -Prepare complete construction plans in accordance with the latest design standards,
__ _ _ _ _
design manuals and policies adopted by FDOT and Seminole County as applicable, and in accordance with
the City of Winter Springs criteria and preferences. Right turn lane length will be approximately 340 feet
long, including 50' taper, 240' deceleration distance, and 50' queue.Includes pavement design, quantity
computations, cover sheet, general notes, summary of pay items, typical section and details, 40-scale half-
size plan sheets (including reference ties, bench marks, grading, and drainage construction), cross-sections
at 50-foot intervals, traffic control notes and phasing, and technicaUspecial provisions.
4. Drainage Design - Design of storm drains tying to existing system and erosion control plans.
5. Signing and Pavement Marking Plans -Includes notes, quantities and plan sheets.
6. Signalization Plans - N/A
615 Crescent ExecuWe Court Suite 106 Lake Mary,. Florida 32746 Telephaie (407)833-9898 Fax (40n 833-9899 www.Jmtcom
7: Permitting -Permit exemption letter from SJRWMD. NPDES Package. Includes coordination with and
plans review/approval by FDOT. Driveway and Drainage Permits plans review/approval.
8. Design Survey -The coverage/limits of this survey will be sufficient to construct the proposed
improvements. Horizontal control will be tied to existing R/W lines. Vertical control will be tied to existing
bench marks. Design right-of--way established based on existing right-of--way maps and monumentation.
Includes preparation of two Legal Descriptions with supporting Sketches. Design topographic survey to
include locating all improvements and utilities as evidenced by above ground features or as marked by the
__ _ _ _ _ _.
designated utility company representative. Includes six test hole locations on existing utilities and location
of 4 auger borings. See attached Scope and Fee (Cochrane Engineering, Inc.)
9. Geotechnical Investigations - Execute a program of subsurface sampling and field testing. This includes
performing four (4) auger borings to a depth of 7 feet for the proposed turn lane widening:Visually classify
and stratify representative soil samples in the laboratory using the Unified Soil Classification
System.Collect groundwater level measurements and estimate normal wet seasonal high groundwater
levels.See attached Scope and Fee (PSI)
10. Environmental Permitting Services - N/A
A one hundred and twenty (120) day project schedule is anticipated to complete the construction drawings. This
time is exclusive of any review time by FDOT, and the utility owners. Close coordination will be required in
order to minimize the review time by the various agencies.
Design, Construction Plans Preparation and Permitting ....................................$32,277.01
The attached sheet provides a breakdown of'the manhours and fees.
We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to working with you, if you have any
questions, please contact me.
Very truly yours,
William V. Anderson, P.E.
Vice President
Project Name: SR 434 / Tuscora Drive Intersection Improvements
Project Number: JMT 080821-002
Consultant: Johnson, Mirmiran 8 Thompson, Inc.
From• To:
Date: June 1, 2008
Act. Pr t M r. Senlor l.n Pr En neu Sr. E r. Tech. Cle rical Man-Xoun Salary Avaraya
/ ACTNRY Man Hourly Man Hoary Man Hourly Man Hovey Man Hourly Man Hourly by Coat by Hourly
House Rate Hours Rab Howe Rab Xoura Rare Xoun Rib Hours Rab Rate
1 Administratlon 3.00 5188.25 7.00 5113.00 0.00 :83.10 0.00 =87.30 0.00 567.00 10.00 S 183.75
2 Utll Coordlnatlon 1.00 166.25 16.00 5713.00 6.00 583.10 6.00 7.60 5.00 7.00 34.00 3606.00
3 Roadwa Decl n 11.00 5186.25 30.00 5113.00 26.00 583.10 31.00 7.60 0.00 567.00 120.00 S 1 310.03
4 Drains a Desl n 0.00 518625 6.00 5113.00 8.00 583.10 6.00 587.60 0.00 587.00 20.00 5 1836.80
S S b PM Plana 0.00 5186.25 5.00 5113.00 3.00 583.10 8.00 587.60 0.00 587.00 18.00 5 1 .30
8 SI nal Dui n 0.00 518825 0.00 5113.00 0.00 83.10 0.00 587.60 0.00 587.00 0.00 S
7 Permittln 2.00 516823 10.00 5113.00 4.00 3.10 0.00 587.60 0.00 7.00 16.00 S 1636.80
8 0.00 518825 0.00 5113.00 0.00 583.10 0. 7.30 0.00 7.00 0.00 5
TOTAL 20.00 3 383.00 73.00 5 248.00 48. 5 4 82.60 72. 5 8300.00 5.00 5 335.00 216.00 . 531.80
Total Contract Fee Computations
Total Scary Cost S 22.531.80
RatalSubtobl 0.0% 5
OpuatlnS Mueln ' S
Subtotal 5 22.331.80
Dkact Expwues i 328.50
Total Prime Consultant IS 22,661.to
Cochran. Enybteerin0, InG s 5.351.61
LOtipelch a Assoeblas, InC. S
PSI S 1.084.00
Cochrane Engineering, Inc.
Design Survey for Intersection Improvements at SR 434 and Tuscora Drive
City of Winter Springs
Scope of Services for Design Survey Support
Cochrane Engineering, Inc. will perform a Design Survey for this project in support of the prime design engineer.
The activities will include the following tasks as coordinated with the prime design engineer.
Design Survey ..............................................................................................$8,351.91
A. Horizontal and Vertical Control
Horizontal Survey Control will be on an assumed datum, however, the survey will be tied to existing Right of Way
lines by location of monumentation. Vertical Survey Control will be based on published Seminole County or FDOT
Bench Mazks.
B. Alignment and/or Existing lt/W Limits
Cochrane will locate evidence of the existing Right of Way Lines (including monumentation) to sufficiently
calculate the existing Right of Way Lines at the intersection of SR 434 and Tuscora Drive in support of preparation
of a Right of Way linework file for use by the engineer.
C. Legal Descriptions for Proposed R/W Limits
Cochrane will prepaze two Legal Descriptions with supporting Sketches to be used as exhibits for Right of Way
acquisition to be performed by others.
D. Design Survey /Digital Terrain Model
Cochrane will perform a Design Survey at the intersection of SR 434 and Tuscora Drive. The limits of the Design
Survey along SR 434 will include from 10 feet outside the existing South Right of Way line to the South edge of
Pavement of the median, for a distance of 450 feet West and 80 feet East of the centerline of Tuscora Drive, and
along Tuscora to 120 feet South of the SR 434 median.
E. Underground Utilities
The horizontal location of mainline utilities will be designated and surveyed within the Design Survey limits. We
anticipate the several utilities to lie within the Design Survey limits including Bright House Networks, LLC.
(CATV, Phone Lines -Fiber), City of Winter Springs (Water, Sewer, Reclaim, Stormwater), Progress Energy
(Transmission) & (Distribution) and ATT !Distribution (fka BellSouth) (Phone}. Although some may be aerial, we
anticipate that 3,250 feet of subsurface utilities lie with the Design Survey limits.
In addition, Cochrane will perform up to 6 Verification of Vertical and Horizontal (WH) test hole locations will be
on the existing utilities where conflicts with design features are determined by the engineer.
F. Geotechnical Support
Cochrane will stake or locate up to 4 auger borings as performed by the geotechnical•consultant.
Q:\Survey.Orlando\General Marketing\09014.1M Winter Springs Continuing Services (JMT)\Scope of Service\SR 434-
Tuscora Cochrane Survey Scope 060109.doc
SR 434 and Tuscora Drive Design Survey. Conndt. Name: I.ochtane EnBincering, Inc.
Date: ti/1l09
Staff Classification
Total Stall
& Crcw 3 Man
Crew ~~ ~Or
~ Mapper Surveyor &
PPa Survey
Survey Crew Rate Hours
From 27.
UNtily Crew Rate 5157.29 5156.25 5104.17 SS9.12 659.12 Totals
Serve Crew Huure 21 21 21
Unlit Crew Hours !4 14 t4
Serve Office Total Hours 2 14 7 2 25
't'otal Staff llouta/Days 35 2 14 7 2
Survey Crew Cost 53,046.89
Utility Crew Cost 52,202.06
Tout) Staff Cost 55,248.95 S312.50 51,458.38 6413.84 S118.24 S7S51.91
Fkld and Office Estimated Fee ~. 57,SS1.91
Sketch of Descriptions Fee (2 @5400) 6800.00
Grand Total Fstlmated Fee 58,351.91
o.~s~.by.o~rmorrr u~nsou.iM wia« sans. corw+~a sw~.. Fsrrnu~+nuasn s74ruou~ Learn. oaip~ sw.r sus NourFa seo+os.~s
~~ vmtactu~n
3"o Build Can
o~ • c.~ • s
May27, 20U9
615 Crescent':Executve Court, Suite 1 Q6
Lake Mary, FL 3274(i'
Attention: Mr. William Anderson, P:E.
RE: P'mposal,
Geot~hncal Engineering Services:
Proposed Turn-Lane Addition.
State Road 434 at Tuscora Road
' Seminole County, Florida
PSI Proposal AIo.; 757-9-111
Dear Mr. Anderson.
Pursuant to our conversations and your request, Frofessioraal Service Industries, Inc. (PSIJ is pleased.
to submit the following proposal for performance of a subsurface exploration program Ott the site of
the referenced project. The subsurface exploration will be conducted to provide geoteehtucal
information needed far design of a new term-lane an State Road 434.
Froiect Intormati'art
'The subject intersection is located in Seminole County, Florida, Based- on infarmartion provided to
PSI by you,, it is our t><ndeisttanding the proposed irriprovemerrts will consist of the addition of a 450-
foot right-turn lane at 5R 434 and Tuscora Road. The'proposed turn latSe will be on the. eastbound
portion of State Road 434.
Scaye o{Geuterhnical Services
The purpose of this study is to obtain information on the general subsurface conditions at the
proposed project site. The subsurface materials encountered will then be evaluated with respect to
the available project characteristics.
Professionat Service Industries, Inc. • 1.748 33rd Street • OrtarRdo, Ft 32839 • Phone ~i07/3t74-5560 - Fan 467/304-5561
Engineering Certificate of Authorization 3684
PSl Proposal No. 757-9-111
Max 27, 2009
Page 2 of 4
In this regard,, engineering assessments for the following items will b~ formulated.
1. Soil subgrade preparation, including stripping, grubbing and compaction..
Engirteeriig criteria for placement and compaction of approved structural fill.
2. General location and description of potentially deleterious. xna~terials (i.e. muck, clay;.
debris,. etc} encountered in the borings that may interfere with. construction or
pavement performance.
3. Identification of critical design or canstntction details, including groundwater levels
(encountered and estimated nanaal seasonal highs.
4. Geatechnical design artd construction :suggestions for flexible pavements,
considezing the encountered sttbgrade soils and' the measured gmundwater
S. Review of roadway cross-sections "to evaluate the need .for roadway undeidrains.
Roadv~ay plans td be provided by the project civil engineer.
The following services will be provided in order to achieve theprecedng obJectives;
1. Review readily available published geologic. and topographic information. This
published infartnation will be obtained from the appropriate quadrangle snap
published by the United States Geological Survey (USES) and the "Soil Survey of
Seminole County, Florida" published by the United. States I?epaafinent of
Agriculture (USDA Soil Conservation Service (SCS).
2; Execute a program of subsurface sampling arid. field testing; PSI proposes to perform
four auger borings within the proposed rum-lane alignment.. The auger borings will.
be 5 to 7 feet in depth. Groundwater levels will be recorded, where encountered, in
the borings: Representatiue soil samples will be collected and placed in glass Jars for
traaspc~rtation'to our Orlando laboratory.
3. Visually classify and stratify representative soil samples in the laboratory-using-the
Unified Soil. Classification System. Conduct a limited laboratory testing program to
confirm soil classification: Identify-soil conditions at each boring location and form
an opinion o f the site soil stratigraphy.
4, Collect groundwater level ..measurements and estimate normal wet seasanaJ high
groundwater levels.
S. The results of the field exploration and laboratory tests will be used in the
engineering. analysis and in the formulation of our geotechnical recanvnendations.
The results of the subsurface. exploration, including the recommendations and the
data on which they are based, will. be presented in a written report.
-- -
JMT ' May 27, 2Qt?9
• PSl proposal No. 757-9-1 l l Page 3 of 4
We are:in a position to start work on this assignment within 2 to 3 dayrs of receiving authorization to
proceed.. The `f eldwork will require 1 day to complete. Office engineering ar~d laboratory testing.
wilt be initiated thereafter, requiring a .further 1 tiff ~ weeks to complete. Verbal results of our work:
.can be provided prior to issuing the final report to' accommodate the project schedule.
Service wee
It is proposed the fees for performance of the above-outlined services be determxred on a unit price
basis, in accordance .with our attached Schedule t~f Services and Fees, and the work be perfoxrned
pursuant to our Generat Conditions. Copies. of our Schedule of Services and Fees and General
Conditions. are enclosed herewith and incQiporated ty reference into this. pi+cposal. Cln the basis of
the estimated. quantities anal the Schedule of Sa~vices and Fees, it is estimated the fees will. be
We appreciate<the :opportunity to afl'er ottrr services to your project and look forward to working:
with you.. If this proposal zs acceptable,: please sign belovv as notice'.to proceed and return Qne (lj
copy of this proposal intact to oitr office. Should you have any questions in regard to this pmposal,
please do not hesitate to contact this once.
~~ ~
my use.
Project Engineer
~t~ p , . .
`~~echnical D ailment ,
as~7sr--~ ~ t trr};aae
• Schedule of Services. and Fees
• General Conditions
BY (Please Priat}:
.. PSI Proposal No. 757-9-111
Proposed Tint Larne Addition
State Road 434 at'I'uscora Road
Seminole Counf~-Florida
A: Utility Coorclitaatibz~3oring Layout
$, Auger Bori~tgs (4 ~a 7 feet)
A. Allowance for'Vsual Classification
and Limited Lab 7'estitig
A, SeniorProject Engineer
B. Project Engineer
C; CAD .Drafting
I?. Clerical.
,, . ,
May 27, 2409
Page 4 of 4
Uai# Total
anti Unit Rate Cost
2 Hours $ 45.44. $ 90.44
28 L.F. ~ 8. .224,04
Subtotal Fietd Inve~ation ~ 314.QQ
l Lwnp $ X04.00 $ 204:00
Subtotal Laboratprry Testintg $ 200:00
1 Hours $1 l4.El~ $ 114.40
4 Hours. 94:4Q 36Q.04
! Hours 45.44 45:
1 Hours 354Q 35.00
Subtotal.Engineering Services ~ 550.00
Over 35 Years
JOHNSON, RNIpRIRIW &THOMPSON of Engineering FYCellenae
fingsiee A fidgeter Futures O rin In:
An Employ�ee Owned Company Delaware Florida Maryland New Jersey
Pennsylvania Virginia West Virginia
May 15, 2009 Washing, DC
Mr. Brian Fields, P. E.
City Engineer
City of Winter Springs
1126 E. State Road 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
RE: State Road 434/Tascora Drive Intersection Improvements Proposal for Professional Engineering
Dear Mr. Fields:
Johnson, Mirmiran Thompson, Inc_ (JMT) is pleased to present this proposal for professional engineering
design, analysis and permitting services for the State Road 434/Tuscora Drive intersection improvements
project which consists of the addition of eastbound right -turn deceleration lane at this intersection.
The terms of this proposal are consistent with our Continuing Engineer Services contract terms and conditions,
including manhours and hourly rates.
Design, Construction Plans Preparation and Permitting
1. Administration Project Status Meetings (3), Design Schedule, Construction Cost Estimates
2. Utility Coordination Perform utility coordination (meetings, site visits, and data transmittal). Utility
owners include Bright House Networks (CATV, Phone Lines Fiber), City of Winter Springs (Water, Sewer,
Reclaim, Stormwater), Progress Energy (Transmission Distribution) and AT &T/Distribution (Phone).
Includes preparation of utility adjustment sheets based on input from utility owners. The cost for relocation
design of water mains, force mains or gravity sanitary sewer is not included in this proposal. If required, a
separate proposal will be provided for approval.
3. Roadway Plans Prepare complete construction plans in accordance with the latest design standards,
design manuals and PpoI{des adopted by FDOT and Seminole County as applicable, and in accordance with
the City of Winter Springs criteria and preferences. Right turn lane length will be approximately 340 feet
long, including 50' taper, 240' deceleration distance, and 50' queue.Jncludes pavement design, quantity
computations, cover sheet, general notes, summary of pay items, typical section and details, 40 -scale half
size plan sheets (including reference ties, bench marks, grading, and drainage construction), cross sections
at 50 -foot intervals, traffic control notes and phasing, and technical/special provisions.
4. Drainage Design Design of storm drains tying to existing system and erosion control plans.
5. Signing and Pavement Marking Plans Includes notes, quantities and plan sheets.
6. Signalization Plans N/A
615 Crescent Executive Court Suite 108 Lake Mary, Florida 32148 Telephone (407) 833 -9898 Fax (407) 833 -9899 www.)nt.com
7. Permitting Permit exemption letter from SJRWMD. NPDES Package. Includes coordination with and
plans review /approval by FDOT. Driveway and Drainage Permits plans review /approval.
8. Design Survey The coverage/limits of this survey will be sufficient to construct the proposed
improvements. Horizontal control will be tied to existing R/W lines. Vertical control will be tied to existing
bench marks. Design right -of -way established based on existing right -of -way maps and monumentation.
Includes preparation of two Legal Descriptions with supporting Sketches. Design topographic survey to
include locating all improvements and utilities as evidenced by above ground features or as marked by the
designated utility company representative. Includes six test hole locations on existing utilities and location
of 4 auger borings. See attached Scope and Fee (Lochrane Engineering, Inc.)
9. Geotechnical Investigations Execute a program of subsurface sampling and field testing. This includes
performing four (4) auger borings to a depth of 7 feet for the proposed turn lane widening.Visuaily classify
and stratify representative soil samples in the laboratory using the Unified Soil Classification
System.Collect groundwater level measurements and estimate normal wet seasonal high groundwater
levels.See attached Scope and Fee (PSI)
10. Environmental Permitting Services N/A
A one hundred and twenty (120) day project schedule is anticipated to complete the construction drawings. This
time is exclusive of any review time by FDOT, and the utility owners. Close coordination will be required in
order to minimize the review time by the various agencies.
Design, Construction Plans Preparation and Permitting $32,277.01
The attached sheet provides a breakdown of the manhours and fees.
We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to working with you, if you have any
questions, please contact me.
Very truly yours,
William V. Anderson, P.E.
Vice President
Consultant Johnson, Miaairan Thompson, Inc.
Project Name: SR 434 Tuscora Orbit Intersection Improvements From: To:
Project Number: JMT 080621-002 Date: June 1, 2009
Act at Senior new Sr. Tech. deckle Manetours Salary Average
ACTIVITY Hourly Man Hourly Hourly Cill .F.1. y Mew Man h11 Coat by Hourly
RPM Haas Rani Yana Horne Hours Rote AalNdly Rate
1 A+Intnietratlon 3.00 Si16.35 7.00 1111.00 311.10 9J0 10.01 1 75
2 UIiMy CoOratmUan 1103.25 ':1 11 ?1 ]�?Sf Y.1111112�,7111E:1�.1711111111211111 E
3 Roadway y Milo Milo fsm.= Ilti 11 3. BTU Ed 107.00 120.00 12,116.06
4 Drainage Mln Ed Sisals 8113.00 157. 167 .00 20.00 1991.00
5 S i PM Plane 1111.2E 13.00 187J0 161.00
O vibe •n 'ZIP a1111111 '711111111=Pl1111•14 Y111i7E1.S�.S 1
7 Penang 1E011111 1rritiu s'1 ..iLlI111111112 MIN1:1..a11=217 Mar so
5 I�'.7 �:i3ItwEul*:)� 1�'��rtiert ?•-Y 'i]�7: nM
O 3,806.00 00 TrT- 41.00 1 s,262J0 1 6,300.00 1 1 335.00
Total Contract Fee Computations
Total Salary Cott S ?1.631.60
Overhead 1, RtglSgWoW.-i:v_ ;"pA%jS
OperaUne Meryym 6
SOON 22,531.66
Okra Expanses 325.50
Total Prime Consultant 22,61110
Lothians engineering, Ind 1 1,351 .01
Lotepelch MtotIelul, Ino. 1
PSI S 1.004.06
Lochrane Engineering, Inc.
Design Survey for Intersection Improvements at SR 434 and Tuscora Drive
City of Winter Springs
Scope of Services for Design Survey Support
Lochrane Engineering, Inc. will perform a Design Survey for this project in support of the prime design engineer.
The activities will include the following tasks as coordinated with the prime design engineer
Design Survey $8,351.91
A. Horizontal and Vertical Control
Horizontal Survey Control will be on an assumed datum, however, the survey will be tied to existing Right of Way
lines by location of monumentation. Vertical Survey Control will be based on published Seminole County or FDOT
Bench Marks.
R. Alignment and/or Existing R/W Limits
Lochrane will locate evidence of the existing Right of Way Lines (including monumentation) to sufficiently
calculate the existing Right of Way Lines at the intersection of SR 434 and Tuscora Drive in support of preparation
of a Right of Way linework file for use by the engineer.
C. Legal Descriptions for Proposed R/W Limits
Lochrane will prepare two Legal Descriptions with supporting Sketches to be used as exhibits for Right of Way
acquisition to be performed by others.
D. Design Survey Digital Terrain Model
Lochrane will perform a Design Survey at the intersection of SR 434 and Tuscora Drive. The limits of the Design
Survey along SR 434 will include from 10 feet outside the existing South Right of Way line to the South edge of
Pavement of the median, for a distance of 450 feet West and 80 feet East of the centerline of Tuscora Drive, and
along Tuscora to 120 feet South of the SR 434 median.
E. Underground Utilities
The horizontal location of mainline utilities will be designated and surveyed within the Design Survey limits. We
anticipate the several utilities to lie within the Design Survey limits including Bright House Networks, LLC.
(CATV, Phone Lines Fiber), City of Winter Springs (Water, Sewer, Reclaim, Stormwater), Progress Energy
(Transmission) (Distribution) and AU Distribution (fka BellSouth) (Phone). Although some may be aerial, we
anticipate that 3,250 feet of subsurface utilities lie with the Design Survey Limits.
In addition, Lochrane will perform up to 6 Verification of Vertical and Horizontal (VVH) test hole locations will be
on the existing utilities where conflicts with design features am determined by the engineer.
F. Geotechnical Support
Lochrane will stake or locate up to 4 auger borings as performed by the geotechnical'consultant.
Q:\Survey.Orlando\General Marketing109014.1M Winter Springs Continuing Services (JMT)1Scope of Service\,SR 434
Tuscora Lochrane Survey Scope 060109.doc
SR 434 and Tuscan Delve Design Surrey Cetuatt. Name: Loehraae Ea8{oeera% Inc.
Date: [1109
3 Mao Setter Surveyor A Surrey
Star Clauilicatan Total Star Crew Rate Sarreyor Mapper Techoltkn dal
Crew &d per
Surrey Crew Rate Front 27.
Ulalty Crew Rate
5157.29 3156.25 5104.17 559.12 $59.12 Ts*
Survey Craw Nuur4 21 21 21
Utltlly Crew Harts 14 14 14
Survey Office Total Hours 2 14 7 2 23
Total Stott Haurs#Days 35 2 14 7 2
Song Cr= Cost 53.046.89
Unity Crew Cost $2
Total Staff Cost 55.24895 5312.50 t 31,458.38 5413.84 1 3111,24 1 .17.55191
Field and 085ee Et46aated Fee 51,551.91
Sltatch of Datsfptlans Fee (2 A $4001 S500.00
Grand Total HWmNed Fee 4361.91
a+v...w- arrw..du.s.maysole1w wswr Swills COWMAN au.mr ploffplonnenVell a,.rrr.: en n Ow* Sow SMIn iw./. etas
.‘fta infonnatzon
0 6 04 1 tulthiSi listing
May 27, 2009
615 Ctegr.,erit goevo Coibt, Suite. i 06
Lake Mary FL 32746
Attention.: Mr. William Anderson.,:P.B.
RE: PrOpOsal
ObOtedtuffa1 t4.0444i4.
St" e Road.434 at Tusci0 Road
Serra:nolo Conley, )ird.ii:
PSI V•roptital W.: 7514.111
Pot Mr. Andes
Pursuant to aur cOnvPr.sati904 aX14 YOUr rN4e.st POfeZiOnal $etvice li)datittet:,„ (FS1)• is pleated
tQ Submit the following proposal for performance. Oa '4.stirrace•tgergatten progiarn at the site of
the referenCed pre)er,;t. The stitstrface exploration will be conducted. to prOvide geotechniCal
infotroatiOn needed for Eksign, a a. ti•64! (tat-lane an ttate:Road44.
Project Information
The subject intersection is located in Seminole county, Florida. Based on information provided 10
PSI by yoti, i ioiz underStInding the proposed iinproVernerits will consist of:the addition rtf a 450
foot right-turn lane at SR 434 and Tuscora ItOad. The proposed turti will be on the eastbound
portion o f State Road 434.
Scope of6eoteelmical Services
The purpose of this study is to obtain information on the general substuface. conditions at the
proposed. project site. The subsurface materials encountered will then be evaluated with respect to
the available project characteristics.
Professional Service Industries, trio. 1748 33rd Sheet Orlando, FL. 32839 Phone 407/304-6580 Fax 407/3045561
Engineering Certificate of Authorization 3684
'May 27, 2009
14.. 7174-111 Page 2 of 4
In thiS regard, engineering assessments for the following items will be formulated.
1. Soil Subgrade preparation, including shipping, grghtif* .011d compaction.
13nenetring criteria for plaettnetit and dolt :46110 EipProVed structural fill
2. General location and description of potentially clelertctiOushkatetialS muck, clay,
debti§, eto eatotmtered in the borings That may interfere With construction or
Paskinent Petro/tinge.
3. identification of critical design or eonstrnetio (Ittnits, itouding toontittiqter levels
(inconntered and estiniated nonaI scasona) 14
4, Gebt i
e0,htict.11 design end construction Oggestions for fldxb1e pavements,
es***a.g the ericountere4 016gailt k 644 the measured V'ennct■vatei
5. Id** Q readv4y CrossIseeticin.s to evaluate the need for roadway underdrains.
Angtway plans to:116 Prviitled b'Y the prOjeot engineer.
The following servict* mg. be proVided in order to. achieve: the preeeding objeCtiveS:
1. RetieW redly available pub1tbed geOlogie and itnpographic. infOmaafpn: This
poRtglett' oado wio be iityttiod riot th*, lipprO'priate quadrangle map
pagief by 04 thiitoil Sgt k1oc tirvoy POO ki4 $nfVoY of
Seminole COOY.; 0011.0.' pti1140.00. by tile .United $httea Deptntirtent of
Agiletiltirre (USIOA.)SOil Consertatian Service OM
2.. E0otte.aprograrn of Sitifacesatetplifig And fieldtesthig, PSX prOposes to perform
ftInt anger *Ito withfo .the prod t4 ali6itt. The anger'hOrings wifl
be 5 ta 7 feet in 4ePth, Groundwater jeveIS will be *or*, wboo otiourftet.ed, ii
the orihgs gepieseritative Soil samples will be collected and placed: in glass jars for
trantertittion tp titir Wand* labbintOry.
3. Visually classify :and grant representative soil samples in thelaboratory using the
Unified Soil Classification System. Conduct a limited laboratory testing program to
cant= soil classification, Identity soil conditions at each boring location and form
an opinion of the site soil stratigraphje.
4. Collect groundwater level .measurements and estimate normal wet seasonal gh
groundwater levels.
5. The results of the field exploration and laboratory tests will be used in the
engineering analysis and in the formulation of our geoteehnical recommendations.
The results of the subsurface exploration, including the recommendations and the
data on which they are based, will be presented in a written report.
og May 27, 2009
:PST fir 6001 No. 157-9-111
Page 3 of 4
We are u a position to start work on this assignment within 2 to 3 clays or regeiVin0authotization to
ptogetd. The nelditrOtt will re4Uire 1 day to complete. Office enginaertg laboratory testing
will be mitrated diet teeiViiing a further 1 to 2 weeks to cmp1ete V.04 resits of our work
can be provided prior to issuing the filial report to accOthinOdate tore pitied 4Ednle.
Service Fee
It is proposed the fees for pettorroatiCe 0/the aboveotitlined services be deteonitied on a unit price
basis, in decordance with out attached Soled* of Services and tees, and the Work be p.erfOrrued
pursuant to our Gftral •COnclitiOt*. Cptes of Oa Schedule. of SerOiCed and Fees and General
Conditions are enclosed herewith and incorporated by refeience into thilkproposal. On the bais of
the esii.0104 quanfles and the Schedule of Services and, Fees, it is esdniatea the feet Will be
We .appiedate he oPPOrtIltOtY to or.* OUT .4 to. ybur 0).160 *ott took fclifivatd to working
ith you. If th*pioposal is acceptable please sign below as notice to proceed and renint one (1)
copy e tit 101)6144 !act tb ou t Offxce. Should you have any questions in regard to this ritoPossi,
please ao not hoSit4tO WOO* thi$ OMO.
ivoleof Engineer Oeoteehnicil Departirierit Manager
Schedule of Services •arid lees
•General Conditions
BY (Piesige Print):
777 :1;77
May 2009
PSI Prbijosal No. 757-9-111 Page 4 of 4
Proposed Turn-Lane Addition
State Road 434 at TastOra Road
Sncile Conn4r, Mori&
Urdt Total
Description. Ouantitv Rate Cost
A. Utility Layntit 2 Hours 45.,00 9o.0o
B. Anger Dotings (4.1g 7 feet 28 LF. $:$,00 224.00
Subtotal Field Iiiyatigaliiia 314.00
A. AnOvegitte for Vista' ClasSifiCatioft 1 Lump 290,00 S 200.00'
Pd Ltmiloa Lab rog stun
Subtotal Laboratory TestAxg 200.00
A. Ssitiat Prbject Engha" ter 1 Routs $11000. 110.00
a Project Engineer 4 HOU tS 90.00 360.00
cADtotatiin8 1 Hours 45,00 4/00
D. CleriOal 1 Hours 15.00 35.00
Subtotal Engiuteriag Services 550.00
This Task Order dated 2009, by and between the City of Winter Springs and
Johnson, Mirmiran, Thompson, Inc. (JMT), is mutually agreed upon and declared an
authorized Task Order based on the Agreement for Engineering Services dated September 10,
2008 (RFQ# 008 /08BF).
The scope of services, schedule, and fees shall be per the attached letter from JMT dated May 15,
y Wru-r V. AA Sc tv
Pnnt Name th Kevin L. Smith Print Name/Title: VICO' riavotartlot
-city .MankOr
Date: :tray/ 20 2009 Date: 3 I Co 2CJO9