HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1997 03 10 City Commission Regular Minutes
MARCH 10, 1997
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present
Deputy Mayor David McLeod, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Larry Conniff, present
Michael Blake, present
John Langellotti, present
Cindy Gennell, present
Mayor Partyka announced one agenda change and that was Regular Agenda Item H will be moved
to the front of the regular agenda.
Approval of Minutes of February 24. 1997:
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to approve the minutes of February 24, 1997.
Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: All aye. Motion passes.
Mayor Partyka read Resolution 813 expressing appreciation to Jackie Gieseler for her service on the
Mayor Partyka recognized former Mayor Philip Kulbes and former Mayor Leanne Grove, who were
present for the meeting.
Joseph Genova, Adidas Road, spoke in regards to the ambulance service and asked if the City
provided transportation on a non-emergency basis. Manager McLemore stated that he will answer
Mr. Genova's concerns in writing.
Wayne Nelson, 1104 Winged Foot Circle, representing Country Club Village and the Tennis
Membership at Tuscawilla Country Club, spoke regarding the tennis court restrooms being closed
because the water has been shut off and again asked the Commission to consider a 180 day
moratorium on all permits to be issued to building related to Arrowhead Units 1 &2, until a complete
understanding of all issues as they relate to the PUD and the settlement agreement, including
amendments thereto can be achieved. Discussion. Commissioner McLeod asked the City Manager
to look into the closing of the restrooms.
Attorney Kruppenbacher gave an up-date on the Tuscawilla Country Club issue. Attorney
Kruppenbacher stated that he was informed a week ago that there were three bills in the "rears" on
the Tuscawilla property and he and the City Manager reviewed those issues and said they are looking
as to whether or not the failure to maintain lights and water at the tennis courts, pool, etc. if this is
a breech of the earlier agreement that required the maintenance of the golf course facilities, and will
ask for guidance on this at the next meeting. Attorney Kruppenbacher said he will bring back to the
Commission, to pass on an emergency basis, an ordinance that says if someone holds several water
and/or sewer accounts with the City and when paid the City applies the payment to the account that
is the most in the "rears" and if the account is not brought current, everything gets shut off. Attorney
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Kruppenbacher said this emergency ordinance is not just because of Mr. Mikes.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said he and Attorney McIntosh has completed a review of every record that
is possessed in the City and said they are going to Tallahassee on Wednesday to meet with the
Department of Community Affairs to review their records; and said they are planning to be in a
finalized position within the next two weeks. And will give the Commission an opinion on every issue
they have been able to identify legally and planning wise regarding the golf course and the two
parcels. In addition, he was advised this evening by the Attorneys in Tampa, that have filed the
foreclosure action, that they had amended their lawsuit to name the City of Winter Springs as an
additional party to the lawsuit; not to seek damages against the City of Winter Springs, but to simply
identify to the court that the City has an interest in the proceedings by virtue of the agreements the
City has and that the property, etc. is involving it. The Attorneys asked ifhe (Kruppenbacher) would
accept service of process for the City and said his recommendation, unless the Commission objects,
is that the Commission agrees to let him do that, because he thinks the City has some interest to be
protected through that and in that lawsuit. Attorney Kruppenbacher said they are evaluating and will
give a final recommendation on should we file an action to enforce the provision that requires
maintenance of the facilities. Discussion. It was the consensus of the Commission to authorize
Attorney Kruppenbacher to take action with the lawsuit from the Attorneys in Tampa.
Manager McLemore mentioned to the Commission that late this afternoon, Mr. Mikes came into the
Building Department and asked for a demolition permit for the tennis courts and pool; and stated that
the City will not issue the demolition permit until such time that a Judge says we have to.
Bruce Bower, Shore Road, thanked the City for the stop signs on Shore Road and asked that the
Police Department be villagent and take more steps if necessary for speeding in that area.
Joanne Krebs, Taproot Drive, spoke about the B.F.I. contract. Ms. Krebs also asked questions
regarding workshops, and what course of action should be taken if a citizen has information for the
Commission on a decision that they will be making and what is Public Comment used for.
Mayor Partyka said with regards to workshops and regular meetings, the citizens should come to any
meeting that makes sense to them and said to have as many people present at the meetings to make
a point. In terms of public comment, the Commission allows public comment on any item or issue
at any meeting. In terms of information to pass on to the Commission, the information should get
the information to the Commission on a timely manner for their review.
Harold Scott, Augusta National Boulevard, said that he is concerned that on Lot 6, Parcel I of the
Tuscawilla PUD, he thinks they are getting ready to bulldoze out the sand traps to put a house there
and said he is concerned that it is infringing on the golf course. Mr. Scott also said he is concerned
about the City's consultant fees and said that this should go out for competitive bids. Mr. Scott also
spoke about spending money for trailheads.
Rick Fetty, Gold Crest Court, spoke regarding Regular Agenda Item J and asked about the wall, and
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road maintenance on VistawillaDrive; also lots 66 through 75 back up to or are part of the low land
drainage of the 100 year flood elevation plan and about the increase from 80 lots to 82 lots; and the
time estimate for the Fire Station that is to be built in that area.
Ed Martinez, Leopard Trail, spoke for the Tuscawilla Homeowners Association, and said he supports
Mr. Fetty's statements and also mentioned the addition of the two lots, the construction traffic and
the wall with regards to Regular Agenda Item 1.
Parks and Recreation Department
H. Requests that the Commission accept a gift of furnishings and equipment for the Winter Springs
Senior Corporation, Inc., for use in the Winter Springs Senior center. PURPOSE: to recognize this
gift as a symbol of appreciation from the Seniors to the commission and to accept the furnishings and
equipment as public property:
Gladys Zahand, President of the Senior Center, stated that she is present to present to the
Commission a gift of the assets that the Senior Center has acquired in the last ten years.
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to accept the gift from the Senior's to be donated
to the City in the amount of $9,500 from 11,505.00. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff.
Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner
Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner ConnitT: aye. Motion passes.
Mayor Partyka presented Ms. Zahand on behalf of the Commissioners, a plaque of appreciation for
the contribution of the assets to the City.
Ms. Zahand mentioned that the Seniors are planning a 10 year celebration and asked if the Seniors
could work with the City to put on an Anniversary Celebration and also at the same time the Senior
Center will be dedicated to former Mayor Philip Kulbes. The Commission was in consensus to have
the celebration and a date will be set in the near future for the celebration.
Parks and Recreation Department
A. Requests that the Commission authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Conklin,
Porter and Holmes Engineers, Inc., for topographic survey services for the City parks at a cost not
to exceed $11,300.00 as authorized in the provisions of Commission AmenQment 52 for engineering
consulting services:
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by
Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner
Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Blake:
aye. Motion passes.
Commissioner McLeod asked if the information from C.P.H. would be put on a disk for the City.
Kip Lockcuff, Public Works/Utility Director, said yes. Manager McLemore stated he will make that
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a stipulation of the contract.
Police Department
A. Providing the Commission with information regarding the implementation of a revised duty
schedule. PURPOSE: to provide the Commission with information concerning the implementation
of a 12-hour shift plan within the Police Department:
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to accept the Informational Agenda. Seconded
by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner
McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner
Langellotti: aye. Motion passes.
Community Development Department
A. Requests the City Commission to approve the first reading for adoption of Ordinance No. 650
to annex a .229 acre parcel located on the north side of State Road 434 approximately 3,000 feet east
of US. 17/92. PURPOSE: to request the Commission approve the first reading of Ordinance 650 to
annex a .229 acre parcel that would be developed along with two other parcels into a Winn-Dixie
Grocery Store:
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to approve first reading of Ordinance 650 and
to read by title only. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner
McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner
Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion passes. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord.
650 by title only.
Land Development Coordinator
B. Requesting Commission action on the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board that
the Stone Gable PUD Master Plan be approved. PURPOSE: to forward to the Commission the
Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation that the Master Plan for the Stone Gable PUD be
approved. This property is located on the south side ofS.R. 434 to the immediate west of the DOT
retention pond. west of Winding Hollow Boulevard:
Donald LeBlanc stated that Don McIntosh, representing the developer is present to give the
Commission a presentation. Don McIntosh presented his request to the Commission.
Commissioner Blake asked about the placement of the front wall. Mr. McIntosh stated that Staff
recommended and the applicant agreed to move the wall as close to the lots as possible, such that the
buffer easement will favor the r-o-w.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to approve the recommendation of the
Planning and Zoning Board as it relates to the Stone Gable Master PUD Master Plan.
Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
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Land Development Coordinator
C. Requesting Commission action on the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board that
t he Stone Gable PUD Final Subdivision PlanlPreliminary Engineering be approved. PURPOSE: to
forward to the Commission the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation that the Final
Subdivision Plan/Preliminary Engineering for the Stone Gable PUD be approved. This property is
located on the south side of S.R 434 to the immediate west of the DOT retention pond, west of
Winding Hollow Boulevard:
Commissioner McLeod mentioned that he was unhappy with the 50' sites, but it passed with the
zoning. Commissioner McLeod asked about the location of the 6' aluminum picket fence. Mr.
McIntosh said it is scheduled to be on the west side of the commercial property and said there is no
requirement for a fence there but it is proposed by the applicant to add additional screening.
Commissioner McLeod said he feels that in a short period of time the aluminum fence will look worse
than nothing and said it is his personal opinion is that instead of a fence it needs to be a brick wall or
block wall with stucco on it and said aluminum fences are not attractive at all after a period of time.
Mr. McIntosh said he could safely state (for the applicant) that they would rather build nothing then
a brick wall on the commercial. Commissioner McLeod said he feels that a nice landscaping buffer
would be nicer than to have an aluminum fence. Commissioner McLeod asked if the developer is
following the guidelines (as we're laying out with the 434 vision) with regards to landscaping. Mr.
LeBlanc said they are attempting to. Mr. McIntosh said the spirit is embraced by this applicant and
in the developer's agreement there is reference to a split faced block wall as a standard for the wall
and the applicant has opted and asked for clarification that a brick wall is an improvement of that
standard and that is what they are asking to build on the highway and that is more than the
developer's agreement required them to do, but says he thinks it is consistent with what is trying to
be done along the corridor.
Commissioner Gennell said where the wall is going to be along the front of S.R 434, how many feet
will it be set back from the R-O-W. Mr. McIntosh said there is a IS' buffer, and we had asked the
L.P.A. for some flexibility such that the wall did not have to be placed exactly on the terminal end of
that easement; in other words to provide some flexibility for cut-outs and such so that the landscaping
could be done creatively; but it will be within the southern 5' of the 15' buffer, and for the most part
directly adjacent to the subdivision itself. Commissioner Gennell asked about the sidewalks and the
landscaping and asked ifit was the applicant's intention to move the shrubs a few feet back from the
sidewalk. Mr. McIntosh said the way the sidewalks generally run they run in the RO.W. and in this
case they will be at 7 to 10 feet between the back of the walk and the wall, which will give plenty of
room to house the landscaping.
Commissioner Gennell asked about lot clearing as she has had complaints from residents in different
areas of the City, that move into lots where there are trees along the rear of their property and then
a developer sells the back lots and all the trees are bulldozed down and asked that were it isn't
necessary to go in and just do clearing to leave some trees. Mr. McIntosh said in this instance, there
are no trees in that area.
Commissioner Blake said he has a problem with the 50' lots and asked what is the need to have 50'
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lots on this parcel. Mr. McIntosh said the development agreement contemplated it and the applicant
has determined that in order for him to be able to develop the property he needs this many lots in
order to deal with it in the market place and an area that is completely void of vegetation, allows for
a more dense development; also we have the transitional issues, we have commercial properties to
the west and north, and F.D.O.T. retention to the east and a power line. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to approve AgelIlda Item C with the two caveats
from the Planning and Zoning and the recommendations of Staff. Seconded by Commissioner
Langellotti. Discussion. Attorney Kruppenbacher said on page 7 of the agenda item,
paragraph 1, refers to the term the concrete wall is spelled out in the settlement agreements,
there are no settlement agreements, it should state developer's agreement. Vote:
Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Blake: nay; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
Community Development Department
D. Requests the City Commission to approve the first reading for adoption of Ordinance NO.652 to
change the Future Land Use designation of a .229 acre parcel located on the north side of State Road
434 approximately 3,000 feet east of U.S. 17/92. PURPOSE: to request the Commission approve the
first reading of Ordinance No. 652 to change the Future Land Use designation of a .229 acre parcel,
that would be developed along with two other parcels into a Wino-Dixie Grocery Store, from County
designation "Commercial" to City designation "Commercial":
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to approve the first reading of Ord. 652 by title
only. Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 652 by title
only. Attorney Kruppenbacher pointed out that in the agenda Item D says that it is a request for a
change and identifies the purpose to allow a Wino-Dixie to be developed, we need to clarify one thing
and that is there is no guarantee a Wino-Dixie is going to be developed, the Commission is converting
it to commercial property and are not contracting for a Winn-Dixie and said he just wanted to make
sure the Commission understands that.
Community Development Department
E. Requests the City Commission to approve the first reading for adoption of Ordinance No. 653 to
change the zoning designation of a .229 acre parcel located on the north side of State Road 434
approximately 3,000 feet east of U.S. 17/92. PURPOSE: to request the Commission to approve the
first reading of Ordinance No. 653 to change the zoning designation of a .229 acre parcel, that would
be developed along with two other parcels into a Wino-Dixie Grocery Store, from County designation
C-2 "Retail Commercial District" to City designation C-l "Neighborhood Commercial":
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve the first reading of Ordinance 653 by
title only. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff:
aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 653 by title only
and stated that the same comments he had on Item D also applies for this item.
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Bob Miller, Silvercreek Drive, spoke regarding this item.
Mayor Partyka call a recess at 8:05 p.m. Mayor Partyka reconvened the meeting at 8: 15 p.m.
General Services Department
F. Requests the City Commission reconsider purchasing a surplus Christmas Sled from the Orlando
Naval Training Center for use in the City of Winter Springs Annual Holiday Parade. PURPOSE: to
allow the Commission to make a decision as to whether they want to place a bid on a Christmas Sled
for use in the City of Winter Springs Annual Holiday Parade:
Art Hoffinann, Mt. Laurel Drive, representing the Civic Association, said one problem with this item
is that it is difficult to store it, we are looking at possible storage areas and if we can't then it becomes
a mute subject and asked if the Commission could defer the bidding until the Civic Association's
meeting on Thursday.
Mayor Partyka stated that with speaking with the Manager, they discussed that this could be used in
other places such as when Santa visits neighborhoods, or potentially rent it out to other Cities. In
regards to storing we could look into asking the School Board to store it at the Bus Depot or Winter
Springs High School.
Commissioner McLeod stated another possibility could be the new Police Department as they have
an additional 3,000 sq.ft., under roof, with a dirt floor and maybe it could be stored there as presently
that is not supposed to be used for anything and it does have a garage door on it. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to bid $1,000 on the Christmas Sled. Motion died
for lack of a second.
Commissioner Gennell asked if the Commission decides to bid on this, where would the money come
from. Manager McLemore stated it will come from the General Fund Reserves.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to bid $1,800 on the Christmas Sled, subject to
having an adequate place to store it. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote:
Commissioner Blake: nay; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: nay. Motion passes.
Parks and Recreation Department
G. Requests the Commission authorize the City Manager to expend $12,500.00 to enter into a
contract with Michael Design Associates, Inc., for planning services related to two (2) trailheads and
trail alignment for the Florida National Scenic Trail through the City of Winter Springs at a cost of
$9,992.00 and to provide for $2,468.00 in related reimbursable. PURPOSE: to procure professional
planning services and information needed to facilitate the development of two (2) trailheads in Winter
Springs included in the County Trail Master Plan, and to provide the information that will be needed
to apply for grant funding for the trailheads design and improvements:
Manager McLemore said the process of trail building is moving along very rapidly. We have received
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some communication from County officials and after talking this through with Staff, we believe the
best way to deal with this is to enter into an agreement with Michael & Michael because they are the
people the County listens to. It was our feeling that would give us the best coordinated approach and
the most intelligent approach to plug into the trail network and achieving early results. Manager
McLemore said there is an element of emergency to this and that is that there is funding cycles that
start in April that we have to meet in order to begin implementation at the earliest point in time. We
are basically trying to position ourselves strategically to be abl~ to implement as quickly as possible
and to reach into the dollars that have been made available at this point in time for the building of the
trail system. Manager McLemore stated the consultant will give more detail on that.
Forest Michael, with Michael Design Associates, Inc., showed the Commission a map depicting the
trail and greenway system through Central Florida. Mr. Michael stated that the arrows at the top and
bottom is the Florida National Scenic Trail and this trail garners Federal support and also State wide
support for funding. To date, Seminole County has been the recipient of approximately half a million
dollars in funding for the Florida National Scenic Trail. That funding will go into the improvements
of a bridge structure over Howell Creek (for safety reasons), this funding comes from the Department
of Transportation and it's a program that D.O.T. has to help fund bicycle and pedestrian facilities for
people of all ages. Mr. Michael said one thing they have accomplished with the U.S. Forest Service,
who manages the Florida National Scenic Trail is to bring the National Scenic Trail from Spring
Hammock through downtown Winter Springs and through downtown Oviedo and out to the Econ
River. D.O. T. is looking at Seminole County very closely and it is the goal of this proposal to
propose an additional half a million dollars this coming year to the County but then to get the locals
interest relative to what the local Cities want and that includes both Winter Springs and Oviedo, what
the Cities want from the County relative to trailheads and infrastructure improvements. This does
not just include paved asphalt trails, we are also talking about the possibility for a downtown
infrastructure, including bricks, motor, signage and actual trailhead buildings/open air shelters.
Mr. Michael said what they are proposing to do is to give the County the City's input relative to
specifically to what the City wants and it is their goal to help build a much stronger application to
both the Central office D.O.T in Tallahassee and the District office D.O.T. in Deland so that we can
ask for more funding through both offices.
Manager McLemore said the emergency nature of this is to meet this funding deadline or we
potentially loose the opportunity. Discussion. Mr. Michael stated that to date, Winter Springs will
actually be the recipient of part of the half a million dollars that they brought in last year to the
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve Item G. Seconded by Commissioner
Conniff. Discussion. Commissioner Blake withdrew his motion. Commissioner Conniff
withdrew his second.
Harold Scott, Augusta National Boulevard, spoke regarding this item.
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Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve Item G, and enter a finding of an
emergency on this situation due to funding mechanisms at the State level, so that we may enter
into this agreement with Michael & Associates without going through the normal bidding
process. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti:
nay; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Blake: aye. Motion passes.
City Manager
I. Requesting the Commission consider approval of First Reading of an Ordinance to amend the FY
97 Budget. PURPOSE: to have the Commission amend the FY 97 Budget to update fund balances
from new information provided in the FY 96 Audit, approve new funding strategies, approve new
proposed spending, memorialize new spending already approved by the Commission and to
memorialize line item transfer approved by the City Manager:
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to approve first reading of Ord. 640 and to read
by title only. Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod:
aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye;
Commissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion passes. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 640 by title
Land Development Coordinator
1. Requesting Commission action on the recommendation of the Staff Review Board that the
Tuscawilla Tract 15, Parcel 3, Final Engineering be approved with stipulations. PURPOSE: to
forward to the City Commission the recommendation of the Staff Review Board that the Final
Engineering for Tuscawilla Tract 15, Parcel 3, be approved with stipulations. This property is located
south of S.R. 434 and to the immediate east of Howell Creek:
Mr. LeBlanc stated that Staff has reviewed this project and has recommended approval with 9
stipulations; Mr. Ray Bradick of Bowyer Singleton, representing the project is present for any
Mr. Bradick, consulting engineers on this project, and stated that they agree with the Staff
recommendation and will answer any questions concerning the project and gave a brief summary of
the project.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated a Staff recommendation was no direct access to the property from
S.R. 434, unless D.O.T. has completed the left turn lane and it they don't do the left turn lane then
the developer has to do it; all construction traffic will come off of S.R. 434 onto Vistawilla then
across to the project. Attorney Kruppenbacher asked if the City can include in the stipulation that
would require the developer to notify all contractors and have them sign a document that they
recognize that they are not allowed to go into the PUD, beyond the project.
Mr. LeBlanc mentioned that there is a statement that the developer will be responsible for any damage
to Vistawilla Drive and stated that the City Engineer and Public Works Director will check Vistawilla
Drive prior to construction commencing.
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Discussion on the left turn lane.
Attorney Michael Jones, Attorney for the developer, spoke regarding the project.
Ann Schlayman, Onita Court, spoke about the safety issue with the left turn lane.
Ed Martinez, Leopard Trail, representing the Tuscawilla Homeowners Association, spoke about this
agenda item.
Mayor Partyka called a recess at 9:50 p.m. Mayor Partyka reconvened the meeting at 10:02 p.m.
Discussion on this item. It was determined that the City Manager will work with Attorney Jones and
with D.O. T. on the matter of the left turn lane.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve the Final Engineering of Tuscawilla
Tract 15, Parcel 3, based on Staff's findings of fact and subject their stipulations that are
numerated in the agenda package, one through nine - excluding #2 and 3 and anything else
that allows the developer to access the property through Vistawilla and also exclude #7 which
redefines substantial development; also to state that #3 will !remain with the exception of that
verbiage relating to the allowance of access to the property through Vistawilla from 434; also
all contractors and subcontractors will be duly notified of the restriction of traffic on Vistawilla
Boulevard and through the remainder of the Tuscawilla PUD as outlined in #3. Seconded by
Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissione!r Langellotti: aye; Commissioner
Blake: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff:
aye. Motion passes.
K. City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher:
No Report.
L. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore:
Manager McLemore reminded the Commission of the meeting on Monday, March 17, 1997.
Manager McLemore asked the Commission about their "feed back" regarding renovations at City
Hall. It was the consensus of the Commission to have the City Manager bring back to the
Commission a proposal.
Manager McLemore mentioned that he has only received one proposal for the assessment district and
will report back to the Commission at the March 24, 1997 meeting.
Manager McLemore said an issue has been brought to him relative to the use of Police for the St.
Patrick's Day Run, and said there is approximately 4 to 5 hundred dollars in cost and the sponsors
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for the Run are asking for the City to contribute the Police time for this effort. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake that the three activities: St. Patrick's Day Run, the
Holiday Parade and the Winter Springs Art Festival, that the City provide those necessary
Police and Public Safety Officials that are required for the appropriate crowd control, safety,
etc., and that the City allow other charitable organizations non-profit type community
activities to come before this Commission and request the same treatment. Seconded by
Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner
McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner
Langellotti: nay. Motion passes.
Manager McLemore said through the Recreation Department, we are starting the planning process
for the Park, which he believes it is the will of the Commission to be named the John V. Torcaso
Park, which is the property between the Fire Facility and the new Public Safety Complex. Manager
McLemore stated that the Police and Fire Departments are enthusiastic about being involved with this
process and involved with Recreational Programing that will get the youth involved in positive
programs. Manager McLemore said as a Staff, we would like to "kick" off the planning process with
a small neighborhood type barbeque situation as a way of getting people out and participate and focus
on what we are trying to do. Manager McLemore mentioned that this would cost very little money,
probably 4 to 5 hundred dollars at the most. Discussion. It was the consensus of the Commission to
expend the money to hold the neighborhood B.B.Q.
M. Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff: a) Appointment to the Commerce & Industry Dev. Board:
_Commissioner Conniff stated he did not have an appointment to the C.I.D.B. Board at this time.
Commissioner Conniff stated that the Commission should look at the Police and Fire Department with
possibly adding more employees because of the development in the City and around the City.
N. Commission Seat II - Michael Blake:
Commissioner Blake mentioned that he was informed that Russ Robins, B.O.W.S. Board member
will be moving and will no longer be able to serve on that Board as of April 1, 1997.
Commissioner Blake stated he would like to appoint Artania Helgison to the B.O.W.S. Board.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to appoint Artania Helgison to the B.O.W.S.
Board. Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye.
Motion passes.
Commissioner Blake asked the City Manager to look into why the Employee Pension payments are
taking up to 7 days to be deposited.
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O. Commission Seat III - John Langellotti:
No Report.
P. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell:
No Report.
O. Commission Seat V - David McLeod:
Commissioner McLeod thanked Russ Robins for his service to the community.
Commissioner McLeod mentioned a letter Mike Jones and the Homeowner Association's
Architectural Control Board.
R. Mayor's Office - Paul P. Partyka:
Mayor Partyka thanked the Co
Mayor Partyka mentioned a free concert give by the Notre Dame Glee Club to be held at St. Stephens
Church to be held on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to extend the meeting past 11 :00 p.m. Seconded by
Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Commissioner Langellotti withdrew his motion; Commissioner
McLeod withdrew his second.
Mayor Partyka stated that the workshop on telecommunication towers will be held on Monday,
March 17, 1997 after the Special Meeting..
The meeting adjourned at 11 :05 p.m.
Re. spectfully Sub~t~d, At. .. .
~A..IAC~ ~
Mftfg;~. Hopkins, City Clerk