HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 04 27 Consent Item G
April 27, 1998
REQUEST: City Manager is requesting authorization from the City Commission to execute
two (2) c;ontract proposals for technical work relating to the Florida Communities
Trust P-:2000 and the Greenways and Trails grant applications.
The purpose ofthis agenda item is to request the Commission authorize the City Manager
to execute contracts with Michael Design Associates and Breedlove, Dennis & Associates
for preparation of technical portions of the Florida Communities Trust P-2000 and the
Greenways and Trails grant applications (see attachments).
The state Departments of Community Affairs and Environmental Protection have
funds appropriated for land acquisition to be used to enhance a local or regional
network of greenways.
On April 13, 1998, the City staff informed the Commission of its desire to submit
two (2) grant applications in an attempt to receive funds to purchase land for
greenspaces within the Town Center.
The deadline for the Florida communities Trust grant application is April 27, 1998
and the Office of Greenways and Trails application deadline is April 30, 1998.
Certain a.spects of the grant application require technical expertise in vegetative
biology, endangered animal species, computer assisted digital mapping, and
landscape architecture. The contracts address these technical aspects.
APRIL 27, 1998
Page 2
Staff prepared eighty percent of the work on the Florida Communities Trust grant
application with assitance from the consultants. Michael & Associates is preparing
one hundred percent of the Greenway and Trails appliction.
It is recommended that the City Commission authorize the City Manager to execute two
(2) contract proposals for technical work relating to the Florida Communities Trust and
Greenways and Trails grant applications, in the amount of$ 25,015.00.
Payment will be from the general fund.
Breedlove Dennis
Michael Design
Florida Communities Trust
$ 2,000
$ 12,000
$ 14,000
Greenways and Trails
$ 11,015
$ 11,015
$ 2,000
$ 23,015
$ 25,015
1. Contract from Michael Design Associates, (revised April 13, 1998).
2. Contract from Breedlove, Dennis & Associates, Inc., dated April 7, 1998.
04/20/98 MON 11:38 FA!
iii 001
I ncorpor:tted
March 28. 16198
Mr. Charles Carrington
Community Development Director
City of Wintelr Springs
Winter Sprinus, Florida
Re: Prop4~1 for:
Gram: Application for the Public Spaces Acquisition
and the Realignment of the Tran Corridor
City of Winter Springs Town Center
Dear Charles,
The following proposal Item I is for both Preservation 2000 applications and If is for the proposed
realignment of the trail on the Schrimsher's property, including the following items.
City of Winter Springs, Florida
1126 EastS.R. 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Michael Design Associates, Inc. (MDA)
400 W. New England, Ste. 1
Winter Park, FL 32789
R~~:. ~WlID'
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APR 2 P 1998
Communi';y C?ev6;.Jp:';"ISR.t-
M ic:bsel Design
Associates, IDCo
~bWdu:d 1983
400 West New England Avcnl1l:,
Suite 1. Winter Pm. Florida 32789
fo1orida Licc:tuc LC-<l000322
Telephone (407) 645-3377. fa:c (4n7) (1.45-1760
cmtlil; M&:sig"fOO@:IOLcom
04/20/98 ~ON 11:42 F.~
Mr. Cb3rles CaniDgtoD.~ Community Developmeut Director
Proposal for Services
".-\" Hourly fcc I3n::<lI,,,!l.nnl Michael Design Associates, Inc.
Grant Application Assistance and Trail Realignment . '
No. Proposal Items Hours:
Pre.. M r Planner CAD 0
- I P:2000-Appl~ A
. . .
A Inventory
1 Schrimshet meetinns (3 @ 3 Hrs.)
2 Blumburg meetings (2 @ 3 Hrs.)
3 Kingsbury meetings: (2 @ 2 Hm.)
4 Lk Jesup meetings [2 @ 2 Hrs.)
5 Parks & Recr...Cent Winds Park
B Properties Mapping
C State Agency Meetings
FDCA-FL Communi,t Trust (1)
FDEP-Greenways 8~ Trails (1)
FL Trails Council (1)
A fication Prepal'3Uon lterns
A Analysis (mostly in Town Plan) 3 4 3 2
B Equitable Partneril:tg Oetenninations
1 City Worksession
a 2 4 0 2
b 6 7 0 5
2 LandownerJOevefclper Worksession
a 2 4 0 2
b 6 5 0 5
3 State Responsibili'ties Determination
a 0 0 0 0
b 0 0 0 0
C Corridor Realignment Plans 2 8 34 2
0 Public and Agenq' Meetings
FDEP-oGT. USFS, FOOT (1 joint a 10 0 6
meetlng in Tallah~lSSee)
Seminole County Planning & 3 4 0 2
Engineering for tmil coord (2)
CPH City's Drainago Consultant 3 0 0 2
W.Sp. Public Trails Users Meeting 4 5 2 4
In W.S . C.HaII w/pre . Ci )
Total Hours: 79 124 87 49
Rates: $ 82.00 $ 78.00 $ 53.00 $ 46.00
Total Fee for Items 1 and II: $6.478.00 $ 9,672.00 $4,611.00 $2,254.00 $23,015.00
APR 2 01998
,..___.,...;~ nAveloomeAt
04/20/98 XON 11:38 ~~
iii 002
Mr. Charles Carrington. Commwlity Developmeut Director
ProposaJ for Services
· Florida Communities Trust (FCT) partial
I Office of Greenways and Trails (OGT) complete
This portion of the proposal is for planning services related to the prepar.ation and submittal of 2
Preservation 2000 grants for the City of WInter Springs Town Center public~spaces as defined in the
recent Town Center Planning Worksession. This effort will be coordinated with the City and
landowners as feasible within this scope of services. MDA WIll submit info*"aticn to the City for the
Florida Communities Trust (FCT) grant application for the following items i
~Qa Item
9 1a1 and think about 1a2
13 2d 1 and 2, 3, 5 and think about 4
16 3e and I and J
MOA will submit the OGT Greenways and Trails application in its entirety an~ requests the sharing of "
information bet-veen the City and the Consultant :
[please note: None of the plans proposed by MDA represent construction documents, but
are only intended to be used to convey the intent of the Applicatio~l.
Inventory Phase
MDA Vlrll perform the Inventory Phase of the grant application process incl?ding the following items:
Inventory Meetings :
MDA will perform interviews of participants involved in the Applications to further define the
Issues associated with the proposed acquisition including but not limited to the following
IndiViduals and entities (see Fee Breakdown fer hours involved witf1 meetings):
Schrimsher, Lake Jesup RE Bro~er
Parks and Recreation for Central Winds Park area
City's Drainage Engineering Con~ultant
(Local tra~ managers) ;
Landowners: Bills Landscape prPperty, Par1<er. Leardon
Blumberg, Kingsbury :
B. Propelrties Mapping ,
MDA will modify the Town Center Master Plan computer files to re~ect ~pecific application lands
acquisition parcels during the Inventory Phase to detail specific site inform~tion such as approximate
boundaries, acreage, and real site features. This plan wOl be the tool wh!Ch will convey the overall
intent c~ each ApplicaOOn to the State. If accurate survey information is ava~able, this infonnatlon will
be inalrporated into the map or attached as feasible. j
City of W.Spr.
Conklin Porter Homes
Seminole Co.
Meetings by CIty:
c. State Agencies Meeting :
It is important that the maximum number of lands be acquired with a miniri,Jum of required matching
funds. It is important to have adequate meetings with the appropriate agency staffs to make the
detennination of the most desirable structuring of the application(s). It is airticipated that a minimum
of 1 ml!eting in Tallahassee with the two agencies (FOEP and FOCA). :
M iehaeJ Desigo
Associates. IDC-
~1.ish\!Q 1983
400 WcstNew England Avenue.
Suite: 1, Winler P1rl. Florida 32789
florid3 License LC-0000322
Telepbone (407) 645-3377. fax (407) 645-Ji60
cmail: Mdc:si~OO@aol.com
04/20/98 MON 11:39 FA!
Mr. Charles CarriD;~D, Community Development Director
Proposal for ServiCl!S
D. Appllication Preparation 1
In addition to the Properties Mapping proposed in item A2 abQve, approp)iately written narrative is
reqUired Ie convey the Appllcatlcn information 10 the agencies.. MDA will provide this narrative fer each
property tD convey lhe existing site conditfons and the anticipated public use r[equirements (greenways
conrlectlons, recreational, interpretive, etc.), to achieve the maximum n~mber of points and the
greallest ranking priority. This effort war be coordinated directly with City Sfaff ~hich will be coordinating
the clVeraU FCT Application preparation items. I
This portion of1t1e proposal is for the coordination assistance to the City for the trail relocation between
the landowner and the State. The majority of this proposal is for the ~nalysis of the proposed
real~/nment and the coordination meetings associated with that effort 1
A. ~~is
1. Environmental, Drainage, GeotechnicaJ !
The realignment of the traJl away from the historic railbed will requlre!increased environmental
analyses and permitting. MDA will rely on the Landowner/Developer (Schrimsher Properties)
to supply the jurisdrctional wetlands determination information as they have indicated that they
have previously obtained from the SJRWMD, the US ACOE. and relevant back-up data. MOA
will seek to verify the accuracy of this information as feasible but does not propose lr:l retain
an environmental subconsultant within this proposal, to p,.qvfde additional certified
environmental determinations. We will utilize the Rollins College Department of
Environmenfal SlualeS 10 assist with In-house environmental review of the Landowner supplied
information, for pre--survey planning purposes. Additionally, the Gity has retained BOA to
perform environmental analyses. :
[Note: The Schrimsher's original realignment propos~:ll to the City is for the
realignment of the trail from the original corridor to the ~dge of the jurisdictional
wet1ands. Additionally, the Town Center Master Plan calls for the realignment of the
paved multiuse bail to occur around the existing isolafSd wetlands adjacent to
Magnolia Square. The proper determination of these wetlands is critical to the
success of this proposal due to the inherent wetness of the Schrimsher site and the
potential difficulties and permits associated with buffding ai paved trail on a wet site].
" .
It is"recommended that the City, County. and Landowner jointly address geotechnical issues
related to the proposed development of a paved and unpaved trail on these lands. County
Planning (trail managers) and Engineering will be consulted. "
2. ExistIng Roadways (City, County and FOOT) . !
MOA will incorporate the latest FOOT SR 434 ~nslon plarys at'ld Seminole County
Tuscawllla Road (and other County roadways) expansion plans whiq1 may have an impact on
the proposed realignment MDA will coordinate a conceptual d~termination of a desired
location for the future SR 434 Trail Overpass and will add~ various traU user group
alignment Issues. :
Michael Design
A.uociat~ lac.
~IW1cd 1983
400 West N,-'W England Avenue.
Suite 1. Winll:l' Ptlrk, Florida 32789
rlorida Liccn5c LC~000322
Telepbone (407) 645-JJt7 . ji:a (407) 645-3760
cmail: Mdcsi~OO@lI.OLcom
O~/20/98 XON 11:39 F~
Mr. Charles Carril1~rton, Community Development Director
Proposal for Services
Trail Recreation Opportunities .
MDA will help to further define the potential for trail related recrea#onaJ opportunities along
the proposed realignment including but not limited to a potential acicess to lake Jesup from
the trail, a potential Town Center TraJlhead site, and other areas noW concePtually defined in
the Town Center Master Plan. i
Equitable Partnering Oetenninations
MDA 'Will assist the City facilitate the various responsibilities associated with the planning, design, and
develtJPment costs associated with the proposed trail realignment It is recommended that the City and
this Consultant facilitate Partnering Meetfngs: i
1. City ReaJignment Responsibilities Worksession (City and Consultant)
a. City and Consultant to address equitable tradeoff issues prior to Landowner
Worksesslon !
b. Consultant to prepare tables of tradeoff issues and V;;#ues prior to Landowner
Worksession i
2. Landowner/DeveJoper Responsibilities Worksession (C;ty, Consultant, and
Landowners) !
a. Consultant to provide further coordination of "trade off" items which will be used by
the cay, Schrrnsher, and the State to help detennine an equitable distnbution of traa
development, land dedications, and purchase opportunities
b. Consultant to assist the City in the conceptual costs est(mate of "trade off" items
detennined in 2.a above i
3. State Responsibilities Oetennination (by City) !
a. Review (by FOEP) of purchase value of existing greenway :corridor (purchased from
CSXT in early 1997) i
b. Appraisals (by FOE? and City) of existing lands proposed ifor realignment
C. Corrielor Realignment Plans ,
From the information derived from the items detailed above. MDA will provide a layout plan of the
reaJigrled corridor defining the corridor baseline, centerline, and bound~ for the new corridor as it
deviates from the exJstfng FOEP corridor. Additional infonnatlon such as potential trail recreational
sites (t.ake Jesup Boardwalk, Town Center Trailhead, etc.) will also be deflried. This mapping WIll be
the initial tool to convey the alignment to the State, the surveyors and the ~andowner.
[plan Information: The plans will be prepared in Autccad 14 1n a FOOT plans fcnnat
individually on 11" x 17" sheets at approximately 1" = 50' and one overall Site Plan wtlr be
proW::led illustrating the entire realignment The accuracy of the MpA realignment plans WIll
be considered "pretmlnarY' until an offlciaf (FOE? approved) survey is accom pUshed, at which
time the offICial (FOEP approved) survey will have priority over thei MeA realignment plan.]
D. Public and Agency Meetings i
One trip to Ta/Jahassee for meetfngs with the Office of Greenways & Trails,! USFS, FOOT, and other
necessary agencies wif be provided in this effort 10 CtJrTVey the proposed real~nmenl Additionally, the
Consultant will attend a public meeting for trail user groups, the County ~nd FDEP to present the
realignment plans for the corridor. !
Michael Design
ASSOCiat6, rnc.
I!ill1blw.:d 1983
4(]O West New EngJandAvcnuc,
Sui~ I. Win~r PlU'k. J-lorida 32789
F'Iorida License LC.Q000322
Telephone (407) 645-JJ~7 -}o:: (407) 64j.3760
=nail: Mdc:ti~OO@aol.com
O~/20/98 XON 11:~O F.~
Mr. Charles OlrriD~tton, Community Development Director
Proposal for Services
(8re~lkdown of items I and II are attached)
Item 1- Preservation 2000 Applications
Item II - Trail Realignment
Subb)taJ of Items I and"
Projed Reimbursables (See attached breakdown)
$ 1,356.00
Totall Fee:
Fee Proposal Notes: ,
It is important to note that the items listed above are conceptual and are not,construction plans. Cost
esfima1es are not provided for improvements to the greenspace, circulation j:lr public gathering space
elem ents because this is a proposal for acquisition, and not development! The plan scales will vary
from 1 :50' to 1 :200' and all products will be available in 11 "x17" sizes. MD~ retains full access to all
graphic infoll11ation for marketing and computer fife preservation and block/fjle reuse purposes. MDA ~
will provide the City with final computer files in Autccad Version 14 of all digital materials to the City for'
plottirlg purposes, and will prO\lide copies of any hand prepared materials. ~DA holds a copyright on
all cc1mputer blocks and other information prepared by this firm.
The process d.etalled above Will further define the Town Center public spaces acquisition and trail realignment
as one integral effort and is expectEd to help bring additional millions of funding dolla~ to the City. The process
will not duplicate any other previous planning efforts, and wtll be planning services. We look forward to the
opportunity to help the City realize the Rimplementatlon" of the Winter Springs ToWn Center and appreciate
this opportunity to be of service. ;
Respectfully presented,
City Representative:
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
Forest MicheleJ, Principal
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
This signature repre~nts acceptance. of : thiS- : .
proposal and authorizati~n to proceed.
Date: APRIL 21, 19.98
MichaeJ De~igD
Associates, IDe.
I!subli:Jh&!d 1983
400 West New England Avenue.
Suixc I, Wimer Parle, 1-1orida 32789
!"Iorilla License LC-0000321
Telephone (407) 64s..3377 · fa:r (.J07) 6-45.3760
em:ul: Mdesign200@i1OI.!:Om
Mr. Chnrles Carr'ngton, Community De\'elopment Director
Proposnl ror Services
ATTACHMENT "n" . Graphic R~ir:nbur8able Expenses
8.5x11 9.6ll.11 O.5x11 f11117 b.w prOIa 111117 24x38 24x38 24l'.38 30)(42 3Ox42 3)(4' 3x4'
.......-............ . .lI!NUX copl8a . ...b\Y.ls5f.... ....color. plot.... ..... ......... ............ ........ ..... ..... color.p/o!..... .....hIw.plaL... .. ....calor... .... , mO\Jllt 8,fal1'l . . .......oolw........ .. mmm\!I!.. .......!;Q!!l!'... mount &
p~1 111m pIal . ...jam....
IInlt C !I..OS SO. 1 SI8.00 5.10 6.10 SIB.DO S22.5 536 $45 554.00 S67.60 $72.00 $90.00
" ! : !
Sub1l him check lInal
. :
P-2000 85 85 2 2 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
REAlIG 125 9S 2 2 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
Tnt 0 71n '. 1Rn' .: : 'A, " .d: : :,-:,,4' --.. '. :....4'.,..> <::-:n....:. '. . . : :.;' 4' . ", ':" '::n'l ! .:.::.:: -0: . : ':.'. .. . "n ': '. .::0....: :. :"'0 :
'. .. , . ..
!::lIh..... 1nlln 1AIV'I 7'2 "'" AnM 7'2 nn nnn 'ill nn nM nnn nM nnn nnn
SUBTOTAL FOR GRAPHICS . . . . . . .. . . . . " ........,......"..".,................."....,.....,..,.,..,...,.."... . . .
Notes: PJottinD. mounUng and laminating prices are separate; Consultant to provide orialnals plots to CIty
Reimbursable SerVIC9 'Items .!." '. ; : ;.; !" .:. ........' " : . " i ..: COB'1 Per Monlh;:" .. .,., :
. - . . . . 1 ., '. I ..
Fax/ Phonefe ma1I '. $25.00 per month 3monllls
Tr8'Ief to TeIlahassee (2 meeting9 @ 1200 ml. x.30 per mI " 360.) . $360.00 2
Trawl to local meellngs not Including progress meetlng9 (14 meellngB@ 60 ml. )(.30 per mi. ,,) $25'2.00 na
lodging 8I1d meats (Perdlem) $120. perdayx2 days.. $240.00 na
SUBTOTAL FOR SERVICE ITEMS . ......... ... . . . . . . , , . . . . . .. ,.... . . . . ,. . . . .. . .,.... . . . . . .. .,., ,.......... .........
. ~ '. . . .~. : ". ,:;:: \:. '.1 ~:': :" :.;: ':1 :..:.< '. i.:.: '.. ~ ::'; 1 ,:..\:~.. .:: : ..
RE'MBUR8A~lE:r.OTAI,.. ... ..i,.;..... ...... .... .... ;.... ., ',' ..... ....i.~.:. ","'.;.' " ':'j I ~:. ....1: ,." ," "':':'."
. . .... ," :'1 t. -.
. .......!.r1JI.'.....
P.u.~atlo~!Mon''''.~:).. ...... To~1 ~:~ount
;.,~. ;'):: :.~ ~'. ./~!.,.. ~ ',~:~~: ~ ,'. .:~ ~.~:\::/u::~:~.~;.;;::.$.1~:3~.6::00
l'ollchael Design
Assoclntes, Int.
F.s1a bll~1e1I19a J
4UO West New England Avenue,
Suite 1, Winter Pork, Florida 327119
F10ridll Lk:cn~ LC~OOO)22
Telephone (407) 645..,3377 · fax (IO~) 6-15-J76fJ
emllil: Md~sjgn200@n0I.CQm
April 7, 1998
File: 98040-00.0
Mr. Charles C. Carrington" AICP
Community Development Director
City of Winter Springs
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
TEL: (407) 327-1800
FAX: (407) 327-6912
RE: Proposal for Ecological Services
Town Center P2000 Grant Application
City of Winter SpJings, Florida.
Dear Mr. Carrington:
Pursuant to our recent dis,::ussions, Breedlove, Dennis & Associates, Inc. (BOA) proposes to provide the
following services and as~iistance to the City of Winter Springs for a Florida Communities Trust Grant
Application. Our services will include a review of the project site and the submittal of a report to include
the items listed below.
Task No. 1.0 - Site Review and Documentation
BOA field scientists will complete a site review of the project, take photographs of natural features on the
site, and compile field notes on vegetation communities, wildlife and habitat, and water resources. It is
anticipated that one day of fieldwork will be required to complete this task
P.O, BOX 720037 / ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32872-0037
4301 METRIC DRIVE / WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32792 / (407) 677-1882 / FAX (407) 657.7008
Mr. Charles C. Carrington, AICP
April 7, 1998
Page 2
Task No. 2.0 - Produce E.xhibits
Upon completion of our site review, the following exhibits will be provided for inclusion in the grant
· A figure at the appropriate scale depicting the vegetative communities on the project site.
· A figure depicting surface water hydrology and a description of site hydrology,
· Photographs and negatives ofnatural features of the project site.
Task No. 3.0 - Assistance with Development of the Grant Aoplication Responses
We will provide written responses to the following sections of the grant application via disk according to the
required format:
For vegetative communitie:s, we will provide a discussion of:
a, native vegetation on the project site,
b. viable populations oflisted plant species,
c, imperiled natural c;ommunities, and
d, restoration of enhancement of degraded or altered vegetative communities.
For wildlife and habitat protection, we will provide a discussion of:
a. habitat for listed a:nimal species,
b. use of the site for habitat for listed species, and
c. recovery or mainu:nance oflisted animal species and habitat,
For water resources protection. we will provide a discussion of:
a. improvement of surface water quality,
b. identification and designation of surface water resources on or adjacent to the site, and
c. protection of aquller recharge areas or potable water supply.
For unique and outstanding project elements, we will assist with the development of:
a. acquisitions and alternatives to the acquisition of fee interests in land,
Mr. Charles C. Carrington, AICP
April 7, 1998
Page 3
b. innovative and OUltstanding land or water management techniques, and
c. unique and/or historical site features
Cost of Services and Inv1[)icinl!
BDA will provide the above services for a FIXED FEE of $2,000, including reimbursable expenses. A
Purchase Order will be ow' authorization to begin work.
Dr, W. Michael Dennis ~ill be the project manager for our services on this project and if you have any
questions regarding this proposal or our workscope, please call our office.
Sincerely yours,
Director, Contracts and Proposals
City Representative:
Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager
Date: April 21, 1998
Mr. Charles Carrington, Community Development Director
Proposal for Services
. Florida Communities Trust (FCT) partial
. Office of Greenways and Trails (OGT) complete
This portion of the proposal is for planning services related to the preparation and submittal of 2
Preservation 2000 grants for the City of Winter Springs Town Center public spaces as defined in the
recent Town Center Planning Worksession. This effort will be coordinated with the City and
landowners as feasible within this scope of services. MDA will submit information to the City for the
Florida Communities Trust (FCT) grant application for the following items
Page Item
9 1a1 and think about 1a2
13 2d 1 and 2, 3, 5 and think about 4
16 3e and i and j
MDA will submit the OGT Greenways and Trails application in its entirety and requests the sharing of
information between the City and the Consultant.
[Please note: None of the plans proposed by MDA represent construction documents, but
are only intended to be used to convey the intent of the Application].
A. Inventory Phase
MDA will perform the Inventory Phase of the grant application process including the following items:
1. Inventory Meetings
MDA will perform interviews of participants involved in the Applications to further define the
issues associated with the proposed acquisition including but not limited to the following
indMduals and entities (see Fee Breakdown for hours involved with meetings):
City ofW.Spr.
Conklin Porter Homes
Seminole Co.
Meetings by City:
Schrimsher, Lake Jesup RE Broker
Parks and Recreation for Central Winds Park area
City's Drainage Engineering Consultant
(Local trail managers)
Landowners: Bills Landscape property, Parker, Leardon
Blumberg, Kingsbury
B. Properties Mapping
MDA will modify the Town Center Master Plan computer files to reflect specifIC application lands
acquisition parcels during the Inventory Phase to detail specific site information such as approximate
boundaries, acreage, and real site features. This plan will be the tool which will convey the overall
intent of each Application to the State. If accurate survey information is available, this information will
be incorporated into the map or attached as feasible.
C. State Agencies Meeting
It is important that the maximum number of lands be acquired with a minimum of required matching
funds. It is important to have adequate meetings with the appropriate agency staffs to make the
determination of the most desirable structuring of the application(s). It is anticipated that a minimum
of 1 meeting in Tallahassee with the two agencies (FDEP and FDCA).
Michael Design
Associates, Inc.
Established 1983
400 West New England Avenue,
Suite 1. Winter Park. Florida 32789
Florida License LC-0000322
Telephone (407) 645-3377 · fax (407) 645-3760
email: Mdesign200@aol.com
Mr. Charles Carrington, Community Development Director
Proposal for Services
D. Application Preparation
In addition to the Properties Mapping proposed in item A.2 above, appropriately written narrative is
required to convey the Application information to the agencies. MDA will provide this narrative for each
property to convey the existing site conditions and the anticipated public use requirements (greenways
connections, recreational, interpretive, etc.), to achieve the maximum number of points and the
greatest ranking priority. This effort will be coordinated directly with City Staff which will be coordinating
the overall FCT Application preparation items.
This portion of the proposal is for the coordination assistance to the City for the trail relocation between
the landowner and the State. The majority of this proposal is for the analysis of the proposed
realignment and the coordination meetings associated with that effort.
A Analysis
1. Environmental, Drainage, Geotechnical
The realignment of the trail away from the historic railbed will require increased environmental
analyses and permitting. MDA will rely on the Landowner/Developer (Schrimsher Properties)
to supply the jurisdictional wetlands determination information as they have indicated that they
have previously obtained from the SJRWMD, the US ACOE, and relevant back-up data. MDA
will seek to verify the accuracy of this information as feasible but does not propose to retain
an environmental subconsultant within this proposal, to provide additional certified
environmental determinations. We will utilize the Rollins College Department of
Environmental Studies to assist with in-house environmental review of the Landowner supplied
information, for pre-survey planning purposes. Additionally, the City has retained BOA to
perform environmental analyses.
[Note: The Schrimsher's original realignment proposal to the City is for the
realignment of the trail from the original corridor to the edge of the jurisdictional
wetlands. Additionally, the Town Center Master Plan calls for the realignment of the
paved multiuse trail to occur around the existing isolated wetlands adjacent to
Magnolia Square. The proper determination of these wetlands is critical to the
success of this proposal due to the inherent wetness of the Schrimsher site and the
potential difficulties and permits associated with building a paved trail on a wet site].
It is recommended that the City, County, and Landowner jointly address geotechnical issues
related to the proposed development of a paved and unpaved trail on these lands. County
Planning (trail managers) and Engineering will be consulted.
2. Existing "~dways (City, County and FOOT)
MDA will incorporate the latest FOOT SR 434 expansion plans and Seminole County
Tuscawilla Road (and other County roadways) expansion plans which may have an impact on
the proposed realignment. MDA will coordinate a conceptual determination of a desired
location for the future SR 434 Trail Overpass and will address various trail user group
alignment issues.
Michael De~n
Associates, be.
Established 1983
400 West New England Avenue,
Suite 1, Winter Park, Florida 32789
Florida License LC.o000322
Telephone (407) 645-3377 · fax (407) 645-3760
email: Mdesign200@aol.com
Mr. Charles Carrington, Community Development Director
Proposal for Services
3. Trail Recreation Opportunities
MOA will help to further define the potential for trail related recreational opportunities along
the proposed realignment including but not limited to a potential access to Lake Jesup from
the trail, a potential Town Center Trailhead site. and other areas now conceptually defined in
the Town Center Master Plan.
B. Equitable Partnering Detenninations
MOA will assist the City facilitate the various responsibilities associated with the planning, design, and
development costs associated with the proposed trail realignment It is recom mended that the City and
this Consultant facilitate Partnering Meetings:
1. City Realignment Responsibilities Worksession (City and Consultant)
a. City and Consultant to address equitable tradeoff issues prior to Landowner
b. Consultant to prepare tables of tradeoff issues and values prior to Landowner
2. Landowner/Developer Responsibilities Worksession (City, Consultant, and
a. Consultant to provide further coordination of "trade off" items which will be used by
the City, Schrimsher, and the State to help determine an equitable distribution of trail
development. land dedications, and purchase opportunities
b. Consultant to assist the City in the conceptual costs estimate of "trade off' items
determined in 2.a above
3. State Responsibilities Detennination (by City)
a. Review (by FOEP) of purchase value of existing greenway corridor (purChased from
CSXT in early 1997)
b. Appraisals (by FOEP and City) of existing lands proposed for realignment
C. Corridor Realignment Plans
From the information derived from the items detailed above. MOA will provide a layout plan of the
realigned corridor defining the corridor baseline. centerline, and boundaries for the new corridor as it
deviates from the existing FOEP corridor. Additional information such as potential trail recreational
sites (Lake Jesup Boardwalk, Town Center Trailhead, etc.) will also be defined. This mapping will be
the initial tool to convey the alignment to the State, the surveyors and the Landowner.
[Plan Information: The plans will be prepared in Autocad 14 in a FOOT plans format
individually on 11" x 17" sheets at approximately 1" = 50' and one overall Site Plan will be
provided illustrating the entire realignment. The accuracy of the MOA realignment plans will
be considered "preliminary" until an official (FOEP approved) survey is accomplished, at which
time the offICial (FOEP approved) survey will have priority over the MOA realignment plan.]
D. Public and Agency Meetings
One trip to Tallahassee for meetings with the Office of Greenways & Trails. USFS. FOOT, and other
necessary agencies will be provided in this effort to convey the proposed realignment. Additionally, the
Consultant will attend a public meeting for trail user groups, the County and FOEP to present the
realignment plans for the corridor.
Michael Design
Associates, Inc.
Established 1983
400 West New England Avenue,
Suite 1, Winter Park. Florida 32789
Florida License LC-0000322
Telephone (407) 645-3377 . fax (407) 645-3760
email: Mdesign200@aol.com
Mr. Charles Carrington, Community Development Director
Proposal for Services
(Breakdown of items I and II are attached)
Item 1- Preservation 2000 Applications
Item 11- Trail Realignment
Subtotal of Items I and II
Project Reimbursables (See attached breakdown)
Total Fee:
$ 1,266.00
Fee Proposal Notes:
It is important to note that the items listed above are conceptual and are not construction plans. Cost
estimates are not provided for improvements to the greenspace, circulation or public gathering space
elements because this is a proposal for acquisition, and not development. The plan scales will vary
from 1 :50' to 1 :200' and all products will be available in 111x17" sizes. MDA retains full access to all
graphic information for marketing and computer file preservation and blocklfile reuse purposes. MDA
will provide the City with final computer files in Autocad Version 14 of all digital materials to the City for
plotting purposes, and will provide copies of any hand prepared materials. MDA holds a copyright on
all computer blocks and other information prepared by this firm.
The process detailed above will further define the Town Center public spaces acquisition and trail realignment
as one integral effort and is expected to help bring additional millions of funding dollars to the City. The process
will not duplicate any other previous planning efforts, and will be planning services. We look forward to the
opporbJnity to help the City realize the "Implementation" of the Winter Springs Town Center and appreciate
this opportunity to be of service.
Forest Michael, Principal
City Representative:
J~I,/ ~e
Ttiis signature represents acceptance of this
proposal and authorization to proceed.
Date: May 20, 1998
Michael Design
Associates, Inc.
Established 1983
400 West New England Avenue,
Suite 1, Winter Park, Florida 32789
Florida License LC-0000322
Telephone (407) 645-3377 · fax (407) 645-3760
email: Mdesign200@aolcom
Mr. Charles Carrington, Community Development Director
Proposal for Services
8.5x11 8.5x11
xerox copies blw lasr
color plot
11x17 bIw plots
"B" -
color plot
bIw plot
mount &
mount &
1 roll
........................................................................................... .
Fax I Phon&' e mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $25.00 per month 3 months
Traval to Tallahassee (2 meetings @ 1200 mi. x.3O per mi = 360.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $360.00 2
Travel to local meetings not including progress meetings (9 meetings @ 60 mi. x.3O per mi. =) $162.00 na
Lodging and meals (Per diem) $120. per day x 2 days = $240.00 na
SUBTOTAL FOR SERVICE ITEMS ............................................................................................................
Michael Design
Associates, Inc.
Established 1983
400 West New England Avenue,
Suite 1, Winter Park, Florida 32789
Florida License LC-0000322
Telephone (407) 645-3377 fax (407) 645-3760
email: Mdesign200@aol.com
Mr. Charles Carrington, Community Development Director
Proposal for Services
\ I I \( II \ II \ I \ 11,,111" Il'(' HI ('.iI,dl'" II r.llllldl'l D! "Ilill p",',()! 1,IIl'S. Illl
Grant Ap lication Assistance and Trail Reali nment
No. Proposal Items Hours:
Pro.. Mn r Planner
A Inventory
1 Schrimsher meetings (2 @ 3 Hrs.) 6 0 0 2
2 Blumburg meeting (1 @ 3 Hrs.) 3 0 0 2
4 Lk Jesup meeting (1 @ 2 Hrs.) 2 0 0 1
5 Parks & Recr.-Cent. Winds Park 1 1 0 1
B Properties Mapping 5 12 40 0
C State Agency Meetings
FDCA-FL Communit Trust (1)
FDEP-Greenways & Trails (1)
FL Trails Council (1)
A IIcation Pre aratlon Items
A Analysis (mostly in Town Plan) 3 4 3 2
B Equitable Partnering Detenninations
1 City Worksession
a 2 4 0 2
b 6 7 0 5
2 Landowner/Developer Worksession
a 2 4 0 2
b 6 5 0 5
3 State Responsibilities Detenninatlon
a 0 0 0 0
b 0 0 0 0
C Corridor Realignment Plans 2 8 34 2
D Public and Agency Meetings
FDEP-OGT, USFS, FDOT (1 joint 8 8 0 6
meeting in Tallahassee)
Seminole County Planning & 3 4 0 2
Engineering for trail coord (2)
CPH City's Drainage Consultant 3 0 0 2
W.Sp. Public Trails Users Meeting 4 5 2 4
in W.S . C.Hall wI re . b Ci
Total Hours: 67 110 87 48
Rates: $ 82.00 $ 78.00 $ 53.00 $ 46.00
Total Fee for Items I and II: $5,494.00 $8,580.00 $4,611.00 $2,208.00 $20,893.00
-l -"i ----
Charles Carrington
City of Winter Springs
Forest Michael
Grant Proposal
Enclosed is the revised Proposal for the Grant Application for the Public Spaces Acquisition
and the Realignment for the Trail Corridor/City of Winter Springs Town Center for your
approval. Please review and return a signed copy to my office at the address listed below.
Also, I would greatly appreciate it if you would forward a signed copy to Ron McLemore's
Thank you. I am looking forward to working with you on this project.
Forest Michae~ Principal
PHONE: (407) 645-3377 FAX: (407) 645-3760
May 12, 1998
.,r:- J I. fII'
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Mr. Charles Carrington
Community Development Director
City of Winter Springs
Winter Springs, Florida
Grant Application for the Public Spaces Acquisition
and the Realignment of the Trail Corridor
City of Winter Springs Town Center
Dear Charles,
The following proposal Item I is for both Preservation 2000 applications and Item II is for the proposed
realignment of the trail on the Schrimsher's property, including the following items.
City of Winter Springs, Florida
1126 East S.R. 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Michael Design Associates, Inc. (MDA)
400 W. New England, Ste. 1
Winter Park, FL 32789
Michael Design
Associates, Inc.
Established 1983
400 West New England Avenue,
Suite 1, Winter Park. Florida 32789
Florida License LC-0000322
Telephone (407) 645-3377 · fax (407) 645-3760
email: Mdesign200@aol.com