HomeMy WebLinkAboutMichael Design Associates Proposal for Planning Services - 1997 02 20
Associates, Incorporated
Shared Trails, Communities,
Parks 8 Environmental Design
February 20, 1997
Mr. Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager
City of Winter Springs
1126 East S.R. 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Re: Proposal to Winter Springs for Planning Services
Dear Ron,
We are pleased to offer this proposal for planning services to your growing city for the concept planning for
two trailheads and the downtown trail loop per your request. The conceptual planning of the projected
downtown village center area will also be addressed relative to the trailhead, downtown trail loop and the
proposed SR 434 trail bridge although urban design is not provided in this proposal. T'he details of this
proposal follow for your review.
Central Winds Trailhead
• Establish the conceptual plan for 1 primary trailhead at Central Winds Park ASAP
• Central Winds Trailhead to accommodate bicyclists, skaters, hikers, ADA, and equestrians
if feasible
• Conceptually plan trailhead facilities in conjunction with SR 434, the abandoned SR 434
R/W, and the Central Winds Park expansion plans
• Program general costs associated with trailhead to present to County for possible funding
Downtown-Village Center Trailhead
• Establish the conceptual plan for 1 primary trailhead within the heart of the planned
downtown village center area
• Accommodate bicyclists, skaters, hikers, ADA, and equestrians if feasible to maximize
positive economic impact to future merchants
• Conceptually plan trailhead facilities in conjunction with SR 434, the SR 434 future trail
bridge, and the main Florida National Scenic Trail corridor
• Conceptually plan a downtown village trail loop to channel main trail traffic to the Village
Center Trailhead
• Use future SR 434 trail bridge as a feature to enhance the trailhead image
• Program general costs associated with trailhead to present to County for possible funding
MICHAEL DESIGN ASSOCIATES INC. • Planning & Landscape Architecture • Established 1983
2313 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32789 • fax (407) 897-1165 • telephone (407) 897-1183
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Winter Springs Trailheads & Loop Proposal
February 20,1997
The planning description for the 2 trailheads and the downtown village trail loop descriptions are
provided below.
Central Winds Trailhead
An initial trailhead at Central Winds Park is to be conceptually planned as quickly as possible to
accommodate as many trail user groups as possible, and possibly using the FDOT abandoned right
of way due to Central Winds Park being completely developed. Current park expansion plans by
the City are to be coordinated with the new trailhead regarding circulation, parking, etc. It is
anticipated that this planning will be quickly completed to present the County Commission with a
clear and realistic picture of what can quickly happen in the City of Winter Springs.
Village Center Trailhead and Loop
A conceptual planning process is to be initiated to review the area between Central Winds Park and
the proposed new trail bridge across SR 434 for the purpose of establishing adowntown/village
center trail loop in combination with a primary trailhead which will be a focal point for the new
village center. Properties within this area will be reviewed from the standpoint of their desirability
for access from SR 434, the County trail alignment, their relationship relative to a village center
scenario, existing desirable features, and the potential for the development of a new urban
infrastructure. The image of the trail as it relates to the new village center will be a primary concern.
It is anticipated that this planning process will be more involved than the Central Winds Trailhead
and will require more time to complete. The definition of possible funding sources for the village
center trail loop by a combination of federal, state, local and private funding will be a consideration
although funding applications preparation are not included in this proposal.
The conceptual planning process is proposed to occur in the following manner.
1.0 Inventor,- Obtain base mapping data (digital and hard copies) for the trailhead area,
prepare base plan graphic, and review planning process timetable with County
2.0 Central Winds Trailhead -Initiate conceptual planning
a. Site Analysis -analyze site to generally define existing features including the trail
corridor R/W, potential SR 434 R/W, land use, circulation routes, prime view sheds,
natural areas of interest and wetlands. Attempt to secure conceptual approval by
FDOT to use abandoned SR 434 R/W for trailhead and set the stage for the County
to submit an Enhancement Application (or the City in another contract). The City
will need to formally request the use of the FDOT SR 434 Abandoned R/W and
survey digital files for the SR 434 project through Winter Springs to supplement
available County and City information.
b. Goals and Objectives -establish guiding criteria for both the trailhead and the
future park expansion
c. Alternatives Analysis -Prepare alternatives (2 maximum) for development of the
MICHAEL DESIGN ASSOCIATES INC. • Planning ~ Landscape Architecture • Established 1983
2313 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32789 • fax (407) 897-1165 • telephone (407) 887-1163
page 2
Winter Springs Trailheads & Loop Proposal
February 20, 1997
trailhead in coordination with the future park expansion
d. Final Conceptual Plan - Select the preferred development alternative and prepare
final conceptual plans
e. Present development plans to County and review funding options
3.0 Vill~ge Center Trailhead and Loop - Initiate conceptual planning
a. Site Analysis - analyze site to generally define existing features including the trail
corridor, potential SR 434 bridge and bridge approaches, land use, circulation
routes, prime view sheds, natural areas of interest and pre-defined wetlands.
b. Goals and Objectives - establish guiding criteria for the trailhead and loop
c. Alternatives Analysis - Prepare alternatives (2 maximum) for development of the
trailhead and loop
d. Final Conceptual Plan - Select the preferred development alternative and prepare
final conceptual plans
e. Present development plans to County and review funding options
Central Winds Trailhead -
Site Analysis Plan
(2 - llx17" color plots; 1 - 30x42" color plot)
Alternatives Sketch Overlays
(informal sketches on bumwad not for public presentation)
Final Color Conceptual Trailhead Plan
(with stated goals and objectives and legend of elements)
(2 - llx17" color plots; 1 - 30x42" color plot to be dry mounted and laminated for
Village Center Area, Trailhead and Trail Loop - this plan represents an overview of the village
center area relative to the trailhead and trail loop. This planning effort does not encompass a
detailed look at the village center potential development character (this could be provided by another
proposal at the City's request)
Area Analysis Plan
(from Central Winds Trailhead to the SR 434 bridge)
(2 - llx17"; 1 - 3Ox42" color plot)
Alternatives Sketch Overlays
(informal sketches on bumwad not for public presentation)
Final Color Conceptual Trailhead and Trail Loop Plan
(with stated goals and objectives and legend of elements)
(2 - llx17" color plots; 1 - 3Ox42" color plot to be dry mounted and laminated for
The following meetings are planned to convey the planning process to both the City Staff and the
MICHAEL DESIGN ASSOCIATES INC. . Planning & Landscape Architecture' Established 1983
2313 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32789 . fax (407) 897-1165' telephone (407) 897.1163
page 3
Winter Springs Trailheads & Loop Proposal
February 20, 1997
Trails Task Force. No additional meetings are proposed.
1. Meeting with planning to review site and Inventory City plans data (both trailheads and
Central Winds Park expansion) (County could be invited)
2. Meeting with City and FDOT to review sites regarding abandoned SR 434 RIW at Central
Winds Park and to review SR 434 and FNST Trail crossing
3. Meeting with City and FDOT to review Alternatives Analysis sketches and to select the
Preferred Alternatives
4. Presentation to Winter Springs Trails Task Force
5. Meeting with City to review Draft Trailhead Plans
6. Meeting with City to review Final Trailhead Plans
7. Presentation to Winter Springs Trails Task Force
The following table represents the approximate hours estimated for each planning product. The final
total is a flat fee cost and is the proposed contract amount.
please see -
Fee Proposal Breakdown
Reimbursable Breakdown
Total Project Fee Proposal: $9,992.
The time frame of completion is estimated as follows pending a relatively quick City review process.
Notice To Proceed (signing of proposal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0
Inventory ........................................................ 30 days
Central Winds Trailhead ............................................ 30 days
Downtown Village Center Trailhead and Loop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40 days
100 days
Landscape Architectural Design; Civil & Drainage Engineering; Geotechnical; Site
Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing; Permitting of All General Plan Set Items and
Environmental Mitigation; Surveying (all plans will be completing utilizing available City
supplied information as provided City)
MICHAEL DESIGN ASSOCIATES INC. . Planning & Landscape Architecture. Established 1983
2313 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32789 . fax (407) 897-1165. te.ephone (407) 897.1163
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Winter Springs Trailheads & Loop Proposal
February 20,1997
Ron McLemore, City Manager,
We appreciate this opportunity to present the proposal for the Winter Springs trailheads and loop design and
look forward to the possibility of working with you and your staff. There is a great opportunity to get a jump
on the County planning process and to get them built quickly. Your signature on this proposal constitutes
an agreement for us to perform the services detailed in this proposal, and our Notice To Proceed date.
Respectfully Presented,
City Notice to Proceed
orest Michael, Principal
Authorized Rep~tative
~ ," ' ..,
Attachments A and B as Noted Above
MICHAEL DESIGN ASSOCIATES INC. . Planning & Landscape Architecture. Established 1983
2313 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32789 . fax (407) 897-1165. telephone (407) 897.1163
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Winter Springs Trailheads & Loop Proposal
February 20, 1997
1. Inventory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
P.Mgr Planner CADDesign Clerical
82. 78. 53. 46.
1 hrs. 5 hrs. 13 hrs. 1hrs.
82.00 390.00 689.00 46.00
2 hrs. 14hrs. 36 hrs. 4hrs.
164.00 1092.00 1908.00 184.00
3 hrs. 18hrs. 44 hrs. 2 hrs.
246.00 1404.00 2332.00 92.00
Total Fee
Construction Document Task Item
2. Central Winds Trailhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Downtown Village Trailhead and Loop . . . . . . . .
Reimbursables (See Attachment "B") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MICHAEL DESIGN ASSOCIATES INC. . Planning & Landscape Architecture' Established 1983
2313 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32789 . fax (407) 897-1165' telephone (407) 897-1163
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Winter Springs Trailheads & Loop Proposal
February 20, 1997
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MICHAEL DESIGN ASSOCIATES INC. . Planning & Landscape Architecture' Established 1983
2313 North Orange Avenue, Orlando. Florida 32789 . fax (407) 897-1165' telephone (407) 897.1163
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