HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1998 11 09 City Commission Regular Minutes
NOVEMBER 9, 1998
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor Paul P.
Partyka at 6:30 p.m.
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
Attorney Bob Guthrie, present
Robert S. Miller, present
Michael S. Blake, present
Ed Martinez, Jr., present
David McLeod, present
Mayor Partyka announced that Regular Agenda Item C would be moved to the Public
Hearing portion of the Agenda.
Commissioner Gennell stated she had questions regarding Consent Agenda Items B, C &
Commissioner Martinez stated he had a correction to the minutes of September 28, 1998.
Commissioner Miller stated he also had questions regarding Consent Agenda Items B, C
Commissioner Blake stated that he had questions regarding Consent Agenda Items A, E,
F and H.
Mayor Partyka presented lP. Petrencsik a plaque on his retirement.
Lee Jensen, 134 Nandina Terrace, spoke regarding Regular Agenda Item E. Mr. Jensen
mentioned seven items of concern that the residents had with the Kash n' Karry and
Courtney Springs Apartments and those being: a building 39 feet from the property line;
landscaping along the wall; a brick wall instead of stucco, lighting from the apartment
complex overflowing into the adjacent subdivision; having the apartment complex be a
gated community.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to allow Mr. Jensen two more minutes as
he is speaking for a Homeowners Group. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell.
Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Miller: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye;
Commissioner Martinez: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod:
aye. Motion passes.
Mr. Jensen continued, stating having the out parcel be for a professional office building
and no retail signage on Vistawilla Road.
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Art Gallo, 199 Nandina Terrace, spoke regarding his concerns on the Kash n' Karry and
Courtney Springs Apartments which were the infrastructure of the project and property
values in the surrounding subdivision.
Henry Goode, 120 Nandina Terrace, spoke about Regular Agenda Item E and stated that
he is concerned with crime in the area from the project and spoke about the negative
esthetics from the apartment complex and also property values.
Stephen Lomeli, 124 Nandina Terrace, spoke about his concerns with Regular Agenda
Item E regarding viewing the apartment complex from the neighboring subdivision, the
noise from S.R. 434 and concern regarding the property values in the neighboring
Public Works Department/Stormwater Division
A. Requesting authorization to enter into a Contract Agreement for Retention Pond
Maintenance Services.
Public Works Department
B. Requesting authorization to enter into a Contract Agreement for landscape
Maintenance Services for City Facilities.
Public Works Department
C. Requesting authorization to enter into a Contract Agreement for Landscape
Maintenance Services for City Rights-of-Way and Ponds.
Public Works Department
D. Requesting authorization to enter into a Contract Agreement for Landscape
Maintenance Services for S.R. 434 Medians & Rights-of-Way.
Fire Department
E. Requesting authorization to sign a Memorandum of Agreement to develop a Seminole
County Local Mitigation Strategy.
Fire Department
F. Requesting authorization to lease purchase an Emergency Medical Care Vehicle.
Community Development Department/Planning Division
G. Requests the Commission formally adopt the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR)
by Resolution.
Community Development Department/Land Development Division
H. Requests that the Commission approve the recordation of the plat and the covenants
for Wicklow Greens at Tuscawilla.
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Community Development Department
I. Recommends the City Commission authorize the Mayor to execute the multi-party
acquisition agreement between the Florida Office of Greenways and Trails and the City
of Winter Springs.
City Clerk's Office
J. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 14, 1998
K. Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting of September 21, 1998
L. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 28.1998
Commissioner Gennell asked if the R-O-W maintenance included the R-O-W on Lori
Ann Lane and on First Street. Kip Lockcuff, Public WorkslUtility Director, stated no.
Commissioner Gennell asked that information regarding this be brought back to the
Commission at the next meeting as to the cost of adding the mentioned R-O- W.
Commissioner Miller asked about the 30-day notice to terminate the contract and if it
should be a longer notice such as 60 days. Mr. Lockcuff stated that has not been an issue.
Commissioner Blake asked about the pond maintenance regarding monitoring the ponds
to see if the maintenance is being done and that the monitoring of the ponds should be
more stringent to make sure the maintenance is being done.
Commissioner Blake asked about Consent Agenda F, regarding the lease purchase of an
Emergency Medical Care vehicle and the fire-year term for the payment. Discussion. It
was the consensus ofthe Commission to stay with the five-year term for payment.
Commissioner Blake questioned the lot coverage area for Wicklow Greens at Tuscawilla.
Steve Samaha, developer, was present for questions. Discussion on the lot coverage. Mr.
Samaha stated that the lot coverage area will be put into the declarations.
Commissioner Martinez said with regards to the minutes of September 28, 1998 on page
3, last paragraph, the word "not" should be changed to "now".
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve the Consent Agenda with the
stipulation that Item H will be amended and have the lot coverage added to the
declarations and covenants and the word "not" changed to "now" in the minutes of
September 28, 1998.. Seconded by Commissioner Miller. Discussion. Vote:
Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Martinez: aye; Commissioner Gennell:
aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Miller: aye.
Community Development Department/Planning Division
A. Requests the Commission hold a public Hearing to transmit three (3) Large Scale
(text) Amendments (LG-CP A-2-98, LG-CP A-3-98, LG-CP A-4-98) to the City's
Comprehensive Plan to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for review:
Mayor Partyka stated that this item has been moved from the Regular Agenda, Item C, to
Public Hearing Item A.
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Tom Grimms, Community Development Planning, gave his presentation.
Mayor Partyka closed the Regular Meeting and opened the Public Hearing. No one
wished to speak on this item. Mayor Partyka closed the Public Hearing and reconvened
the Regular Meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to transmit the three Large Scale
Amendments No.'s LG-CPA-2-98, LG-CPA-3-98, LG-CPA-4-98 to the Florida
Department of Community Affairs. Seconded by Commissioner Martinez.
Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Martinez: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Miller: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye.
Motion passes.
Community Development Department/Planning Division
A. Requests the Commission hold a First Reading of proposed Ordinance 707 to
establish the Town Center Zoning District boundary and adopt the Town Center District
Code for the City's new Town Center:
Mayor Partyka stated there has been a recommendation by the City Manager that this
item be continued to the first meeting in December which is December 14, 1998.
Mr. Grimms mentioned that this item will go back to the P&Z Board for their review,
specifically the permitted uses.
Motion was made by Commissioner Martinez to table this Item until the
Commission meeting of December 14, 1998. Seconded by Commissioner McLeod.
Discussion. V ote: Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye;
Commissioner Miller: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Martinez: aye.
Motion passes.
Commissioner Blake stated that one of the property owners in the Town Center area that
this would affect, would like to have a meeting with the individual Commissioners in
order to discuss some of their wants and desires and to let the Commissioners know
where they have some issues. Commissioner Blake said with the rules and some of the
Court findings (currently) he said he is concerned that that might cause some problems
and asked the Attorney how can the Commissioners meet (individually) with the
landowners and still comply with all the rules.
Attorney Guthrie said he would like to consider that before the Commissioners meet with
them and advise the Commission individually and also advise Mr. Grindstaff. Attorney
Guthrie said he will make a determination and make a recommendation and said if he
suggests it is permissible for the Commissioners to meet with them, it probably will be
coupled with the caveat that the Commissioners disclose what ever was discussed so that
can be answered and refuted. Attorney Guthrie said he will have his recommendation by
the next meeting.
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Mickey Grindstaff, Attorney representing the Schrimsher Properties, spoke regarding this
Michael Schrimsher, property owner, stated that he does not approve of the Town Center
Zoning district at this time.
Commissioner Gennell stated that there is a Court Reporter present and said she would
like a copy of the transcript regarding this item.
Discussion regarding Mr. Grindstaff and Mr. Schrimsher meeting with the Commission
individually to discuss this matter.
Community Development Department/Planning Division
B. Recommends the Commission consider establishing a Business Retention Pilot
Program for the City:
Tom Grimms gave his presentation. Discussion on business retention program for the
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to not approve the concept as it is
before the Commission at this time. Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Discussion.
Commissioner Blake called the question. Vote on calling the question: all aye.
Motion passes. Vote on the Motion: Commissioner Miller: nay; Commissioner
McLeod: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner Martinez: nay. Motion passes.
Community Development Department/Planning Division
C. Requests the Commission hold a Public Hearing to transmit three (3) large Scale (test)
Amendments (LG-CP A-2-98, LG-CP A-3-98, LG-CP A-4-98) to the City's
Comprehensive Plan to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for review:
Community Development Department/Code Enforcement Division
D. Requests the City Commission consider amending the City Code to restrict
recreational vehicles so that they are parked in an area not visible from the street in
residential areas:
Charles Carrington, Community Development Director and Jimmette Cook, Code
Enforcement Officer, gave their presentation.
Commissioner Blake stated that there is a definition problem with the Code.
Commissioner Gennell stated her concern regarding the verbiage "not visible from the
street". Commissioner Gennell also spoke about fence heights. Commissioner Gennell
also spoke about restricting the parking to the side or rear yards.
Discussion on this agenda item.
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Motion was made by Commissioner Miller to approve this Agenda item and
authorize the City Attorney to draft an appropriate Ordinance, giving the
clarification provided with regard to parking along side of the house behind some
kind of screen or fence so that it is not visible from the street in residential areas.
Seconded by Commissioner Martinez. Discussion. Commissioner Blake said he
would like to amend the motion to state the types of recreational vehicles and that
they be screened to the maximum extent possible. Commissioner Gennell seconded
the amended motion. Commissioner McLeod said he would also like to see that it is
stated that the vehicle has a current registration tag. Vote: Commissioner Gennell:
aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Martinez: aye; Commissioner Miller:
nay; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Mayor Partyka called a recess at 8:55 p.m. Mayor Partyka reconvened the meeting at
9:13 p.m.
Community Development Department/Land Development Division
E. Presents to the Commission the Planning and Zoning Board recommendation as it
relates to the Kash n' Karry and the Courtney Springs Apartments preliminary
engineering/final development plan. At this time it is also requested that the Commission
discuss items that will be in a proposed Development Agreement as it relates to these
projects prior to formal presentation of the agreement on November 23. 1998:
Manager McLemore gave an overview of this project and stated that this has been before
the Commission as a preliminary concept. Manager McLemore said that this is a fairly
good plan and offers a lot to everyone.
Mike Jones, Attorney for the developer, reviewed with the Commission the changes that
have been made from meetings held with the residents of the adjacent subdivision.
The Commission was shown a video presentation on the Kash n' Karry store.
Corina Bowdy, Landscape Architect, reviewed with the Commission the changes.
Ray Malley, answered questions regarding the project.
Lee Jensen, Nandina Terrace, spoke about the signage.
Rande Thompson, 108 Marsh Creek Cove; Greg Worley, 103 Marsh Creek Cove; Patrick
Schrader, 140 Nandina Terrace; Lori Campbell, 118 Nandina Terrace; Romulo
Castellano, 113 Nandina Terrace; Marie Duxbury, 106 Nandina Terrace; Pat Viebey, 112
Nandina Terrace, all spoke regarding the development and their concerns.
Discussion on this Agenda Item. The developer, engineer and landscape architect
explained their position and answered questions.
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Donald LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator, reviewed with the Commission the
changes the developer requested. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to table this item to the next Regular
Commission Meeting (November 23, 1998) and direct Staff to get with the developer
to negotiate the main issues and to have the Commission receive the Developers
Agreement. Seconded by Commissioner Martinez. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner
Miller: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Martinez: aye; Commissioner
Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
A. City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher:
Attorney Guthrie gave to the Commission the revised settlement agreement and asked
that the Commission study paragraphs 7 through 15 and recommended the Commission
hold a Special Meeting to have a Closed Executive Session regarding the revised
development agreement regarding Seminole County and the City of Oviedo and to
discuss the changes made by the City of Oviedo. Discussion. Attorney Guthrie
announced who would attend, those being the Mayor and Commissioners, City Manager,
himself, and a court reporter; Attorney Guthrie also announced that this meeting should
take approximately one hour.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to hold a Special Meeting on November
16, 1998 at 6:30 p.m. for a Closed Executive Session. Seconded by Commissioner
Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner Martinez: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Miller: not
present for vote. Motion passes.
B. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore
No Report.
C. Commission Seat II - Michael S. Blake
No Report
D. Commission Seat III - Ed Martinez
Commissioner Martinez mentioned the achievement of Winter Springs High School
teacher Trent David and recommended the Mayor present Ms. David with a
Commissioner Martinez gave the City Manager an article written by a Winter Springs
resident and asked that the City Manager write and thank this person for the article.
Mayor Partyka stated that he has followed up on the article and thanked the resident.
Commissioner Martinez stated that the E.C.F.R.P.C. has approved that Cities are non-
voting members ofthe Council and recommended that the City leave the E.C.F.R.P.C.
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E. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell
No Report
F. Commission Seat V - David McLeod
Commissioner McLeod announced that he would be out of town and will not be available
to attend the Special Meeting on November 16, 1998.
G. Commission Seat I - Robert S. Miller
No Report
H. Mayor's Office - Paul P. Partyka
Mayor Partyka mentioned that the picture for the visual in the Chambers is not clear and
asked that it be looked at.
Mayor Partyka again mentioned that the Commission has numerous questions on the
Consent Agenda and that the questions should be asked before the meeting and if not
then do-away with the Consent Agenda.
The meeting adjourned at 1 :00 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo M. Pierce, CMC
City Clerk