HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1998 02 23 City Commission Regular Minutes
FEBRUARY 23, 1998
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell
at 6:30 p.m.
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, arrived 10:50 p.m.
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
Attorney Bob Guthrie, present
Robert S. Miller, present
Michael S. Blake, present
Ed Martinez, Jr., present
David McLeod, present
Manager McLemore announced agenda changes: Regular Agenda Add-On Items "I" and "1".
Manager McLemore also stated that Fire Chief Tim Lallathin will give a Storm Damage Up-Date
under the Informational Agenda.
Approval of Minutes of February 9. 1998:
Commissioner Gennell asked for more information regarding the discussion on the Medical Transport
Fund and the inventory.
Motioli was made by Commissioner Blake to approve the minutes of February 9, 1998 with
the addition of the additional information discussed. Seconded by Commissioner Martinez.
Discussion. Vote: All aye. Motion passes.
Harold Scott, 911 Augusta National Blvd., spoke regarding the storm. Mr. Scott also had questions
regarding legal advertising and notice of intent. Mr. Scott's time expired and left the questions with
the Clerk to have the City Manager answer them at a later date.
Tom O'Connell, President of the Tuscawilla Homeowners Association, stated that the Homeowners
Association is interested in participating in any type of recovery fund developed by the City. Mr.
O'Connell spoke about Grant Funding and the coming cycle and said there were workshops on how
to obtain the grant money and asked if anyone from the City attended and also if the City will apply
for such funds. Deputy Mayor Gennell stated yes to both questions.
Parks and Recreation Department
A. Requests permission from the Commission to renovate the City owned Mount Greenwood
percolation pond grounds off Bahama Road into a football, soccer and baseball practice field complex
and adopt the name "Grizzly Field" for future reference. PURPOSE: to allow the Parks and
Recreation Department to go forward with design and cost analysis for such renovations thereby
approving this multi-purpose use of the land.
Regular MeetinE City Commission
February 23, 1998
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Parks and Recreation Department
B. Requests that the Commission authorize the City Manager to advertise for bid for construction
of the Trotwood Park Multi-Purpose Building allowing for a budget increase of $50,000.00 to
$60,000.00 from existing parks capital improvement budget funds. PURPOSE: to request the
Commission authorize a $10,000.00 increase in funds previously allotted and to authorize the City
Manager to go forward with the project
Parks and Recreation Department
C. Requests the Commission to authorize the City Manager to enter into contract with APC
Fireworks for the July 4, 1998 fireworks program at Central Winds Park approving expenditures of
$17,000.00 for this 30 minute program. PURPOSE: to request the Commission authorize the City
Manager to enter into contract with APC Fireworks in the amount of $17,000.00 for the second
annual July 4th Celebration.
Public Works Department
D. Requesting authorization to enter into a Contractual Agreement for the installation of an entrance
sign for City Hall. PURPOSE: to request authorization to enter into a Contractual Agreement for
the installation of a new entrance sign at City hall with AI Bosgraaf & Sons, Inc., at a cost of
$14,120.00 plus a 10% contingency.
Stormwater Utility Department
E. Requesting authorization to enter into a Contractual Agreement for the replacement of the
Mosswood Canal Culvert. PURPOSE: requesting authorization to enter into a Contractual
Agreement with Price Construction, Inc., for the replacement of the Mosswood Canal Culvert at a
cost of $123,600.00 plus a 10% contingency:
Commissioner Martinez had a question on Item "B", regarding other uses for the building. Manager
McLemore stated that the building will serve three functions: a storage area, a shelter area for people
when it rains and a restroom facility. Manager McLemore said what costs so much is the finishes for
the restroom facility.
Commissioner Miller had a question on Item "C" regarding the July 4th Fireworks, and stated that
he would like to see statistics on what the City is likely to get back, such as if there will be an
admission charge and also that there is a lot of other things going on in the area on that day and said
the City needs to look into some of the other activities and what the impact would be on the City's
fireworks. Manager McLemore said that last year the City had their first fireworks show and said
there were all these competing factors at that time and said the City's show was an overwhelming
success in the community. Manager McLemore said he doesn't know of any charges to get into the
July 4th celebration.
Commissioner Blake had a question on Item "D". Commissioner Blake said the City had budgeted
$10,000 for the sign and asked why the cost has gone up. Manager McLemore stated that we could
choose to wait when there is not so much construction activity and get a better bid but right now
there is so much construction activity out there that we are experiencing the typical price-ups when
that happens and stated that he doubts that going out for bid again would help. Commissioner Blake
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asked if there was anything special about the design that is bringing up the cost. Kip Lockcutf, Public
W orks/Utility Director, said a couple of things were added, they are bringing in about 1,000 yards
offill to level the area in the front and also added a retaining planter wall around the outside which
probably added a little cost too.
Commissioner Gennell asked if the sign will have a means of announcing meetings. Manager
McLemore said it was talked about and said the consensus was that it was not going to be that type
of sign. Manager McLemore said if we were to have that type of sign, the sign would have to be
much larger.
Motion was made by Commissioner Miller to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by
Commissioner Martinez. Discussion. Vote: All aye. Motion passes.
Fire Chief Tim Lallathin gave an up-date on the storm damage. ChiefLallathin stated that the area
that was affected was the Highlands Subdivision off of Sheoah Blvd., the area is boarded by 17/92,
S.R. 434 and to S.R. 419. The area particularly affected was the Greenspointe subdivision, part of
the Moree Loop condominiums, as well as some old sections of the Highlands. There were a total
of82 structures that they have surveyed (at this point) that were determined damaged; the property
estimated damage is $345,000+ at this time.
ChiefLallathin said the City's public property damage is less than $1,100; some damage occurred at
one of the sewer plants as well as one stop sign.
Chief Lallathin said there are 8 homes with major structural damage; there were at least 8 vehicles
with major damage and two persons with minor injuries.
Chief Lallathin said they received the tornado warning at 11 :37 p.m. Sunday night; 12:26 a.m.
Monday morning a tornado touched down in Longwood and moved northeast to Winter Springs and
actually left Winter Springs going across the Lake Jesup area and ended up in the Sanford area
(where a lot of deaths did occur).
Chief Lallathin said the City of Winter Springs was very fortunate because they believe that the
tornado didn't actually touch down to the ground, it actually skimmed over the top of some of those
ChiefLallathin said at approximately 1 :00 a.m. (This morning) they established their command post
and they conducted an initial search for injuries and took a snap shot damage assessment, which was
conducted by both the Fire Department and Police Department. The Fire and Police Departments
did a joint effort, going door to door, looking to make sure that people were not injured. The area
was then secured by the Police Department, letting only the people who lived in the area or had
business in the area to come into the affected area.
ChiefLallathin said the Public Works Department was there in a short time and started clearing roads
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and stated that they did an outstanding job.
ChiefLallathin said the Building Department went out today with members of the Fire Department
as well as other members of the City Staff and did a more detailed assessment of each building. Chief
Lallathin said they have been out in the community all day, all Departments, assisting the citizens as
much as they possibly can. Chief Lallathin said the Police Department is currently out there with
major force, making sure the area is secure and the people homes are left alone.
Chief Lallathin said they will continue to monitor the contractors in the area to make sure they are
properly licensed and permitted, the right-of-ways will continued to be cleaned and the public
property will be cleaned by Public Works as best as they can.
ChiefLallathin said security will continue to be provided by the Police Department, as well as other
Departments will continue to give the citizens whatever support we can possibly give them, to help
them in this time of need.
Chief Lallathin said they will be tracking the cost to see if they can procure reimbursement from
FEMA, because this area will be declared a disaster, (all the areas affected in Seminole County) and
they will be trying to recoup the cost of personnel, as well as any kind of equipment or whatever costs
we outlay in Winter Springs.
ChiefLallathin showed the Commission a short video of the affected area.
Commissioner Martinez stated that this morning he toured the affected area and spoke to many of
the victims and stated on behalf of himself and his fellow Commissioners commended the Police, Fire
and Public Works Departments for their speedy and prompt response and to the attention that is being
given to the citizens in that area. Commissioner Martinez congratulated the Police, Fire and Public
Works Departments.
Commissioner Blake said other than making sure that the contractors are licenses, is there a method
that we use to be sure that people are being charged fair rates. ChiefLallathin said the County has
declared this area a disaster area and part of their Statute and Ordinance, they actually outline that
they have to use a price structure that was in effect for the previous 90 days. ChiefLallathin said how
we can monitor that is to have presence in the neighborhood, and make sure that the citizens are
being treated fairly (as far as we can tell). ChiefLallathin said Public Works' have some experience
in some of the building construction trades, as well as the Building Department, so they can monitor
that in the community.
Commissioner Blake said as part of our presence in the area, are we talking with the homeowners
there to find out what they are paying and are we keeping any informal record of that.
ChiefLallathin said the only thing that they have done (to this point) basically when we have gone
door-to-door, we have spoken with each homeowner (that we could possibly speak with) and we
have tried to advise them that there would be people trying to get their business, and to be very
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careful and to make sure that their insurance company is aware of what was going on and that they
would actually help coordinate that benefit for them (insurance company).
Commissioner McLeod said he also went out this morning to tour the area and said that the Public
Works Department had done an excellent job in cleaning the streets in a short period of time.
Commissioner McLeod said there was a lot of coordination going on in clearing with the private
sector as well. Commissioner McLeod thanked all City employees for the job they are doing.
Commissioner McLeod also stated that he thinks the total dollar damage will well exceed the amount
Commissioner McLeod said he also toured the Midway area in Sanford and stated that we in Winter
Springs are very fortunate, there are peoples homes that are one side of the street and the foundation
is on the other, it is devastating over there and said anything we can do to help that area, we definitely
Commissioner Miller said he called the Police Department at 7:00 a.m. this morning to find out the
affected areas and said they identified all the roads and indicated how many homes were damaged.
Commissioner Miller said he would like to congratulations to the Police and Fire Departments.
Deputy Mayor Gennell said it was very reassuring to see that everything was under control. Deputy
Mayor Gennell asked about emergency repair (such that ifit was raining and a roof needed repair)
and that she had a concern with requiring people to have permits to do the repair work.
Manager McLemore said if water is flowing into someone's home, you have to let them get it
covered, but to prevent some real horror stories from happening, we have to require that people
doing work have permits and are reputable contractors.
Parks and Recreation Department
A. Requests the Commission to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with
Mountainview Productions for providing a recreation program called "Springfest 98" at Central
Winds Park on March 24, 1998 through March 28, 1998 and allowing the provider to charge for
admission. PURPOSE: to request that the Commission authorize the City Manager to negotiate
details of the contract in the best public interest and to recognize a fee will be returned to the City and
the Little League Program:
Brook Seal, Parks and Recreation Director, gave his presentation. Mr. Seal said Mountainview
Productions is the group that put on the Winterfest, and said they would like to do that again and said
that the Commission has a list in their packets of what they are planning. Mr. Seal said they will have
fireworks, a boat show, rides, games, etc. The have sponsors that help them do that as it is advertised
on radio and TV, part of what they want to do is donate a certain amount of money to the City based
on the attendance there. The main parking lot will be blocked off and an amount will be collected
from the participants. Mr. Seal said every issue is negotiable if the Commission thinks this is a good
idea, if the Commission doesn't mind the parking lot being shut, there could be funds for the City,
they also want to donate to the Little League, as their parking will be disrupted for those days, but
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can park where the soccer people usually do, and that would be only for one day, Saturday.
Mr. Seal said this request is for the Commission to approve the idea (there is a meeting set for
Wednesday morning) and to authorize the City Manager to detail a contract.
Commissioner Blake said he was at the first show and said he thinks they did a fine job and a fine job
of cleaning up, but said he has a problem with "renting" out our park which is for the citizens,
displacing our citizens prearranged activities at the park. Commissioner Blake said he has an issue
with closing down our parking facilities and basically taking the park away from those people who
the park is really for. Commissioner Blake said to allow a for profit entity to come in, even though
they will give the City a profit in return, where will the people park, where will the people coming
to the show park?
Mr. Seal said the people coming to the show can be parked in the bottom and some of the regular
parking lot, and park down in the natural area (like the 4th of July).
Commissioner Blake asked if there will be a charge for parking. Mr. Seal said yes.
Mr. Seal said he feels that parking would be a problem on Saturday.
Commissioner Blake asked what woul,d prevent people from going to the show from parking in the
free parking area which would be earmarked for the Little League and Soccer players, how will that
be determined.
Mr. Seal said it would be shut off at the back side of here the fields come out (the two walkways)
there will be a barrier there at each walkway and someone from their organization will be watching
Commissioner Blake stated that he liked the job they did and he likes the idea of having the show, but
he also recognizes that it is not just this one time and said he really has a concern about the parking
and specifically for the people who would ordinarily use the park.
Commissioner Miller asked why wasn't an amount put into the Commission's packets. Commissioner
Miller said he would like to see the economics on this before we start discussing a contract.
Commissioner Miller said he feels an amount should have been furnished. Commissioner Miller said
he would like to know how much it would cost to park and to enter into the show.
Commissioner Martinez also said he did not like the idea of charging people to go into the park.
Commissioner McLeod said he understands what this is about, and said the park is for all the people,
and there is a lot of people who do not play softball or play soccer. Commissioner McLeod said they
are talking about a boat show, 30 major attractions, fireworks; they will provide the insurance and
decimation/permitting, there will be radio support, a lot of interest in Winter Springs. Commissioner
McLeod said he feels there needs to be more information brought back to the Commission, perhaps
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as the next meeting do determine what a reasonable charge to the citizens may be. Commissioner
McLeod said he is not in favor of the City making money off of the park (necessarily) but said he feels
more information needs to be given to the Commission, that he is not totally opposed to the idea, it
has a lot of good things for the citizens, but the Commission needs to know dollars and cents, and
said the park is not just there for baseball and soccer.
Deputy Mayor Gennell said there is two different questions, one is a policy issue, and said she doesn't
remember changing the policy that we would not allow for-profit events to be in that park. The other
issue is, is this contract any good if you decide your policy is going to be that they can in fact have
admission charged.
Manager McLemore said there was an indication from this Commission that we simply are not giving
a variety of different kinds of programs and activities in our Parks and we need to "step it up" and
do more varied things. Most of the programs offered by the Parks are either paid for by fees in some
way or other; those things which are not basic athletics type events, so fee related activities in the
Park are not uncommon, they are very common. Manager McLemore said as the Commission can
recall, when this Company came to us last year and said they would like to explore with the City, a
feasibility of a longer term relationship, where in return for the "freebie" that we gave the Winter
Springs community (Winter Spectacular), which wasn't really seen because of the rain, what they did
was come back with an effort (which they didn't have to do) to come back with something. The idea
was that we would try to have four or five major events during the year, which would be family
oriented events, they would be fee paid, they would earn money (which the City would participate
in the earnings) in order to offer a different variety of events and with the payoff being that one of
these events, the Winter Fest, would be totally open and free to the public; that's where we started
and we said we would take it step by step, we would do the Winter Fest and see how it went, see
how these people performed in terms of doing what they said they would do. Manager McLemore
said he thinks they did really well under the circumstances, and now we need to move on to this next
step to determine if we want to get into this longer term relationship with this company, who would
be providing types of entertainments such as Amy Grant, and groups that people would be able to
see during the year. Manager McLemore said we are not doing anything that other parks and park
systems do in other communities, and said he doesn't want to move in this direction if this is not the
direction the Commission wants him to move in.
Manager McLemore said working out the numbers is easy, the main part is are we going to continue
to explore this concept with this company as a way of providing alternative recreation to the people
in this community and indeed it will attract people from outside and potentially earn money for the
Commissioner Blake said if we go forward with this, he would like to see us look at, specifically on
the week-end part of the event, which he thinks will have the largest conflict of other users of the
park, to see what the possibility of having a parking arrangement with the High School property and
shuttle arrangement either for people going to the Spring Fest or for the normal users and the cost
of that would be provided by the Spring Fest. Commissioner Blake said he would like to have
specific attention to that and said he thinks that would lessen some of the problems and conflict that
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would go on there.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve Item A, and authorize the City Manager
to enter into negotiations with Mountain View Productions for providing recreational
program, Spring Fest 98, subject to the comments made here this evening. Seconded by
Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Commissioner Miller said he would like the report from
the City Manager to include some cost data as to what the City might be able to make from
this as opposed to just allowing them to use our park. Commissioner McLeod said he would
like to see what the expectations of the City outlay is of the Police Department and traffic
control along with Parks personnel cost vs. what the revenue would be. Commissioner
McLeod said he would like to see a cost analysis of this and said he would like this to come
back to the Commission at the next meeting; Commissioner McLeod said he would like to see
what will be charged per person to enter. Commissioner Blake said he would also like to have
the negotiated contract brought back to the Commission for final approval which will have all
of the numbers etc. Vote: Commissioner Miller: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner
Martinez: nay; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Community Development Department/Land Development Division
B. Presenting to the Commission the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Board as it relates
to the Preliminary Engineering/Final Subdivision Plan for that project called Wicklow Estates.
PURPOSE: for the Commission to consider the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation on
the Preliminary Engineering/Final Subdivision Plan for Wicklow Estates. This project is located to
the north and east of Wood stream, and to the west of Howell Creek. The plans are to have forty-
eight (48) lots on twenty-eight (28) acres. The property is zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD).
Charles Carrington, Community Development Director, gave his presentation. Mr. Carrington said
this is a request by the developer for preliminary engineering and final subdivision for Wicklow
Estates. The forty-eight lot single family subdivision consists of 28 acres located west of Howell
Creek and adjacent to Woodstream subdivision, the zoning is P.U.D. The developer proposes to
access the property from Northern Way by way of Richard Rd. (private street) which also serves the
Woodstream development. Five town house lots, formerly part of the Woodstream Development
have been purchased by the Wicklow group and resubdivided as single family lots to be part of
Wicklow. The Wicklow site borders the Woodstream subdivision along its northeast boundary, the
two subdivisions share a common entrance (Richard Rd.) and newly relocated retention ponds for
stormwater run-off The retention ponds are designed for a 25 year/24 hour storm, in accordance
with State and local codes, a more detailed review of this design will be made when the developer
submits final engineering drawing at a subsequent meeting before the Commission. The development
review committee and the Planning and Zoning Board are recommending approval.
Steve Samaha, representing ELJH Orlando, Inc., gave his presentation. Mr. Samaha stated that they
are proposing a 48 lot, single family subdivision on the 28 acres. The minimum lot size is 100 width
x 140 depth. The property borders on three golf holes, and Howell Creek.
Mr. Samaha reviewed some of the concerns with the existing Woodstream development. Mr. Samaha
said they have had a number of discussions with the Association and residents of Woodsteam to
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address issues of common concern and said there is a draft agreement (that he believes they are in
agreement with). Mr. Samaha said they have discussed naming the entire project Wicklow so that
the Wood stream name would no longer be utilized. The new development would be called Wick low
Greens (subject to some change) and the entire project called Wicklow. Mr. Samaha said there will
be a stone entry feature on Northern Way, and will identifY either just Wicklow and/or Wicklow
Greens at the front on Northern Way (project identification signage). The existing landscaping will
stay and they will add additional landscaping and lighting. Richard Road will be renamed to Wicklow
Way. They will resurface, as part of their project, add a minimum of one inch of asphalt to all the
roads in the existing Woodstream development, and that will be done at the same time that they pave
the roads in their project. At the same time they are installing drainage improvements on their side
of the project, to the end of Nancy Circle, the improvements consist of a drainage inlet and running
a new pipe to another inlet at the end of a cul-de-sac; they also will be replacing the pipe at the end
of Kim Court.
Mr. Samaha mentioned a stone wall as you are driving into the subdivision and a median. The
expenses for maintaining Richard Road as well as the retention pond that serves the entire area, will
be paid entirely by the new development until such time they turn the association over to the
residents. At that time, the common maintenance expenses of the retention pond and Richard Road
and the landscaping and signage improvements will be shared among the new and existing residents
on a pro rata basis.
Mr. Samaha said one issue that they haven't reached total resolution is the location of a gate, if they
install one, the plan shows two potential locations. A final determination has not been made yet for
the location of the gate, but the agreement states that if they do put in a gate it will go into one of
those two locations.
Mr. Samaha said they have to fine tune some of the exhibits but said from his prospective the
agreement is satisfactory and is willing to commit and have it in final form for the Commission with
the exhibits when they come back for final engineering.
Commissioner McLeod mentioned that a date needs to be corrected on the plans. Commissioner
McLeod stated that he feels there should not be two Homeowners Association, it should be one.
Commissioner Martinez asked if the residents have agreed to the terms of the agreement. Mr. Samaha
said he is almost sure and that he is willing to stand by the agreement.
Roger Owen, 1024 Nancy Circle, gave the Commission a synopsis of the W oodstream development.
Mr. Owen said the Wood stream Association is in favor of what Mr. Samaha has done thus far. Mr.
Owen said the Association is asking the Commission to have the agreement become part of the
development order and the City approve the storm sewer and the repaving of the roads. Mr. Owen
asked if the Commission can approve the conceptual plan tonight subject to their final agreement with
Mr. Samaha, that would come to the Commission for final approval within the next 30 days.
Attorney Guthrie said the agreement is a private negotiated between the two parties, the City only
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mandates compliance with City Code and this isn't strictly a component of City Code and recommend
that the two parties continue to work in good faith and try and get it resolved.
Mr. Owen asked if the developer wants it part of the agreement, would that be satisfactory and then
the Commission could approve it as part of the plan.
Attorney Guthrie said he would get it negotiated and get is signed and sealed and in place so it is
ready to go when they come back with final engineering. Attorney Guthrie said he doesn't want Mr.
Owen to mix up between what the City mandates, which is compliance with City Code, and would
enforce, as far as development improvements out there which if for the new phase will require what
the road bed should be, road thickness because that is what our current standards say. Attorney
Guthrie said the repaving will not be re-engineered, it will be the application of additional material
and said that their agreement should say that the engineer will certify the thickness of the paving, the
City will not be involved with that. The compliance with drainage for the new phase, is something
the City will require.
Deputy Mayor Gennell stated that Mr. Owen's time for speaking has expired.
Motion was made by Commissioner Martinez to extend Mr. Owen's time. Seconded by
Commissioner McLeod. Vote: all aye.
Discussion regarding the Wood stream residents agreement and the new subdivision.
Mr. Samaha said for the record is they are going to sign the agreement with the Association and it
will be an agreement that the Woodstream Association will have a right to enforce, it will be a
separate right of the Association.
Attorney Guthrie said a private solution to these problems is the best one, the City will enforce what
they can enforce and the Association can enforce the things that are the subject of their agreement.
Manager McLemore said the question is does the City have the right to enforce a civil agreement
between two parties and the answer "I don't think so" and said that is what the Attorney is trying to
tell the Commission, we can enforce that which is part of our ordinances and codes, we can't enforce
a civil agreement between two parties and thereby become a third party in that agreement. The civil
agreement is enforceable between the private parties; that which is incorporated on a set of plans for
final engineering which the City approves, he (Manager) believes the City can enforce.
Mr. Samaha said they are going to show the improvements that they are going to make on their final
Mr. Owen stated that the homeowners in Woodstream are in favor of the agenda item.
Commissioner Blake asked Mr. Owen if he wants to be sure that the improvements that are made,
subject to the agreement (with the developer) are made up to City Code so they do not have the
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problem that they have currently. Mr. Owen stated yes. Commissioner Blake said any improvements
that require permits and roads and drainage, have to be up to Code. Attorney Guthrie said that is
correct although with the older roads the City will not go into bedding materials, the City will be
looking at the surfacing product only.
Commissioner McLeod asked about the retention ponds not being on the property of the
Woodstream development.
Bill Stuber, of V.H.B., said to clarify this the Woodstream development presently does not have
retention basins on their property, they are actually build on the phase that they are developing
(Wicklow). As long as there is a cross utilization agreement and a maintenance agreement, which
is part of the agreement, they are basically able to share a retention basin. Mr. Stuber said they have
sized the pond for both subdivisions at ultimate build out, with one control structure that actually
moves the retention basin a little closer to their property.
Doug Clark, President of the Woodstream Homeowners Association, said he has looked at the
agreement and said he agrees with most of it, there are just a few minor points they are working on.
Mr. Clark said as a point of interest is the gate location, and speaking for the Homeowners
Association, there is a concern for gate security and is a gate is built they would like to see it on
Richard Road.
Deputy Mayor Gennell mentioned a typo on page 32 of the declarations regarding a date, where it
states 1994.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve Item B on the agenda. Seconded by
Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Martinez: aye; Commissioner
McLeod: aye; Commissioner Miller: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye. Motion passes.
Commissioner Blake mentioned that it is nice to see homeowners and developers working together
to take care of issues before it comes to the Commission.
Deputy Mayor Gennell called a recess at 8:20 p.m. Deputy Mayor Gennell reconvened the meeting
at 8:30 p.m.
Deputy Mayor Gennell stated that there is a request from Missy Cassells that her item be taken out
of order, Item E.
Motion was made by Commissioner Martinez to hear Item E at this time. Seconded by
Commissioner Miller. Vote: all aye. Motion passes.
Mr. Canington gave his presentation. Mr. Carrington stated that this is a public hearing to approve
an interim development agreement related to the Cassells property near the intersection S.R. 434 and
the GreeneWay. The interim agreement places a hold on development for one year, while the City
prepares GreeneWay Intersection Design Standards and amends the Comprehensive Plan to allow
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for more intensive commercial uses on the property. This was the subject of previous public
discussion, all parties have now executed the agreement and are willing to be bound by its terms. The
major plan amendment process has been processed through the Local Planning Agency and is ready
to transmit to DCA as the GreeneWay Interchange District and this would replace the current
Comprehensive Plan classification of Mixed Use. The zoning will remain Planned Unit Development,
the Commission had previously voted to transmit this to DCA at the December 8, 1997 meeting. This
is a formality and is recommended by the Attorney to approve in Public Hearing this agreement.
Attorney Guthrie reminded the Commission that this agreement puts a hold on development for 18
months, and that will give the City sufficient time, this is not a traditional development agreement and
will be recorded in the Public Records and will not be reported to DCA.
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to hold a Public Hearing for the approval of the
interim development agreement pertaining to the 230 +- acres of the Cassells trust property
located at the northwest quadrant of S.R. 417 and S.R. 434. Seconded by Commissioner
Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Martinez: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Miller: aye. Motion passes.
Deputy Mayor Gennell stated that at this time the Commission will conduct a Public Hearing and
asked if there was any public input on this issue. There was no public input on this issue.
Deputy Mayor Gennell closed the Public Hearing.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor
to sign the agreement. Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner
Miller: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Martinez: aye; Commissioner McLeod:
aye. Motion passes.
Community Development Department/Land Development Division
C-I. Presenting to the Commission the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board as it
relates to the proposed Master Development Program for Tuscawilla Tract 15, Parcel I-B.
PURPOSE: for the Commission to hold a First Public Hearing to consider the recommendation of
the planning and Zoning Board as it relates to the proposed Master Development Program for
Tuscawilla Tract 15, Parcel I-B. Parcel I-B is located at the northeast intersection of Vistawilla
Drive and S.R. 434, extends eastward on the south side of S.R. 434 approximately 2,160 feet, then
south southwest 900 feet, then westward approximately 2,100 feet and then north northeast to the
point of beginning approximately 900 feet:
Charles Carrington gave his presentation. Mr. Carrington said that the Commission is being asked
to consider a Master Development layout for Tuscawilla Tract 15, Parcel IB, which includes five
commercial lots, zoned for Planned Unit Development. The property is located on the south side of
S.R. 434 at the intersection of Vista willa Drive near the GreeneWay; the lots are included within the
S.R. 434 New Development Area Corridor Vision Plan. The developer is requesting the Commission
vary some of the standards of the Corridor Vision Plan as it relates to signage and set-backs. The
developer in respect to that is proposing a variable three foot high berm and enhanced landscaping
totaling 25 feet instead of the required 15 feet that is stipulated in the design standards. The
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development review committee and the Planning and Zoning Board have reviewed this matter and
recommend approval of this item.
Attorney Guthrie said there will be a public hearing on each item, C-l, C-2 and D, they inter-relate,
and will be acted on separately. Attorney Guthrie said if the Commission moves toward approval of
C-l and C-2, it should be contingent on the details that are contained in D.
Commissioner McLeod asked if the Commission does not approve C-l and C-2, does that mean that
D "goes away". Attorney Guthrie said if we vary the requirements we have to either change D to
recognize what is approved or if the Commission does not approve them then D cannot be approved.
Commissioner McLeod said he did not read anything saying that C-l, C-2 and D were contingent
upon each other.
Manager McLemore said that is because we are doing this by development agreement and the
development agreement memorializes all the things that is on the master plan and then on the separate
site plan. Ifwe were not doing a development agreement, we would not need to do that. So the all
the documents need to correlate.
Attorney Guthrie said item D, the Development Agreement, becomes the instrument of enforcing the
development standards.
Charles Carrington asked if the Mayor and Commission would like him to make a presentation on
items C-2 and D.
The Commission was in consensus to hear the items at this time and will have three separate actions.
Mr. Carrington said item C-2 deals with final engineering for Lot 1, Lot 1 of the five lots of the
Tuscawilla Tract 15, ParcellB, the property is zoned PUD, the proposed use on Lot 1 is for a mini-
mart convenience store with automobile gasoline sales, the land use designations are further regulated
by a settlement and annexation agreement adopted as Ord. 489 in July the 23, 1990 and a vested
rights special use permit for commercial uses dated June the 8, 1993. Added landscaping and berms
as related to all five lots in Item D are applicable to this lot, the variables and stipulations are clearly
outlined in a proposed development agreement included in the agenda package as item D. The
development review committee and the Planning and Zoning Board recommend approval with the
specific changes in connection with building signage as shown on inserts A-I and CE-I. Item D on
the agenda is the first of two public hearings on a proposed development agreement related to
TuscawiUa Tract 15, ParcellB, which includes five commercial lots, zoned PUD. The development
agreement includes variances from the S.R. 434 New Area Development Guidelines as related to
decreased set-backs, increased signage and increased landscaping.
Mike Jones, representative for the developer, gave his presentation. Mr. Jones stated he doesn't
concur that the Vision Ordinance covers/encompasses this property because the application was filed
before the enactment of that ordinance and said he has a lot of problems with the Vision Ordinance.
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Mr. Jones said sign age is the major issue in any site development, and said they were able to meet
something that is satisfactory.
Mr. Jones said this property has constraints because it is a narrow piece of property and it also has
wetlands in it that cause development problem.
Commissioner McLeod said what you are asking for is a little more signage in lieu of that what you
are giving back is more landscaping in this project.
Mr. Jones, said it was not only that, there were so many things that were give and take, the set-backs,
the additional landscaping; all these changes cost money and said the changes that have been asked
of us did impose an economical determent in many cases but they were all reasonable.
Commissioner McLeod said he wanted all Commissioners to understand that some of the things were
give and take and one of the main issues does become the signage to make all these things work
economical for the developer so they have recognition.
David Perry, landscape architect and land planner with Boyer Singleton, and said they have been
retained to do the master design for the development program for Tuscawilla Tract 15, Parcell B.
Mr. Perry mentioned communities that he did the master sign plan for as well as the landscape
programs. Mr. Perry reviewed the design with the Commission. Mr. Perry said they have read
thought he S.R. 434 Conidor plan and have taken the design guidelines that were drafted and brought
them into an implementable plan. This design actually brings forth additional items that were not in
the design guidelines and actually provides for larger landscape material, larger trees, larger shrubs
and the insulation ofa three foot berm across the entire frontage of the property. Additionally, what
it does provide for is a meandering sidewalk that would run along the entire frontage of the property,
that has yet to be approved by F.D.O.T. In the event that F.D.O.T. does not approve the meandering
sidewalk, the design will work equally as well just by some minor modifications of the design to allow
the planting beds to create a more curve linear shape along the frontage. In essence something else
they have tried to bring forward is a unified landscape program as well as a unified signage program.
All of the signs across the frontage of the property will have a consistent design shape, design
pattering, design elements, with ornamental effects on the top; they will all have a very similar
character. They are trying to make sure there is a consistency in the design across the entire frontage
of the development.
Commissioner Miller asked about the two monument signs.
Mr. Perry said the one on the right will be a single tenant sign, the multi-tenant sign would be for the
Hess Express which would be at the corner, the other signs would be individual parcel signs and
would be smaller in size and character.
Manager McLemore said the development agreement provides for only one sign, and that is a multi-
tenant sign.
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Commissioner McLeod asked if the request is for having the one sign to be larger, the multi-tenant
and the other falls within our Code requirements.
Manager McLemore said correct.
Commissioner McLeod said then each parcel would have a single tenant sign, and that would be only
one on each parcel. Manager McLemore said correct.
Commissioner McLeod stated that the plans show two signs for parcel five. Mr. Perry said that
parcel can actually be "carved off' as a useable parcel in the future, depending on if the GreeneWay
parcel ever can be developed over or in the event that they purchase any land towards the
GreeneWay, that ifit ever became a developable parcel, that would be in fact be a single tenant sign.
Commissioner McLeod said they would be sharing a common entrance. Mr. Perry said correct.
Commissioner McLeod said at the present, you are showing parcel five as a single entity. Mr. Perry
said correct. Commissioner McLeod ask if they are asking for that as a parcel standing by itself of
five, it would have a single tenant sign, however, if it is broken off into two parcels or an extension
of the parcel, then it would have two signs, one on the west and one on the east of the entrance. Mr.
Perry said correct.
Deputy Mayor GennelI asked if there was only one entrance off of S.R. 434 into the entire
development. Mr. Perry said there is three, all right in and right out; except where the current D.O.T.
design shows a median cut.
Deputy Mayor GennelI asked if the plan included six foot sidewalks. Mr. Perry said five foot
sidewalks, which is a standard D.O.T. sidewalk.
Manager McLemore said he thinks that in some discussions that were had with the Commissioner,
a commitment was made for six sidewalks. Mr. Jones said they will be six feet.
Deputy Mayor Gennell asked if the sidewalk will be extended down Vistawilla. Mr. Perry said there
is an existing sidewalk there.
Ray Malave, engineer for the project, stated that the standard D.O.T. sidewalk is five feet.
Deputy Mayor Gennell asked if the developer has agreed that the sidewalk would be six feet.
Attorney Guthrie said they have indicated that, and stated that it be a caveat as the meandering
sidewalk does and it would be contingent to D.O.T. approval.
Mr. Clay, representing for Eagles Watch, stated they have a concern regarding noise, lighting, the car
wash. Mr. Clay said he wouldn't like to see any variances on signage, setbacks or on anything. Mr.
Clay asked that the Commission consider their request to stay within the S.R. 434 Visioning
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Marsha Prince, 111 Cisco Cove, representative of Howell Creek Reserve, said she concurs with Mr.
Clay's statement where not to allow variances on signage and set-backs. Ms. Prince said they are
asking that the Commission carefully review the back section, and the other areas which would come
behind Howell Creek Reserve in the near future. Ms. Prince said they are looking to maintain the
integrity of the Tuscawilla esthetic groupings that are now in place; they want to maintain a good
buffer barrier for sound purposes and lighting, particularly speaking to the directed lighting avoiding
any high excessive halogen lights.
Tom O'Connell, 1718 Seneca, President of the Tuscawilla Homeowners Association, re-iterated
issues that came up at the Planning and Zoning Board meeting, one is the 24 hour a day car wash
operation, they oppose a 24 hours a day car wash operation, the Board opposes a car was altogether.
The Board is concerned about trucks through the residential area, they think that the plan to down
load gasoline requires to enter Vistawilla, make a V-turn and park in the right-of-way to off load gas
into the burred underground tanks, and they think that's a safety hazard. The Board does not think
this project deserves more than 32 sq.ft. in signage area and asked that the Commission to keep the
sign under the restrictions that they spent years developing for the 434 Corridor. Mr. O'Connell said
it is his understanding that the Commission sets policy for the City Manager and said he heard Mr.
Jones say that Mr. McLemore is representing the views of the community for what they want on that
site, and said he doesn't think that is accurate and said he thinks that the Commission ought to tell
the City Manager what the policy is going to be and let the City Manager implement it, rather than
the other way around.
Manager McLemore stated regarding the policy issue, the authority of the Manager to come involved
in this type of negotiation is entirely consistent with the policy that Commission has passed; Manager
McLemore said that he has expressed to the Commission, privately, (in the last few days) that he
doesn't believe that this is a sign variance because he doesn't think there is a standard in the new sign
ordinance or the old sign ordinance that address this type of use. Manager McLemore said this
particular plan, and said he is sensitive to design and appreciates good design, and his only interest
in dealing with the developers was to create a design that would work for the peoples benefit. The
problem with public standards are that they are typically meant to be a "cookie cutter" approach to
something and try to apply it across the board uni-Iatterly, does not give the best that you can have.
Manager McLemore said in this case, they looked at a site and said "here's a building that doesn't
have any real architectural qualities, so how do we deal with that so that it does in fact accrue to the
people's benefit; and the way we decided to do that was to create architectural quality in the signage
and in the landscape which basically insulates the entire facility to its surrounding environment in such
a way that it minimizes its impact but at the same time increases its design quality to the
neighborhood and people around it. Manager McLemore said this has been custom designed to fit
this site, with the peoples interest at heart. Manager McLemore said the custom design is better than
they could get by applying the standards uni-Iaterly on every site.
Manager McLemore said his thinking in this was to try to balance all this in the peoples behalf at quite
some additional expense to the property owner.
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Commissioner McLeod said he believes the City Manger is doing his job and believes the City
Manager has a right to negotiate in good faith. Commissioner McLeod said with regard to the
backside of the property is there a berm area across the back and asked what will be put on the back
to block, besides landscaping, will there be a wall.
Mr. Perry said there is a private access drive that accesses each one of the parcels from the rear and
there will be a landscape buffer strip along the rear of each parcel and they will provide a landscape
buffer that abuts the adjacent neighborhood. The will actually have two buffer strips between these
Mr. Perry mentioned there is a large wetland area and will be left in preservation and nothing will be
modified in the wetland itself
Commissioner McLeod asked about the unloading of the gas. Mr. Perry said all gas will be unloaded
on the property.
Deputy Mayor Gennell said the landscaping that is shown in the front. Manager McLemore said the
landscaping is addressed in the Master Plan and if approved, the landscaping plan is approved for the
entire five parcels.
Mr. Perry stated that there will be a interior landscape buffer between the Hess station parcel and
parcel 2 that would be part of the Hess station construction.
Reed Cook, representative from Amarada Hess, reviewed pictures taken of the property with the
Attorney Guthrie commented regarding the site, and stated regarding Ord. 675 and the timing of the
application of the development of this project is a legal issue and said it was an issue that suggested
if something could be worked out and said he thinks that was the best way to go, where there was
mutual consideration as to whether the 434 Corridor Design criteria would apply to this parcel or not.
As to land uses, this property is subject to a settlement agreement and a vested rights determination
and said the settlement agreement did deal with what type of land uses are allowed there and these
land uses appear to be included in that agreement and therefore would be permitted, so the idea that
we get as much as we can by way of negotiated agreement, when looking at permitted uses that
maybe not be the optimum of what we want in the corridor today but what we have from the
settlement agreement, which was an issue in the negotiation and finally with regard to the application
of the ord. 675, there were the physical constraints on the property. So those three factors have some
legal implications that drove the negotiations and suggest why the Commission needs to look at the
way things came out in terms of what you hope to get from a public policy perspective.
Manager McLemore said there was a question regarding the on-going maintenance and we have done
a couple of things to deal with that issue and one is we have required that there would be an owners
association who would be responsible for the on-going maintenance of the common areas,
landscaping, just as you would have in a residential subdivision. The other thing that we required was
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the actual landscaping plans would be detailed in the construction documents, which means if they
don't install the landscaping the way it was designed then they don't get a certificate of occupancy.
Deputy Mayor Gennell said she is not as concerned with the signs on the outside of the building, but
she does have a question about the signs inside the windows. Deputy Mayor Gennell said the City's
new area development guidelines limit the amount of window space that a given store can give to
window sign age and asked if the developer will be complying with the new development area
guidelines as far as the window signs.
Manager McLemore said with regard to the window signs, they will have to comply with the
guidelines just like anyone else. We allowed them the building signage and the monument sign and
those are the only considerations that we gave.
Commissioner Blake said to address a issue that Mr. O'Connell brought up and that is the one
regarding the actions of the City Manager negotiating a development agreement and micro
management. Commissioner Blake said the fact of the matter is that policy is set by the Board for
the purpose of avoiding micro-management; as long as Staff follows policies set by the Board and
negotiate based on that policy micro-management is indeed avoided. It's when we cross the line of
negotiating things that are not along policy guidelines that we find ourselves sitting here talking about
the widths of sidewalks or set-backs or sign area or several other issues that come up in this
development agreement that are contrary to the policy set by this Board over the last 3 Y2 years or
so in the S.R. 434 Corridor Vision Plan for the New Development Area. Having sat thought all those
meetings, and hours of work put in to that new development ordinance, that was in the works for
years, many of these policy decisions were formulated by this Board to make it very easy for the land
owner to come in with a development that would be a high quality, value added development for this
City and specifically keep that business corridor S.R. 434 from turning into a blighted area such as
17/92. It is interesting to note that the very first development that we get under these new guidelines,
that come before us, contains a development agreement with some things not being addressed
correctly (in his opinion) some of the representations that have been made to this Board, (he finds)
as not being accurate from our own Staff For instance it was stated here that the P&Z Board
considered this development and considered these items that are in the development agreement that
did not conform to our codes and they approved them and passed them on with recommendation of
approval to this Commission. Commissioner Blake said he sat at that P&Z meeting and paid attention
what was said and how it was presented to them, and also got the tapes and listened to the
representations that were made to the P&Z Board and in fact, was said to the P&Z Board from Staff
to the Board was they want different signage and different set-backs but don't worry about those
because they will be contained in the development agreement that will come before the Commission
and they will decide on that. In fact when they (P&Z) had a motion on the floor for item C-l, they
thought they were just doing everything except those items that were in conflict with our current code
and they passed it and then came C-2 (the site development) and there was confusion with the Board
they had no idea that they had to do something else, they didn't know what they had already passes
or what they had yet to pass. To have Staff bring this to us and tell us that P&Z has approved this
and recommended it being forwarded to us for approval with these variances, and said he doesn't
believe is accurate. Commissioner Blake said that he doesn't think as a matter of policy, that we
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should take the first gas station, to allow them a 71.88% increase in sign copy area for a gas station,
the first development in our new corridor, said he thinks it is a mistake.
Commissioner Blake said no where in there does it discuss the increased sign age on the wall signs.
It is bigger than our Code allows, and in fact in the drawing of the signs, it doesn't show the internal
measurements of the two monument signs so that we as policy makers can calculate, based on these
plans and these plans detennine what size the signs will be, and that is what is said in the development
agreement, but it does not state what size copy area it is.
Commissioner Blake talked about the landscaping in the development agreement and stated that it
is better than what is in the Code, and said he would like to have that but not at the cost of moving
set-backs, they would have to increase their set-back by 100% to get it to Code. They talk about that
they need to do this because it's a constrained site, and said this site is not smaller than many other
gas station sites out there, in fact it's larger than many gas station sites out there.
Commissioner Blake said they have the same sign age allowance as everyone else in the corridor will
have, and that is the beauty of the new development program, it is the fact that we are not talking
about one development or one gas station, we are talking about an entire corridor, we are talking
about the definition of Winter Springs.
Commissioner Blake said if they want to build on this property and build this development, he has
a couple problems with it, one problem is the set backs are wrong, if they want to build it he'll vote
for it but they have to bring the set backs in line with what these codes say you have to do (434 new
development guidelines) and second, if they want a sign at this business, they get 32 sq.ft. to work
with, just like everyone else on the corridor with that size operation. Regarding the landscaping,
Commissioner Blake said he hopes they keep the landscaping that they have shown, if not, just bring
it back to the minimums required by our Code, that is still the toughest anywhere.
Commissioner Blake said one thing he doesn't see is that there is no wall along the back side of the
property separating the commercial development from the residential development. Commissioner
Blake said he thinks it has been the intent of the Commission from the beginning that the commercial
development on S.R. 434 would be separated from residential by a wall and stated that he thinks
that's an important aspect of the development plans that they need to do.
Commissioner Blake said he will not vote for this project the way it is presented, but if the developer
wants to table this and go back and come back with a project that fits the City's Codes then he will
be more than happy to vote in favor of the development.
Commissioner Martinez said he agrees with Commissioner Blake that this should be tabled or he
won't vote for it tonight, and furthermore he would like to hear from the developer or owner as to
where the run-off water from the car wash going to go. Mr. Perry said there are containment areas
that are built into the car wash facility that hold the water, and stated that it is 100% recyclable water
and they will have some one come in and haul the resoled material off site.
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Commissioner Martinez reiterated that if the developer meets the Code then he would not have a
problem voting in favor of the project.
Commissioner McLeod asked the Attorney if the City is dealing with a vested rights issue.
Attorney Guthrie said there are some vested rights as to use, as to the car wash and the gas station,
there are vested rights to that under the settlement agreement; Attorney Guthrie said where we are
not dealing purely with vested rights, where this Board has some policy discression, where the City
Manager has the discression under Ord. 675 to bring to the Commission the decision as to whether
or not to enter into a development agreement that waives some of those requirements as that
Ordinance allows. Attorney Guthrie said the Commission has substantial discression where the
Commission can apply the standards uniformly or go with the development if the Commission feels
that the site is constrained and we are exacting some additional constraints. Attorney Guthrie said
there is an issue of the timing of the application of development and the passage of Ordinance 675.
Deputy Mayor Gennell closed the Public Hearing.
Deputy Mayor Gennell asked the developer ifhe would agree to put a wall at the rear of the property.
The developer asked for five minutes to discuss this request.
Deputy Mayor Gennell called a recess at 10:02 p.m. Deputy Mayor Gennell reconvened the meeting
at 10: 12 p.m.
Manager McLemore stated we have tried, as much as possible, to prevent the replay of strip centers
and said the way this design is laid out there is single detached buildings, all of which have their own
separate site plan and landscape plan and said in his opinion that gives a much better site plan than
just the traditional multi-tenant building, and that was an intentional act on Staff's part to try and
make it a better quality development.
Mr. Jones said in working with Mr. McLemore and Staff, he feels that he is presenting a project that
fell within the guidelines of the Vision Ordinance. Mr. Jones said he was able to go in front of the
P&Z Board and represent to them that this was a project that he could approve of himself in his
neighborhood. Discussion.
Mr. Jones stated that in regards to the question about putting in a wall, yes they will put in a wall.
Also, they will restrict the operating hours of the car wash from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. They will
also use low sodium lighting and there will be back stops on the glair so that it doesn't go into the
residential areas. Mr. Jones also mentioned that the set back difference is only six inches and then
asked for the Commissions support of the project.
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to approve this item contingent upon that the
criteria be folded into a development agreement that is considered by the Commission.
Seconded by Commissioner Miller. Discussion. Commissioner Blake said he cannot find
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where the setback difference is only six inches. Attorney Guthrie said what he thinks was
stated was that on the Hess site, (his understanding) the building may be (something like) 45
feet from the r-o-w, but as far as the entire site, what is in the development agreement is a 25
foot setback for the other pieces. Commissioner Blake said on the document that he had to go
by, #5 on page 7 says setbacks for ParcellB of tract 15, and asked if that was the Hess station
property. Attorney Guthrie said Parcel IB is the entire, the item that we are considering
which is C-l, is for the entire Parcel that is laid out as potentially having five pieces.
Commissioner Blake it states that the building setbacks for the property described on Exhibit
A (and stated that there was no exhibit A in his packet and said he doesn't know what exhibit
A is) shall be 25 feet from the adjacent r-o-w line on S.R. 434 in recognition of enhanced
landscaping for said site in the event of a default by the property owner in the installation of
landscaping to Tract IB per the master development program, or the failure to maintain said
landscaping as required by City Code, then the setbacks pursuant to City Code shall apply to
said tract or part thereof.- Commissioner Blake said he didn't see six inches and the difference
between 25 and 50 is 100cyo, and asked if this needs to be changed to 49'6". Manager
McLemore said the overall master plan for the entire parcel provides for the 25 foot setback,
however, the specific site plan for the Hess station does not ask for that 25 foot variance, it only
asks for the six inch variance. So therefore, when the Commission approves the master plan,
it is for the entire segment of land, but when you approve the Hess site plan, then the Hess site
plan does not ask for that setback, so in effect what it does, it makes the Hess plan in
conformance with the over all master plan, because it is far less than what is approved for the
entire master plan. Manager McLemore said first the master plan is approved for the over all
tract of land, then as the parcels develop then each site plan is approved within that master
plan, so the Hess site plan, assuming it is approved, would be able to have a 25 foot variance,
but they are not asking for the 25 feet, they are only asking for a minor deviation and that is
not from the main building, the minor deviation is from the canopy. Commissioner Blake
asked if the developer would change the development agreement to read 49'6" for the parcel.
Mr. Jones said they will change the development agreement to 49'6". Commissioner Blake
asked where does it show what size ofsigns are allowed by the agreement (not speaking about
the monument) and what portion of a variance the signs are from our stated Code. Manager
McLemore said under the new development standards, building mounted signs, is 16 sq.ft. and
what is proposed is 148 sq.ft. including the sign detail on the canopy. Commissioner Blake
asked what is the size of the other four parcels. Mr. Malave stated the four parcels are
between an acre and an acre and a half. Commissioner Blake said he is concerned about a car
wash operating at this site, given that there is residential behind where this car wash would
be, the noise from the car wash is quite onerous during all hours of operations, and stated he
has concern for the residents in terms of their quality of quiet enjoyment of their property and
asked what steps could be taken to either build this project without a car wash or utilize some
method to take care of the noise pollution from falling over to the other properties. Mr. Jones
said there has been no evidence or testimony or any indication from the public that the car
wash would cause a nuisance. Mr. Jones said the manufacturer has taken those steps to limit
the noise pollution, and it should also be pointed out that the cars wash is about two blocks
from the nearest house and it is buffered by the now wall that the Commission has asked for
and is buffered by wetlands. Mr. Jones said there is no response to the question to build this
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project without a car wash. Commissioner Blake said the only thing that stands between hard
work and careful planning and long lasting good development is the strength of this
Commission to stand up to the building standards that the Commission worked almost four
years to put into place, and stated that this land owner well knew and had every opportunity
to participate in the 434 New Development Guidelines, it was well advertised, public hearings,
workshops, input by a variety of other land owners along the corridor who had substantial
input and it is up to the Commission to make sure that the product we get on 434 is what we
want and what we deserve and if this Commission looses strength now on the very first
application - a gas station, what are we going to do next time and what are we going to end up
with. Vote: Commissioner Miller: aye; Commissioner Blake: nay; Commissioner Martinez:
nay; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Mayor Partyka arrived at 10:50 p.m. Deputy Mayor
Gennell asked Attorney Guthrie seeing as the Mayor just arrived should she turn the gavel
over to the Mayor or shall she take her vote on the motion on the floor. Attorney Guthrie said
since this matter is on-going right now, he thinks that Deputy Mayor Gennell is entitled to vote
as Mayor or now that the Mayor has returned, as Commissioner, because there is a tie, so she
can go ahead and act on this matter then it may be appropriate on the next action to turn the
gavel over to the Mayor. Deputy Mayor Gennell: aye. Motion passes.
Deputy Mayor Gennell called a minute recess so the Mayor could take his place. Mayor Paul Partyka
reconvened the meeting.
Mayor Partyka apologized for the inconvenience but stated he just arrived from Germany.
Motion was made by Commissioner Martinez to extend the meeting past 11 :00 p.m. Seconded
by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Blake: nay; Commissioner
Martinez: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: nay; Commissioner
Miller: nay. Motion denied.
Attorney Guthrie said this is up to the Commission, as to whether they want to continue a couple of
items that are advertised for a date certain or from tonight for a date certain. Discussion on when to
continue this meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to continue this meeting on March 2, 1998 at 6:30
p.m. Seconded by Commissioner Martinez. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Miller: aye;
Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Martinez: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: nay. Motion passes.
The meeting adjourned at 11 :02 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
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