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Southeastern Municipal Bonds (4)
..... ~ " I!! rUI ..nmrl'" ~ ~ ~ IOUTHEAnERn muniCIPAL Bon~ Inc. INVESTMENT BANKERS & FINANCIAL CONSUL TANTS POST OFFICE BOX 3333 · ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32802 TELEPHONE (305) 660-2025 I Itrl?1f ~ \'C"w"-' '~Wlt@ i ,( ~'/ j r1 f i, ~~, .'.i~"~, D I ( ! 'J '..;' '..",;H . . l ;,,' ,.. JAN 101984 t1TY of WiNTER SPRINGS OTY HALL .~ __ "i"__..~ January 10, 1984 Mr. Richard Rozansky City Manager CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 400 N. Edgemon Avenue Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 1984 - Financing Capacity Dear Mr. Rozansky: Attached are computer schedules which set forth the financing capacity for a 17 year issue and for a 30 year issue. You will notice that the 30 year issue results in additional financing capacity of approximately $400,000. A 30 year issue however may be difficult from a marketability standpoint due to the fact that the existing electric franchise agreement with Florida Power Corporation expires in 17 years (2001). If that agreement could be extended to a 30 year period it could be to the advantage of the City. I will be glad to discuss this with you in 'further detail. Sincerely, ~A~A~.~ ~-E~O A~rs GEA/ps Enclosures cc: John V. Torcaso, Mayor Members of the City Commission Frank Kruppenbacher, City Attorney 4.,1 I" 3,020,000 C')NuS ii 101. U,R 17 ','EARS 3,380,000 6,400,000 Int.,..t .t..t d.t.: 04/01/84 Fust ,nt....t p~Yff,,'nt:Hl/Otl8.. 84 -, ,')?? DE&+ SERVICE SC HEfWLE PERIOD ANNUAL ENIH riG PRINCIPAL RATE INTEF!EST TOTAL 04/01/85 75,000.00 10.000 304,000.00 379,000.00 ::: 04/0'll86 ,~'j , OOO"i'lfr- 1iT;.etoo--.-- . ~O .00- -'3101', 'iOO:mt 04/01/87 9!J,000.00 10.000 288,000.00 378,000.00 4 04/01/88 100,000.00 10.000 279,000.00 379,000.00 5 04/01/89 t1 D ,OOfi.'OO-- 1 fr;i)fifT-" 25~;i}00, OfT 379',000.00 6 04/01/90 7 . , '.M7tlT/~t---.. -.... B 04/01/92 q 04/01/93 10 04/01/94 11 1J4/01/95 '14/011'16 04/01/97 34/01/'/8 (}Td01/99 12 14- -15 16 17 04/01/00 OTi7lttfO 1 T or I~L 125,000.00 - T3fT, I'l eJO . eJO 145,000.00 160,000.00 .. . H'Y', -000 .00' 200,000.00 - C't'i',oorr:nu' 235,000.00 260,000.00 clOO,noo.Oo- 310,000.00 -~~,~1j(j 3,040,000.00 8& llld Ot NVr ~8. 10.000 ICl.MCl 10.000 10.000 1 a. Doa.-. 258,000.00 ~Ll~mr------ 232,50D.00 2'18,000.00 20c;DOO.00- 10.000 -ro-;-ooo--- ,--- 10.000 10.000 1~omJ' 184,500.00 r 57<;5oo;mr- 143,000.00 119,500.00 7:1,-'00.00 10.000 m~LlOO-- 65,500.00 s"-,:SDU:1J1r- '- - ----- ----~------- --------..-- -------- .------------- ----------------- 6,4T/,5lJo.00 'J, ,1'17,500.00 383,000.00 "'~a.mr 377 ,5oD.DO 378,00D.DD 377',000.00 384,5DO.00 ~-377,50cr...Uo- 37B,DOo.DD 379.500.00 373,500.00 375,500.00 '37<7',500.00 ,2't1 .522 WINTER 3PINGS,FLA .... .-- Interest stClrt First interest PERIOD ENDING 1 04/01/85 2 047 en /86 3 04/01/87 4 04/0-1/88 5 o 47Crl /89 6 04/0-1/90 -- --=; - 04 / oT7 91 8 04/0"1192 9 04/01/93 10 04/01/94 -) -11 04/01/95 -12" - 04/61/96 - ) 13 04/01/97 14 04/01/98 f5 04/01/99 16 04/0"1100 "17 -04701Tdr 18 04/01/02 19 04/01103 20 04/01/04 21 04/01/05 22 04 ltfT7CT6 23 04/01/07 24 04/01/08 25 04/01/09 26 04/01 10 27 04/01 11 28 04/01 12 29 04/01 13 30 04/01 14 TOTAL WINTER SPRINGS,FLA. NEW BONDS 30 YRS @ 10.5% ,1 ate: LJ 4 / 01 / 84 --_.._-_._---~---~--- payment: -10/0-1/84 --DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE ANNUAL pUR 11'fCTpAC - RA~- 15,000.00 2i5~000.00 20,000.00 25,000.00 2-5 ~ooo~-dO--- 30,000.00 30,000.00 35,000.00 40,000.00 4 5-;-CHJO :00-- 50,000.00 50,000.00 55,000.00 70,000.00 65 ,-oOlL 00 80,000.00 90,000.00 95,000.00 105,000.00 115,0150:0-0- -TiIITERES T 10.500 361,725.00 f(J.5--OO---~--360 ,15-[J.""OO- 10.500 358,050.00 1D.500 355,950.00 m-:-500---353, 325.00 10.500 10.500 10.500 10.500 1 o-:-sl:Ji:)"---- - 350,700.00 347,550.00 344,400.00 340,725.00 .. 33-6-;525-. ob- -10 . 500 10.500 "10.500 10.500 10.500- 33-1,800.00 326,550.00 321,300.00 315,525.00 308,-f7"5.-00- -10.500 10.500 10.500 10.500 10: 5-00- 30-1,350.00 --292,950.00 283,500.00 273,525.00 262,500.00 125,000.00 10.500 250,425.00 - T40-;-000.[rO--llJ."~-----237;3 0 0-:00- 155,000.00 10.500 222,600.00 170,000.0010.500 206,325.00 19D;00c:J:OO- 10: 50cr-- - 188-,475:00 260,000.00 10.500 285-;-0-00-.00 --10-.-500 - 320,000.00 10.500 350,000.00 10.500 39d~dOO .dO 1 d. 50d- 168,525.00 141-;-225-:1)0- 111,300.00 77,700.00 40,950.00 ---------------- ---------------- 3; 4 4s~ooo:I:ro ----------------.- ---------------- -----13,17 l;mo-.O 0 TofAL 376,725.00 -:fi3 0 , 150:00- 378,050.00 380,950.00 378,325.00 380,700.00 - 37 7 ~5-50-:-0l:J --- 379,400.00 380,725.00 -381,525.00-- 381,800.00 376,550.00 376,300.00 385,525.00 313;175. Db 381,350.00 ----3 8 2--;950'-0 0- - 378,500.00 378,525.00 377,500.00 375,425.00 3"77;300:tld:- 377,600.00 376,325.00 378,475.dO 428,525.00 426;-225 :00- 431,300.00 427,700.00 430,950.00 ---------------- ---------------- 1 1, 616;100.00 '84 ---.--------- --~--- .------ .--