HomeMy WebLinkAboutSunshine Building and Development Agreement Form Residential Reclaimed Water Main Extension -1996 04 09c/e~~< J P Attachment No. 1 AGREEMENT FORM 1. GENERAL 1.01 THIS AGREEMENT, made this _ day of July , 1996, by and between (1) the City of Winter Springs ,hereinafter called the Owner, and (2) sunshine Building and Development Corporation doing business as a (3) Corporation ,and hereinafter called the Contractor. 1.02 WHEREAS, the Owner and the contractor are desirous of entering into an Agreement for construction of a reclaimed water distribution system by Contractor for Owner. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter exchanged the parties agree as follows: 1. Contract Documents -The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement; afl Technical, General, and Supplementary Conditions and Sections contained in the Project Manual; the Drawings as listed on the Bid Form and Index to Drawings; all Addenda issued prior to and all Change Orders issued after execution of this Agreement. These form the Contract and alt are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. 2. Scope of Work -The Contractor shall perform all work required by the Contract Documents for the construction of Residential Reclaimed Water Main Extension . 3. Contract Time -The Contractor shall begin work within ten (10) days after the issuance of a written Notice to Proceed and shall complete the work within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days from the date of the Notice to Proceed. 4. Liquidated Damages -OWNER and CONTRACTTOR recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not substantially complete within the time specified in Paragraph 3 above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with the General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expense and difficulties Involved in proving in a legal arbitration proceeding the actual loss suffered by OWNER if the Work is not substantially complete on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER 200.00 for each day that expires after the time specked in Paragraph 3 for final completion until the work is finally complete.; 5. Contract Price Contract - The Owner will pay the Contractor in current funds for the performance of the work, subject to additions and deductions by Change Order, the Total Contract Price of One Hundred Twenty-one_Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty Dollars and Fifty Cents ($121.920.50). Payments will be made to the Contractor based on the Schedule of Unit Prices, and subject to completion of the work, in accordance with the Contract Documents. 6. Payments -The Owner will make payments as provided in the General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. 7. Engineer - The Project has been designed by Conklin, Porter &Holmes-Engineers, Inc., referred to in the documents as the Engineer, whose authority during the progress of construction is defined in the General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. (1) Owner (2) Contractor (3) Sole Proprietor, Partnership, or Corporation 00500-1 `, .. 8. Bond -Contractor shall supply a materials, performance and payment bond in accordance with Florida law and to the satisfaction of Owner. 9. MediationNenue -The parties agree that should any dispute arise between them regarding the terms or performance of this Agreement, both parties will participate in a mediation. The parties agree to mutually select a mediator and in the event they cannot mutually agree upon a mediator, one will be appointed by the American Arbitration Association. The parties agree to equally share the cost of the mediator. Should the parties fail to resolve their differences through mediation, then any casue of action filed hereunder shall be filed in the Circuit or County Court for Seminole County, Florida. 10. Contractor warrants the Residential Reclaimed W ater Main Extension will be frt for the City's intended use and purpose and will comply with all Federal and State laws and regulations. 1.03 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. CONTRACTOR: Sunshine Building and Development Corp. Name of Fim~-~ ant (Seal) ignat r Title) .~ ttest OWNER: The City of Winter Springs Name of Firm ,u` ~~ (Seal) y (Signature and Title) Ron cLemore, City Manager ~~~~ ~~~,~L~_ Atte.-sue-` END OF SECTION 00500-2 ~.. ,j SECTION 00852 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE AND ENDORSEMENT Description Of Contract ~riadO"'~•~ R^"!Bi ed Wn~~ Main Fxtensien OWNER: ENGINEER: City of Winter Serinos __ _ Conklin, Porter & Holmes • Engineers, Inc, ~ 128 ~~A, g34 1104 E. Robinson St. Winter SnrinnsLf,J°r;da 3~ZQg Orlando, Florida 32801.2092 Type of Insurance: COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE THIS lS TO CEpTIt"Y thst the following numbered policies have been issued by the below-stated company in conformance with the limits and requirements set forth in the General Conditions and Supplemental Conditions. The insurance company will give at least thirty (301 days' written notice by registered mail to the OWNER and the ENGINEER prior to any material change or cancellation of said policy or policies, POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE PATE EXPIRATION DATE 0144619785 4-9-96 4-9-97 ENDORSEMENT The OWNER, the OWNER's Representative, the ENGINEER, the Architect, and their consultants, and each of their officers, agents, and employees, ere included as edditipnally named insured under said paNcfes but only while acting in their capacity as such and only as respects operations of the originally Hamad insured, his subcontractors, agents, and employees in the performance of the above-referenced contract; provided, however, that if the loss or damage is ultimately determined to be the proximate result of the sole negligence of one or more of the aforesaid additionally named insured, this insurance shall not apply. This endorsement shall not operate to increase the insurance company's total limit of liability hereunder, The insurance company hereby waives its rights of subrogation against the additionally named insured. Sunshine Building & Development Co US Fire Insurance Co Named insured Insurance Company 291 Anchor Road 601 S Lake Destiny Rd Ste 200 ., ~-~ Street & Number Street & Number Casselberry, FL 32707 Mait nd FL 32794-5075 City & State ~ ~ City & Sate By (Attach Acknowtedgementl (Notice: Na substitution or revision to the above certificate and endorsement w111 be accepted, If the Insurance called for is provided by more than one company, a separate certificate in the exact above form shall be provided far each company.! END OF SECTION 00862.1 '' ~~i~P~~~~. Fisher-Brown, Inc. P, O. Box 711 Pensacola, FL 32593-0711 WEL/cr 904-432-7474 Sunshine Bldg & Development Co Attn: Amoret LaRosa P. O. Box 180958 Cassslberry, FL 32718-0958 lima ~~esas::~~rlF:awt>:::>::::>:::;»<<::>::>::::»::>::::>::>::::><::::>::::>::>::::>::::>:::=>::>::>::<:>::::>::>::::>::>::::> 6/28/96 . THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A U S FIRE INSURANCE CO COMPANY B CNA Insurance Companies COMPANY COMPANY THISISTOCERTIFY THATTHEPOLICIESOF INSURANCELISTEDBELOW HAVEBEENISSUED TOTHEINSUREDNAMEDABOVEFOR THEPOLICYPERIOD INDICATED,NOTWITHSTANDINGANYREOUIREMENT,TERMORCONDITIONOFANYCONTRACTOROTHERDOCUMENTWITHRESPECTTO WHICHTHIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMEER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMn'a LTII DATE (MMIDDIYY) DATE (MMIDD/YY) OEN ERALLIAYLRY GENERAL AGGREGATE S 2000000 B X COMMERCIAL~ENERALLIABILITY 0144619785 4/09/96 4/09/97 PRODUCTS•COMP/OP Af34 S 2000000 CLAIMS MADE ~ OCCUR PERSONAL b ADV INJURY S 1 OOOOOO OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT EACH OCCURRENCE S 1 000000 FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire) S 50000 MED EXP (Any one person) S 5 0 0 0 AUT OMOBLE LIABLrrY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT S g X ANY AUTO BUA1044616496 4/09/96 4/09/97 1000000 ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY t SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) x HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY g x NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE s GARAGE LIABLRY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT f ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EACH ACCIDENT i Al3aRECiATE S EXCEfa LIAELRY EACH OCCURRENCE S B Q Q Q Q O Q A X UMBRELLA FORM 5530244085 4/09/96 4/-09/97 AdGRE~ATE S 16000000 OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM - S WORKERa COMPENlATION AND STATUTORY LIMITS EMPLOYERa' LIAELRY EACH ACCIDENT S THE PROPRIETOR/ PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE INCL DISEASE • POLICY LIMIT S OFFICERS ARE: EXCL DISEASE -EACH EMPLOYEE S OTHER City of Winter representatives additional insu Springs, owner, Conkli officers, agents and eds as pertains the op ,Porter & Inployees a ration of olmes Engi d.the arch awed insur eers, Inc, their 'tect and consultants are d for the General Liability Job: Residential Reclaimed Water Main Extension 692380000 City of Winter Springs Utility /Public Works Dept 110 North Flamingo Avenue Winter Springs, FL 32706 aHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DEtCR16ED POLICIEa BE CANCELLED aEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE 185UIN0 COMPANY WLL ENDEAVOR TO MAL 3 Q DAYH WRnTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, ^ FA RE TO MAL SUCH NOTI POSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIA6LrrY O AN KIND UPON THE CO PA Ra AGENTa OR REPREfENTAT1VEt. R EP fENTATI ^ 692380000 L:--- ' SECTION 00860 CERTIFICATE OF {NSURANCE description of Contract: $$sidan ial Reclaimed .WALBr Mein Extension OWNER: ENGINEER; City of Winter cp~as Conklin, Porter & Holmes - t:npineers, Inc. h2s,s.R. a34,____.__ ~~_ 1104 E. Robinson St. y~((R~q~ ~orinas. FI. 32y~i3 Orlando, Fto-ida 32801.2092 Type of insurance; WORKER'S OR WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following numbered policies have been issued by the below-stated company in conformance with the limits and requirements as set forth In the General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. The Insurance company will give at least thirty (301 days written notice by registered mail to the OWNER and the ENt31NEER prior to any material chanfla or cancellation of Bald policy or policies. POLICY NUMBERS EFFECTIVE DATE 962301769 4-9-96 Named insured Insurance Company Sunshine Building & Develgpment EXPIRATION DATE 4-9-97 Strset & Number ity Sta e 291 Anchor St Cas alb rry, By Authorized R presentative Associated Industries Ins Co tNotico: No substitution or revision to the above certificate will be acoepted. If the insurance called for is provided by more than one oompany, a separate certificate in the exact above form shall be provided for each company,) END OF SECTION 00860-1 ~. . A~~i~t~~~t. Fisher-Brown, Inc. P. 0. Box 711 Pensacola, FL 32593-0711 WEL/cr 904-432-7474 Sunshine Bldg & Development Co Attn: Amoret LaRosa P. O. Box 180958 Casselberry, FL 32718-0958 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A Associated Industrie COMPANY B COMPANY C COMPANY D THISISTOCERTIFY THATTHEPOLICIESOFINSURANCELISTEDBELOWHAVE BEENISSUEDTOTHEINSUREDNAMEDABOVEFOR THEPOLICYPERIOD INDICATED,NOTWITHSTANDINGANYREOUIREMENT,TERMORCONDITIONOFANYCONTRACTOROTHERDOCUMENT WITHRESPECTTO WHICHTHIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO TYPE OF INtURANCE POLICY NUMaER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATIONI LIMITa LTII DATE (MM/DD/YY) DATE (MMIDDIYY) COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE ^ OCCUR OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT AUTOMOEEJe LIABE.ITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON•OWNED AUTOS GENERAL AGGREGATE S PRODUCTS•COMP/OP AGO S PERSONAL 8 ADV INJURY S EACH OCCURRENCE S FIRE DAMAGE (Any one Ilre) S MED EXP (Any one person) S COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT I S BODILY INJURY S (Per person) BODILY INJURY s (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE IS OARADELIAaIL1T11 AUTO ONLY EA ACCIDENT S ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EACH ACCIDENT S AGGREGATE S EXCEEi LIAELITY EACH OCCURRENCE S UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE S OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM S WORKERE COMPENtAT10N AND STATUTORY LIMITS A EMPLOYERS' LIABLITY 962301769 4/09/96 4/09/97 EACH ACCIDENT s 500000 THE PROPRIETOR/ PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE INCL DISEASE • POLICY LIMIT S 5 0 0 0 0 0 OFFICERS ARE: EXCL DISEASE • EACH EMPLOYEE S 5 Q Q Q Q Q OTHER Job: Residential Reclaimed Water Main Extension 692380000 City of Winter Springs Utility /Public Works Dept 110 North Flamingo Avenue Winter Springs, FL 32706 aHOULD ANY OF THE AEOVE DEfCRIBED POLICIEt EE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE IaSUINO COMPANY WEl ENDEAVOR TO MAE. $ Q DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, suT FA E TO MAC SUCH NOTICE N IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIAEE.T/ AN IN UPON THE COMP Ra GENTS OR REPREtENTATIVEt. ORDOf EP iENTATIV gg2380000 A. . ~. PROPERTY RECORD TAG N0. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Description Digester Improvements -East WRFType or Class 5107 No. of Items Make or Mfg. Model Serial No. Purchased From Purchase Order No. Check No. I n~atinn EdSt WRF Title No. Fund Datb purchased Original Maintenance Record Inventory Record Disposition. Date 3Authority-Remarks Minute Book Page Acquirod Cod Date Amount Date Count Custodian's Initlals 8/5/96 $742,758. 0 Breakdown as follows 33645 De t. of nvironme 1 1 0 33714 Conklin P rter Holme 34657 Conklin P rter Holme $5,500.00 35113 Conklin P rter Holme 47 700.00 35140 Wharton S ith Inc. $53,566.94 36686 Wharton S ith Inc. 628,433.06 (over) *~ EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN: Wharton Smith Blower # 1 ................$54,000.00 Blower #Z .................$54,000.00 Plant Pump Station.........$60,810.00 Polymer Equipment .........$17,250.00 Sludge Thickener ..........$65,360.00 Digester .................$430,580.00 w 1262849 UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY POWER OF ATTORNEY ~~ NO. 106664 ~ U S F+C` KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY, a corporation organized sod existing under the laws of the State of Maryland and having its principal office at the City of Baltimore, in the Slate of Maryland, does hereby constitute and appoint Lewis Donald Rushing, David Tobin Johnson, Gilbert Oswalt Bennett, Robert Harris Dixon and Alan Douglas Moore of the City of Pensacola , State of Florida its true and lawful Attomey(s}in-Fact, euh in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, to sign its name as surety to, and to execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, undertakings, contracts and other written instruments in the nature thereof oo behalf of the Company in its business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons; guaranteeing the performance of contracts; and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in any actions or proceedings allowed by Isw. In Witness Whereof, the said UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY has caused this instrument to be sealed with its corporate seal, duty attested by the signatures of its Senior Vice President and Assistant Secretary, this 22nd day of January , A.D. 19 9 3 . _LJtYMb UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY t~4' aaaaoao m tbt~ ~ (Signed) By...~...... .. ..... ..~'---;---.... Senior Vice President ~~-.,~~ ~ (Signed) By ........ ..............:............+ ~.. ....... ~''~)74§sistant Secretary STATE OF MARYLAND) d SS: Q `~ BALTIMORE CITY ) ~ y 1~` '~~ Outhis 22nd day of January ,A.D.l9 3 before mepe ly~a Robert J. Lamendola Senior Vice President ofthe UNITED STATES FIDELI'T'Y AND COMPANYk' Paul D ims ,Assistant Secretary of said Company, with both of whom I am perso aimed, who beingtt~,tn}}severally duly sv~l~~~ that they, the said Robert J . Lamendola and Paul D. ~ were rcspecti'~l ewor Vice President and the Assistant Secretary of the said UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GU~4 COMPANY, tba~'~dration described igi~~)flch executed the foregoing Power of Attomry; that they each knew the sal of said corporation; that t ~Yti`_ a xed to said PoQlt homey was such ~~~e`seal, that it wu so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said cotpotatioo, and that they signed tbar Dames thereto by ~ as Senior Vice P-~°~r~~iand Assistant Secretary, respectively, of the Company. My Commissionexpircsthe 11th dayio arch >EJ'19 95- s ~4~ L (Signed) .....t~~~ ... ~,,,) ~ NOTARY PUBLIC Aan'i This Power of Attorney is granted under and r~b~ty of the following Resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY on Septembe 24, 1992: RESOLVED, that in connection with the fidelity and surety insurance business of the Company, all bonds, undertakings, contracts and other instruments relating to acid business may be signed, executed, and acknowledged by persons or entities appointed as Attorney(s)-in-Fact pursuant to a Power of Attomey issued in accordance with these resolutions. Said Power(s) of Attomey for and ao behalf of the Company may and shall be executed in the name and on behalf of the Company, either by the Chairman, or the President, or an Executive V ice President, or a Senior V ice President, or a Vice President or an Assistant Vice President, jointly with the Secretary or ao Assistant Secretary, under their respective designations. The signature of such officers may be engraved, printed or lithographed. Tae signature of each of the foregoing officers sad the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attomry or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Attomey(a}in-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and, unless subsequently revoked and subject to any limitations set forth therein, any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company with respect to soy bond or undertaking to which it is validly attached. RESOLVED, that Attomey(s}in-Fact shall have the power and authority, unless subsequently revoked sad, in any case, subject to the terms and limitations of the Power of Atlomey issued to them, to execute and deliver oo behalf of the Company sod to attach the seal of the Company to any sod all bonds and undertakings, and other writings obligatory io the nature thereof, and any such instrument executed by such Attomey(s)-in-Fact shall be as binding upon the Corr>paoy as if signed by an Executive Officer and sealed and attested to by the Secretary of the Company. I, Paul D . Sims , an Assistant Secretary of the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true excerpt from the Resolution of the said Company as adapted by its Board of Directors on September 24, 1992 and that this Resolution is in full force and effect. 1, the undersigned Assistant Secretary of the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Atlomey is io full force and effect and has not been revoked. [s Testimony Whereof, I Lave bereuoto set my hand sad the sal of te, ppITED STAT/E~S FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY on this day of '~tY ~ rte ~ ! `i ...........................................ry aaaaaats N 1!!96 .~ Assistant Secrets "M1 AMt~ FS 3 (10.921