HomeMy WebLinkAboutSprings Land/ Jessup Shores 2nd Amended -1998 06 08 ) ~ \ F Fie I A I ~; r:- :-' iY~ r, :: U L "I. '.J:~ ','~: .' 200~:, " .~~ I. ! ') !')~? I '-.' 'J ;~~H!~WL[ CO. rL SECOND (2ND) AMENDED AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT entered into this BT!! day of JUNE , 1998, by and between THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA (hereinafter referred to as "City") and SPRINGS LAND/JESSUP SHORES JOINT VENTURE (hereinafter referred to as "Springs Land~') provides as follows: WHEREAS, City and Springs Land Investments, Ltd., previously entered into an agreement dated March 3, 1992, and WHEREAS, City previously issued to Springs Land Investments, Ltd., a Vested Rights Special Use Permit, dated July 21, 1993, and WHEREAS, Springs Land has acquired the interest of Springs Land Investments, Ltd., and . WHEREAS, City and Springs Land modified the March 3, 1992 agreement with another agreement dated July 28, 1997 (recorded in the Official Records of Seminole County, Florida, ORB 3283 Pages 0922 thru 0934) Attached hereto and i~corporated herein as Exhibit "A" is a true and correct copy of the July 28, 1997 agreement, and WHEREAS, City and Springs Land are mutually desirous of clarifying certain agreements between them; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter stated, the parties agree as follows: 1. City and Springs Land agree that all conditions of the July 28, 1997 agreement, including the extension of the Vested Rights Special Use Permit No. 93-02, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" are continued and extended in full force and effect up to and including through July 21, 1999, excepting that all expiration dates reading July 21, 1998 are now to read July 21, 1999. 2, The provision in the July 28, 1997 agreement relating to the lease by Springs Land enumerated as paragraph 8 is specifically restated in its entirety, with the revised date, to read as follows: N ~ C> \...0 C> - \.D r en ( ~ ~ c= (..") C I r ...:) C S; ):> :::!: r co = C) - r -.! l" U F Fie I A ~ ;-\ F. c>, ::; ~I ') BOO),:, P", :::: WITNESS AS TO WINTER SPRINGS '1', ., ') I 0 ~ r') : '..:"J ,J 8, If during the term of this lease that e~p~I~S~:.OIJ,uI~~] {,~1999, Springs tid . IT. <''1-\111 ULt ...L, I l. fi Land receives a bona I e wntten Oller o'r vurc lase or contract or purchase of the property covered by the lease, then the City of Winter Springs, Florida, shall have the right to exercise an option to purchase said property, at the same price offered by the prospective purchaser and said option shall be available for forty-five (45) days from the date of receipt of written notice of the option period commencing from Springs Land, This Agreement is hereby agreed to and accepted as of the Agree~~U~~:"\~, .~ ,.' ~ ",,,.....,,,, ':. 't'\\\' ""1, '~~:~..r'." ,,- ~ · t', CITY OF WINTER}t~~~S:1~9~""'~, :; ~ :' .;- /"". m ". .~ . Q.'K :~: : Q ....,: ~ ~:;: : 'A ':iJdi (7) jg~", '0; . (A.. '~. :..... 1 ",' ,...,.. I p;(:',~M.T~. j\' 9R" ~ .: 1, ' ,,',:i:':-'!" '... IJ ........ '\\~ . ",:, ~~lr'f' ~,~ ~"""~";~J ,,',}jlY X:tl\} r .....,.',~-1~ ~~~C\?~~- Print Name:~NI\'L.b R. \...e13\...f\NL. 4i~~II..Ji'" Deputy City Clerk: , . Lorenzo-Luaces WITNESS AS TO SPRINGS LAND SPRINGS LAND JESSUP SHORES JOINT VENTURE filPiLLC0V, ~ ~. L. LEERDAM Managing Partner ~,~ Print Name: tic K f"l~.t7/.n.L .s #'/'1 y,.,qr . VI HjTN l:=) THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY: Donald R, LeBlanc (;;;) City of Winter Springs ~ 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs FL 32708 Yr~--:) !7dJ LEGIBILITY UNSATISFACTORY FOR MICROFILMltiG , : ~ ?i I N 0 L [' CO. I- L '.. ~..' I AGREEMENT ~ THIS AOREEMI!NT ""ered into du. ~dAY of ~ 1991.t and between TIm CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA (hereinafter referred to as "City") and SPRINGS LAND JESSUP SHORES JOINT VENTURE (hereinafter referred to as "Springs Land") provides III follow.: (/) rrl :r; WHEREAS, City and Springs Land Investments, Ltd., previously entered into an agreemeriE o r ,.., Ci P dated March 3, 1992, and WHEREAS, City, prcvloully iSlued to Springs Land Investments, Ltd.. a Vested Right~ Special Use Permit, dated July 21, 1993, and WHEREAS, Springs Land has acquired the interest of Springs Land Investments, Ltd. WHEREAS, City and Springs Land are mutually desirous of clarifying certain agreements between them; NOW, THERl!FORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter stated, the parties agree.. follows: I. City and Springs Land hereby agree that the Vested Rights Special Use Permit shall expire on July 21, 1998. Attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit II A II is a true and correct copy orthe permit. 2. City and Spring. Land Igree that the March 3, 1992 Lease, a copy of which is Ittlched hereto as Exhibit "B", Is Incorporated herein by reference and that all tcrms contained thereJn, excluding paragraph 8 therein, are continued and extended In full force and effect up to and Including through July 21, 1998. Additionally, City and Springs Land agree to a new paragraph 8 I. follows: *After Recording Return to: ~ City of Winter Springs 1126 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs, .FL 32750 C..v N rue 0-" CO 0"Tl W ::"';<; ;po r- ::0 ", C) (") ~ OO)(J ;.. ;;Q N r; Jl:J N '\I.n n '/H-- 1111 'I. ~~~i <::) ZCJ. co 1'_ '1'" O".J ".(.,. u') n=jj- O::;'h,T ..;; ~;~~~:. :';03 "_1~~" . :',-' '. to ~ CoD '''' ....... n - 0 c::: ;2] (;") 0 ,.., co 0 R-o ,:.,. < .1:: M ~ ::0 ::;; N ;;; U'I ::-;, I I \ 8. If during the term of this lease that expires on July 21, 1998, Springs Land receives a bona tide written offer of purchase or contract for purchase of the property covered by the lease, then the City of Winter Springs, Florida, shall have the right to exercise an option to purchase said property, at the same price offered by the prospective purchaser and said option shall be available for forty-five (45) days from the date of receipt of written notice of the option period commencing from Springs Land. . :. >~, ':' '<,.:\.::.;'; " "';'." :.....-..; !';.f,:,:.: 1\.:::, : '.\.:..... " r;'...- ~.' .-.....'.. .r:;'~~:. .:'..-: ( "'t"GI8111TY U;\\:.;.ni~;I\CI ORY L "".' fOR MICROF\lMIMG ::,~t~INOLE CO, FL ..::.:::;:i.... .. ',"" . .'(.:." .........1'..,"."". C) u:> N W cuo (;) .." o .." XC:; )> r ::u r'Fl n ,)0 ',' ;:Q , )r,.:l " (J) (:...~~:.: (,> I".. WITNESSES AS TO WINTER SPRINGS CITY (....:> I" co W This Agreement is hereby agreed to and accepted as of the Agreement Date. .., .. , .... : i ! '. 1'" i I . ,:! i "'~ IJ ~ o ALD W. MCLEMORE' ~~~ ANICE PALLADINO ~, By: ~., Attest: ~ City Clerk, WITNESSES AS TO SPRINGS LAND ~ ~Thoma. ~ ,flU. t.d'mA ~ . "'ft~ :I Geraldine Shayne JESSUP SHORES By: Title: Managing Partner . 'I i I I ! r. ~.~~ i',' 2 t.: ,. ~ ~!~. ~~ ~:'7:'<';.cr:;~ , '~':!f~~lI(~r) ~)iYfJ1r~i;:Jir~Jitfi(~;idr~ ::;:,~',;~n:~,!,,:'!,:, ;;.'? .?j,g!;:;~. .,!::~ , ~#.~)>>: .wt:'~~""'~<l\~tJi~,~ ,N~.il:~:~~~!I,I:ft~l;l'~ ~J.~{1.~~1 (9~?J~~~"~}\~"I'l>~;:;~ (;:.i,tN.",: !i ,..,' :::~,:',. ..;; :,,; ;\''''-'i,).'lL<.... . , . ". . p' .. ..........r:... ....._..~ #tl., 'l'~'~' .;.lo:.lil!".,.'l:I"'I",04........~.f...~f..~_....l:..t:......~,.f:;~.)I....!.r~.i! , .5;~\)!:r'::: {l:i~ ~"; /,:~ ,~: ';':;i.1.:~.j0'~\', :';ff;';i!~i;,:~;,~~~Jf.;0!\~~~ii~4~:~fl\~,:,!,j~'1 ~~~'f€tJ)~~~'.:ii.:;,~:~":~~~~:,,_~,, :#f!!i:t:::,l?ft.!k :;;~:.~;"i':':::I.. '" , " . -~':.V ...~.. . ", ,.,:~,.(..,.:;,.t'e"" "': ,I. <":' """:'i'~.,;:., '~>"'\f;~G~", ,',', ' Ji ' ' , ' , , '1 ~ ::. ~:Er/iltWLE co. FL ; .,~ , ~ t I I CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS VESTED RIGHTS SPECIAL USE PERMIT VR 93-02 0) Vl h) ,.1 ex> ~w CJ ,- rn (") o o ..,., I..D ,... N .r.- OJ C> 0"'1 CJ "'1 ;r.B '!:,. j- ::0 : 'l (") 'J'J , ::0 'd:':> i'.Il '. ., .., I :':i In response to the Application for a Vested Right. Special Use Permit from Donald W. McIntosh Assoclatu, Jncorpo.rated; dated May 19, 1993, which Is Incorporated herein by reference, for the development Springs Land, the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby ordetl that: ' A. FINDINGS OP PACT: 1. The Applicant, Donald W. McInlosh Associates, (the "Applicant") filed it. Application for a Vested R!ght. Special Use Permit for the owner, Spring. Land rnveltm~nts, Ltd. (the "Owner") on May 19, 1993. The Application was deemed complete May 21, 1993. ' 2. The property In'que.tlon I. Spring. Land (the "Property"), as more particularly described In the exhibits to the Board of Adjustment application of March 3, 1992. 3. The Owner acquired the Property by Warranty Deed II signed on October 8, 1987 and October 13, 1987, and recorded with Seminole County on October 14, 1987 and October 27, 1987, prior to the Comprehensive Plan Adoption Date of April 27, 1992. 4. The Property has a land Use classitlcatlons of Mixed Use under the City'. Comprehensive Plan. S. The Property I. currently .ubJect to . proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment to change the land u.e classll1catlon to Commercial. This proposed amendment wu reviewed at a Public Hearing beCore the Clly Commlulon 9n luly 12, 1993, prior to transmIttal to the Florida Department of Community AIraln. 6. The Property I. zoned C-l Neighborhood Commercial under the City's zoning reguJallon.. :.... , ..: 7. The development of the Property haa been .peclflcally approved via a Site Plan Review Board approval dated February 27, 1992. 8. The Wlnler Springs Board of Adjustment approved a variance from Section 9-24 J paragraph (d) orth~ city'. Code orOrdiriance., to allow a wet bottom pond, and approved a variance from Section 9-346 of the city'. Code or Ordinances, 10 allow tho . " : {:" !.l :','f..' EXHIBIT "A" ':F~:; , " , '~ . , : ~,!~r.iJ~gt~'~~':'?i ";)!~j:<;I;!j'?i-.dF/;'W,(:,;, ". ;. ....,..;:,;. ,..;, ,;.y ;, .... .'.1~~..,,,,.,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,.L.. ., ".'., "".. w.' .' . "., ,,",. ,.".....,. .. ['h,t. .... ",..,,"> .j.... . ',,' ". ."., . ..... C' . "I...", '. " ." \ .... ,-" '. ~ -:-" ..... ,. . .'. F' ",:>J.<;t',.';~;,:',-. ".};. ',' .', ',~,; "", ,,:\' _ j.,. , , " '. , . : ~j ... ....J 'J~ . _l\. ,,:~ .' ~ 1 ''';>:' ':,f"<~?~ltj~;iil\;%I~&)~t~~r~:~~~~" l~'*1~'~~~'>: ~""'''';' '. ;~"., i .... . . : , , ,) ~~ 11 \ N 0 LEe l1, \- L sile plan approval 10 be valid for no leu than six (6) month. after complelion of the Florlda Department of TransportatIon State Road 434 realignment. 9. The Site Plan RevIew Board approval and the Board of Adjuslmenl varIance approval shall be collectively known.. the "City Approval.". 1.A) (f) ,-..." roD Cl -" M co Cl~" ::t W :'Y:n X 0 :t>- o 1- ,.... :u M :'1 '=' C) (, ~ ;)0 "'" ,- ;.u r- N o.JIJ 01 ",/) I I ': J O. The Appllcant h.. flied for common law vesled rlghl., as oulllned In Secllon II1.C. of City OrdInance No. 534 (Ihe "OrdInance"). II. The Applicant hu noted the followln; eKpen.e.ln the desIgn and permllllng of thIs project: ' .) Project deslan and permIt. - $172,906.39 b) Fees, Iicen.ea, ml.cellaneou. expense. _ $15,799.56. The majority ofthele expendltum, however, occurred prior to !::e City Approval. and . do not qualifY II applicable expendllures uoutllned In Section IJI.C.1. oCthe Ordinance. 12. Phyllcal development ofthl. project hu not commenced, nor cln It commence, II the FlorIda Department of Tran,portatlon (FDOT) hulndlcated through prelimInary roadway plan. the requIrement to acquire iub.tantlal portIons oCthe Property for the programmed Improvement orState Road 434. It b the de.lre of the owner to proceed wIth phy.lcal development once FDOT plan. atellnalized. Attached are coplea ofFOOr r1aht-of.way rCl.elVatlon map. ahowlng the proposed alignment ofthe Improved Slate Road 434 tranlvera/na the Property (Exhibila"A" and "B"). The map. were prepared In December, J992, and remain valid U or the application date. '". ..' 13. Section 337.24J, Florida Statutel, dlJcums the effect ofFDOT'. recording a map of reaelVatlon, IncludIng the eatabllJhment ora buildlnB selback line wIth. five (S) year moratorium on the luuance of development permlll (Blehlblt "CN). Thlllegla/atlon waa repealed on April 8, 1992, howClver, the Owner relied upon thl.leglalatlon and the map orreselVatlon In terml of deferring development plans. -..':: I B. CONCLUSIONS OP LAW: J. The applicatIon WIJ timely flied pursuant to Secllon II.A.3. of the OrdInance. 2. The Applicant hll met the ownershIp requIrement. ot Section m.A.1. of the Ordinance for vesting Igalnst the Comprehensive Plan and tho Land Development Regulation.. ":" ,.'":,' . ~ ",.'7" .:~:: ,: !,l:~}::;, lflr I'. '."':,'i'+F;i1" ,', . u ': ,~ ~ ','~ ~ . :1 " '-". ., ~ l - . .. . ~ . t" '-.;jf;'~'~\'" ~r.' . I ~"":I.,I; ~.......' ;-~.."I".~'t. '\.o.:.I:,t",,,('\,l:,,!~,,;;,,, 1""-.... ,,', , :; '::" :;(:':'~:>;':';'( (\.j'>::--~;,::'~d',:~,i1.~~t",Wth,;,;i,"~';i!1i':lijil';'~f/~~~~"J1l.,~ytfIJ;,,'i~F.i~ 'M&1<i:';;;~~~:~,'J:~"]\ '~\~1; ~ . . ,', ",',' " ",' ".' ' '>: : ,:~:..;" ',/- "?~'i':,'~". ,! '~",: ~ " ~',~:' ;::._::,:.':...~' ,:,: :::, ;:Z':, '," :,~ ~:' . ::t '~ : ',:" '\:' ," ". ""'..:.: , " ' : " " ,,' '..' ", :-- . , , "~-'0": , 'I":"~ i; p) - , ' , ,- ',' ,~ , i ::iMIN'OLE' CO'. FL 3. The Applic.ant was prevented from meeting all of the standard, for common law vesting, as described in Section IIJ,C.1. of the Ordinance,. Prior 10 the,Plan Adoption Date, there were the following valid, unexpired acls ora government agency upon whIch the applicant relied: .. The Site Plan Board approval of February 27, 1992. U) rrl 3: :c o r- ~. W ;'0 CO W wo 0-., 0'" ;;r,n ,i; ,- :1) :'1 n JO " ::0 ,"0 Ir.n b. The Board of Adju.stment lpproval of April 2, 1992 (") ~ Cl 1..0 N 0") oj I " ! .." c. The recorded FDOT reservation map for the proposed right-of-way for Slate Road 434. While the legislation authorizing the recording orsuch a map was repealed nineteen (19) day. prIor to the Plan Adoption Date, the proppsed right-of.way still exists across the Property. I " I The Applicant has not made I substantial change In position or has incurred extensive . obligations or expenses In reliance upon the City'. Approvals IS the vwner was prevented from any development activities, beyond the expense. to acquire tho City approvals, by tile FOOT'. map of reservation upon the Property. ORDER, , I IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: J. The Property I. ve.led 8galnst any regulallon. of the City ofWlnler Springs adopled after February 27, 1992 that would preclude the development of the Property as described In paragraph B.3. above. 2. All development of the Property must be conslslent wilh the terms of the Clly Approvals on which this Permit Is based. Any substantIal deviation fl'om the Cily Approvllls shaUauthorlze the City to tennlnate thl. Permit and cause the development Involved to be subject to the ComprehensIve Plan and Implementing Land Development Regulations. 3. This Vested Rlght. Speci.t Uso Permit applies to and runs wilh the Property. 4. Development of tho Property.hall remain subject to thu requirement orlhe Compre~enslve Plan and Implementing Land Development Regulallons except to the extent that the application of such requiremenls would result In Ihe denial or. .......!:.: A. The vested land uses; B. The vesled density or Intensity of develop men I; C. Other speclncally vested development enlltlements approved In the City Approvals on which tho Vested RIghts Special Use Permit Is based. ~.{ :::~::~. , '.,'.. .',' ,'",';. ,v'j- , "'~':'" ,':.. I, ',' -', I ,"" '.. ",,, , .,,0>' ~ ." ., ;~: '::;: 'l,P ." """', """,~ "..'i"""', "".,!,,! ., "'i~i%1,t~'~!"1,;';;",t\",'f~l!i>,"&/1",1..' i '0' ; .1 'r(""'i<~"'i;;:' .. , .', '.', ::' . .,;.' . ' . , '.... ',::.: . ',> '" "", ~(",. "": :'':''''\ 'BtJJ;::'~:~;'; 'I q~:9 ) .' \ ' ;~ . ~~; E M I N 0 L [' CO. F L :~ . . . p. ,-.. '.. " ~ ~ 1 ,! . . .:' ,: '~':, . ~ I..::.........; . . . . ,:~"""...' . ", .':.. , , , ' , ; , I 1"' . ! S. ThIs pennit shall expire at the later of six (6) months aner FDOT's realignment of Stale Roid 434 at Wagner', Curve or five (5) years after the Issuance or the Vested RIght. Special Use Permit. Thl, permit may be revoked by the Cily Commission upon a showing by the City that failure to revoke the Pennlt will result In a peril to the health, ..rety or general welrare or the residents orthe Cily that was unknown as of the date hereof: i, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS W vi ." ~c:o x w o r- ,." ('") Q C) \D N -..J 0)0 0.." 5='~ ,:0:('") l,. r- ::0 :1', (") 10 . ;.u ...1::1 'tIn ! ~~ y:' .. {U ~ rman, PlannIng and onlng Board '7 /;1,/ /9.3 / t .." " Date: ',' ,~". :. :'-;. . :, .. '. . .' ~. " '~f~tf"~~':.J"'I:~:i~t:ii/.:' ..:.;~,.,:t.. ~ '/ ,~.' I,,' . , :, " I ~ '''f-<':., ;"n ',:,::S; (7:~ "~(.IJ':J;'?41i ;.t':';:\)'(~"'fiW ~l~\I';t,; 'll.;j~'J!;~~I(J:i:~""'I' .. ""'~' t" .' ....,' F:-' :, :':"'::";,\i:~"',::.~,~:"(.?'-'l'J~'lW'Xlf,jl'l?:l~lfi' I~' ;~l~fi'J.'f.l-" . .l.Me.{{1.Ji,%-:tf.':"'of.-~"i,l!)~1ji!",~::('J11~, ' " , 1 .", " .,' ,,', " : C: :' 1/"\~(";s."WK;c<: "'iT!;<rfi!f:i~~;r~~f*'tJd'1"\t'iI,~:'~,iJ,,,,,, o~.,y " '~ ' ' : " , ,,{ I, '7 ? ' I 1 ~)' 0 I,' , " ' -.... , : I ".,. :",." ",VI\.)t. RECORDED & VE' 'IE.\) , , , .. C~\-; (;, ilfl r'to~ll\ ~.orU~ l;E!@ 0 Lt. C [) F L i ' j '$,.f(? 7. 5 I 5 5 n 1392 ~^R \ \ m 10: 01 LJWm / THIS AGREEMENT made thb 3 ~ day ot 1M AIt4J. 'I 1992, by and between SPRINGS LAND INVES'l'HENTS, LTD., a I" (/) <..) !3!' 1...0 . -, \..D Flor~~a ,'- SPRINQ9, o ?~ <.::) roo ::>"T1 ~~?- ~ . 'n > ,- ;:0) ,,, n -tlO ).. ::u ,;}O pun , i' limited partner.hip, .. Le..or, and the CITY OF WINTER FLORIDA, and/or a..ign., .. Le~.eel WIT N E SSE T HI WHEREAS, the ~lTY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, i. en9aged I in the con.truotion of Central wind. park, a .uper park, whioh roquire. the temporary realignment of State Road 434 in the are~ :x: known locally a. "WaQner'. curve", and Z o ~ WHEREAS, the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA h obligata~ n to acquire r1Qht of way and perfom oon.truction for uia, ." r- r.aliqnment in a manner acceptable to the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION and conai.tent with DOT Permit · --- t;-T1vc..'~90~5~ I and (...:I I" co W 010 0." 0." ~7;5 l.. r- ;:u 1') n '0 -:0 ~.;i~ C) \.0 N co WHEREAS, a speoific oondition of the atorem_ntioned DOT permit 18 that tho CITY or WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA aoquire a .ut!icient property intere.t in the land upon whioh th. temporary realignmant of SR 434 5hall bo oon.tructad 10 that .aid temporary reali9nment may remain in perpetuity a. con.truoted pur.uant to the DOT permit, and WHEREAS, SPRINGS LAND XNVESTHENTS, LTD. i5 a property owner from whom tho CITY or WINTER SP~INaS, FLORIDA mu.t acquire property to comply with tho oondition. of the DOT permit' and WHEREAS, SPRINGS LAND INVESTMENTS, LTD. 11 de.1rou. ot , . maintaining it. con.tru&tive relation.hip with the CITY OF WINTER EXHIBIT "Il" .I:...:. " . :' <f:.."~J.'II,;" :,:' ":~~;:';':~:' '(("'.' > '.; ::~'" ',~"" ",' " " " ," , ,,-,,"., , ' ,:" " .~I\"t;..;l',~J':'7!"'A~lr";""[.I'," y lODI,; """,;" '.: '.... ...... .' ."': ..::" ,~>;'/ "; :;'! 1;f:t"%;:!i'~i1';:(;~j;,~'i~,>" "';i'" . .'. '. "',ifiINOLI C~'.~L ~ "'.r-,,;, '.".-:.'. ..... ..-,:-:y,~. SPRINGS, FLORIDA, and the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA is de.irou. of maintaining it. good relationlhip with SPRINGS LAND INVESTMENTS, UTD., it i. t'V tf) ~..J 1'1 If.) THEREfORE, in oonlideration, of Ten Dollar. ($10.00) ~d~ ;.t. e:> other valuable conlideration" 'agreed to by tho partie., it p;. n (:) - :..,,-J a Florida::' agreed a. follOW.' 1. That SP~INGS LAND INVESTHENTS, ,UTD., I limited partner.hip, (hereinafter referred to a. :r.,e..or) I;? 0 0-<1 0-<1 :1;Q '~ j- :"1) 111 n ",,0 ).~ ::0 1,)0 ,'lVI doas h.r.by 18a.8 to the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, (her.inafter :.-> referred to a. :r.,e....) and tho lAlI". doe. horeby ):tire from LOUOJi' ;,,, , P1 co the land. de.cribed in Exhibit "A" which h attaohed heroto er.\w , :z: o inoorporated herdn by rotereno. to be uaar.\ for tho. tompor~y n realignment of Wagner" curvo, inoluding tho in.tallation ?>fC:> "Tl I..D pavem.nt, ourb. nnd gutter." runoff water tran.mis.ion IhdrV ~ treatm.nt faoil1 tie., and l1r.\owalks until .uoh tillla .. tho STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT or TRANSPORTATION .hall op.n for pUblio trav8l tho final r.alignm.nt of Wagner'. curve or until .uoh time a. the mCJ C::J -,, (,:J -., ~I:Q :to , - "U ~ ,., ~] '-' " ;.0 ,t":) '(/1 I CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA .hall aoquiro tho l.a..d araa by oond.mna~ion pur.uant to Paragraph 3 of this Agr..ment. 2. The con.truotion referred to in paragraph 1 hereof shall .ub.tantiallY oomplY with tho plan' .ubmittod to Lel.Or, a . oopy of wh10h 1. attaohed hereto F,nd inoorporated h.rein a. Exhibit "B". provid.d, how.v.r, that the CIT'l or WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA and/or tho STATE OF rLORIDA DEPARTMENT or TRANSPORTATION may make suoh future modifioation. to the temporary realignm.nt a. may b. , deem.d n.oo..ary for t!ho .afe and effioient funotion of the 2, ,,", .' .'. . t~!lt~~ll~ii~\t1it~;;!!!$~~t!;c~~~i:t'm:~;i(O~it}zlv{~Mf~~~;)s'al:1t\;';~'~(:U:;;)'ij}t,;~i:16\!;.1 .' ", :-,~' '~!,:~'>: ::';":.':;;'" , '.,..,-:,1.', " :i",',: , :r:;;':;,- " " . ';'::;:':f.i.f?:;::t:~':i:'~!/:(:V::~:~?,>.'~' 'j-,; tli::::"~:l~ ('~'''~;'' \' 8 0 0 \ ' " , .....-.;.., .,,' . 1362 : :, :J",j H 0 L E' co, F L .-;~ ~. "( /') taoility. 3. The Les.or .hall retain the option ot requiring L..... to puroha.. tho loa..d promi..., but in no .v.nt .hall this "V '. . <nc..J option b. ox.roilled .oon.r .than ono (1) year tram tho dato on whigp \D , .~" \0 this lea.o i. grantod. Tho CITY'OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA .ha~~, . ", at the option ot the LOII.or, be roquirod to puroha.1I by way ~t _ , . -.J statutory oond.mnation proooodingll the land d..oribod in EXhi~~tCj I I~ "A" a. the lea.od pr.mi.... Le..or ahall exeroi.e,itll option to require .uoh puroha.e of the l.a...d premi.e. by providing written notitioation to the CITY OF WINTER SP~INGS, FLORIDA. SPRINGS LAND INVESTMENTS, INC. heroby agre.. that r.quiring tho puroha.e by way,i . ' ~ ot atatutory oondomnation prooeeding. ot the lund prem'i... is itE (:) exolu.ive remedy at law under this Lea... SPRINGS LAN~ c., ,., INVESTMENTS, INC. h.r.by waive. any and all legal or .quitabl(, r' right. it may have to oau.. the eviotion ot Le.... from the loa.ea premi... or the removal at the temporary alignment prior to the opening for pUblio travel of the final realignment of SR 434. It tho CITY or WINTER SPRINGS, FLOR7DA do.. not purohas. th.'l.a..d premi.e. tram Lo..or within ninety (90) day. ot it. reoeipt ot L...or'.. written notioe requiring .uoh puroha.e pur.uant tothi. paragraph, Le.aor'. exolusive remedy .hall be a lIuit in inv.r~e oondemnation against tho CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA. 4. Lellllor'.. aooo.. from too temporary alignment, once eon.truotea, to the r.mainder at it. land. .hall be gov.rn.d by RUle. 14-P6 and l4-P7, Florida Admini.trativ. Cod.. !S. , lier.by agr... inaemnitie. and to hold L..... 3 ~' , ;. ~ ' r::?0 O'TI O"TJ -.'- -.'0 S ,- :', I., n "30 )>;>;1 G')C fllVl .J) ,...., ~~ OJ /:::J" W :.': I c:> ~ \..0 'I :.. .. W ',"1 0 '11 \~~1;'i"~0;f,3.:Li; /::;/!{,:";,,,:i:;:;)::-;.;,;:,): ,( "., . ,., " ..; . :~:': ! i..' '., ,; ": ,'< ;;,,~ ~:\oH'i~A':~'~:'t..l.",~,..",.".I-". ....', ",'";",J""",,, ," , ,. I" I" ,..,', I" "', .,',' ""'.. ~ " , , .. -" ',:':' "," ': .,;,<:!j" '" , '.: ' ". .."',\ .', "i~: ,",!:,' " " ',. [":'.:1-,, ',' :" ~" ..~, " ;:, ': 7'" ",;:",; ':;,.' ':-:, :;, ' ::, :) :",;,' i;~r~\',.';'" r "".. , . /,' :':::", ....;. ,': ~:.;. ~ : . . ......."'.,. ',.,'." "fr""".."';' . .. . - . " ','" f.. .... '. i' ". .'. . . .' . . .~. i .',. ;.. , ,1 Co , t ~ '/ ' ,y) tjf~ffttfi-~~f.n?,.i'~,n?~if~tttbi~.~~';,~,: ~',: .' :';::, ;':.',~'.k "~'~<,':,,, ~"y, , :. '; "',' '.:;:I,~ri'S,O~~:':, ",'~":\:'."":;,..,:' <.,.::::~~~.:,<'~",.;., "',; ...:~:~:'~:,",:~," \'::,': ' ; '. . ...., 'I ')5') \, J \J" ,_, OFFICIAL RECnrW5 aOOK "~ r: ~ : " J 1 i i I I I I I J I I I I I I I I , ! , . , ,,! I ,:, ~~ ;--: i N 0 L [ co, F L 3283 0931 SEMINOLE, CO. FL harmlell. Leluor trom any and all claims whatlloevex.:i' resul tinq trom the con.truotion on or u.o ot the l.a..d pr.mi...~tor a temporary roadway or r.lated temporary roadway improvement.. 6. I'oj Le..~r and Le.... und.r.tand that a portion ot ~p ~ , ~w h.r.in are und.r ~hr.at ot cond.mnabion by tho st~~ ,- In the .v.nt that the lands lea~d o - th.r.ot, .hall b. taken by the power:qt-J . r Cl or .old in lieu thereot, L..... .hall not be W , ""I L.:>~ l:.>..;! :..,:...:.J land. leas.d ot Flcrida aa mention.d above. herein, or any portion . , emin.nt domain, :-:, ).. C70 , r,en entitled to any part ot the award tor .aid takin9 or the proc.eds ot any .ale(.) in 1i.u th.reot, nor .i'lall Le.... be .ntitl.d to any . I oompen.ation paid for dama9.s oaused by any partial takin9, or salo in lieu thereot, to any portiones) ot the premi... leased herein remaining not tak.n or the ooat of curin9 .aid damage.. 7 · Le.... Dhall maintain and keep the 1l1a.ed lands, t09.ther with th. roadway improvem.nt. th.reon, in 900d repair trlle from retuse and rubbi.h. '. 8. That upon tho oo~pl.tion and op.nin9 ~t the final reali9nm.nt ot SR 434 at Ka9ner'" CUrv. Le..... .hall r.turn the land. l.a.ed to tho condition th.y wer. in prior to tho leanll, unl... permitted in writin9 by Le..or to do oth.rwi.e. 9. Lo...o .hall duly ob.y and oomply with all public . laws, ordinanc.., rul.. or r.qu1ation. relatinq to the us. ot the lea..d land.. rd/::;' -::;.::.'., :;.'.:.,,:: 10. Le.... ah'all pay all qov.rnm.ntal tax.., a.....m.nt. and oharq.. which .hall b. ..a....d and l.vi~d u~on the leaned land. or any portion ~h.r.of durin9 the .et t.rm a. th.y .hall 4 r I ~. :"iiY""';,'" ..,' .:." I,; :>>~:-;,;, ,..~;;; ;.~;-'~~',(::r11!'!";' ,~~"~tf}~;t';~mfJ~Jt:1f.'t.r,'G~i.~t,,ve'/,,::;, . ,:",'::'..'~"~"":.. '. ","',.,' ":',;";~'~~':)~',:":"~),ooi'..."'I',;..,;;\_~,:'l~'~::./"?,'..::.','.'? , -,' {., l , '.. : ' ': ' ' . "'\' -, ") I ,..., r I I " ,,':) .~, < . . ~ 1 I ! ! I I I I I I i i I I ; I I I . '.... t." . ~.;I..:'", OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK :'~, ~I :"~",,, . ,', '," ,: ," ~. .". . ..". . ." . ,.' . '. . . ! , <>mWLE_' CLI, FL. 3283 0932. SEt:1/HOLE co. FL become due. 11. Lo.... hag bllan advisod by Le..or that Lessor the property. roa.rve. the ri9ht to ..11 the lea.ad land. .ubjeot to th~ 10aDo. Le.... aQr..s to coop. rat. tully with L...or in any auoh Dale otl~ " tn W ~ \D ::!: \.0 agreement ~'&t ,-. ohanQo. horeto mu.t be dn o ~t -.J r C) 13. Thb Lea.. .hall b. 90vern.d by the Law. ot theol:"" l:l. The fore90in9 oon.titutofJ the .ntir. \170 C)"T\ O'Tl ;.:c; :;; j- :~ ,." ("') ~g C)C "IVJ tho partie.. Any ad'lition. and/or I writing .ignad by both partie.. state ot Florida. In the event that kny prov~~ion or olau.. of thi. Laa.. oonfliot. with applioable Florida law, auoh conflict shall not gffeot tho other provi.ionD of thi. Lea.. which will be givon tull .tf.ot without the oonflioting provi.ion. 1'1' IS HU'I'UALLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the covenants and agreement. her.in contain.d .hall .nure to tho ben.tit ot and b. equally bindinQ upon the re.p.ctive .Keoutora, Qdmini.trators, heir., Ducea..or. and a..i9n. of the partiaa hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREor, tha PllrU.. har.to have ex.euted thh Lea.. on the day and year fir.t above written. ^"I,h e.l4r..n "Iv. Mc.~'l~ L"]) Si9ned, ual.d and delivered ~~ .. '::~ IN ^'Jl!.JhJb" · in the preunce of I I \..'N", '?,'l ~o';) ~~=~~~~:=:~... . ~- - ~s'~';;".\;O,~ Rlc\\A\ll;> ,,<AIls~Y a!. ~-y /. ~. CIty Cl~ ~Wtc;(l ~~I~ . I 'If T.,UIQ,Tbt.) \I').~i "\'a'C\':3;l>ll.l>>I.i.,S ~ Thb documant prapared I1YI BriQham, Hoore, Gaylord, WilDon, ~lmll?, "fJ'1.t1fJ Bchu.tar ,. Bach., 111 N! oranc;J. Ave., suite l~7~, Orlando, FL 32901 (407) 423-22e51 P'\i.. 11/> ;!'.\:'.'-~.:. fJJf!] I . ~?~~~L ol1' '~-,.,..,,,- ...', ~ ~\\\~'f;$~"::Jtti~~I;'1!i,i~fih~Ni;iA:,;),;:{;i/;t 'oj;;;. y,.,;. ,Ii t: ....... .'; . '.' '. . ;; '.;~;~.: . .'; .::.' ';.:::i"'; l"'~~ '!({j ""iif)AM,,-,:,~ i"...I;.J...., 11 , (.,'J.,of'"" ,'" , ," ,~"'" /..: - ';"j '."; ," .. ,,' ,.,~'< . ",,' :,,', L~. '1-"'" I '""..,',"", ":. . ' -,.. '... ." to', " . ..."b'!li',l."'f,,""! ",. ,".t..~;I.!r.:~",,;<.;o),t ..,U,1 '~.;';j:': ~~ .',"','c!/":"'''L'W! ~:.,vt. ,~; " ~':..:., '.... ',' ,/ jI"\!:'~ """'~'''<' v;.:' :':;, ;.:~' ,_ '~~'/;; "';,;'(,".,.; :', '!::: -.;' ,,' '\ ,;,i,),JI:'f.f~, \'.~ , ~ .~ ;.,:: ":. :"t'~".l.:,~:;""': .' . I .,... , " ;'r: 'I';:," .','L~'i':',:, , " :r:~~\;~'/'(i?\~~'Rfe::At)~~'~'~:q'7&,{~:>i,;'..~ -: .i.~ .;,.>,;;.:.~:.,:;'~;'. ,~,:,;,,/'t?', 'I':>: ,,', ','. ~.., ."_::"'/';~~:,:",,~,,:, .: j I , I i I I 1')[5 l ..I!J \ -: 'J pFFIC/AL RfCORDS 'if)()V, "A,"~ , .' <Y ! H 0 L [ C (J, r: L 'J R 3 0 9 3 3, sn1l'-:')l.l Cll. f i.. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF,ORANGE instrument ~ aoknowledged betore me this ~ , 1992, by dV\ 8. y" 'i"Yl ~ All ~1 o SPRINGS LAND INVESTMENTS, LTD. ;,~ limited partnership, on behalt ot the partn1.rsh1p. Iftij personally known to m. or has produoed ~a~ :~ · a. identification and d1,d ake an oatho f':> NOTARY PUBLICs tt/Ji,.'Si'I Comml..ion Number (j' ". . - , . ., :." : . ~In'~...l..! Printed .'9~!P:f~.d)......~':;..... . JY.J'Q .,':;' .ro. STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE .,?Q~~i,)... My Commi..ion ExpireDI ~/q /CtQS" ?2: Ul . . .', ..~. I I '''' (..J \D \.:> mo 0..., P21 ..1,n :x; .- ~.I) ,.., n ~o -:.0 r.>c , "(f) -----. ..- 77:,'.:1 ~::,"$i;~~Y~l~~!,~~;~~~:~IL;#',':i;;;;);,?\~:j~~;:;';],<:,F1cif';">;.::,,.'j',.!,:.'i.....:, ;:::;'.:.;:i~ ~'~wr. , ".~~l'Z1~',~I!,(;\~<~;t;I' I", .-;:~:: ~ "~"" I:"!,,, "':~;''';~t :,f.lf\'';;'',~, "."..,~J:.... .>.j.'i'\~" i ',.-,l.I':,;;;,-";"j( h,' <,~-:,,...:, ,l)" "':' '. ..' :,,,:~~',r,k' :, ' . ;.':,,;;. :t:~i:'~.;.\':,. ":.~~;.:' ::' ',' .'!'.. ....:......!::..:: """: :.... . . ....~.. ,'!t;'!';;""ti,t)!~'1~lti\~!~);;;~~Bl~!~~{A~~y~f 0!:"t~!,!,?,{j';'1"" ~~:.: : ":." .' .... . ~;[::I~ II~ 0 LE co, r\' OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK ':,\ r.~' (l"'..'.:'.:: I /, , I I '.... . \ r, ? 36G 3283 0934 'SE,HIHOLE co. FL STATE OF FLORIDA 1'-> W \.0 \.D mc 0-" t:.J'Tl ::'~n ;;: ,- ~.l} /'1 n ~O ":-::>:1 (;,)0, f11 In VI ,,,, :r;: :'J': o Th. tor'101na 1n.tru=.nt w.. acknowleda.d b.tor. m. th1. lOth/- day ot March, 1992 by Richard ROI.n.ky, al City Man'llr ot the City otf11 n Wint.r Springl, Florida. H. 1. p.r.on.lly known to m. and did not tak~ an o.th. COUNTY O!~~~HINOLg "'1 r -.J C> 0) NOTARY PUBLIC, m~~~ ( N CC 090706 Comm1..ion Number Hary T. Norton -'Hotar:: N.Ill. (print.d or Typ.d~""'~III1"""I,, ,,'loll. "J 'If "" 'loll. t.......) '. STATE 0.' rLORlDA AT LAROE /' ,~~~~)., II~ .:..:::.....\ , I.; t" (! ; ", : ~~'~""ffln y')lf)1r.., , {;.!. (!,.v; Ii; , 'q" If, 'lO~IDA AT lARd. . , .. M (CI"''''IH!OH Illm., AtRIl D. "" "1 ~ '. .. 10HOI0 'HRU 401111" HorAH .~OU A "., I,' . , R nt ...,..,.1... "I"",,:.!. . . . .' , ,0' 18,0 -7- 20'un.. ($lofT. p 2~.A .,. & " ." u.O EB BLOCK B OUT j~ CHEy(tlllE