HomeMy WebLinkAboutSprings Land Jessup Shores Agreement -1997 07 28 ~., --?. ~LX5 7- " , ~ .- , \, , 1991land be~ween AGREEMENT TIllS AGREEMENT entered into this /!R t~ay of J "'f.! THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA (hereinafter referred to as "City") and SPRINGS LAND JESSUP SHORES JOINT VENTURE (hereinafter referred to as "Springs Land") provides as follows: c.f) Pl ::t WHEREAS, City and Springs Land Investments, Ltd" previously entered into an agreemeriE o r '"" (J c dated March 3, 1992, and WHEREAS, City previously issued to Springs Land Investments, Ltd" a Vested Right~ Special Use Permit, dated July 21, 1993, and WHEREAS, Springs Land has acquired the interest of Springs Land Investments, Ltd, WHEREAS, City and Springs Land are mutually desirous of clarifying certain agreements between them; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter stated, the parties agree as follows: 1. City and Springs Land hereby agree that the Vested Rights Special Use Permit shall expire on July 21, 1998, Attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A" is a true and correct copy of the permit. 2. City and Springs Land agree that the March 3, 1992 Lease, a copy of which is attached, hereto as Exhibit "B", is incorporated herein by reference and that all terms contained therein, exc~uding paragraph 8 therein, are continued and extended in full force and effect up to and including through July 21, 1998, Additionally, City and Springs Land agree to a new paragraph 8 as follows: *After Recording Return to: City of Winter Springs 1126 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32750 ~ C.J \'''0 CO W C'..lO 0-1"'1 0"1"'1 ::-c." :> f'- ::0 i'l"-\ (-) ") C.:J ,>:D c,:)CJ . :'l(j; C..::> \..0 N N C::> ex:> co CD U:,l-~ t'Tlf'l :r ;,0 =.;, ;:T. 00 :- 'Ti ~"':."':- !'qc~ C)~o c) C) S'~: :::';'-l ~ :-( ~~_?..c - fl t...._l i. : - c: .- -,- .,.'-' "-.. c.o :..0 <.C> r'" ...... C) :l> 0 c: :::v G) D iT) co 0 po> :;;.:.:. < _~'1-0 fTl (:.5 ::u -" N r'"1 UI '....-_~' # '. 'f , , ~ " 8, If during the term of this lease that expires on July 21, 1998, Springs Land receiyes ,a bona fide written offer of purchase or contract for purchase of the property covered by the lease, then the City of Winter Springs, Florida, shall have the right to exercise an option to purchase said property, at the same price offered by the prospective purchaser and said option shall be available for forty-five (45) days from the date of receipt of written notice of the option :: period commencing from Springs Land, By: , 'dllri'""", (""') 'i,.-~; t.. " a GS"FLOlunf\, :." , "~" ~ 'j - r-:,. , , ..... (.....) (j) f''V fT1 CO :t W :z: o r fT! WITNESSES AS TO WINTER SPRINGS CITY c::> \...0 N c..,J 000 Q'"T'1 C> '"T1 An J;> r- ::0 ;-q () :)0 :.-:;:c '-,-) {"...:J r'~ (f) This Agreement is hereby agreed to and accepted as of the Agreement Date~ ' -j(~~li ~ . '0 ALD W. MCLEMORE . 4~~ ANICE PALLADINO ;Jj ,."} ::: ;~ :J) - .~ "-': Attest: ~ City Clerk, WITNESSES AS TO SPRINGS LAND ~~. ,1 By: JESSUP SHORES Title: Managing Geraldine Shayne 2 < :. '..J . -"'1' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS VESTED RIGHTS SPECIAL USE PERMIT VR 93-02 In response to the Application for a Vested Rights Special Use Permit from Donald W. McIntosh Associates,Incorporated; dated May 19, 1993, \vhich is incorporated herein by reference, for the development Springs Land, the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby orders that: A. FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The Applicant, Donald W. McIntosh Associates, (the "Applicant") filed its Application for a Vested Rights Special Use Permit for the owner, Springs Land Investm~nts, Ltd. (the "Owner") on May 19, 1993. The Application was deemed complete May 21, 1993. ' 2. The property in'question is Springs Land (the "Property"), as more particularly described in the exhibits to the Board of Adjustment application of March 3, 1992. .3. The Owner acquired the Property by \Varranty Deed as signed on October 8, 1987 and October 13, 1987, and recorded with Seminole County on October 14, 1987and October 27, 1987, prior to the Comprehensive Plan Adoption Date of April 27; 1992. 4. The Property has a land use classifications of Mixed Use under the City's Comprehensive Plan. 5. The p.roperty is currently subject to a proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment to change the land use classification to Commercial. This proposed amendment was ' reviewed at a Public Hearing before the City Commission 9n July 12, 1993, prior to transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs. 6. The Property is zoned C-l Neighborhood Commercial under the City's zoning regulations. 7. The development of the Property has been specifically approved via a Site Plan Review Board approval dated February 27, 1992. 8. the Winter Springs Board of Adjustment approved a variance from Section 9-241 paragraph (d) of the city's Code of Ordinances, to allow a wet bottom pond, and approved a variance from Section 9-346 of the city's Code of Ordinances, to allow the EXHIBIT "A" W N 0)0 (,/) 0-" fT1 ex> 0-" ::t W -r- ,- . (") z ::> 0 r r "., :;0 ("') ;Tl 0 C) n l...D ~)8 ..,., '::,. ::0 r I"'V 1-;-jO + i '"j !',j) ~ ~., . . - \ I site plan approval to be valid for no less than six (6) months after completion of the Florida Department of Transportation State Road 434 realignment. 9. The Site Plan Review Board approval and the Board of Adjustment variance approval shall be collectively known as the "City Approvals". 10. The Applicant has filed for common law vested rights, as outlined in Section IILC. of, City Ordinance No. 534 (theUOrdinance"). 11. The Applicant has noted the following expenses in the design and permitting of this project: a) Project design and permits - $172,906.39 b) Fees, licenses, miscellaneous expenses - $15,799.56. The majority of these expenditures, however, occurred prior to the City Approvals and do not qualifY as applicable expenditures as outlined in Section IILC.I. of the Ordinance. 12. Physical development of this project has not commenced, nor can it commence, as the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has indicated through preliminary roadway plans the requirement to acquire substantial portions of the Property for the programmed improvement of State Road 434. It is the desire of the owner to proceed with physical development once FDOT plans are finalized. Attached are copies ofFDOT ~ght-of-wayreservation maps showing the proposed ' alignment of the improved State Road 434 transversing the Property (Exhibits"A" and' "B "). The maps were prepared in December, 1992, and remain valid as of the application date. 13. Section 337.241, Florida Statutes, discusses the effect ofFDOT's recording a map of reservation, including the establishment of a building setback line with a five (5) year moratorium on the issuance of development permits (Exhibit "C"). Thislegislation was repealed on April 8, 1992, however, the Owner relied upon this legislation and the map of reservation in terms of deferring development plans. B. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The application was timely filed pursuant to Section II,A3. of the Ordinance. 2. The Applicant has met the ownership requirements of Section IILA 1. of tile Ordinance for vesting against the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Regulations. W N ruo U) C) -" rT1 CD C) -" ::t W :-.'J:; c=; :z: J:> 0 r r- "., ::0 M ~'Tl 0 0 () \..0 -TJO " :> :;0 r- N (;")0 Ul (--r1U> , ~.' :'.. .,.' " '-, ' .... '-"', '.. 3. The Appli~,ant was prevented from meeting all of the standards for common law vesting, as described in Section nLC.l. of the Ordinance. Prior to the, Plan Adoption Date, there were the following valid, unexpired acts of a government agency upon which the applicant relied: a. The Site Plan Board approval ofFehruary 27, 1992. b. The Board ofAdju,stment approval of April 2, 1992 , ." c. The recorded FDOT reservation map for the proposed right-of-way for State Road 434. While the legislation authorizing the recording of such a map was repealed nineteen (19) days prior to the Plan Adoption Date, the proposed right-of-way still exists across the Property. The Applicant has not made a substantial change in position or has incurred extensive - obligations or expenses in reliance upon the City's Approvals as the Owner was prevented from any development activities, beyond the expenses to acquire the City approvals, by the FDOT's map of reservation upon the Property. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: 1. The Property is vested against any regulations of the City of Winter Springs adopted after February 27, 1992 that would preclude the development of the Property as described, in paragraph B.3. above. ' 2. All development of the Property must be consistent with the terms of the City Approvals on which this Permit is based. Any substantial deviation from the City Approvals shall authorize the City to terminate this Permit and cause the development involved to be subject to the Comprehensive Plan and implementing Land Development Regulations, 3. This Vested Rights Special Use Permit applies to and runs with the Property. 4. Development of the Property shall remain subject to the requirement of the Compre~ensive Plan and implementing Land Development Regulations except to the extent that the application of such requirements would result in the denial of: ' A. The vested land uses; B. The vested density or intensity of development; C. Other specifically vested development entitlements approved in the City Approvals on which the Vested Rights Special Use Permit is based. (/) /'T1 3:: ::z: o r- rn . C") a a ~ N en W N co W CUo 0." 0." ::r.C") :t> r- :;u ;-,., C) _~.;)O >, :::0 ':;,0 ;'r:~(/), , '''''' " . ,...... ., I ' 5. This pennit shall expire at the later of six (6) months after FDOT's realignment of State Road 434 atWagner's CurVe or five (5) years after the issuance of the Vested Rights Special Use Permit. This permit may be revoked by the City Commission upon a showing by the City that failure to revoke the Pennit will result in a peril to the health, safety or general welfare of the residents of the City that was unknown as of the date hereof. CITY OF WINTER SPRlNGS ~.~ y:" .. CD ( " , airman, Planning and oning Board ( 1;;;<1/ C(3 J { Date: w (/) N m CO :::t: W :z:: C> r- '~ ("') o 0 \.D N -.J .,,' II" wo o .." C> .." ~o :t-" r ;.'0 :>1 (J ";.".10 :'> ::lJ (;-;0 f'q(J)