HomeMy WebLinkAboutShaw Mechnical Services Public Safety Complex Phone Room -2006 02 17 01/25/2005 15:39 4073275552 WINTER SPRINGS PD PAGE 02/03 F'RDM : FRX NO. Jan. 25 200& 10:59AM Pi "SHAW MECHANICAL SERVICES. LLC PROPOSAL 2404 N. Rio Grande Avenue Orlando. Frorlda 32804 Phone: (401) 835.7880 Fax: (407) 835-3399 RECEIVED FEB 2 0 2006 Prepared For: CI~ of Winter Springs Attn: Joe Riddick Cfo? -~'2-7 - G.~~""1-. Job Name: Public Safety Complex Phone Room Ale Date: Jan. 25, 2006 CITY OF WINTER SP~~~;K OFFICE OF THE CITY Proposal No. Delivery Terms: Frt. Included Payment Terms: N30 Shaw Mechanicsl Services i8 pressed to provide our proposal for YOllr review and approval. Our work will ool'tSl~t of the following: >Remove and dispose of the existing ductless air handler and condensing unit. >Provlde and Instell a condenser pad to raise unit. >Provide and Instell one new Trans 1.ton mini-split system. >Provlde and Install a condenser pad to raise unIt. Total Net Prlce~...-~_.__._-"--__~____.______'_~__._'__.'__.____$3.500.00 Notes: 1. We will re-use the existing refrigerant piping line set. 2. We will fe-USB the existing electrical wiring and dlsconneets. 3. Air work to be performed during normal working hours. 4. Price Is valid for 90 days. Purchase Order Required? Y or N Purchase Order No.: -~y: -~ ~~~ Date: ~- //}...(J b 01/25/2005 15:39 4073276552 WINTER SPRINGS PD PAGE 03/03 FROM ; F'A>< NO. Ja~. 25 2006 1~:59~M P2 "SHAW MECHANICAL SERVICES, LLC 2404 N. Rio Grande Avenue Orlando, Florida 32804 Fax: (407) a35-3399 Additional terms and oonditlons: PROPOSAL Page 2 These terms and conditions ere an Integral part of this firm offer and form the basis of any agreement resulting fromt hIs proposal. The proposal is void If not accepted within thirty days from Its date and the prices are subJeet to change without notice prfor to acceptance. Shaw Mechanical Services, LLC shall be obligated to furnish only the goods and servIces described In this proposal and It may rely on the acceptance of this proposal as acceptance of the suitability of any equipment for the particular project. The duty of Shaw Mechanical Services, LlC to perform is contingent upon itrikes, accidents, dellys in transit, fires, the inability to procure materials from the ulual sources of supply or upon any other cause beyond the reasonable control of Shaw Mechanical Servicee. To the prices and terms quoted. Add any manufacturer's gross receipts, sales, or use tax, either Federal, State or LOCBI, payable on the transaction under any applicable statute, cod. Of regulation. Each party nereto shall mutually, in proportion to their respective degree of fault, indemnify, defend and hold eachothef harmless from any and all claims, actions, c08ts, expenses, damages and liabIlities, inclUding reasonable attorney fees, resulting from death, bodIly injury or damage to real or personal property, to the extent clused by the negligence or misconduct of the indemnifying party, or its respective employees or agents. Payment terms are 100% net 30 days. Shaw Mechanical Services, LLC reserves the right to add to any account oustanding for more than 30 days a service charge the leS8er of 1 and 1/2 per cent of the principal amount due at the end of each month or the maximum interest rate. In addition. collection oosts, Including, reasonable attorney fees, may be charged in the event they become necessary. 1-_ ...- Approved By: /~/1J ?~ , Date: jJ, 1*1-..' 0 (~ PJlge 3