HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1996 10 28 City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda
MONDAY. OCTOBER 28. 1996 7:30 P.M.
I. Call to Order
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Agenda Changes
Approval of Minutes of October 14, 1996
Public Works Department
A. Requesting authorization to enter into a Contract Agreement for landscape Maintenance
Services for City properties and rights-of-ways. PURPOSE: to request authorization to enter
into a contract agreement with Gator Landscaping Company for Landscape Maintenance
Services for City properties and rights-of-way at a cost of$144,490.00.
Utility Department
B. Requesting authorization to execute Amendment 51 for Consulting Engineering Services
with Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc. PURPOSE: to request authorization for the
execution of Amendment 51 for a Mt. Greenwood Percolation Pond investigation with
Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc. At a cost of $9,475.00.
Public Works/Stormwater Utility Division
C. Requesting authorization to execute Amendment 50 for Consulting Engineering Services
with Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc. PURPOSE: to request authorization for the
execution of Amendment 50 for a Review of the Stormwater Utility Ordinance and
Development of a Mitigation Credit Policy with Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc.
at a cost of$13,304.00.
Land Management Division
D. Requesting Commission approval for the acceptance of the water, sewer, reclaimed water
system, and improvements to Shore Road for public ownership and maintenance, Seville
Chase. PURPOSE: to accept the water, sewer, reclaimed water system, and improvements
to Shore Road for public ownership and maintenance. These improvements are located in
Seville Chase (that property located to the south of Panama Road, east of Fisher Road, north
of Dunmar Circle and west of the Florida Power Corporation Easement).
Land Management Division
E. Requesting Commission approval for the acceptance of the water and sewer system, the
reclaimed water system, the stormwater management system and the roads for public
ownership and maintenance, Winding Hollow Unit 3. PURPOSE: to accept the water and
sewer system, the reclaimed water system, the stormwater management system and the roads
for public ownership and maintenance. These improvements are located in Unit 3 of Winding
Hollow subdivision (south ofS.R. 434 and midway between City Hall and the .R. 419/S.R.
434 intersection).
General Services Department
F. Request the Commission make total award of $4885 to Wayne's heating and Air and
Lennox Industries. Wayne's Heating and Air for installation in the amount of $1,100.00;
Lennox Industries for equipment in the amount of $3,785.00; a new rooftop aJc unit to
replace unit #6 on the Police Department side of City Hall. Wayne's is the lowest responsive
bidder for installation, and Lennox is the lowest bidder for equipment. PURPOSE: to
request award to Wayne's Heating and Air and Lennox Industries the bid to replace unit #6.
Land Management Department
A. Presents for informational purposes, the conceptual plan for Courside Villas. PURPOSE:
To inform the Commission of the proposed plans to develop that property located to the
immediate west of Seville on the Green Apartments off Sheoah Boulevard within the
Highlands Planned Unit Development (PUD). This property is surrounded on the remaining
three (3) sides by the Winter Springs Golf Course.
Land Management Department
A. Requesting Commission approval ofthe Preliminary EngineeringlFinal Development Plan
for Tuscawilla Tract 15, Parcel 3. Further, the developer has requested, and the Planning and
Zoning Board has recommended approval for a reduction in density from five hundred four
(504) multi-family units to eighty (80) single family units. PURPOSE: to approve the
Preliminary Engineering/Final Development Plan for Tuscawilla Tract 15, Parcel 3. In
conjunction with this action, the developer has requested a reduction in density from five
hundred four (504) multi-family units to eighty (80) single family units. Approval action will
allow the developer to proceed with the next stage of the review process, Final Engineering.
The subject property is located to the immediate east of Howell Creek, south of S.R. 434, and
north of Howell Creek Reserve subdivision.
Utility Department
B. Requesting authorization to increase the contract amount for Well #6 and to execute
Supplement #2 to Amendment 32 for Consulting Engineering Services. PURPOSE: to
request additional construction funds for the Potable Water Supply Well #6 contract with
American Drilling, Inc. And to also authorize the execution of Supplement #2 to Amendment
32 - Construction Administration Services for Well #6 with Conklin, Porter & Holmes
Engineers, Inc.
Utility Department
C. Requesting authorization to execute an Interlocal Utility Construction Agreement with
Seminole County. PURPOSE: to request authorization to execute an Interlocal Utility
Construction Agreement with Seminole County for the installation of water mains, reclaimed
water mains, landscaping and irrigation during the construction of Tuskawilla Road Phases
III and IV.
Police Department
D. Requesting Commission approval of the First Reading of Ordinance No. 632 which will
amend Section 1-15(a), 12-53, 13-2 and 13-4 of the Code of Ordinances, inserting language
to provide for more effective enforcement of City Codes. PURPOSE: to authorize the First
Reading of Ordinance 0.632 implementing changes to Sections 1-15(a), 12-53, 13-2 and 13-
4 City Codes providing for more effective control of abandon vehicles, unkempt lots and
Community Development Department
E. Requesting Commission approve the First Reading of Ordinance No. 631 to annex a 9.9
acre parcel located at the intersection of Orange Avenue and Tuskawilla Road. PURPOSE:
to request Commission approve the First Reading of Ordinance No. 631 to annex a 9.9 acre
parcel in the County enclave located on the north side of the Winter Springs High School
Community Development Department
F. Requesting a First Reading of Ordinance No. 633 placing a six month moratorium on the
construction and/or erection of any outdoor advertising billboard off-premises sign.
PURPOSE: to allow the City time to study sinage as defined in Section 16-77 Code of
Ordinances in order to prevent blight, or the aesthetics of the environment.
Community Development Department
G. Request direction from the Commission relative to the preparation of a
Telecommunications Tower Ordinance. PURPOSE: to request the Commission to give Staff
direction on how to proceed on the preparation of the draft Telecommunications Ordinance
in view ofCALNO's request at its October 2nd meeting that each City Manager anc County
Manager assign a Planner to participate in a committee to meet with industry representatives
in an effort to minimize tower locations with the County and City.
Mayor's Office
H. Mayor Bush requesting the Commission pass a Resolution supporting the City of
Casselberry's regulation of the consumption of alcoholic beverages in After Hours Night
Clubs. PURPOSE: to provide agreement and support to the City of Casselberry in their
efforts to continue the regulation of alcohol consumption in After Hours Night Clubs.
I. City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher
1. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore
K. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell
L. Commission Seat V - David McLeod
M. Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff
a. Appointment to the Planning and Zoning Board
N. Commission Seat II - John Ferring
O. Commission Seat III - John Langellotti
P. Mayor's Office - John F. Bush
Q. Adjournment
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact
the Employee Relations Department ADA Coordinator, 48 hours in advance of the meeting at
Persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at these meetings/hearings they
will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, they may need to insure that a verbatim
record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
appeal is to be based per Section 286.0105 F.S.