HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1996 09 23 City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda
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General Services Department
A Request the Commission consider contracting with an Employee Benefits Consultant to
implement a Section 125 "Premium Only Plan". PURPOSE: to allow the Commission to
decide: 1) Whether to implement a Section 125 Premium Only Plan; 2) is so, select a
consultant to implement the plan.
General Services Department
B. Request the Commission amend the existing contract with Omnicom, Inc. For the amount
of $2,890.00 to develop an "audio-video system" for the Commission Chambers. PURPOSE:
to allow the Commission to decide how it wants to proceed with the development of an
audio-video system for the Commission Chambers.
City Manager
C. Commerce & Industry board endorsing Winter Springs Rotary Club's request to increase
the City's Annual contribution to the Winter Springs Arts Festival from $1,500 to $2,500 for
the 7th Annual Winter Springs Arts Festival to help pay for television advertising.
PURPOSE: to request the City Commission to increase its donation to the 7th Annual Winter
Springs Arts Festival to be held on December 7th and 8th, 1996 from $1,500 to $2,500 to pay
for television advertising that will dramatically increase Rotary's earnings and donations back
to the community.
City Manager
D. City Manager recommending the Commission consider entering into an agreement with
the University of Central Florida to provide services related to the selection of the Winter
Springs Police Chief, authorizing the City Manager to name a Police Chief Selection
Committee made up of 5-10 citizens from the community and authorizes the City Manager
to spend up to $7,500 to complete the selection process. PURPOSE: to provide the City
Manager with professional assistance related to the selection of the Winter Springs Police
Chief offered through the Institute of Government at the University of Central Florida and to
carry out the selection process.
Land Management Department
E Request Commission approval for the Mayor to execute a modification of an existing
sanitary sewer easement agreement between the City 0 Winter Springs and Florida Country
Clubs, Inc., which will effectively relocate an existing sanitary sewer easement on that
property platted as Arrowhead at Tuscawilla Unit 1 (plat Book 50, Pages 42-50).
PURPOSE: to allow the Mayor to execute a modification of an existing sanitary sewer
agreement between the City of Winter Springs and Florida Country Clubs, Inc., which will
effectively relocate an existing sanitary sewer easement on that property platted as Arrowhead
at Tuscawilla Unit 1. This property is located north of Northern Way and east of Fairway
Oaks subdivision.
General Services Department
F. Requests the Commission 1) appoint Dr. Jock Sneddon of Florida Hospital Corporate
Services as an MRO for Florida Statutes 440.101 and 102 drug testing for the City; 2) hire
D.O. T. Stop and Centra Care Medical Center, divisions of Florida Hospital to perform
drug/alcohol tests according to Florida Statutes 440.101 and 102. PURPOSE: to allow the
City Commission to 1) appoint Dr. Jock Sneddon of Florida Hospital Corporate Services as
an MRO for drug testing for the City; 2) hire D.O.T. Stop and Centra Care Medical Center,
Divisions of Florida Hospital to perform drug/alcohol tests according to Florida Statutes
440.101 and 102.
Parks and Recreation Department
A. Request the Commission review the food and drink concession pricing survey and the
"Proposed Price Changes" for the Central Winds Park concession stand for information
purposes. PURPOSE: the purpose in adjusting food and drink prices is to realign the Central
Winds Park concession prices with the surrounding market fees which are charged at
neighboring parks and thereby positioning the concession operation in a more favorable
revenue posture.
City Manager
A. Request Commission hold a Public Hearing relative to the second reading and approval
of Ordinance No. 624 relative to the adoption of Final Budget for Fiscal year 1996-1997.
PURPOSE: to have the Commission adopt Ordinance No. 624 and approval of the Final
Budget for Fiscal year 1997.
Fire Department
B. Request Commission approval of the First Reading of Ordinance No. 628 which will
mnend Section 9-157 of the Code of Ordinances, inserting language to provide for access
standards into gated communities for public safety purposes. PURPOSE: to authorize
Ordinance No. 628 implementing the policy that was approved at the Regular meeting of the
City Commission on August 12, 1996.
Community Development Division
C. Request Commission to approve the first reading of Ordinance to rezone the Letller
Property from (R-U) "Rural Urban to (PUD) "Planned Unit Development". PURPOSE: to
request the Commission to approve the first reading of an ordinance to rezone the Letller
Property from (R-U) "Rural Urban" to (PUD) "Planed Unit Development" consistent with
the property owner's request for redesignation of the property form "Commercial" to "Mixed
Use" on the Future Land Use Map.
Community Development Division
D. Request Commission to approve the first reading of an Ordinance to rezone the Morrison
property from (R-U) "Rural Urban" to (PUD) "Planned Unit Development". PURPOSE: to
request Commission approve the first reading of an ordinance to rezone the Morrison
property from (R-U) "Rural Urban" to (PUD) "Planned Unit Development" consistent with
the property owner's request for redesignation of the property from "Commercial" to "Mixed
Use" on the Future Land Use Map.
Community Development Division
E. Request Commission to hold the second of two Public Hearings, to review and approve
a Development Agreement governing the development of the Letller property, if redesignated
by the Commission from "Commercial" to "Mixed Use" on the Future Land Use Map.
PURPOSE: to request the Commission to hold a second Public Hearing relative to the
approval of a Development Agreement governing the development of the Letller property,
if redesignated by the Commission from "Commercial" to "Mixed Use" on the Future Land
Use Map.
Community Development Division
F. Request Commission to hold the second of two Public Hearings to review and approve
a Development Agreement governing the development of the Morrison property, if
redesignated by the Commission from "Commercial" to "Mixed Use" on the Future Land Use
Map. PURPOSE: to request the Commission hold a second Public Hearing relative to the
approval of a Development Agreement governing the development of the Morrison property,
ifredesignated by the Commission from "Commercial" to "Mixed Use" on the Future Land
Use Map.
Land Management Department
G. Requesting Commission action on the recommendation of the Board of Adjustment as it
relates to the request of!) Florida Power Corporation, and 2) the City of Winter Springs for
variances to the height restrictions set forth in Section 20-164 of the Code of Ordinances and
Chapter 20 of the Code of Ordinances. These variances are requested for the purpose of
erecting telecommunications towers within the City of Winter Springs. Separate action is
required for each request. PURPOSE: for the Commission to approve or disapprove the
recommendation of the Board of Adjustment as it relates to the request of Florida Power
Corporation and the City of Winter Springs for variances to the height restriction for the
purpose of erecting telecommunications towers within the City of Winter Springs. The height
of the towers would be one-hundred twenty (120) feet each. One (1) tower would be erected
at the Florida Power Corporation substation located east of the intersection of Shore Road
and Panama Road and is zoned R-lAA (One Family Dwelling District). One (1) tower would
be erected on City property within the West Reclamation Facility located at 1000 West State
Rod 434 (approximately 2,000 feet north of State Road 434, west of the Florida Power
easement, west ofthe Wmter Springs Golf Course and northeast of Golf Terrace Apartments)
and is zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD).
City Manager
H. Request Commission hold a Public Hearing and consider approval of the second reading
of Ordinance 623 providing for a lease of City property located at the sewer plant site on
State Road 434 adjacent to the Winter Springs Golf Course and that property located at the
intersection of Shore and Panama Road (presently has ponds on site) to PrimeCo Personal
Communications of Tampa, Florida for the purpose of erecting a telecommunications tower
on each site. PURPOSE: for the Commission to decide if it desires to lease property located
at the City Sewer Plant on State Road 434 adjacent to the Winter Springs Golf Course and
that property located at the intersection of Shore and Panama Road to erect monopole
telecommunications towers.
Utility Department
I. Requesting authorization to execute an Interlocal Utility Construction Agreement with
Seminole County. PURPOSE: to request authorization to execute an Interlocal Utility
Construction Agreement with Seminole County for the installation of water mains, reclaimed
water mains, landscaping and irrigation during the construction of Tuskawilla Road Phases
III and IV.
Parks and Recreation Department
J. Requests Commission review the proposed "Parks and Recreation Brochure" draft for
consideration of approval as to form and content prior to printing. PURPOSE: the purpose
in submitting the brochure draft in proof form to the Commission is to receive comment and
approval on the draft format and content prior to the final correction phase and the product
being forwarded to the printer for production.
Community Development Division
K. Updating Commission on the preparation of Design Guidelines for the Redevelopment
Area of the State Road 434 Corridor Visioning Project. PURPOSE: to give a progress report
on the preparation of the Design Guidelines for the Redevelopment Area of the State Road
434 Corridor Visioning Project.
Land Management Department
L. Requesting Commission to hear Architects Design Group presentation of the color scheme
for the Public Safety Complex and provide direction appropriately. PURPOSE: to present
to the Commission proposed color schemes for the Public Safety Complex as discussed at the
Commission Meeting of September 9, 1996.
Parks and Recreation Department
M. Requests Commission review and consider for approval Phase I of a two phase
computer/software purchase program which will provide specified hardware and software for
vastly improving the financial management of the concession operations, inventories and
revenue control. PURPOSE: to gain Commission authority to expedite the purchase of Phase
I of a data processing enhancement program from the Fiscal year 1996 computer reserve fund
to improve the financial management of Parks and Recreation concession operations,
inventories and revenues as mandated by the Finance Department.
City Manager
N. City Manager updating the Commission on the Rails to Trails Program. PURPOSE: to
update the Commission on the Seminole County Rails to Trails Program and a recent site visit
to the West Orange County Trail that is nearing completion in Orange County.
O. City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher
P. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore
Q. Commission Seat II - John Ferring
R. Commission Seat III - John Langellotti
S. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell
T. Commission Seat V - David McLeod
U. Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff
V. Mayor's Office - John F. Bush
W. Adjournment.
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact
the Employee Relations Department ADA Coordinator, 48 hours in advance of the meeting at
Persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decisions made at these meetings/hearings they
will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, they may need to insure that a verbatim
record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
appeal is to be based per Section 286.0105 F.S.