HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1996 09 09 City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda
Telephone (407) 327-1800
MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 9. 1996 7:00 P.M.
I. Call to Order
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Agenda Changes
Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting of August 5, 1996
Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of August 26, 1996
Presentation of Resolution 789 to Sy Berman
Public Works Department
A. Requesting Authorization to Enter into a Contract Agreement for the Replacement of
Hayes Road Bridge and Associated Roadway/Drainage Improvements. PURPOSE: to request
authorization to enter into a contract agreement with Prime Construction Group, Inc. For the
replacement of the Hayes Road Bridge and associated drainage improvements at a cost of
$348,800.00 plus a 10% contingency.
Public Works Department
A. Providing an Update of the Emergency Stormwater Piping Replacement at 444/446
Alderwood Court. PURPOSE: to keep the Commission informed as to the completion of the
emergency stormwater pipe replacement at 444/446 Alderwood Court as authorized at the
May 13, 1996, City Commission meeting.
Parks and Recreation Department
A. Requests that the Commission receive the Trotwood Park Master Plan presentation
which will be formally brought before the Commission on September 9, 1996 by the
citizen committee representatives, consultant and the Parks and Recreation Director
for conceptual approval. PURPOSE: to present the Trotwood Park Conceptual
Master Plan to the Commission and address any questions which they may have
relative to the plan and its conceptual approval.
Community Development Division
B-1. Requests the Commission to deny the application of Donald McIntosh & Associates
representing the Lefller Company for a change of the Future Land Use designation of
property located on S.R. 434 from "Commercial to "Lower density Residential"; in the
alternative, to change the designation from "Commercial" to "Mixed Use" and to approve the
first reading of an ordinance changing the Future Land Use designation from "Commercial"
to "Mixed Use".
B-2. Request the Commission hold the first of two Public Hearings, to review and approve
a Development Agreement governing the development of the Lefller property, if redesignated
by the Commission from "Commercial" to "Mixed Use" on the Future Land Use Map.
Community Development Division
C-l. Requests the Commission to deny the application of Donald McIntosh & Associates
representing William H. Morrison, Trustee, for a change of the Future Land Use designation
of property located on S.R. 434 from "Commercial" to "Lower Density Residential" in the
alternative, to change the designation from "Commercial" to "Mixed Use" and to approve the
first reading of an ordinance changing the Future Land Use designation from "Commercial"
to "Mixed Use"
C-2. Request the Commission hold the first of two Public Hearings to review and approve
a Development Agreement governing the development of the Morrison property, if
redesignated by the Commission from "Commercial" to "Mixed Use" on the Future Land Use
Parks and Recreation Department
D. Requests that the Mayor and each Commissioner nominate two (2) citizens for the
appointment to the Winter Springs Conceptual Trails & Bikeways Master Plan Task Force
at the September 9, 1996 Commission meeting. PURPOSE: to serve as a reminder and
generate the nominations and appointment approval for the formulation of the twelve (12)
person task force which will serve to develop a proposed Conceptual Master Plan for future
review and subsequent approval by the Commission.
General Services Department
E. Requests that the Commission release Dr. Russell R. Graham, the City's physician and
Medical Review Officer (MRO) from CDL drug testing, and appoint D.O.T. Stop's (a
subsidiary of Florida Hospital Corporation, FHP) Dr. Jock Sneddon as MRO for CDL drug
testing, and authorize D.O.T. Stop to perform all CDL drug testing. PURPOSE: request to
release Dr. Graham from MRO and CDL drug testing responsibilities since he is not fully
equipped to provide this service.
General Services Department
F. Request the Commission adopt the Eight Amendment to the City of Winter Springs
amended and restated Money Purchase Pension Plan and Trust for the employees of the City
ofWmter Springs, Florida, effective October 1, 1996. PURPOSE: to allow the Commission
to adopt the Eighth Amendment to the amended and restated Money Purchase Pension Plan
and Trust for the employees of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
City Manager
G. Requests Commission to accept a donation of $2430 from the Winter Springs Rotary
Club to update the RU.O.K. computer system, to authorize the mayor to send a letter of
appreciation to the Rotary Club, and to authorize the City Manager to expend $4,861 to
update the system. PURPOSE: to gain authorization to fund improvements to the RU.O.K.
system for the senior citizens to be administered by the Police Department.
Public Works Department
H. Requesting a Proclamation be issued designating October 26, 1996 as Arbor Day for the
City of Winter Springs. PURPOSE: to request that a Proclamation be issued designating
October 26, 1996 as Arbor Day 1996 in conjunction with a tree give away program
coordinated between the B.O.W.S. Board and Public Works Department.
Land Management Division
I. Request the Commission to hear Architects Design Group presentation of the color scheme
for the Public Safety Complex and provide direction it deems appropriate. PURPOSE: to
present to the Commission proposed color schemes for the Public Safety Complex as
discussed at the Commission Workshop of July 29, 1996.
Land Management Division
J. Requesting Commission approval of Ordinance No. 625 to vacate a portion of the drainage
and utility easement located along the lot line between lots 231 and 232, Tuscawilla Unit 14B
(679 and 681 Canadice Court). Action at the meeting of April 22, 1996 if for the First
Reading of this ordinance. The Second Reading and adoption of this Ordinance No. 625 will
be at a later meeting. PURPOSE: to vacate a portion of the existing drainage and utility
easement located along the lot line between Lots 231 and 232, Tuscawilla Unit 14B (679 and
681 Canadice Court). A future request by the owner of these lots will be for a lot split of Lot
232 and to combine a portion of Lot 232 with all of Lot 231 which will make this a buildable
Land Management Division
K. Requesting Commission action on the recommendation of the Board of Adjustment as it
relates to the request of 1) Florida Power Corporation and 2) the City of Winter Springs for
variances to the height restriction set forth in Section 20-164 of the Code of Ordinances and
Chapter 20 of the Code of Ordinances. These variances are requested for the purpose of
erecting telecommunication towers within the City of Winter Springs. Separate Action is
required for each request. PURPOSE: to approve or disapprove the recommendation of the
Board of Adjustment as it relates to the request of Florida Power corporation and the City
of Winter Spring for variances to the height restriction for the purpose of erecting
telecommunications towers within the City of Winter Springs. The height of the towers
would be one hundred twenty (120) feet each.
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City Manager
L. Request Commission consideration of approval of the second reading of Ordinance No.
623 providing for a lease of City property located at the sewer plant site on State Road 434
adjacent to the Wmter Springs Golf Course to PrlmeCo Personal Communications of Tampa,
Florida for the purpose; of erecting a telecommunications tower. PURPOSE: for the
Commission to decide if it desires to lease property located at the City Sewer Plant on State
Rod 434 adjacent to the Winter Springs Golf Course to erect a 120 foot monopole
telecommunications tower for $1,000 a month and space on the tower for possible City
Communications uses.
Police Department
M. Requesting the Commission consider approval of Resolution Number 792 waiving permit
fees for Political signs for 1996 elections. PURPOSE: to determine if the Commission desires
to waive the collection of permitting fees for Political signs for 1996 elections.
Finance Department
N. Requesting the Commission hold a Public Hearing on the Non-Ad Valorem Tax
Assessment for Street lighting within the Country Club Village Subdivision and provide
directions as deemed appropriate. PURPOSE: to allow for public input on the City's intent
to have placed upon the Property Tax Statement the Non-Ad Valorem Tax Assessment for
Street lighting for the Country Club Subdivision.
City Manager
O. Request Commission to provide the City Manager directions relative to the request
of the Oak Forest Property Owners Association for the City to participate in the
finances of a wall to buffer the subdivision from Tuakawilla Road.
General Services Department
P. Request that the Commission review the report on the Property Casualty Insurance
selection process responding to a Commissioner's request at the July 8, 1996 Commission
meeting, and to provide direction relative to continuance of the current coverage at amended
rates. PURPOSE: to respond to the Commissioner's questions regarding the status of our
Property Casualty Insurance rates and coverage. This request is also intended to allow the
Commission to vote on whether to keep the League coverage by adopting the Florida League
of Cities "Mini-Renewal Quote" for Fiscal Year 1996-1997, or go out for bid again.
City Manager
Q. Request the Commission hold a Public Hearing relative to the approval of Resolution No.
796, setting the Tentative Millage Rate at 3.6083 mills and adoption of same, and relative to
the adoption of the first reading of Ordinance No. 624 establishing the Tentative Budget for
Fiscal Year 1996-1997. PURPOSE: to have the Commission establish the Tentative Millage
Rate at 3.6083 mills and to approve the first reading of the Fiscal Year 1997 Budget
Ordinance after holding a Public Hearing for these two actions.
R. City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher
S. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore
T. Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff
U. Commission Seat 11- John Ferring
V. Commission Seat III - John Langellotti
W. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell
X. Commission Seat V - David McLeod
Y. Mayor's Office - John F. Bush
Z. Adjournment.
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact
the Employee Relations Department ADA Coordinator, 48 hours in advance of the meeting at
Persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decisions made at these meetingslhearing they
will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, they may need to insure that a verbatim
record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
appeal is to be based per Section 286.0105 F.S.