HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1996 08 12 City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda
Telephone (407) 327-1800
MONDAY. AUGUST 12.1996 -7:30 P.M.
I. Call to Order
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Agenda Changes
Approval of Minutes of July 22, 1996
Presentation by Judy Stewart - 17-92 Task Force Committee
Presentation of Resolution 784 to James Greene
Land Management Division
A. Requesting Commission approval which will grant the City Manager authority to execute
a blanket distribution easement agreement in favor of Florida Power Corporation for that
entire property where the new Police Station will be located in order to provide power to the
building. PURPOSE: to grant the City Manager authority to execute a blanket distribution
easement agreement in favor of Florida Power Company for that entire property where the
new Police Station will be located.
Public Works Department
B. Requesting authorization to execute Supplement #2 to Amendment 45 for Consulting
Engineering Services - Traffic Engineering and Planning Services. PURPOSE: to request
authorization to execute Supplement #2 to Amendment 45 - Consulting Engineering Services
for Traffic Engineering Services to update the Traffic Circulation Element of the
Comprehensive Plan with Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc.
City Manager
C. Requesting authority to enter into a contract with Florida Data Bank, Inc., to perform
Phase I of the Records Management Improvement Program. PURPOSE: to acquire
Commission authority for the City Manager to initiate Phase I of the Records Management
Improvement Program for the Clerk's office.
Land Management Division
A. Updating the Commission on the construction progress of the Public Safety Complex.
PURPOSE: to update the Commission on the status of the Public Safety Complex as of July
22, 1996.
Parks and Recreation Department
A. Requests that the City Commission review information regarding the "Seminole County
Greenways Trails & Bikeways-Conceptual Master Plan" and the proposed recommendation
for addressing the development of a "Trails and Bikeways Conceptual Master Plan" for the
City of Winter Springs. PURPOSE: to update the Commission on the "Seminole County
Greenways Trails & Bikeways-Conceptual Master Plan" and select a method for developing
a "Trails and Bikeways-Conceptual Master Plan" for the City of Winter Springs.
Land Management Division
B. Requesting approval of the Site Plan Review Board's recommendation that the
subdivision entry walls and privacy gates for Seville Chase Subdivision (Earley property) be
approved. PURPOSE: to approve the subdivision entry walls and privacy gates for Seville
Chase Subdivision. Approval action will allow the developer to commence construction, with
the proper permits, of the entry walls and the privacy gates associated with the subdivision.
This subdivision is located east of Fisher Rd., south of Panama Rd., west of the Florida Power
easement and north ofDunmar Circle.
City Manager
C. Requesting that the City of Winter Springs execute Interlocal Agreements with Seminole
County and Seminole County School Board which will allow the City to collect County
imposed impact fees (transportation library and school). PURPOSE: to allow the City to
execute Interlocal Agreements with Seminole County and Seminole County School Board
which will allow the City to collect County imposed impact fees (transportation, library and
school). The City, in return for collecting the impact fees, will receive a 3% administrative
fee for each impact fee collected (up to a maximum of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per
Public Works Department
D. Request authorization to execute an Amended Interlocal Agreement to the Seminole
County Transportation Interlocal Agreement. PURPOSE: to request authorization to execute
an Amended Interlocal Agreement to the Seminole County Transportation Interlocal
Agreement for the 10 year 1 cent Sales Tax Program.
General Services Department
E. Request the City Commission authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with
Omnicom, Inc., of Tallahassee, FL for a negotiated fee of $26,980 for telecommunication
services. PURPOSE: to authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with
Omnicom, Inc., for master planning design, bidding and bid evaluation services related to
telecommunication systems for City facilities.
General Services Department
F. Request the Commission: 1) add a new Section 21-12 "Drug-Free Work Place" to the
Personnel Policy instituting the new policy; 2) amend the Drug-Free Workplace Policy to
include the new U.S. Department of Transportation Commercial Drivers License (CDL)
operator testing policy to comply with Federal Regulations No. 382; 3) adopt Resolution 786
amending the Personnel Policy in accordance with Section 14-1 Policy, rules and regulations
of the Code of Ordinances establishing an new Section 21-12 Drug-Free Workplace,
amending Section 5-4( e) Disqualification of Applicants, amending Section 11-9(1) and (j)
Employee Assistance Program, and amending all other sections of the Personnel Policy
affected by the Drug-Free Workplace Policy.
General Services Department
G. Request that the City Commission decide if it wants the Administration to: 1) go out for
bid; 2) award a design build contract to one of the three design-build firms for an improved
audio/video system for the City Commission Chambers, or 3) enter into a design build
contract for $3,000.00 with General Projection Systems, Inc. Of Altamonte Springs, FL for
design of the system. PURPOSE: to 1) allow the Commission to decide if it wants a new
audio/video system for the Commission Chambers; 2) make a decision as to what type of
system the Commission wants; 3) decide whether it wants to enter into a design-build contract
based on negotiations with last three (3) firms; 4) decide if it wants to enter into a design only
contract with General Projection Systems, Inc. For $3,000; 5) decide if it wants to bid the
project out to build the system only.
Fire Department
H. Requesting the Commission review information relative to public safety access into gated
communities in the City, and to adopt a policy for access standards for existing and future
communities. PURPOSE: to provide sufficient information to the City Commission from
which to adopt a policy for access standards into gated communities for public safety
Parks and Recreation Department
I. Requesting the Commission review and approve Resolution No. 786 which will authorize
the establishment of a $25.00 exclusive use fee for park picnic pavilions reservations and use.
PURPOSE: to obtain approval of the Resolution setting a $25.00 exclusive use fee for park
picnic pavilion exclusive use by individuals and groups.
City Manager
J. Seeking direction from the Commission relative to the Golf Villa's Drainage Problem.
PURPOSE: to finalize Commission action regarding the City's role in the drainage problem
at Golf Villa's in Tuscawilla.
Community Development Division
K. Requests the Commission approve the schedule for the preparation of Design Guidelines
for the Town Center and the Redevelopment Area of the State Road 434 Corridor Visioning
Project. PURPOSE: to 1) request the Commission consider the expansion of the area of the
Town Center and approve the schedule for preparation of the Design Guidelines for the Town
Center; 2) request the Commission approve the process and schedule for preparation of the
Design Guidelines for the Redevelopment Area.
City Clerk/Mayor's Office
L. Resolution 788 - Expressing appreciation to Jim Lup for his service on the Commerce and
Industry Development Board.
City Clerk/Mayor's Office
M. Resolution 789 - Expressing appreciation to Seymour "Sy" Berman for his service on the
Board of Trustees - City's Pension Plan
N. City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher
O. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore
P. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell
A. Appointment to Board of Trustees - City's Pension Plan
Q. Commission Seat V - David McLeod
a. Appointment to Commerce & Industry Development Board
R. Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff
S. Commission Seat II - John Ferring
a. Appointment/reappointment to Commerce & Industry Development Board
T. Commission Seat III - John Langellotti
U. Mayor's Office - John F. Bush
V. Adjournment
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact
the Employee Relations Department ADA Coordinator, 48 hours in advance of the meeting at
Persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decisions made at these meetings/hearings they
will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, they may need to insure that a verbatim
record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
appeal is to be based per Section 286.0105 F.S.