HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1996 05 13 City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda
Telephone (407) 327-1800
MONDAY. MAY 13.1996 -7:30 P.M.
I. Call to Order
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Agenda Changes
Approval of Minutes of April 22, 1996
Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting of April 30, 1996
Presentation of Proclamation to Fire Department for Emergency Medical Services Week
II. Public Input
General Services Department
A. Request the City Commission to authorize the Mayor to send a letter to the Florida
Department of Community Affairs Bureau of Community Assistance, approving the
distribution of Fiscal year 1996/97 Federal Anti-Drug Abuse grant funds. PURPOSE: to
request the City Commission to authorize the Mayor to send a letter to the Florida
Department of Community Affairs approving the distribution of $245,007.00 in Federal grant
funds in Seminole County.
Parks and Recreation Department
B. Request the City Commission to consider information received from "The Compassionate
Friends-Orlando Chapter" who are offering to donate a park bench(s) to the City for
installation at Central Winds Park. PURPOSE: to provide adequate information to the
Commission so that they can determine the appropriateness of accepting the proposed
donated benches.
Public Works Department
C. Request approval to piggyback off of the City of Port Orange's Bid #92-24 for the
relining of Gravity Sewer Mains. PURPOSE: to request approval to piggyback off of the City
of Port Orange's Bid #92-24 for the relining of gravity sewer mains by Madsen/Barr
Corporation at a cost of $98,226.00.
Public Works Department
D. Request authorization to execute Supplement # 1 to Amendment 44 for Consulting
Engineering Services - Orange Avenue Drainage Improvements. PURPOSE: to request
authorization to execute Supplement #1 to Amendment 44 - Consulting Engineering Services
for Orange Avenue Drainage Improvements with Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc.
General Services Department
E. Request the City Commission to approve the surplus property list, and participation in the
joint governmental auction of such property on June 15, 1996, at the Seminole County
Greyhound Park in the City of Casselberry. PURPOSE: I) to obtain City Commission
approval of the list of surplus property; 2) participation in the joint governmental auction on
June 15, 1996; and 3) to piggyback the Volusia County State contract (via Lake County) at
7.5% auctioning fee for the fIrst $50,000 gross proceeds, 8% of $50,000 to $100,000 gross
proceeds, and 8.5% for amounts over $100,000.
General Services Department
F. Request the City Commission amend the Personnel Policy to adopt Resolution No. 780-
1) leave to be taken in fifteen (15) minutes, or quarter hour increments rather than four (4)
hour increments; and 2) ratifY the Commissions previous action on March 25, 1996 to amend
Section 20-2 nepotism to allow for part-time and seasonal employment (12 weeks or less) of
relatives within a Department when there is no direct line of supervision by a relative.
PURPOSE: to amend the City's Personnel Policy to allow I) fifteen (15) minute increments
for sick leave rather than four (4) hour increments, and 2) ratify the previous action of March
25, 1996 to change Section 20-2 Nepotism to allow part-time and seasonal employment of
relatives within a department when there is no direct line of supervision by a relative.
Fire Department
G. Request authorization to enter into a contract agreement for HV AC (Heating, Ventilation,
Air Conditioning) Equipment and Installation for Fire Station on North Moss Road.
PURPOSE: to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contractual agreement with
Wayne's Heating and Air Conditioning for the installation of two 4 Ton HV AC Systems at
Fire Station #24 at a cost of $6,207.82.
Land Management Division
H. Request City Commission approval for the acceptance of the water and sewer system for
public ownership and maintenance, The Reserve at Tuscawilla, Phase II. PURPOSE: to
accept the water and sewer system for public ownership and maintenance. These
improvements are located in Phase II of The Reserve at Tuscawilla subdivision (property
located to the south of S.R. 434, west of Tuscora Drive and north of the abandoned CSX
Parks and Recreation Department
A. Request the City Commission review the information relative to the master planning
process for Trotwood Park. PURPOSE: to provide updated information to the City
Commission so that they will be informed about the Trotwood master planning project and
its status.
Police Department
B. Reporting to the City Commission on the results of the "Love Your Neighbor Rib-A-
Thon". PURPOSE: to advise the City Commission of the results of the "Love Your
Neighbor Rib-A- Thon" held on Saturday May 3, 1996.
General Services Department (Land Management Division)
Commission approval of the Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 618 to vacate
a portion of the Flamingo Avenue right-of-way, a planting easement and utility easement on
City owned property. PURPOSE: to cure existing easement violations and to vacate existing
easements and right-of-way located on City owned property which will allow more flexibility
in the future use of the property. This property is located between north Moss Road and
North Fairfax Avenue and is part of Public WorkslUtility Department and Fire Station No.
24 Complexes.
General Services Department (Land Management Division)
B. Recommending denial of the Bentley Homeowners Association request for the City to
accept the Association's streets and stormwater management system for public ownership and
maintenance as requested and recommending in the alternative, conditions under which said
request could be recommended. PURPOSE: For City Commission to act upon a request of
the Bentley Homeowners Association for the City to accept for ownership and maintenance,
the streets and stormwater management system located in that private subdivision platted in
two (2) phases - Bentley Green Unit I and Bentley Club at Bentley Green, a private
subdivision of66 total lots platted in the Tuscawilla PUD.
Police Department
C. Request consideration of the Police Department responding to the Commission's concerns
regarding the enforcement of violations of City Ordinances, presenting plans to improve the
effectiveness of enforcement, and requesting consideration of the Code Enforcement Board
meeting monthly, rather than bi-monthly. PURPOSE: to bring the Commission up to date on
action taken to improve the effectiveness of enforcement of City Ordinance violations and to
gain the Commission's authorization for the Code Enforcement Board to meet on a monthly
basis to affect this improvement.
Public Works Department
approval of the Second Reading of Ordinance #617 - implementing water conservation rates.
PURPOSE: to authorize the second reading of Ordinance #617 which implements the water
conservation rate structure mandated by the St. John's River Water Management District as
part of the 1995 Consumptive use Permit.
Public Works Department
E. Request authorization to execute an Interlocal Agreement Providing Joint Control of
Pollutants between Municipalities, Seminole County and the State of Florida Department of
Transportation within Seminole County. PURPOSE: to authorize the Mayor to execute the
attached interlocal agreement with the coapplicants for the National Pollution Discharge
Elimination System Part II application providing for the joint control of pollutants between
coapplicants to satisfy the requirements of the application.
Finance Department
F. Request the City Commission approve the selection of Auditors for the City of Winter
Springs. PURPOSE: appointment ofIndependent Auditors for the City of Winter Springs
for a three (3) year contract.
General Services Department (Community Development Division)
G. Requesting the City Commission to approve the sending of a letter to Seminole County
inviting the County to explore with the City the possibility of accepting the environmentally
sensitive lands of the BattleRidge property if annexed. PURPOSE: to receive approval to
send a letter to the County Manager suggesting the County consider the potential of accepting
acquisition of the environmentally sensitive lands of the BattleRidge property into its land
acquisition program, if the property is annexed.
Land Management Division
H. Informing the City Commission of possible citizen concerns regarding the request of
James Duke for a Small-Scale Amendment to the County Comprehensive Plan (change the
land use from Suburban Estates to Industrial and rezoning from A-I to C-3), and related
actions taken by City Staff, and other related issues. PURPOSE: to inform the Commission
of the possible citizen concerns and the actions taken by Staff as it relates to the upcoming
Seminole County Local Planning Agency/Planning & Zoning Commission and the Board of
County Commissioners Meetings which will consider a request of James Duke for a Small-
Scale Amendment to the County Comprehensive plan changing the land use from Suburban
Estates to Industrial, and rezoning from A-I to C-3 on property located on S.R. 419. The
purpose of this Board item is also to have the Commission provide policy direction related
to issue that have surfaced regarding the proposed land use change and rezoning.
I. City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher
1. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore
K. Commission Seat V - David McLeod
L. Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff
M. Commission Seat II - John Ferring
N. Commission Seat III - John Langellotti
O. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell
P. Mayor's Office - John F. Bush
P. Adjournment.
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these Jlroceedings should contact the Employee Relations Department
ADA Coordinator, 48 hours m advance oftlie meeting at (407) 327-1800.
Persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decisions made at these meetingslhearings they will need a record of the proceedings
and for such purpqs;e, th~ may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and
evidence upon which tlie apjJeal is to be based per Section 286.0105 F.S.